Unofficial Badge List.




The Unwavering: Though you have been defeated, you continue to fight for Paragon City. (Repay debt -- 50K?)

I didn't count exactly how many villians I needed to defeat, but I will list the enemies I used to earn these badges:

Finder: You are beginning to uncover the mystery that is the Lost (Defeat Lost bosses, like Pariahs in Terra Volta, or Aberrants in the Sewers.)

Regenerator: You have shown tenaciousness in taking down the leadership of the Trolls... over and over again. (Defeat Ogres or Calibans)

Soul Binder: You have uncovered the secret of the Circle of Thorns mages, that they are ancient spirits who inhabit the stolen bodies of their victims. (Mages of any sort -- Life, Energy, Madness, Ruin, Force, Soul...)

Tracer: You have proven yourself a person who can track down anyone, even those with the ability to teleport. (Defeat Tsoo Sorcerers)

Weatherman: You have calmed the storm by riddin the streets of the Outcasts' leaders. (Defeat Lead Shockers/Bricks/Freezers/Scorchers.)

Apologies if I overlap with new posts, it takes me forever to type...



What I need is information on the other badges that we've not located yet and the text descriptions for many of them (I've collected about 69 badges so far, mostly exploration ones).

Here's the list of badges that need information for my database:[*]Achievement badges - descriptions for: Adamant, Unbreakable, Unwavering, Unyielding, Unbroken Spirit, Medic, Surgeon, Doctor, Imprisoned, Celebrity, Sensation, Superstar.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have Adamant and Unbreakable.

"You have endured one million points of damage."

"You are truly unbreakable. You have survived ten million points of damage."

Hope this isn't a repeat of anything others have posted. Take a wild guess as to how to get them.



Manticore's Associate - Manticore was proud to present you with this medal, in recognition of the valor and honor you showed while helping him.

Recieved the Stalwart Medallion (used version if that matters) - Your battle in the reactor of Terra Volta altered your powers in a permanent way.

And yes, Numina is in FF.



give me a list of what you still need i'll fill in teh holes if i can.



Sorry if this was already posted, but I got Brawler today. It was where the bird watcher location should have been.



I just got this:

Corrupter — "You prevented a non-aggression pact between the Circle of Thorns and Nemesis."

This sucks. That means I'm missing a LOT of badges from completing missions.



yes, seems there's a badge for every 5 level brackets, got one on my fresh character for the 6-10, and another for the 11-15 so far. Doesn't seem to be one for the 1-5 bracket though.



yes, seems there's a badge for every 5 level brackets, got one on my fresh character for the 6-10, and another for the 11-15 so far. Doesn't seem to be one for the 1-5 bracket though.

[/ QUOTE ]
I got two badges for the 30-35 bracket though: Corrupter and War Wall Defender.



Okay with all the updates I've received so far here's a lenghty list of what's left. And thanks to all those who've replied so far, only had a couple overlaps.
[*]Positron's Ally - description[*]Synapse's Cohort - description[*]Sister Psyche's Comrade - description (would like to do this sometime after 3:30pm pacific today if people want to help)[*]Bastion's Assistant - description[*]Numina's Compatriot - description[*]Liberator - requirements and description[*]Transcendent - requirements and description[*]Charmer - requirements and description[*]Transmogrified - requirements and description[*]Negotiator - description and level range of mission[*]Spelunker - description and level range of mission[*]Plague Stopper - requirments, level range, description[*]Pwnz - description[*]Redeemer - description and level range of mission (maybe more about the mission text of when it was offered)[*]Mystical Savior - description, level range, requirements[*]War Wall Defender - description, requirements (have range as 30-34)[*]The Doctor's Ally - description, level range, requirements[*]Frontline - description, level range, requirements[*]Emancipator - description, level range, requirements[*]Meteorologist - description, level range, requirements[*]Bodyguard - description, level range, requirements[*]Agent - description, level range, requirements[*]Pathfinder - description[*]The Unwavering - clarification on how much debt repay or deaths or other requirements[*]The Unyielding - requirements and description[*]The Unbroken Spirit - requirements and description[*]Surgeon - description[*]Doctor - description[*]Celebrity - requirements and description[*]Sensation - requirements and description[*]Superstar - requirements and description[*]Justice Incarnate - description[*]Hero of the City - description[*]Advisor - requirements and description[*]Guide - requirements and description[*]Paragon - requirements and description[*]Banisher - description[*]Tank Buster - description[*]Clockstopper - description[*]Demon Slayer - requirements and description[*]Dimensional Warder - requirements and description[*]Illusionist - requirements and description[*]Infiltrator -requirements and description (says Paragon Protectors but any idea roughly how many)[*]Legionnaire - requirements and description (know its boss Warriors but any idea how many)[*]Master of Olympus - description[*]Monkeywrencher - description[*]Privateer - requirements and description (know its Sky Skiffs but any idea how many)[*]Protectorate - requirements and description[*]The Silver Bullet - requirements and description (know its Warwolves but any idea how many)[*]The Slayer - description[*]Soul Binder - requirements[*]Statesman's Pal - requirements and description[*]Tracer - rough idea of how many sorcerors[*]Untouchable - requirements and description (know its Family bosses but any idea how many)[*]Unveiler - description[*]Warden - requirements and description[*]Weatherman - requirements (know its Outcast bosses but any idea how many)[*]Zookeeper - requirements and description[*]Academic - description[*]Received Atlas Medallion - requirements and description[*]Conspiracy Theorist - requirements and description[*]Portal Jockey - requirements and description[*]Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member - requirements and description[*]Archmage - requirements and description[*]Vanguard - requirements and description[*]Earned the Statesman Star - requirements and description[*]Awarded the Freedom Cross - requirements and description[*]Head of the Hydra - /loc coordinates, directions, zone, and description (supposedly Abandoned Sewers/Hydra Trial)[*]Shrouded - /loc coordinates, directions, zone, and description (supposedly Shrouded Shard)[*]Chaotician - /loc coordinates[*]Hydra D - /loc coordinates, directions, zone, and description (supposedly Hydra dimension)[*]Ace - /loc coordinates and description[*]Time Bandit - /loc coordinates and description[*]Heart of the Hamidon - /loc coordinates

