Where is Dark Assault or Dark Control?




I know the devs think DM has a lot of control powers, well then, allow DOMs the ability to use it as a primary!

I know that is silly and will never happen but!

What about dark assault? There is soooo much out there that they don't have to create a darn thing. Using Smite, Gloom, touch of fear, Midnights Grasp and Siphon Life as well as the powers from Ghost Widow. There is so much for them to choose from. It would be the easiest assault set to make.

There has to be a reason it hasn't been done but what is that reason?

Night Goblin 35 lvl BS/Regen Scrapper
Slag Heap 38 lvl Fire/Axe Tanker
Energy Anomoly 23 lvl Energy/Energy Blaster



Originally Posted by MeleeMadness View Post
I know the devs think DM has a lot of control powers, well then, allow DOMs the ability to use it as a primary!

I know that is silly and will never happen but!

What about dark assault? There is soooo much out there that they don't have to create a darn thing. Using Smite, Gloom, touch of fear, Midnights Grasp and Siphon Life as well as the powers from Ghost Widow. There is so much for them to choose from. It would be the easiest assault set to make.

There has to be a reason it hasn't been done but what is that reason?
Time. These things take time to develop and refine. Even Earth Assault took a while to refine (some would say too cautiously, a lot of the potentially cool powers like Fissure and Mud Pots got pretty gutted) and that was pretty much rehashed powers to a large extent.
And with Dark it's the sort of thing which should probably get Dark Control first before Dark Assault.



There's an answer from Sunstorm and another thread on the subject linked to in this thread.

The problem is, it is all related. If Dominators get Dark Control, then Controllers will want Dark Control and Dark Miasma. If Dominators get Dark Assault, then Blasters will want Dark Manipulation and Dark Blast. And the theoretical Dark Control has a lot of overlap with Dark Miasma. Either Dark Miasma for Controllers will have to be stripped of some of its control, adding new powers unique to them and not Corruptors and Defenders, or Dark Control will have to be designed with powers that aren't in Dark Miasma, making those powers unavailable to Dominators.

Personally, I feel the best solution is to give the Controller version of Dark Miasma powers that Corruptors and Defenders get in their Blast set, such as Dark Pit. Then all four ATs will share some powers, but Corruptors and Defenders will have it in Miasma, while Controllers and Dominators will get it in Control.

I can understand why the devs have been hesitant to look at it yet, though. So far, they have tried to port Sets without making them different between ATs. The only difference has been where the AT itself makes it necessary, such as Stalkers, or Masterminds. Usually they try not to replace a power with a whole new power that does something different. (Dark Armor for Stalkers, for instance, has its capabilities in different powers, but still the same capabilities. Shadow Dweller makes up for the difference between Cloak of Darkness and Hide, it doesn't add all new abilities CoD doesn't have)



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
what is so wrong with just having a dom have Dark/Dark? might make some people want to play red side?!
what is so wrong is you are missing the point. You need to go read what Sunstorm said: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=213



I read his post and I got from it is that making this would mean that they have to please all ATs and therefore wont make progress because too many people would moan... why not just give it to a single to the AT that has the least overlapping powers?




Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I read his post and I got from it is that making this would mean that they have to please all ATs and therefore wont make progress because too many people would moan... why not just give it to a single to the AT that has the least overlapping powers?
... that tells me you didn't read his post, or at least did not understand it, but I will grant that this is actually a hard concept to work around.

They don't do one because just one archtype affects all of the archtypes.

Let me try to put it like this.

Ever build a birdhouse?

Okay, you have 6 square walls, a large hole in one wall with a small hole underneath, a little peg that goes on the front, and a wire hanging from the roof.

Now, cut out all 6 of these walls, but you only put 4 of these walls together. You have the roof, the floor, the bit with the hole in the middle, and one of the side / back walls.

You put the project aside because something came up... and go back to it later.

When you pick the birdhouse up, you find that you cut the roof and floor segments un-evenly, looking more like a trapezoid. The panels are also poorly trimmed, so there are various bumps, ridges, and indentations in the already built construction. So the last two wall pieces you cut... don't fit. You also found that the hole for the peg for birds to perch on is too large for the peg, and the whole for birds to enter in is too small for the birds in your area. And you accidentally put the panel that was supposed to be the roof, on the bottom, so the whole contraption would hang upside down.


This messed up birdhouse is pretty much the state of the Dark Powerset today. The sets mesh and work with each other as is, but not all archtypes are covered.

Now, lets say that Dark Control is one of the side walls that needs to be put on. Fine, it could easily be sized to fit the odd shape of the birdhouse and put into place.

However, now you have the other wall to worry about. Will it fit? Will the contraption make sense?

So in order to "fix" the birdhouse, you'd have to redo both panels at the same time, making sure to match their build to the existing structure.


What you want, to put this analogy for the Dark Powers, is you want the developers to go ahead and cut a panel for dark control and smack it on the birdhouse and say "job done" and just get on with it.

The reality is, at some point, if the devs want to complete the job, their going to have to go back and metaphorically, put that last panel into place. What happens if they measured again on Dark Control? What happens if Dark Control has metaphorical bumps, ridges, and indentations?


The blaster set is really the peg and wire hanger. They aren't big issues, and rather easy to fix, but even if you did them first, you'd still have an incomplete birdhouse.


This is why the developers can't do just one and get it over with. They need to do all three power sets at once:
Dark Control/Dark Miasma for Controllers
Dark Control/Dark Assault for Dominators
Dark Blast/Dark Manipulation for Blasters
They need to make sure that the power-sets don't overlap infrastructure that is already in place, so they don't do things twice.


And no, shattering the metaphorical birdhouse and starting from scratch is not an option.



I've never really understood the argument that granting set(s) X (and Y) to a given archetype leads to the need to grant them to other archetypes. Poison will never be anything but an MM secondary; Corrs don't get Psychic Blast; Pain Domination and Empathy, while similar (for the most part), will never cross CoX boundaries.*

*unless I'm completely missing newish info on the sets I mentioned



Originally Posted by StormDevil View Post
I've never really understood the argument that granting set(s) X (and Y) to a given archetype leads to the need to grant them to other archetypes. Poison will never be anything but an MM secondary; Corrs don't get Psychic Blast; Pain Domination and Empathy, while similar (for the most part), will never cross CoX boundaries.*

*unless I'm completely missing newish info on the sets I mentioned
The problem is that even after stating outright that Blueside ATs will never get poison, and all the reasons why not, people still make threads and send PMs and emails asking why blueside can't have poison.

Look at this thread right here. A redname has already posted on the boards stating outright that there are design problems with a dark control/assault powerset which mean those powersets won't be forthcoming any time soon. And yet here is this thread, asking why we can't have dark control or assault.

It's a case of giving the playerbase an inch and them demanding a mile.



Basically, the devs have to make a bunch of dark powersets, powers that can't step on other dark powers' toes. Why? They won't make extra version of each thing for each AT. They want singular, balanced powersets. There's just so much darned dark around it's a tricky case.