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  1. I actually instinctively yelled at a car who had seemingly honked at me in game and then felt rather silly for it. Thankfully my cat was the only witness and nobody listens to him anyway.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    I already do this with binds on a lot of characters anyway. Sure, why not.
    Ditto and /signed.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zophar_Shinta View Post
    My understanding of "frankenslotting" is to throw slots into a power just for the IO bonuses.
    Like 6 slotting stamina to fit a full set of Performance shifters. You don't need the 6 slots in the power, you just do it for the set bonus.
    I think it's the exact opposite actually. Not that the term ever seems to hold any sort of continuity.

    Say you're standing around one day going "I need endurance" so you find a bunch of IO's that do things like accuracy/damage/endurance or recharge/endurance, and slot them into your power with little regard to achieving set bonuses.
  4. Blue Steel is closer to Chuck Norris.
  5. I always do 2acc unless the power has a naturally higher ACC value. Most my attacks usually look like 2acc/3dam and then either endredux or rechredux or neither. Pre-DO's I don't slot for anything but accuracy. I don't think 2 acc is really "serious" slotting. At 22+ having 2 acc in every attack is fairly trivial, actually.

    If you can't hit the enemy reliably then you're going to have moments where the RNG works against you and you're going to die, especially if you're going to be fighting higher level enemies. If you don't want too/can't slot more accuracy then lower your difficulty setting to compensate.
  6. Warkupo


    Everything getting hit by RttC will get hit by the to-hit debuff. The value is too low for it to be worth enhancing less you have slots to spare, but if you're soft capped S/L or a melee position you should be mindful of it nonetheless.
  7. We lightly tapped the accelerator and the car exploded, and it's your fault.
  8. By MondoCool logic, we should all be playing City of Heroes: Golden Age. (http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/new...ty_of_her.html)

    Quality of Life changes announce themselves as being for little more than to make things easier and more enjoyable. Pointing out such is a useless endeavor because the proposal already does that. Operating under only the essential requirements might be entirely doable, but it doesn't actually provide much fun.
  9. I loved the hell out of it, and I think it works well for CoV, where the villain is much more precise about how evil he wants to be. In CoH the day gets saved and it doesn't really matter how much particular angst you had on the subject; you're still, more or less, a hero whose goal was to, more or less, save the day. For a villain it's much more useful to have these sort of choice based missions because being a villain is ultimately about being in command of your choices.

    If I had one of these types of Arcs every month I wouldn't even have to look at other games.
  10. I don't like it because I feel bad if I don't use mystic fortune back and so I have to dig it out of my powers list.
  11. I had always been of the opinion that higher buff values were defenders "special thing", but the change to vigilance is a nice extra layer of awesome in addition. It definitely helps speed up soloing, but the remainder of the inherit still does jack diddly in a team scenario so it doesn't really change anything where my defender was concerned with.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    I'm pretty sure they were talking about recharge time/damage dealt.
    Considering that has never been the problem with DP, and there's a discussion about animation times and debuff duration with a giant chart expressing animation time and their effect duration, I'm entirely sure you are wrong.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    I never found DP slow and I took Swap Ammo at 10. Then again, I'm a kin, so I get a nice speed boost.
    They're specifically talking about animation time.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    It's unnecessary, since you can just log in to see what powersets the character has.
    I'm not explaining the benefits of such a feature to someone as thick as you.
  15. We know, you're ****ing awesome, shut up already.

    Can't think of a reason against the OP's idea other than the general "Shouldn't we be doing X with our time instead?"
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    I use it to survive Reviving in combat before I get my toggles back up. Also it holds a LotG +recharge.

    It is a mere shadow of it's former glory.
    Are you saying that MoG isn't as good as it used to be because it won't let you die as efficiently anymore? I'm confused.
  17. So, what, Make everything like a Kheldian? I somehow don't see that working out too well, and I imagine it would be a pain in the *** to try and balance around.

    As it is, pool powers and epics already give quite a bit of diversity options.
  18. MoG is like pausing the game, except you don't.

    Regeneration works off the idea that you can either survive the damage happening to you, or you can't and then you die. Unlike SR, there's relatively little 'luck' involved in your survival beyond the enemies natural crappy accuracy. Being able to completely stop the incoming damage happening to you for 15 seconds allows you time to naturally regenerate HP, while simultaneously "arresting" foes to death to further help ensure that they aren't going to break your heal rate for survival. You heal, you kill, you laugh maniacally. It's an "I Win" button in every sense of the word.

    Defensive Build-UP indeed.
  19. Willpower stands up on its' own, and doesn't do anything gimmicky that might mess up whatever your primary wants to do. Fire/WP will do just fine.
  20. Ninja Run + Hurdle = Super Jump base speed.

    Just throwing that in there.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adelie View Post
    Ragdoll Physics
    This. So many times. More enjoyment has come out of "arrested" enemies potentially neutering themselves than anything else I can think of.
  22. Warkupo

    Malta Sappers

    It takes all kinds. I liked the Malta and finished all of Indigo and Crimson's missions specifically because they represented a challenge that required thought beyond "Smash anyone who isn't me."

    Which isn't to say they were difficult for every character I engaged them with. My Mind/Storm quite gleefully turned them against their friends. My Ar/Dev had them nuked from orbit before anyone even knew he was firing at them.

    my BS/Regen, however, had a fun little go with the bastards, and I'm glad he was my first character who encountered them.

    Ultimately I would want the devs to release content aimed at varying degrees of player skill/masochism. Some days, even I, the paragon of awesome tactical genius, want to just steam roll through freakshow.
  23. Not to say anything about the original idea of a giant arm thingy, but why do the devs need to thematically provide anything. Isn't the basic argument against the idea of Power Armor that the proposed set demands too much on your chosen origin based on the methodology of the animations? Yet for Stalkers we need our entire concept explained for us?

    How is this for a Shield Stalker thematic; I go invisible because I am a stalker. The end. It seemed to work fairly decently for regeneration.

    I could make the argument that I don't think broadsword made sense with Stalker, or that Dual Blades seemed wrong on a brute, but I'd probably be in direct contest with someone else' idea. It isn't as though there's some technical aspect I'm aware of that would disallow a Shield Stalker, so let's have at it already.
  24. @Fleeting Whisper

    Wasting a power is not always a bad thing. Not to infer you said it was, just pointing that out as well. Taking a 'waste' power at a specific point in your build can really help you strengthen other areas that might need it. I usually have a few 'waste' powers in all of my builds.
  25. The only possible downside I can see to this is it might trick people into playing very safely. As in resting every spawn. They already think they need t3h h34l0rz, I would hate to see them making certain everything is utterly perfect before they dare think of advancing an inch.

    I would still take that possibility over standing around like a moron waiting for my knee to become good enough to use again.