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  1. I give up on this one Evil_Legacy, if you can't understand why someone would be upset that their house burned down or they lost their life savings, then I doubt you'll understand why people are upset at an MMO closing.

    There are probably a few people out there with limited income and/or physical disabilities where playing this game was one of the brighter spots in their day. I do hope none of them do anything drastic. Stay in touch if you know such a person and let them know if you settle on another game.

    Back to the original question, I have no idea why the cities are shutting down. I'll never buy another NCSoft title, not because of any particular hatred, but just I don't trust them not to shut down the game with no warning or reason.

    Seriously, if they'd just announced "This game needs to make an extra million to stay in business" there are probably 50,000 people that would have paid $20.
  2. A joke in this thread that doesn't involve ponies?!? *Head Asplodes*

    At this point the thread is pretty much a bunch of rowdy rabble hanging out at they're favorite bar that's about to be closed down and replaced with a starbucks.

    I heard a rumor that Justin Bieber was PWNED in CoV PvP and sent an angry email to the NCSOFT CEO who is a HUGE Bieber Bro and cancelled the game in exchange for a private concert! (I just made this up but it COULD be true and makes as much sense as anything else I've heard from NCSOFT...)
  3. That's the real fear though, NCSoft could snatch the game away at any moment. It's not even enough if the game in question is profitable. They could still "re-orient company focus" at any time, with no warning.

    Bah, guild wars 2. Have fun jogging slowly across the landscape. You can amaze your fellow guildies by telling them stories about being able to run super fast, fly, and teleport for free in a far away city of heroes and villians....
  4. Please feel free to go to NCSofts Facebook page and vent there, since I doubt NCSoft ever looks at these forums.

    I understand they actually had to close down their English Facebook page for awhile due to the CoH fans complaining.

    There really doesn't seem to be much point in maintaining "goodwill" with the old NCSoft now. I hope it gets worse for them after the shut off day, I know I'll be yelling a bit louder in my tiny corner of the internet.
  5. Back when I was leveling a bubble defender and there was one glorious day I managed to get a team with me and SEVEN BLASTERS!

    I told everyone to "Stay in the Big Bubble", cranked the difficulty up to +4, and we steamrolled like a turbo charged rocket powered steam roller on steroids. Every four minutes somone would die and remind me to refresh the individual bubbles... good times...

    I eventually got tired of buffing everyones shields individually and deleted the toon, TWO days before AOE Bubbles were announced....

    No other game out there lets a support toon offer so much support while still being able to blast away.
  6. Sure WoW might be gone in two years, but I doubt they'll go from




    in 24 hours. I mean what kind of company would do that? (Besides NCSOFT?)
  7. Actually, I know a LOT of people that are going to WoW or going back to WoW... Because CoH is closing down and they want to play in a game that won't get jerked out from underneath them. Heck, I'm probably going to download the freebie portion of it and give it a try this weekend.

    You are correct though that WoW is not like to increase their playerbase by 20% any time soon.
  8. insomniac

    Where to now?

    I think I'm done with MMOs for the time being. There are two aspects that are missing from every other game I've tried...

    1.) Travel Powers! So tired of slowly jogging... So tired of being completely stopped by a chest high fence that I could climb over in real life....

    2.) Casual teaming! I have yet to find another game that is as easy to find or create a team as CoH. Even DCUO and Champions seem to be single player games until you are high enough level to join the big alerts and other task force equivalents.
  9. insomniac

    Other MMOs?

    The one thing we are all so "super" spoiled by is travel powers... all these other games want you to slowly... so slowly... jog across the map. Usually while fighting anything that you jog overly close to...

    CoX was my first MMO, I'm REALLY not used to seeing a chest high wall and trying to figure out how to get around it....
  10. I leveld a ninja/FF mastermind to 50 and had a surprisingly huge amount of fun. Ninja are kind've like paper, but paper with vorpal edges that can kill everything!

    It probably helped that I leveled a forcefield defender and my favorite strategy was to invite a bunch of blasters and scrappers to the team and kill everything at +2/x8....

    Ninja are pretty fun... while you can I suggest everyone who likes masterminds roll up a ninja/time or ff or something +defensey and give it a shot... watching them jump around while enemies die is just silly fun.
  11. Is there any other game that has anything like masterminds? My usual crew hates teaming with them but I have one of every primary at lvl 32. Is there any other MMO game that comes CLOSE to the feeling of "I COMMAND AN ARMY!"?
  12. Back to the ops original question:

    Try a Demon/Dark Mastermind and take a whip attack or two.

    The whip attacks are active and pretty and have a reasonable -res debuff that is useful from lvl 1 to lvl 50+3.

    Dark seconday is useful and let you throw out debuffs and fears and holds to your hearts content that always feel like your DOING something, not just Shield & Snooze. It also has a single awesome attack that just happens to rez everybody around you. It does have a final additional pet at level 38, but with a little recharge I just use it as an attack by dropping it into the middle of groups.

    I think this set will give you the "feel" of what you want. From a low level, you'll be up fighting WITH your henchmen, (I'd still let them get aggro first) instead of just buffing them and standing in the back. Also, demons are some of the most self sufficient pets with their early on self heals and build in DR resists.

