If you HATE redraw then you pretty much have to go with Trick Arrow. Sorry.
If you can stand a little bit of redraw, go with storm, time, radiation, or traps. (These all have either fast activating powers or they're SETUP powers that you use at the beginning of a fight and then blast until the next mob)
I'd avoid pain and poison, since those are both very clicky and you might go insane from constantly dying while redrawing your bow. (Although I'm sure someone will say "My Archery/Poison Corruptor is awesome and can kill you in PvP") heh!
Power wise, dark and ice both have synergy with TarPath + Rain of Arrows or Sleet + rain of arrows.
umm.... thematically? Time of course if you want to be a roman traveling from the past. The time heal works well since it keeps healing for awhile after activation and you have the neat psychedelic dizzy spiral aura...
Storm is what most people think of when they think of Modern Day Romans... (thanks Thor)
Or go Dark Secondary and be back-from-the-dead. Once you get the fluffy pet at lvl32 you don't really have to use secondary powers and just can blast away while fluffy debuffs,immobilizes,holds, and does tiny ticks of damage.
Ok! I need more coffee! (or maybe less....)
Okay. Im definatly leaning more towards Time or Dark. The pet in dark sounds good but time has more concepts i can use aswell as +rech powers for RoA.
Is the stealth in Dark a must have power? Because i dont really want to get it. Also what powers would u say not to take in Time?
"We're not tools of the Government or anyone else...
Fighting was the only thing, the only thing I was good at...
But atleast...I always fought for what I believed in!" (Gray Fox)
@Captain Paragon EU @Captain Paragon.
Underpowered, Trick Arrows? I'd love to know where you get that opinion from. Very busy? Certainly. Late blooming? I can grant that, up to a point. Fragile? On its own - yeah, though that can be compensated for. But underpowered... Sorry, just not seeing it.
My current main is, funnily enough, an Archery/Trick arrow Corruptor, and he rocks the house. Either solo or in team, I got powers for pretty much every situation. Sure, I'm pretty fragile, and I need to stay very mobile and on top of things or I'll play Blaster and lick floor, but frankly that can be said of a lot of corruptors.
In the early levels, PGA, Glue and Flash arrows can neuter whole spawns, leaving you free to concentrate on hard targets then mop up the rest. Later on, Acid and Disruption will make the work faster for both you and your team. And in the late levels... 32 to 38 was never as fun as with that toon, with RoA, OSA and EMP back to back.
The strengths of TA are many - I really recommend you read "Silas plays support and so can you" and Luminara's "Trick Arrow Enchiridion" if you don't wanna take my word on it. I'll be happy to discuss any question you have on it, since I'm planning on writing a guide for it as soon as that toon hits 50. PM me if you want.
Two very excellent points from Netphenix5.
Trick Arrow is missing any type of heal or defense and it's debuffing is not as good as dark or radiation... but.... I understand NOTHING beats the sheer joy of Build up + Oil Slick + Blazing Arrow + Rain of Arrows... Pig pile of pincushioned baddies trying to stand up (if they're still somehow alive) in slippery BURNING OIL!!! MUAHAHAHAAHA!
if you have burnout you can do it ALL AGAIN IMMEDIATELY!!! WHOOO!!!
Thor is very norse. I should've said, "Storm is what most people think of when they think of Modern Day Heroes based on ancient god pantheons... (thanks Thor)". Although even this statment is probably wrong since China, Africa, and other world cultures probably have different Ideas. Not to mention people who have only seen the movie think he's an alien from a highly advanced civilization.
I was happier before I had coffee.
Why thank you kind sir.
Trick Arrow is missing any type of heal or defense and it's debuffing is not as good as dark or radiation... but.... I understand NOTHING beats the sheer joy of Build up + Oil Slick + Blazing Arrow + Rain of Arrows... Pig pile of pincushioned baddies trying to stand up (if they're still somehow alive) in slippery BURNING OIL!!! MUAHAHAHAAHA!
- Unlike most other debuffs they are click powers. Not a single toggle in TA, and most of the powers are fairly cheap endurance-wise. However, they do persist after their application, so you can debuff then get to shoot stuff with the endurance you don't waste on targeted toggles.
- Like Archery, most TA powers are more accurate than average, if not plain auto-hit. You'll land your debuffs more easily in the early levels when you're short on accuracy, and you'll learn to love it.
- They recharge pretty damn fast. aside from OSA and EMP, all of them are up every spawn on basic SOs, and even those two can be available almost every spawn with some IOs and global recharge.
- They are individually less potent, but you get more of them, and you can tailor your power use to your needs. Radiation and Dark compress more debuff in less powers but pay for it in end cost and recharge.
