Remember the good times!
Back in 08 i was helping this lowbie in atlas park by giving him accelerated metabolism every time it was up. And then he made a post about it on the forums and drew my characters costume. And to this day my toons costume looks exactly the same. It was my rad/psi defender and i still play him. It's the first 50 i actually io'd and got into playing because of being able to solo gms and avs with. Anyway i forgot about this and just remembered today so i searched for it and finally found it. Makes me sad
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What makes this game great, is the fact that somehow, someway, somewhy, many folks just get helpful. I know I've both done it, and received it. I've never felt more welcomed to a community than when someone spontaneously helped out with a Fort, or a AM, etc. IT was a long, long time ago, but I still try to pay it forward as best I can. And love every minute of doing so..
Back when I was leveling a bubble defender and there was one glorious day I managed to get a team with me and SEVEN BLASTERS!
I told everyone to "Stay in the Big Bubble", cranked the difficulty up to +4, and we steamrolled like a turbo charged rocket powered steam roller on steroids. Every four minutes somone would die and remind me to refresh the individual bubbles... good times...
I eventually got tired of buffing everyones shields individually and deleted the toon, TWO days before AOE Bubbles were announced....
No other game out there lets a support toon offer so much support while still being able to blast away.
ahhh the good times in the game.
I remember when AOE buffing came out and null the gull went live.
I remember when level 40 was the top level for villians.
I remember running teams all day with people of the SG/VG and people wh was just passing through.
Hell I remember the days it cost a few inf to chaneg difficulty settings. And I remember the days when I had no idea what the diff settings were and just assumed they were mere titles and wondering..."Hm why are some missions spawning even levels and others are +2s/3s?"
I remember pvp, when it was relatively friendly (i7) time period. Not sure what happened a few issues after that. And people switchign sides to keep the fight going when one side started to thin out or was getting smashed ( on victory server at least).
I remember when demons for MMs came out.
I remember when Katie was the go for farming TF.
I remember the days before IOs, merits, Incarnate stuff and having 25 million or more by 50 was hot stuff.
I remember when Hami enhancements were the cool stuff to have.
I remember Hami raids that happened like clockwork at just about anytime it was spawned.
Oh yes, I remember the mayhem teams just to have more mob and stuff to smash and to fight an hero AV.
Oh yes the good times. I remember the good times.
-Female Player-
I never PvP, but weirdly, my best defender memory was PvP.
On a mid-level flying Storm/Dark (not a PvP build, natch), messing around solo in Siren's Call to buy old school discipline insps for nostalgia's sake, pre-I13, during a winter event. Notice my bounty's a stalker, and I have no perception. Ugh. Roll my eyes and start hoping the stalker leaves zone so I can get a less annoying bounty.
Then I notice my bounty marker is shadowing me. Not attacking, just following at a close distance. I thought it must have been that "stalkers aren't good for anything in PvP except AS" type.
So an idea hits me. I fly up to a rooftop with a present, and click on it. Then, halfway through actually opening it, I interrupt myself by dropping Freezing Rain on top of myself.
Surprise, surprise. Not one, but two stalkers get decloaked out of their AS windups. So they were actually the "stalkers aren't good for anything in PvP except ganking" type. One SS+SJ'd for the hills, but I collected my bounty. Both left the zone before I could gloat in broadcast. Probably for the best.
Nice break from the usual Siren's Call stalker dominated TP-into-a-box gankfest. And I still have some of those discipline insps.
Back in 08 i was helping this lowbie in atlas park by giving him accelerated metabolism every time it was up. And then he made a post about it on the forums and drew my characters costume. And to this day my toons costume looks exactly the same. It was my rad/psi defender and i still play him. It's the first 50 i actually io'd and got into playing because of being able to solo gms and avs with. Anyway i forgot about this and just remembered today so i searched for it and finally found it. Makes me sad