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  1. Darn, I was hoping that FA would be in there as it is a resistance set too.....
  2. Of all the secondaries, which is able to reach the resistance cap of 90%?

    I would assume that SR, SD and EA are nowhere in that category. In fact, are any of the secondaries? Is this cap only achieved through Defender/Corrupter/Controller buffs?
  3. Hero classes are generally better than villains. They make IOs and abilities and design the encounters with these abilities to take away all the villains abilities. Stalkers are seen a mile away, brutes have no fury as they can't melee. Corruptors have weaker debuff compared to defenders and the same goes for Dominators.

    If you want to PvP and win, it needs to be a hero.....remember that most, if not all, people are biased and that always, ALWAYS creeps into their professionalism. So, if you don't think the devs are happy the heroes are more powerful, you are blind to society and human nature. professionalism is just a tag, like justice. Neither really exist the way they are defined.
  4. Same here, i had a nice concept....too bad my Dominator has better resistance than my!!!

    I guess /FA was meant to F ppl over, or maybe there is a retard at NC Soft with a huge ego (that is probably it).

    Anyway, I will never touch nor recommend that set to anyone ever again. It has no KB protection and you need to use burn for immobilization protection, so you can't use it offensively like the set was supposed to be used. lol, you can't do crap offensively as you get crushed by all the alpha strikes since you have zero defense and low resistances.

    /FA should be a blaster secondary or for some other AT but definitely not for scrappers and brutes....unless you like to die a lot.
  5. It seems to me, and many here, that FA is still by far one of (if not the) worst secondary for brutes AND scrappers.

    It has no, none, zero defense to speak of and its resistance is not buffed to compensate for it. It does have a heal but that heal in no way makes up for the other glaring weaknesses.

    I have a brute at lvl 45 and have finally given up on him....he just can not survive like all the other brute or even scrappers. I find it disturbing that NC Soft would let this very iconic power set still sit there and struggle.

    I have to take so many other powers just to come close to the survivability of other scrappers/brutes it is ridiculous. Guess that is why you don't see many /FA running around unless they take SS......for the foot stomp mitigation.
  6. MeleeMadness

    APPs, OMG ^^

    Are you sure DOMs get access to Rain of Fire?
  7. MeleeMadness

    APP and PPP?

    Is it possible for my DM/FA brute to take a melt armor from the pyre APP set and then take some Dark Powers from Soul Mastery PPP?

    Or are you limited to just PPPs or APP but not both?
  8. Specifically, the fire APP? I am not able to find it. I went to Paragon Wiki and it only listed APPs for controllers under fire....
  9. I was wondering which secondary will carry a DS MM father and allow for easier solo play with the ability to take down the toughest of targets.

    I want to choose from either dark miasma or thermal....but don't really know from experience which is best for my pets and I.

  10. Hmm, Incarnates. I take it that means we get powers from another AT primary?

    Isn't Recluse a MM with Tanker abilities?
  11. I know the devs think DM has a lot of control powers, well then, allow DOMs the ability to use it as a primary!

    I know that is silly and will never happen but!

    What about dark assault? There is soooo much out there that they don't have to create a darn thing. Using Smite, Gloom, touch of fear, Midnights Grasp and Siphon Life as well as the powers from Ghost Widow. There is so much for them to choose from. It would be the easiest assault set to make.

    There has to be a reason it hasn't been done but what is that reason?
  12. Why is it that controllers do not have Dark Miasma as a secondary yet?

    It would be great for concept. pairing with fire for some nice evil fire and dark demonic theme.

    I always dream of fire imps with a dark fluffy and with incarnates coming soon, maybe there is a way to get some demon summoning in there...i know, that is Villian but with Going Rogue there might be a possibility.

    Just imagine. You have fire control and blasts augmented with a few whip melee attacks and you have your demons blasting away with your fire monkeys clawing your target and your dark fluffy healing and CCing the debuffed (from DM) enemy.

    That sounds so nice to me and it maintains a hellish/nightmare theme with all the fire/dark and demon stuff!
  13. But a DOM does more damage than a corruptor, minus the bonus for scourge?
  14. Hi, i noticed dominators are doing much more damage than in the past (like a year ago). I just wonder if they do as much as a blaster or are they at the scrapper lvl or what? I assume they do more than a corruptor without scourge, right?
  15. well, i looked at the description of the powers in the game (at character creation) and it does seem that mace has one more "Extreme" attack than Battle Axe does. I guess that is the biggest difference?
  16. Hmm, i guess I mis understood what SoA were all about. i thought they were DPS first and support second. I guess they are really more about support with DPS a defender?
  17. I thought those sets were pretty much the same, with one doing knock ups and the other least it was a while ago (I have been gone for some time).