    If you just want to try really active and don't care about min/max, take whatever primary appeals to you with a poison secondary. You'll solo well, and the only thing worse than being eaten by zombie is getting eaten by zombie while someone pours acid and poison on you.
  13. Just a random thought, but at level 35 you can complete all the TFs for task force commander... it's only a measly hit point bonus but worth a thought...
  14. I have a Trick Arrow/Archery defender at level 30, but I'm overwhelmed with power choices... so many clickies!

    What powers in Trick arrow and/or archery did you skip? and Why? I'm not looking for builds so much as skippable powers, because they all look good when they become available... but I'm not smart enough to manage 16+ attack powers.

    (Feel free to post "TA LOL!" if you'd like)
  15. whoa, I was gonna offer advice, but Justaris did such an amazing job that my only advice is "listen to Justaris".
  16. Gotta agree with Siolfir.

    My personal preference is to go with a defense set, since with low hit points it's better not to be hit then to die in 3 hits instead of 2... but you could take wilpower and IO-up to the softcap (especially with a primary that gives defense bonuses) and then you'll just giggle the Silly Super Reflexes set... until cimerorans hit you and take away your defenses while the Super Reflex guy laughs at you and charges his lightning rod 20% faster. Meanwhile the ice stalker ran to order a pizza because everyone around him is going SLOOOOWWWWW and... what was I talking about again?

    You'd get a better answer if you told us what your primary was and how much influence you wanted to spend and if you had any other goals. (Rock the ITF? Solo Crates in the Lambda? AoE minion Blender? Pylon Challenge Record Breaker?)

    OK I think I had too much coffee again...

    EDIT: I just noticed you said "Street Justice"... that set really goes with everything. Dark Armor will probably give you crippling endurance issues until you IO up, but everything else would be fine. I've got a StJ/Nin up to 50 that was loads of fun. Um.. I took ninjitsu because it was the one armor set I hadn't played before and caltrops are funny! Caltrops can also kill things that get stuck in walls very.... very....
  17. I have one of these at level 32 and it's a burning undead blast of brain eating!

    Slot your pets (of course) be sure to throw accuracy in zombies because they'll eventually be your level minus 2.

    2 slots in each shield with three damage resistance enhancers. They're AoE and last a long time, so recharge and endurance are low priority here. They also make your zombies stand out more and cut down on the confusion when you fight other zombies.

    6 slot warmth so you can spam it. Standing behind your pets with your heals + resistance lead to a very tough group of dead things.

    In fact, there is only ONE bad thing about this combo, you'll hardly ever get to use Soul Extraction because your minions will hardly ever die! I've started to send a guy off by himself just so I can get the ghost. I still haven't seen what comes out of a Grave Knight because when I send them off by themselves they just come back after killing everything...

    Thermal is also welcome on teams and the buffs are useful even through the iTrials. (Everyone and they're grandmother is defense softcapped, but only some tanks and maybe a smattering of brutes/scraps are Resistance capped.)

    Anyways, once you throw in the +resist and +defense procs (and you can get both sets with soul extraction!) you'll be using those dead bodies to make lots of dead bodies!
  18. This is just my subjective feeling, but Electric Armor (for me) was the most effective armor to run in the iTrials. I mean, my electric brute could solo crates in the Lamda at +1! (yay!)

    Just a good combination of energy and psionic resistance along with endurance and health recovery options. I'm pretty sure I ran some flavor of the other armors and they all got chewed up by psionic damage (So MUCH psionic damage!), endurance drain, lack of mobility, or lack of a heal.

    The other armors all picked up around +2 and it might have been an issue with my builds or something, but Electric Armor just seemed to do really well for me in the iTrials.
  19. insomniac

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Ok, Imagine the following situation...

    You are teaming with a fire blaster that you like against +3 enemies and the blaster accidentally fireballs a second group of bad guys right after you jump into the first group of bad guys. Do you want to:

    A: Save the blaster! Either taunt or jump over and use an AoE attack or an aura to get aggro and juggle the two groups until you and the fire blaster pick everyone off? (this will probably take an extra 30 seconds or so as you juggle the mobs) The blaster then types "LOL".

    B: Let the blaster die! Kill your own group, then jump over and land on the blasters dead body and kill the second group. Afterwards, give the blaster a wakie. (Wait 30 seconds for blaster to rez and rest) Type "LOL" while the blaster rezzes.

    If you answer A, then you may prefer a tank, definitely take taunt if you play a brute.

    If you answer B, then you may prefer a brute, do NOT play a stone tank.

    *Not legally responsible for any deaths that result from this test or any additional test that the user ever takes
  20. insomniac


    Two very excellent points from Netphenix5.

    Trick Arrow is missing any type of heal or defense and it's debuffing is not as good as dark or radiation... but.... I understand NOTHING beats the sheer joy of Build up + Oil Slick + Blazing Arrow + Rain of Arrows... Pig pile of pincushioned baddies trying to stand up (if they're still somehow alive) in slippery BURNING OIL!!! MUAHAHAHAAHA!

    if you have burnout you can do it ALL AGAIN IMMEDIATELY!!! WHOOO!!!

