The UNHOLY Trinity?




Yes, this is blasphemy!

I was wondering, with the new demon summoning set out, if a party that consisted of only three players would be able to do all the content to include killing AVs?

The theme would be dark and fire to fit the demonic hellborne concept. So, a DS/Thermal MM and a Fire/Fire Dominator and Fire/Dark Corruptor

The fireworks would be splendid.

Night Goblin 35 lvl BS/Regen Scrapper
Slag Heap 38 lvl Fire/Axe Tanker
Energy Anomoly 23 lvl Energy/Energy Blaster



Originally Posted by MeleeMadness View Post
I was wondering, with the new demon summoning set out, if a party that consisted of only three players would be able to do all the content to include killing AVs?
Yes and no. One player can already do almost all the content, including soloing AVs, (even GMs with the specific right combination)

The things one player can't do, i'm not sure three could anyway.... mostly looking at LRSF, STF, khanSF and BSF.

Some borderline things like MS raid, LGSF can be done by three players.

One or three player, you'll never succeed some shards TF where you need to click four glowies simultaniously.

And you'll often need more then three people to start the TF/SF.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by MeleeMadness View Post
Yes, this is blasphemy!

I was wondering, with the new demon summoning set out, if a party that consisted of only three players would be able to do all the content to include killing AVs?

The theme would be dark and fire to fit the demonic hellborne concept. So, a DS/Thermal MM and a Fire/Fire Dominator and Fire/Dark Corruptor

The fireworks would be splendid.
You can't trio Hamidon. Though if you're satisfied with the illusion, you could probably pull off taking down the version in the lady grey once they fix the current bugs.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by FireWyvern View Post
Some borderline things like MS raid, LGSF can be done by three players.
Theres no way in hell 3 people can MS raid. The pylons would take way too long for 3 to do.



Originally Posted by RabidBrian View Post
Theres no way in hell 3 people can MS raid. The pylons would take way too long for 3 to do.
I don't remember exactly, but i think we were 7 and managed to do a successfull MS raid. And most of us didn't have insane purple/pvp IOs build.

I checked rapidly the last two pages of the pylons thread, and i saw a scrapper who did it in 4:02 and a MM who did it in 3:18. So those two guys would solo 7 pylons in 12 minutes. Seems possible to start a raid before they respawn. Specialy if it's 3 guys instead of 2, and they concentrate on the same pylon. (all the buff and debuff stacking)

Those numbers are without insps. If you add insps, shivans and nukes? It will go even faster.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



I've heard of three players, or less, completing a Mothership Raid, the Recluse Strike Force, Lady Grey TF, and I imagine a trio could do the Khan, the Barricuda and the Statesman. I've done one of those with 4 and we simply decided to give it a try and didn't bring anything special.

Two Person Mothership raid.

There are some tasks in the game that require the simultaneous pressing of buttons. Those are going to be impossible with less than the required number of players.



Originally Posted by RabidBrian View Post
Theres no way in hell 3 people can MS raid. The pylons would take way too long for 3 to do.

One person took down lusca. hint: he wasnt an empath



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
One person took down lusca. hint: he wasnt an empath
I'm waiting for Silverado to do it with his blaster. It will happen. Just a matter of time.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
One person took down lusca. hint: he wasnt an empath
Said person also refused to show any pictures of the event.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
One person took down lusca. hint: he wasnt an empath
Lusca doesn't have a time limit though...

I suspect the right three extremely high end characters could successfully drop the pylons, but actually taking down the GM is another matter (mainly due to the hordes of Rikti).

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Lusca doesn't have a time limit though...

I suspect the right three extremely high end characters could successfully drop the pylons, but actually taking down the GM is another matter (mainly due to the hordes of Rikti).
is it possible to Kite him off the ship, and if so, will he despawn?

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by RabidBrian View Post
Theres no way in hell 3 people can MS raid. The pylons would take way too long for 3 to do.
It's been done. Welcome to 2009.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Lusca doesn't have a time limit though...

I suspect the right three extremely high end characters could successfully drop the pylons, but actually taking down the GM is another matter (mainly due to the hordes of Rikti).
Check the link in Smurphys post.



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
Said person also refused to show any pictures of the event.
More than 1 person has soloed lusca and shown pics/vids.



Me and two friends are going to try to do that - as much content as humanly possibly - with three characters blueside: Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil and See No Evil. All are Rad/Sonic Defenders.



Originally Posted by BrokenPrey View Post
Well I don't know who you're talking about but Here is Silverado solo Lusca with no temp/no insp.
Ranged defense, staying out of range of the legs and a lot of patience.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Wiggz View Post
Me and two friends are going to try to do that - as much content as humanly possibly - with three characters blueside: Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil and See No Evil. All are Rad/Sonic Defenders.
as long as you howl some evil, shout some evil, and enervating field some evil....