Stalker Armor Set: Strike Gauntlet




Strike Gauntlet

For whatever reason or another, you’ve got a big hand or attached to your hand is an oversized piece of armor or glove. You can perform feats with this piece of equipment not normally capable with a normal sized hand, such as using it like a shield. This is a direct analog of Shield Defense so would only be available to Stalkers with altered mechanics to keep in form with the style of the AT while still retaining the offensive flavor of SD.

Notes: This custom weapon would attach to where the gloves go and would lock the user into smooth glove options with the custom option of ‘Gauntlet’ that goes over it. This custom option will ultimately be a ‘big hand’ (think something like Nightmare). Custom options would include left hand, left hand+arm, right hand, right hand+arm, both hands and both hands + arms. Custom models could include a sort of phantom energy hand, a flaming hand, a molten magma hand, an ice covered hand, a tech arm, a demonic hand or a normal looking hand that is just oversized with a few glove options.

1. Hide (Toggle stealth +def) Peeka-boo!

2. Forearm (Toggle +def vs melee, +res vs smash/lethal/-def) By simply raising your arm up, you can deflect many melee attacks as well as soften most physical attacks.

3. Swat (Toggle +def vs range/AoE, +res vs –def) Your gauntlet works effectively as a shield and enables you to swat away ranged and area attacks as if they were just annoying pests.

4. Active Defense (copy of Shield Defense mez protection)

5. Knuckle (passive +Max HP, +res vs fire/cold/energy/neg energy/toxic) Keep those knuckles loose because you’ve got a hulking hand attached to you. Since there’s more of you, there’s more to take down.

6. Strike! (passive +ToHit, *special*) That massive hand o’ yours is hard to get away from. With that long reach and those big knuckles, it’s simply easier to hit and countering after a block will result in a big-time *Punch* to your attack power. Note: this would give you some sort of offensive bonus after using Block! that would basically amount to another 'placate' in that it only last for the next attack. It could be a big +dmg bonus or a +crit% chance or both

7. Block! (click PBAoE ally moderate +def all, self moderate +def vs melee/range, high +res to all except psi, *special*) Reach out that huge hand and palm any attack that’s aimed at you for a time while nearly nullifying the damage of any attack that you palm thrust away. Any nearby allies within 10ft of you will also get some cover. Incidentally, reaching out your hand sets up nearby foes for a hefty Strike! if they’re in reach. Note: This would be similar to Shadow Meld and Moment of Glory in that it gives you a defense bonus for 15 sec. It also bolsters resistance by a great amount but only for a very short time (like 3 sec) as well as activating the special of Strike! The team +def would be short lived as well (3-5 sec).

8. Flick (click cone minor smashing dmg, foe knockback) Because that’s how insignificant the foe is. Nothing but tiny insects.

9. God Hand (click +res vs all except psi, mez, +Dmg) It’s not pretty when you really cut loose with that huge arm…really it’s not…ouch… Note: This trades in the +Max HP and Recovery of One with the Shield and replaces it with just +Dmg



Direct ripoff of SD. Boring.



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
Direct ripoff of SD. Boring.
Lol, the custom weapon options are enough not to be boring.

Personally, I'd love this set for custom enemy groups in MA. Walking in a mission to see a bunch of normal guys, then engage them and they all grow hulking arms out of nowhere and start punching you? Pure coolness, IMO.

Also, this would look amazing on Super Strength characters (whenever stalkers get that) as well as dark melee and energy melee.

PS: Yeah it's a ripoff of SD...because Stalkers don't get SD. Or did that logic escape you?



I don't know how to express my distaste with this suggestion in a productive way... so I will let other posters do the rude for me. That is all.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Walking in a mission to see a bunch of normal guys, then engage them and they all grow hulking arms out of nowhere and start punching you? Pure coolness, IMO.
lolwut? How is a ridiculously disproportionate arm anything but... ridiculous?




You can't see me!

*peeks* Did it work?




Only if we get the gauntlet as an option for shields too.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
Only if we get the gauntlet as an option for shields too.
I could see that except the Shield powerset already locks out certain powersets. I suggested custom-glove type armor because it frees the hand nodes so sets like claws and spines could be paired with the set (because half a stalker's powersets would be locked from a SD version).

Now if Shield Defense was open to all sets but simply locked it into Gauntlet mode depending on the offensive set you pair it with...



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
PS: Yeah it's a ripoff of SD...because Stalkers don't get SD. Or did that logic escape you?
Seems more appropriate to just give Stalkers Shield Defense and have some oversized gauntlet options added to Shield Defense.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Seems more appropriate to just give Stalkers Shield Defense and have some oversized gauntlet options added to Shield Defense.
Yeah, and I was just thinking that it would have been cool if the stalker got SD just the other day.

P.S. I love the concept of this alternate setting for SD as a giant gauntlet+vambrace+cowter+pualdron.



I....sorta like it...
But it works about as well for Stalkers as it does 'Shiny Rianbow Aura with Sparkles!' armour set.