    Thor is very norse. I should've said, "Storm is what most people think of when they think of Modern Day Heroes based on ancient god pantheons... (thanks Thor)". Although even this statment is probably wrong since China, Africa, and other world cultures probably have different Ideas. Not to mention people who have only seen the movie think he's an alien from a highly advanced civilization.

    I was happier before I had coffee.
  21. You can cap ranged defense (that's what I did) pretty easily and then jump/run/fly a short distance away if things start to go badly. Those immobilized and held bad guys won't be able to hit you because... actually because they're immobilzed and held!

    And even if they can still attack they're debuffed to heck with radiation debuffs...

    And anything that might still attack you is probably going, "OMG GET THE BURNING MONKIES OFF ME"

    I'm with local man on this. If you use your controls right then you have 100% defense to all positions against most enemies!
  22. insomniac


    If you HATE redraw then you pretty much have to go with Trick Arrow. Sorry.

    If you can stand a little bit of redraw, go with storm, time, radiation, or traps. (These all have either fast activating powers or they're SETUP powers that you use at the beginning of a fight and then blast until the next mob)

    I'd avoid pain and poison, since those are both very clicky and you might go insane from constantly dying while redrawing your bow. (Although I'm sure someone will say "My Archery/Poison Corruptor is awesome and can kill you in PvP") heh!

    Power wise, dark and ice both have synergy with TarPath + Rain of Arrows or Sleet + rain of arrows.

    umm.... thematically? Time of course if you want to be a roman traveling from the past. The time heal works well since it keeps healing for awhile after activation and you have the neat psychedelic dizzy spiral aura...

    Storm is what most people think of when they think of Modern Day Romans... (thanks Thor)

    Or go Dark Secondary and be back-from-the-dead. Once you get the fluffy pet at lvl32 you don't really have to use secondary powers and just can blast away while fluffy debuffs,immobilizes,holds, and does tiny ticks of damage.

    Ok! I need more coffee! (or maybe less....)
  23. You've probably already made your choice but I'm going to throw in my two cents and hope you don't charge a late fee.

    Cold Primary is OK but it has three issues. No Heal for anyone (although you can slot the defender ATO for a bit), it's a bit late blooming (your best debuffs come at high levels), the shields only work on OTHER people, and some people may complain that the ice shields looks annoying or interferes with their graphics.

    Time is really good, but it's effects aren't really very visible. This is totally subjective, I know I'm affecting the battle, but time doesn't make me FEEL like I'm doing as much as a dark or storm toon. Time can also make it really hard to skip a power because everything is pretty good, which can make some builds tight. Although the heals are great!

    Dark Primary is what I'd recommend to you. Every power feels like you're doing something dark, not just "debuffing". Enemies slow down, get stuck in tar, tremble in fear, or are frozen solid! The heal is annoying because it has to hit but it is an AWESOME aoe heal that heals you also! The fluffy pet when you finally pop it out is more useful than most of the tier 3 mastermind pets! Last but not least, there is no other non-incarnate power in the game that matches the feeling of turning a failing rikti raid or even a failing incarnate trial around by popping howling twilight and rezzing 7 (or more on a league?) team mates all at once. You should make a dark. (Also I didn't see Dark as a previously chosen set, but I might have missed it)

    Secondary power I have to second the other people and say go sonic. the -res debuff is good from level 1 and only gets better. The noises can be annoying, but there are ways to fix that. (What the heck is up with the train whistle? "My super power is I swallowed a train whistle!")

    Right! I'm not sure why I wrote all this because it's a wall of text that nobody will read, but I feel better somehow.
  24. I know your concept might not allow it, but it you can do a dark/fire brute or even a fire/dark tank I think you'll get more bang for your buck.

    I don't have numbers to back it up (and I could be wrong) but I certainly FEEL like my fire tank does more damage then my fire scrapper ever dead, just because things stay in "Burn" and die.

    If you roll a dark/fire brute you won't have to worry about generating rage much once you get your fire aura going. (especially if you slot the brute ATO in something)

    If you roll a fire/dark tank you will do surprisingly good AOE damage with the aura and burn, you'll be able to get the max energy resists of 90%, and you'll have TWO heals to get you through tough spots.

    And man, on a tank or brute, just imagine being surrounded by ten targets and hitting "Soul Drain" + "Fiery Embrace" + "Burn"! (This kinda makes me want to roll one up actually) Burn really is that good. It does blaster level nuke damage IF you can get baddies to stand in it.

    But on a scrapper, "Burn" just makes everything run away in opposite directions. I haven't found a good way to generate an AoE immobilize on a scrapper and I hate to depend on having a troller on the team for so much of my damage.
  25. insomniac

    Ok, I give up!

    Time Manipulation does not have a rez.

    I made a bind, "It is your destiny to die here, no matter how time is altered you ALWAYS DIE HERE" and people just "LOL" instead of "Time doesn't have a REZ?".

    Makes Time fun again!

    That is all!