Using the Ninja Leap




Ok, so I bought the Martial Arts says I get the Ninja Run and Ninja Leap do I activate them? It says to do so through the costume change interface. And I see the place for "Costume Emote" selection but I'm not sure how to actually do it...can anyone enlighten me?



Okay, you get the power "Ninja Run" - this boosts your speed more than sprint, but less than super speed while at the same time boosting your jump a little more than combat jumping.

"Ninja Leap" is a costume change emote (CCE). If you have more than one costume, you can select it from the drop down menu then the new costume, and it preforms the leap during the change.

You can also use slash commands, although under the slash command you use "ccninjajump" not "ccninjaleap"

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Ninja Run is an inherit power that shows up on your toon once you hit lvl 4. Just click on the powers tab and scroll down and then add it to your power bar. Once you do that, simply click it on as it is a toggle and move as you normally do.



Originally Posted by Timber_Bear View Post
Ninja Run is an inherit power that shows up on your toon once you train to lvl 4. Just click on the powers tab and scroll down and then add it to your power bar. Once you do that, simply click it on as it is a toggle and move as you normally do.
Fix... and nice call, forgot to mention the level four thing.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



The ninja leap is part of the ninja run.

The catch is, you need to be lvl 4 to access it.

I've never gone through the costume change/tailor to apply it. Maybe someone else has a hint about going that route.

I usually just go to the "powers" tab (on your power tray), and select it from the list... it should be in there somewhere for ya.

ETA: dang, my fingers is slow... & I never used the leap emote, so didn't realize there was a separate thing for that.

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Ninja Run:

Ninja Jump:



Please correct me if I'm wrong, but Ninja Run can be used at the same time as regular Sprint. I believe this is because Sprint can be slotted with Run and Jump enhancements while Ninja Run can't be slotted.

I also heard that using Ninja Run in conjunction with a fully slotted Sprint/Swift you can hit the Fly speed cap.



I believe that's accurate.
I use it to great effect on all my "no movement power" characters and it basically turns fitness into a travel power when treated properly.

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Ninja Run + Hurdle = Super Jump base speed.

Just throwing that in there.



In the 30s, with 3 slots each in Swift & Hurdle (and assuming you keep Sprint on and it has a Run SO), Ninja Run'll give you roughly 51mph running, 63mph jumping (only about 4mph below the speed cap at that point) and a 40ft jump height (more than enough to get over most obstacles you'd need to when travelling; and there's always the Good vs Evil Jump Pack when you need to get over a chasm or up onto a bridge [IP], highway [Skyway], or into Spider City [GV]).



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Ninja Run can be used at the same time as regular Sprint. I believe this is because Sprint can be slotted with Run and Jump enhancements while Ninja Run can't be slotted.
Actually, it's because Sprint isn't in Fly_Group, Leap_Group, or Run_Group.



On my pistols/kin corr, ninja run + sprint + siphon speed (not slotted for runspeed) is enough to hit the run speed cap, at least in the mid 20s. Not sure if I'll be able to hit it at higher levels.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Actually, it's because Sprint isn't in Fly_Group, Leap_Group, or Run_Group.
Ninja Run isn't in Fly_Group either.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Ninja Run isn't in Fly_Group either.
Hmmmm, maybe the point it that Ninja Run is coded to not work with other powers in those groups, but since Sprint doesn't fit into them it works.