Let's narrow this list down some more



Redeemer - You negotiated the surrender of Alexander, a warrior boss.
A level 25-29 multi-task mission where your contact sends you to talk with Alexander.

Infiltrator - You have learned that the Paragon Protectors are an arm of Crey, and not simply an independent group hired by them.
Either 100 or 200 PPs are needed. A 4 person team going through the PP HQ mission in the level 35-39 Crey arc went from 0% to completed badge (badge completed almost at the end).



Negotiator - You were instrumental in stopping a war between the Clockwork and the Skulls
Spelunker - You have freed a local fortune teller from the clutches of the Circle of Thorns
Plague Stopper - You were key in stopping a plague from overtaking Paragon City
Spirit Warriors - You stopped a war between the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns
Pwnz - You have arrested on of the higher ranking members of the Freakshow
Redeemer - Did not appear as part of retroactive credit. Bugged? New?
Mystical Savior - You saved a cabal of mystics from being used by the Banished Pantheon
Corrupter - You prevented a Non-Aggression pact between the Circle of Thorns and Nemesis
War Wall Defender - You foiled a plot to undermine the War Walls that protect Paragon City
The Doctor's Ally - You have uncovered the fate of Doctor Freidkin.
Frontline - Did not appear as part of retroactive credit. Bugged? New?
Emancipator - You have defeated the Clockwork King in a dimension where he realized his full potential
Meteorologist - You have crushed Nemesis' weather controlling equipment.

I haven't done the 45-49 missions yet, so no badges for them.



Redeemer - Did not appear as part of retroactive credit. Bugged? New?

[/ QUOTE ]

Didn't get this one, either.

Frontline - Did not appear as part of retroactive credit. Bugged? New?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not new, I got it.
Frontline- You stopped a battle between the Circle of Thorns and the Oranbegans from another dimension.



Interesting. I remember completeing that mission less than a month ago, but as I said, no badge. Well this was the first iteration, they may have another one they'll do. I can wait.



I received Redeemer, it's for the Alexander missions in Talos. I did not however get Frontline, I know I've done the CoT mission for that as well.



Pathfinder - Your eye for exploration and achievement is recognized. You have earned 100 badges.



The new tourism badge at the Atlas flag:
Freedom - This flag was crafted from Statesman's cape and donated to Paragon City to replace the one destroyed by the invading Rikti. It now flies over Paragon City Hall to honor the sacrifice made by Hero 1 and the rest of Omega Team.



I didn't get Negotiator, though its entirely possible I simply never got that mission when I was a noob. Other than that, I picked up 2 - 10 of the off-mission badges



Chaotician is in Founder's at about 828, -21, 2380

Arcus, Champion server



I didn't get Negotiator, though its entirely possible I simply never got that mission when I was a noob.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, most of my old toons have skipped the mission for that one since it's timed. And the one for Spelunker because it's so darned annoying. I guess all my new builds will have to put up with that...



Badges list with loc and directions culled from other lists and my own findings.
(this all started with and from the list stupid_fanboy posted.)

