Unofficial Badge List.




Just where exactly *is* the "Hydradimension"?

I'm guessing that the Black Shroud Dimension is thru Firebase Zulu... but man, it is *big*... and with all those little rocks floating around...

Finding that badge is going to be like a needle in a haystack.

It kinda blows that I won't be able to finish out the plaques and badges until I hit 45.



I have no clue myself. I'm wondering if that's where they really are of if that was assumed off the badge names. Maybe tonight I'll go fishing in the piggs again, never know what I may uncover. Just wish the Pigg Viewer program had a search feature.



The Hydra have their own parallel dimension of origin, accessed through certain Portal missions. Perhaps this badge is there?



The Hydra have their own parallel dimension of origin, accessed through certain Portal missions. Perhaps this badge is there?

[/ QUOTE ]

Positron more or less said flat-out that there were no tourism badges in instanced missions. (Yeah, there is one in the sewer trial, but you can do that trial multiple times, unlike most missions)



If that is true then Shrouded (in the Black Shroud Dimension which as far as I can tell from the piggs is an instanced mission) and Multidimensional (formerly Hydra D, located in 'HydraDimension') aren't implemented yet. Maybe we can get Positron to clear this up for us, are we looking in the wrong area or looking for something that's not actually active?

Looking today I discovered that Hydra D had been renamed to Multidimensional. I've not been able to find anyway to verify a badge location on any map though and suspect that may be stored entirely serverside and not in the client. The 'Black Shroud Dimension' and 'Hydra Dimension' zone labels came from the labelling scheme in badges.bin (in bin.pigg) for the badges. It could be possible that 'blackshrouddimensiontour1' and 'hydradimensiontour1' refer to different zones than the obvious translation.

Because some people have asked about a way to find exploration badges after being awarded them I'm contemplated a client-side mod (like the maps with store locations) that would replace the icons for them in the badge window with a zone and /loc coord plus perhaps a screenshot of the area where the badges are. Not sure how feasible this will be but will test it some over the weekend and see how it goes.

As for the site well things are coming along slowly but I've gotten some help from CuppaJo on things as well. I cleared it through her about using the layout/art from the Official site and she even got me a graphic of the CoH logo to help me along with making a custom title graphic for the site. I should hopefully have an 'alpha' version up by the end of work on Friday that will have at least the basic look and functionality. Other features will get added to the site as they get done.

Tomorrow at some point I'll post an updated list of the badge information I still need. I've gotten a few more holes filled in thanks to people out there.



There was a bug preventing the Hydra and Black Shroud badges from triggering. Its fixed now.

There was a data error that caused three of the Accolades to not issue when the appropriate badges were earned. This too is now fixed.

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so at least now I know I searched 12 square miles of fly zone for nothing



There was a bug preventing the Hydra and Black Shroud badges from triggering. Its fixed now.

There was a data error that caused three of the Accolades to not issue when the appropriate badges were earned. This too is now fixed.

[/ QUOTE ]

now the question is have any of us accumulated the right badges for any accolades to be awarded.



Is the Accomplishment Badge for completing the Terra Volta fixed as well? I've done it twice and never recieved anything else but the Stalwart MEdallion.



So how many explorations are now found?



Is the Accomplishment Badge for completing the Terra Volta fixed as well? I've done it twice and never recieved anything else but the Stalwart MEdallion.

[/ QUOTE ]

I to have completed the Terra Volta Trial and only receieved the Stalwart Medalion.

I may be wrong here, but... What I was thinking is that the completion badge may be linked to the type of reward chosen?

Did you choose different rewards each time when you completed the trial?



The badge is for respec reward i think.



Great resource, if I get bored I can now go search for badges!
BTW, anyone know if any of these give benefits? I heard something like that maybe introduced with badges.



I believe you have to do each of the three variations of it in order to get the three different badges.



So far nobody has figured out which badges to collect to unlock an accolade (plus 3 weren't triggering so maybe someone had the right ones for them already but didn't know).



quick note, there is a tourism badge in rikti crash site called Ace. Its on the hand of the guy in the sniper pose west of creys folly entrance (dont have loc)



Yeah we've got all on that one but the text of the badge and its /loc. The only tourism/exploration badges that aren't tracked down are "Multidimensional" in Hydra Dimension and "Shrouded" in the Black Shroud Dimension.



Im just guessing here..but... Theres an instanced mission hwere u go into a dimension and there are warewolves there. And they all have Dark mbrace on em. Also..the sun never rises in that dimension. Sounds like a black shroud dimension to me.....



Roof helipad 400 yrd sw of Gish Waypoint (-494, 101, 766)

[/ QUOTE ] Is this in live???? I've been there in live and not recieved a badge nor did i see it on the helipad. I recived it on test so I'm sure it was there.



Don't think the helipad badge is working, was just there...



it is working, i got it yesterday



I got upgraded near Blue Steel on a helipad, so it might have been moved.



The directions are a bit off since there are so many helipads around. It is South of the Gish Waypoint, not SW. The building is on the west side of the base of the ramp leading up to Blue Steel. I've slowly started going around and verifying all the badges and plaques I can reach to make sure they're all working on Live. I think we should start a copy of this thread over on General now that things are Live and keep a list of all badges (exploration and others) there with the info from test and whether its been confirmed on live yet.



Quick note to everyone on this post or reading it....I looked at the site but did not see this listed.

II have this unknown badge i my listing rigt now that is building up via a meter...the meter is going up every time i rez someone...not by much though.

So I am assuming this is a badge for doing lots of REZs.

Also I am guessing if you kill a bunch of the dimensional beings all over like the Soldiers of Rularuu then I assume you will also get a badge.

Anywise noticed these two things where not listed.



Terra Volta - Meltdown - On Reactor One 1122.4,727.3,-3077.1

Is this correct? I ran all over that big dome roof, and never got the badge (nor saw the beacon). Is it up higher on an actual smoke stack? There are 3 skinny ones inbetween the two big honking ones (can you even get that high to get on top of those?) and the dome roof infront of the 3 skinny ones also inbetween the 2 big tall stacks.

Where did I go wrong?

I've already forgotten about most of you