- Since it's pure debuff, there's no situational power you can only use given certain conditions, unlike Fallout or Twilight Grasp. The most skippable power of the set is probably Disruption Arrow, and even that is debatable.
Net, while many of your points are valid, there are some counterarguments to them:
1) Yes, they are click powers, but if we compare against other sets, depending on the fight duration, they are not necessarily cheap. Let's look at Radiation Emission, which will use two toggles and a click for it's debuffs. It will use 15.6 endurance + 1.56/second to maintain its debuffs. Lingering Rad will need to be recast every 30 seconds, so overall, it needs 2.08 end/second for debuffs alone.
TA will use Flash Arrow, Glue Arrow, PGA, Disruption Arrow, and Acid Arrow, just to debuff. That is 7.8 + 7.8 + 10.4 + 7.8 + 14.56 = 48.36 endurance per debuff cycle, needing to recast powers anywhere from 20-30 seconds. Let's use 30 seconds. That's an average of 1.612 endurance/second. So you're only saving 0.468 end/second, which can easily be made up.
If the fight lasts only 15 seconds, then TA is spending 48.36 endurance on that 15 second fight, while Radiation is spending only 39. So the "cheapness" of the set depends on the fight.
2) TA will spend more of its time in a long fight debuffing. Since it doesn't have toggles, it needs to reapply the debuffs. Radiation only needs to reapply one power. Dark has two it will need to reapply. Time has three debuffs it can reapply (though it can also use time to apply buffs). TA has 5 debuffs it will need to reapply during the fight. Each of those has an animation time that is not being spent attacking.
Certainly, TA has strengths compared to more toggle-heavy sets, but that can also have drawbacks (no pun intended). There is also the fact that TA uses more powers to get relatively the same effects as other sets. So while other sets can get some more situational powers, if you want to make the best use out of TA, you need to use a lot of powers most of the time.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Those are very good points, and I fully endorse them. TA is a very busy set, and the playstyle won't fit eveyone. I'm hooked on it, but I'm sure others find it a pain.
However, one of the weakness of click VS toggle powers turns to a strength when you consider that none of the major debuff sets (with the exception of Traps) has a mez shield for the player. And once you get mezzed, all those nifty toggles that keep your team alive, like Darkest Night or Radiation Infection, go *poof*.
So not only will you have to reapply them all once you get unmezzed (even if it's a hundredth of a second later) but there's a good chance that the aggro those same debuffs bought you will make you very very dead. With TA, the persistent nature of the debuffs means that you stand a somewhat better chance to get over it and survive. It's not perfect, but it bears mentionning. I know PGA's cloud and Glue's patch have given me the time to use a Break Free and shoot a life-saving Ice Arrow countless time.
I've never been more impressed by a powerset other than Trick Arrow, it's totally underestimated by so many players, and honestly I think thats because it's associated with Archery (sorry archery lovers). So I would never say that's a bad idea.
However I once had a Cold/Archery Defender that I absolutely loved Sleet and Rain of Arrows were on the same recharge timer so that was really nice. Every mob I was able to drop them to nearly half health in a few seconds because Sleet increased the amount of damage Rain of Arrows did. I can't imagine the damage you could do with that combination on a Corruptor because of scourge. Keep in mind I had my Sleet 6 slotted with 1 Endurance Reduction IO and 5 Damage procs, many times that alone would 1 shot minions and Lieutenants while Rain of Arrows had 5 Positron's including the proc and the Javelin Volley proc. You did say you wanted some recharge bonus and while cold does not offer one I found it up every 30ish seconds easily.

Is the stealth in Dark a must have power? Because i dont really want to get it.
For what it's worth though, I just recently rolled up an Archery/Trick Arrow Corruptor and I'm having a ball with her. As someone who has played many Rad, Dark and other debuff based sets, having every power be a click is a refreshing change. It's like being a Blaster but with more toys.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Hello all. Been thinking of making a Archery corrupter. As i purchased the roman costume a while back and have not used the really cool Bow u get with it yet. Im unsure what secondry i want to play and have been looking on the forums. Kin was my first idea lots of dam and +rech for faster RoA etc. But reading up on kin which i have played to 50btw on a controller there seems to be no damage mitigation.
So my question is what secondry do you think is best with archery and why?
Also been looking at traps but not sure if i would like the re-draw all the time others on my shortlist would have to be dark or TA which i know TA is quite underpowered but there would be no re-draw problems.
Anyways any help or idea's from people with expirience would be appriciated thanks
"We're not tools of the Government or anyone else...
Fighting was the only thing, the only thing I was good at...
But atleast...I always fought for what I believed in!" (Gray Fox)
@Captain Paragon EU @Captain Paragon.