Atop City Hall, next to flag. ( 1241, 121, -641)
Hero Corps Insider
Next to contact Peter Wong at outside corner of City Hall (283, 16, -884)
Inside City Hall in front of the statue to the left of the SG registration desk. (158, -767, -672)
Top Dog
Atop the globe in front of City Hall. (133, 314, -340)
Billboard near Steel Canyon entrance(632, 84, -2324)
Silent Sentinel
203 yds NE from the hospital on the north face of the second building lowest ledge (-606, 71, -1889)

In right hand of Tank statue (-1179,73.3,-586)
Land Locked
Middle of water door in SE corner (-2036,-43,1002)
Blue Shield
Bird Watcher
87 yds SE of Orion Beltway marker on small second floor rooftop of larger building above white and red van.
(-1099, 48, -2263)
Top of Mighty Mart 543 yds East of Freedom Court and 474 yds NW of PP gate (-1182, 64, -933)

SW Corner (-941, -41, 2977)
Roof helipad 400 yrd sw of Gish Waypoint (-494, 101, 766)
Mystic King
Rooftop 250 yrds from Gish Waypoint (-375, 71, 245)
Keen Sighted
On platform on powerline tower 113yds SW of aqueduct marker (-2176, 97, 1142)
NE Corner of Royal Refinery (-3042, -42, -1356)

45 yds East of PP marker center of small wooden bridge (-2013, -56, 1587)
Broken Avatar statue, 135 yds SE of Everett Lake marker next to big tree and water (-1536, -32, 3175)
Around the Bendis
Boathouse on south end of Everett Lake (-875, -31, 3658)
Doc Whedon
On small dock, 292 yds East of Everett Lake maker near Gaiman woods boundary (-2083, -31, 2853)
Justice Avenger
Fountain in SW corner( -1033.1, 1.3, 3976)

Hero Corps Recruit
Contact on SE corner of Hospital (-1765,16,1362)
Bright Star
Rooftop West of Subgenetics: one building and across the street (-2956, -35, 1581)
Nimble Mynx
On a rooftop about 150yds west of Boomtown entrance (-2426, 48, -3406)
Secret Admirer
Southernmost center area of Steel Canyon, in front of one of the medium sized houses, at the base of a lamp post. (-3440 0.0 2541

Basketball Court in NE (-1087,-16,-7613)
300 yrds NE of KR Entrance to Skyway off north side of highway lowest level by white van. Between 2 blue dumpsters (2262,-84,-3367)
East wall of Land of the Lost in middle of Brick Garden near statue (-707,0.0,-1075)
Healing Node
SW Land of the Lost by Pillar next to contact (1578,-83,-677)

233 yds NE of entrance, 349 yds SE of The Fuse maker near broken steam pipe at corner of building(-2001, -15, 5181)
683 yards west of the powder keg waypoint, inside the tunnel, in the center divider (-447, 42, 2171)
Destined for Valhalla
531 yds east of Powderkeg marker in Boomtown, on top of the meeting point where one building leans on another(-4098, 352, 24752)
Vision of Despair
470 yds east and just a bit North of Grenadier Village dot down in a pit. Location -754.6, 0.5, -594.3

In front of tilted building in SW Corner of Faultline (1124, -27, 1296)
Faultless Mystic
Follow crevice north from precipice waypoint and take first east. Near blue car, 173 yds from precipice marker (-842, -406, -714)
Top of parking garage SW of Subduction marker in Faultline (277, 57, -2257)
At base of dam next to water.(75, -898, 1686)

Crey Havoc
IP East of the TV entrance in buildings ruins on outside edge (-441 2 -270)
Top of southern arch(closest to TV) on Valor Bridge (945, 609, -1151)
Top of large warehouse in Crey Cove. The lower roof of the warehouse near the center (-1613, 80, -1870)

Conjunction Junction
Culvert NW corner of Cormon Neighborhood (2224 ,0, -7101)
On Reactor One in TV, just inside the first "ring" at the top (1122,727,-3079)
Nervous Dreck
West wall near center. (4456, 0, -6123)

Front door of Ziggurat in Brickstown (-1725, 24, 1153)
328 yards almost due East from Crey's Folly entrance, on a circular grating catwalk.
(-593, 32, 1379)

Crey Watcher
About 234 yards west of the Crey Factories marker. (1080, 0.3, 2321)
Burning the Midnight Oil
180 yds northwest of the "Crey Factories" marker, 320 yrds SW of the Bricks gate, on the west side of the round railings of the 4 Oil Towers(the one with the walkway to the factory) (836, 24, 1797)

very front of base of statue on small square between steps (1698, 16, 7699)
Nature Lover
SW corner, .53 mi south of Skyway gate on larger island next to big rock (2671, 124, 9119)
on the top of the western tanker to the east of Ithaca Isles and north of Dark Astoria, out in the middle of the ocean.(-5613, 79, 1855)