    Anyway, why no BA and only Mace?

    I would love to do a BA/SD brute.
  18. MeleeMadness

    AOE King?

    I have a BS/SD scrapper i am working on now....just wonder if the BS portion is limiting me.

    I wish BS was a brute power....I love brutes most followed by scrappers then stalkers. I do hate how fury has to build for a brute though and I love scrappers instant ability to do damage and crit.

    Hmm, SoA....Bane Spiders, aren't they like a cross between scrapper and stalker?
  19. I never see posts about BS or see them in game anymore unless it's for concept?

    Does BS suck now or what?

    I want to make a BS/SD scrapper and use the Ruurlrurrrluurruurl, or whatever its called, weapons and shield....for concept of course. However, I don't want to make a character that is now inept.
  20. MeleeMadness


    I have a DM/FA brute at 45....he is horrible when it comes to street sweeping. I die to a group of mobs just +1 lvl to me if they have a boss amongst them.

    It has been mentioned that it is squishy, I can NOT tell you how true that is...the heals wont will spend your time clicking healing flames and the DM heal that does good damage.

    If you want to punish yourself go ahead but you NEED Midnights Grasp. It is your biggest single target attack and it immobilizes.

    I have tried different builds with and without tough and weave but one thing you will need also is to get Darkest Night for the debuff....or you will ALWAYS faceplant.

    I am done struggling with this brute, but I do love the concept but it just doesn't work well. Maybe I am trying to do do much like kill 5 minions and a Boss that are just +1 to me...I don't know.

    I used to **** with my BS/Regen scrapper but this brute just cant seem to do the same.
  21. Always remember.....this game favors heroes over villains, so yes, defenders will always be better than a corruptor....Always!
  22. MeleeMadness

    AOE King?

    So, I know wayyyy back when it was fire tankers but now, the game has evolved so much and new classes and power sets have been introduced which should have made an impact on who the new AOE king is.

    So, is it a brute, tanker, MM or who?

    What i mean by AOE king is someone who can solo by street sweeping mobs with bosses and LTs in the mix at least 1 to 2 lvls higher.

    I know from experience that a DM/FA brute IS NOT capable of doing it as they have NO survivability what so ever. Yes I have two heals but it just is not enough. I get pummeled mercilessly by the enemy and once one heal goes off i am about to die again cause I have no resistance to poison or whatever. I think the compete and total lack of defense in Fiery Armor is a major factor.

    So, I was thinking Shield defense with Electric attack? Or maybe Electric for both primary and secondary? I could call him Energy Crisis!

    I know a Dominator would suck as they just don't have the DPS...unless that has changed recently, but i doubt it. I have used my wife's Fire/DM corruptor but still not enough...but when paired with my fire/fire dom, we ****! Wish I could get one of my daughters to play a Demon/Thermal MM so we could be the Family Grim with Screamon Deamon and Screamon Deamonette and Little Deamonette!

    Anyway, back to the topic. The best AT/spec that is able to street sweep mobs and live to tell about it. When this game was brand spanking new I did it with a BS/Regen Scrapper....but those days are gone.

  23. Yes, this is blasphemy!

    I was wondering, with the new demon summoning set out, if a party that consisted of only three players would be able to do all the content to include killing AVs?

    The theme would be dark and fire to fit the demonic hellborne concept. So, a DS/Thermal MM and a Fire/Fire Dominator and Fire/Dark Corruptor

    The fireworks would be splendid.
  24. Again, I have been gone for some time but I am seeing ppl stay as a huntsman instead of going as a that right? (based on my forum readings...still downloading the expansion).

    What is the advantage of doing that, if you don't mind?
  25. Hi, I have been gone for a while but have been around long enough to know what the SoA class is......however, I do not know how they compare to Stalkers.

    Which is better at single target damage?
    Which has greater survivability when it comes to melee (after their own Alpha strike)?
    Which is more capable of soloing the majority of the content...not the entire game though?


    Oh, use a DM/Nin stalker as the basis for the stalker comparison, thanks again.