My Ninja/TA build with durable ninjas




I have been lurking forever and read the complaints about ninja fragility and TA being weak. This is not entirely true. So I am posting my build. With this build, ninja do not die against a single spawn.
The problem is their AI. The genin are so stupid that I often find myself against 3 spawns aggroed by genin, at x8 difficulty. Against 2 or 3 spawns, ninja die. I have to resummon. But I survive and can handle 3 spawns even though it is a pain in the neck.

The main features of the build are the following.

- Oil slick arrow is up every spawn.
- EMP arrow is up every spawn solo and almost every spawn in a team.
These two powers are the cornerstone of the build. The build is overslotted
for recharge past ED for these two powers.

- S/L soft-cap
- S/L incarnate cap and energy soft cap with flash arrow and power boost.
Together with bodyguard, this MM is very solid.

- 2 single target holds (1 spammable)
- 1 AoE hold
- 2 hold procs
- 1 AoE sleep
- 1 AoE slow (the best in the game)
- 1 spammable single target immo
- 1 AoE immo
- provoke

Resistance debuffs:
- stackable disruption arrow
- acid arrow
- resistance procs wherever I could fit them: jounins, acid arrow, oil slick arrow
... Some EBs last less than 20 seconds.

Here is the build. I know it can be improved upon because I am not an experienced character builder... So if you have suggestions...

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65945B4F134114C767BB5BCBF6425BAE4540B05CCA451 6AA862713E33D1A4AC|
|A45405FC80616582DDBBA6DA33E7AC1DB93628C1FC244A386 407C51138DFAAEC60F|
|A0511F445F8CC6977ABAE7AF6DD24DB7BF993367E6FCCF999 D499C3BE8BF7FE4C25|
|E21850EA4F46C7636A1677386BD6C5AF39E513D97B7F5942C E8F1D01B298DCD4EE4|
|9797D396366A5AA7F46C73D9C0FEFCC28236699B73A767F7D 976FA6CF8A8B564D88|
|695D3FE35FCC9743AA58D187AC6B416BD4E67226318F361A7 99D02D33934FE93933|
|6D051CCB6173712947AE2D8732E69C56162AA1CF19D07B3E4 2FA7AE97DE8A63FA9A|
|8B8E0162B2E21E2AA70FD14CC17B243E535F88AB9E525F3A2 22F014647153E2B15B|
|CCAA55F00EF3928230A2A0483E9EEFF580554CBF1754990D5 44499B549723DAF13F|
|A4DDD56553C26DD6E5E4FB8FB59EF6585EB5EB4791EB1FF0A D954B649EA70716364|
|5103AED1023E1E73FB9E53EEB5AAA8F94ADD982AEA3E829F9 80D5FC03D3C374A810|
|2D01640FC0878856206916BF024D7347282B975069C66B64C A14FEB85A1257C0663|
|16735B1ACC8036B33DCBBC4AF16A79AEABF629E7D1FE0C445 E12AD5F8FBDAA4F12A|
|2AAD83E098E81E34C997C1B915BE34EDE8B8EA281EABE4E35 6B82CEA63718EBE2BC|
|3B50B34ED4ACF333889A5D239DCDD89F66D44AA158AD88D58 A3DEEAE636E50AC36F|
|8B7C1FF3AAD1145FCE81ADBBA1F80F798B161D61543EEB10D B6DFA0B95D98DBF5DE|
|E5E4D3FB167C077E60F6FDE2DAF6FD61AED3923DD8D39E24C 6C6983BC6C1E3E0047|
|383E6F4E36CF523B78120E805AB99833E30C07C427335C4D3 A071101AE3D01E87D6|
|38BEE74DBF1043A8D710EAF5CD4BE78E350869806DDF4B364 99AE278D5C72467AF3|
|862ABCE215965D1596DD159691720BB24A946C8564E9B6119 233430DD15D82D1041|



I leveld a ninja/FF mastermind to 50 and had a surprisingly huge amount of fun. Ninja are kind've like paper, but paper with vorpal edges that can kill everything!

It probably helped that I leveled a forcefield defender and my favorite strategy was to invite a bunch of blasters and scrappers to the team and kill everything at +2/x8....

Ninja are pretty fun... while you can I suggest everyone who likes masterminds roll up a ninja/time or ff or something +defensey and give it a shot... watching them jump around while enemies die is just silly fun.