Dark Mystic
309yds north of the Didos View marker on top of the cinema. (1678, 6, 2835)
Seeker of the Unknown
175 yards W of Moth Cemetery label, drop into the trench and go inside the crypt to the middle door
(1868, -80, 1354)
Cairn Warder
NE corner inside big rock formation (1026, 51, 218)

107yds South of the Gaspee in FF in a large fountain (969, 0, 2596)
91yds SE in farthest tunnel of the Gaspee FF (815, -207, 2403)

Unspoiled Badge
At base of waterfall approx 106 yards South of Cascades maker: (2480, 34, 2352)
Crey Fish
The Crey sign in the utopia complex 2 yds W of large rock spire (-1796, 0, 4550)

Time Bandit
400 yards SE of the NW corner, the beginning of the road heading north into the rundown structures
Heart of the Hamidon
Middle of Hamidon (middle of the Hive)

Head of the Hydra
Stand next to the Hydra in the Sewer Trial

Hydra D -

Portal Parter
Go right as you leave ferry to the island with power pole on ground. Badge is in grass. (3045, 0, 1289)

Shrouded -

I'll update as I confirm.



At least you don't have to do it directly or by yourself. If your on a team doing the mission you get the badge even if you don't have the mission (or completed it yourself/outlevelled it). I tested this on test while exemplared and got Spelunker that way before the datamining (which hasn't gotten everyone every badge, they may have to make multiple passes to get them all). They also haven't datamined for task forces yet as I've done the first 2 (almost at cap level for the third but its not easy getting a TF going on test).



The Blue Shield badge is up on the Vanguard sign 80 yards due east of the Orion Beltway waypoint. loc -1166.7 39.0 -2475.1

Oh, and the location for the Summoned badge is incorrect, while the coordinates are accurate they describe a location pretty much due south of the center of Kings Row, not in the south west.



You overlooked Blue Shield - On ledge on back of "They are Among Us" billboard, 81 yards E of Orion Beltway waypoint. -1169.3, 39.3, -2468.9

Can anyone confirm that Hydra D and Shrouded are in the zones listed? (I've not fully dug through the pigg files to try to extract zone information). I do know the freedom badge will have an icon other than the compass though its not in yet which is why it shows the white square. I made a small hack and gave it the unknown question mark icon for now because the white square looks odd



Yeah, here's the directions I put in my database for Summoned - In an alleyway by steaming pipe .64 miles South of the Gish Waypoint. It is almost directly south of the waypoint near the southernmost street.



Bah... I suck at proofreading.
Had the descriptions on another list, forgot to update them to the list I post.

Badges list with loc and directions culled from other lists and my own findings.
(this all started with and from the list stupid_fanboy posted.)

Atop City Hall, next to flag. ( 1241, 121, -641)
Hero Corps Insider
Next to contact Peter Wong at outside corner of City Hall (283, 16, -884)
Inside City Hall in front of the statue to the left of the SG registration desk. (158, -767, -672)
Top Dog
Atop the globe in front of City Hall. (133, 314, -340)
Billboard near Steel Canyon entrance(632, 84, -2324)
Silent Sentinel
203 yds NE from the hospital on the north face of the second building lowest ledge (-606, 71, -1889)

In right hand of Tank statue (-1179,73.3,-586)
Land Locked
Middle of water door in SE corner (-2036,-43,1002)
Blue Shield
82 yds east of Orion Beltway marker behind the "they are among us" billboard (-1169, 39, -2468)
Bird Watcher
87 yds SE of Orion Beltway marker on small second floor rooftop of larger building above white and red van.
(-1099, 48, -2263)
Top of Mighty Mart 543 yds East of Freedom Court and 474 yds NW of PP gate (-1182, 64, -933)

Across the street from the South wall 183 yds SE of Industrial marker and 779 yds from Skyway gate in small fenced yard next to broken steam pipe (-941, -41, 2977)
Roof helipad 400 yrd sw of Gish Waypoint (-494, 101, 766)
Mystic King
Rooftop 250 yrds from Gish Waypoint (-375, 71, 245)
Keen Sighted
On platform on powerline tower 113yds SW of aqueduct marker (-2176, 97, 1142)
NE Corner of Royal Refinery (-3042, -42, -1356)

