555 -
Id personally like to see new powers as part of any booster. Such as Motorcycle, or Swinglines, things of that nature.
Children of the Blue Kryptonite corn.
And Lois and Clark at the end ... *wipes steam off windows* -
Tonight on Supernatural. the truth hurts. A lot.
Yes there was. it was a big secret project by the Illuminati to create a prison that could hold super villains andthe heroes who didnt register. A bit of a dark gitmo parody.
Yep Adam will punch Clark, and the ground will punch Clarks face.
Everyone will be happy -
You're tellin me. I was wondering how they were gonna top the apocalypse then I saw Sam standing there with a wicked smirk on his face as Dean was turned.
3 words went through my mind and they were What The Heck. Actualy a more colorful metaphor was used but still. The flash of the Master and the two little girls was creeeeeepy. -
Dean, Sam, Vampires.
get out your stakes and garlic we gonna have a good time tonight WOOO!! -
Lois finds religion. The Egyption one that is as shes possessed by the goddess Isis.
They did a full run of the micro eps which built up to the hour long premier a night or so ago.
Iron Man seems theyre trying to do a RDJ version of Stark, im hearing some of the same inflections in the attempt to mimic his voice.
Theyve got a fairly large cast in this series multiple villains and even a few heroes. Barbara Morse AKA Mockingbird makes a brief cameo as a shield agent in one fo the Hulk micro episodes. -
Oh i dont know. The Heroine award given to Sigorney Weaver was pretty good.
I concur having seen it. The cast clearly enjoyed the heck out of making this movie and they worked so well together that it must have been very easy to make the movie.
Looks like my 3 was premature. Tom was like Barbara Billingsly was the symbol of motherhood for a generation, he was a symbol of fatherhood for a generation.
he definately will be missed. -
Would I watch it sure. But im also with the crowd that says it wouldnt be Indiana Jones. Heck I thought the Karate Kid should have been renamed the Kung-Fu kid.
The thing about Barbara was that for an entire generation (not my own granted) she was effectively Mom. She defined the house wife of the 50s and 60s, not so much the stereotype, but she made it cool to be a house wife while still taking on her own challenges,a nd not being cliched about it.
Her role as June Cleaver helped take a small but serious step forward for women actresses. -
Barbara Billingsly best known as June Cleaver passed away at the tender young age of 94
RIP Barbara you'll be missed. -
it also depends on the property and how its marketed and done.
For example a Cloak and Dagger story has greta potential in a WB style environment. plenty of teenage angst, a chance for a great romance story and plenty of opportunities to showcase teen issues such as bullying, runaways, prostitiution and so on and so forth. But if it is done wrong it become beveryhills superheroes 90210 and thus cna be run into the gutter.
The Hulk has potential given the running man/fugitive angle and with the leader and General Ross as villains including the Abomination, Rhino and a few others as villains du jour youve got a strong serial possibility. But it could get formulaic if done wrong.
A power pack series would be perfect for disney family and even abc or disney xd. just keep it light hearted and fun with the rare scarey storyline to make a change of pace. -
Im intrigued by the casting choice to play Bilbo. Martin Freeman who played Arthur Dent in Hitchikers guide.
Bloody hell. RIP Simon.
this show inspired one of my favorite RPG characters, and the love of animals ive held for along tome now especially black panthers. -
All the monsters from different mythos and locals this is getting more and more interesting by the moment.