45 yds East of PP marker center of small wooden bridge (-2013, -56, 1587)
Broken Avatar statue, 135 yds SE of Everett Lake marker next to big tree and water (-1536, -32, 3175)
Around the Bendis
Boathouse on south end of Everett Lake (-875, -31, 3658)
Doc Whedon
On small dock, 292 yds East of Everett Lake maker near Gaiman woods boundary (-2083, -31, 2853)
Justice Avenger
Fountain in SW corner( -1033.1, 1.3, 3976)

Hero Corps Recruit
Contact on SE corner of Hospital (-1765,16,1362)
Bright Star
Rooftop West of Subgenetics: one building and across the street (-2956, -35, 1581)
Nimble Mynx
On a rooftop about 150yds west of Boomtown entrance (-2426, 48, -3406)
Secret Admirer
Southernmost center area of Steel Canyon, in front of one of the medium sized houses, at the base of a lamp post. (-3440 0.0 2541

Basketball Court in NE (-1087,-16,-7613)
300 yrds NE of KR Entrance to Skyway off north side of highway lowest level by white van. Between 2 blue dumpsters (2262,-84,-3367)
East wall of Land of the Lost in middle of Brick Garden near statue (-707,0.0,-1075)
Healing Node
SW Land of the Lost by Pillar next to contact (1578,-83,-677)

233 yds NE of entrance, 349 yds SE of The Fuse maker near broken steam pipe at corner of building(-2001, -15, 5181)
683 yards west of the powder keg waypoint, inside the tunnel, in the center divider (-447, 42, 2171)
Destined for Valhalla
531 yds east of Powderkeg marker in Boomtown, on top of the meeting point where one building leans on another(-4098, 352, 24752)
Vision of Despair
470 yds east and just a bit North of Grenadier Village dot down in a pit. Location -754.6, 0.5, -594.3

In front of tilted building in SW Corner of Faultline (1124, -27, 1296)
Faultless Mystic
Follow crevice north from precipice waypoint and take first east. Near blue car, 173 yds from precipice marker (-842, -406, -714)
Top of parking garage SW of Subduction marker in Faultline (277, 57, -2257)
At base of dam next to water.(75, -898, 1686)

Crey Havoc
IP East of the TV entrance in buildings ruins on outside edge (-441 2 -270)
Top of southern arch(closest to TV) on Valor Bridge (945, 609, -1151)
Top of large warehouse in Crey Cove. The lower roof of the warehouse near the center (-1613, 80, -1870)

Conjunction Junction
Culvert NW corner of Cormon Neighborhood (2224 ,0, -7101)
On Reactor One in TV, just inside the first "ring" at the top (1122,727,-3079)
Nervous Dreck
West wall near center. (4456, 0, -6123)

Front door of Ziggurat in Brickstown (-1725, 24, 1153)
328 yards almost due East from Crey's Folly entrance, on a circular grating catwalk.
(-593, 32, 1379)

Crey Watcher
About 234 yards west of the Crey Factories marker. (1080, 0.3, 2321)
Burning the Midnight Oil
180 yds northwest of the "Crey Factories" marker, 320 yrds SW of the Bricks gate, on the west side of the round railings of the 4 Oil Towers(the one with the walkway to the factory) (836, 24, 1797)

very front of base of statue on small square between steps (1698, 16, 7699)
Nature Lover
SW corner, .53 mi south of Skyway gate on larger island next to big rock (2671, 124, 9119)
on the top of the western tanker to the east of Ithaca Isles and north of Dark Astoria, out in the middle of the ocean.(-5613, 79, 1855)

Dark Mystic
309yds north of the Didos View marker on top of the cinema. (1678, 6, 2835)
Seeker of the Unknown
175 yards W of Moth Cemetery label, drop into the trench and go inside the crypt to the middle door
(1868, -80, 1354)
Cairn Warder
NE corner inside big rock formation (1026, 51, 218)

107yds South of the Gaspee in FF in a large fountain (969, 0, 2596)
91yds SE in farthest tunnel of the Gaspee FF (815, -207, 2403)

Unspoiled Badge
At base of waterfall approx 106 yards South of Cascades maker: (2480, 34, 2352)
Crey Fish
The Crey sign in the utopia complex 2 yds W of large rock spire (-1796, 0, 4550)

Time Bandit
400 yards SE of the NW corner, the beginning of the road heading north into the rundown structures
Heart of the Hamidon
Middle of Hamidon (middle of the Hive)

Head of the Hydra
Stand next to the Hydra in the Sewer Trial

Hydra D -

Portal Parter
Go right as you leave ferry to the island with power pole on ground. Badge is in grass. (3045, 0, 1289)

Shrouded -

I'll update as I confirm.