I mean, firey and electrical armour are kinda lolwhut for stalkers as it is, but at least you can sort of hand wave (excuse the pun) it (It was magic. Yesss)
Much as I'd love to play Nightmare in game, this isnt the way to do it, sorry.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
But it works about as well for Stalkers as it does 'Shiny Rianbow Aura with Sparkles!' armour set.
Not sure what you're getting at here. That the armor set doesn't explain why you're invisible? Well only 3 armor sets thematically turn you invisible, Dark Armor (shadow), Ninjutus (you're a ninja) and Energy Aura (since Energy Cloak is in the alternate version too).

Armor sets don't need to explain the invisibility, it just needs to complement the style (i.e. no taunts, no buff auras and works 100% while in stealth). Or are we explaining how having willpower, regenerating fast or having enhance reflexes somehow makes you impossible to see?



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
lolwut? How is a ridiculously disproportionate arm anything but... ridiculous?
I missed this because it was an edit but...

Big and 'Ridiculous' is 'in' now. Get with the times

The era of colored spandex and vanilla super strength and flight, while still strongly present, is downplayed. Having 4 arms or mutated oversized arms is far more noticeable to all and more interesting to some.

There are also many possible concepts applicable for such an option (how many mutant-looking options do we have that really stand out?). And let's not forget the hero from the comic Generator Rex. Although he can transform his hands into a lot of stuff, his most prominent attack is just his fists.

Another NCSoft MMO also has the 'big arm' attacker, if you've never heard of Blade and Soul (to be released next year but you can check out videos if you google the name).



Other MMOs have it, guys, we should have it too!



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
Other MMOs have it, guys, we should have it too!
Other people have it, so I guess we shouldn't! Never mind the game is almost a universal super hero emulator.



Interesting way to proliferate shield defense to stalkers.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
5. Knuckle (passive +Max HP, +res vs fire/cold/energy/neg energy/toxic) Keep those knuckles loose because you’ve got a hulking hand attached to you. Since there’s more of you, there’s more to take down.
The concept sounds strange.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
6. Strike! (passive +ToHit, *special*) That massive hand o’ yours is hard to get away from. With that long reach and those big knuckles, it’s simply easier to hit and countering after a block will result in a big-time *Punch* to your attack power. Note: this would give you some sort of offensive bonus after using Block! that would basically amount to another 'placate' in that it only last for the next attack. It could be a big +dmg bonus or a +crit% chance or both

7. Block! (click PBAoE ally moderate +def all, self moderate +def vs melee/range, high +res to all except psi, *special*) Reach out that huge hand and palm any attack that’s aimed at you for a time while nearly nullifying the damage of any attack that you palm thrust away. Any nearby allies within 10ft of you will also get some cover. Incidentally, reaching out your hand sets up nearby foes for a hefty Strike! if they’re in reach. Note: This would be similar to Shadow Meld and Moment of Glory in that it gives you a defense bonus for 15 sec. It also bolsters resistance by a great amount but only for a very short time (like 3 sec) as well as activating the special of Strike! The team +def would be short lived as well (3-5 sec).
I think these two powers are the new thing, and they look quite good and thematic for stalkers. I think they are interesting variation of the original powers.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
8. Flick (click cone minor smashing dmg, foe knockback) Because that’s how insignificant the foe is. Nothing but tiny insects.
I would love something better and more interesting for this power.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
Other people have it, so I guess we shouldn't! Never mind the game is almost a universal super hero emulator.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But my point was that the concept, while different, isn't ridiculous. At least no more ridiculous than many other comic concepts. It exists in comics and games alike, so how out of place would it be here?

That said, I'd like it if the option were available to use an oversized gauntlet arm/arms for SD across all melee if for only the costume option availability as well as allowing the combination of SD with sets like Dual Blades and Spines.

I'm actually more surprised posters got hung up on the concept and not the technical limitations. Like, would we even be able to substitute the glove costume piece with a big ol' chunky claw like the dwarf arm

or if it would require alteration to the character skeletal model or clipping concerns with weapons or clipping with the body during emotes and animations...yeah, none of that was even touched on >_>

Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
I would love something better and more interesting for this power.
I was going to give it a Shield Charge clone then considered giving them a powerful ST attack but I dunno...From what I've heard around on the boards, Shield Charge might be in for a little nerf. I hope not but if so, I thought it'd be more constructive to just put in a skippable controlly power in its place for Stalkers. If it's not too powerful though, I could see replacing Flick with Claw, a teleporting AoE attack where the user reaches out and claws at the ground then pulls their body in with it.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post

You can't see me!

*peeks* Did it work?

So you're opposed to every Stalker armor other than Dark and Ninjitsu?

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
So you're opposed to every Stalker armor other than Dark and Ninjitsu?
Energy Aura: Bend light particles around yourself.
Super Reflexes: So quick you can leap out of line of sight and be ninja-stealthy without using toys
Willpower: Mind Control/Jedi Mind Trick
Ninjitsu: Hide in Shadows
Dark Armor: Shadows Hide me.
Regeneration and Electric Aura: You got me there.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Regeneration and Electric Aura: You got me there.

Moot point then, don't you think?

Besides that, I *did* remark about the custom options available to the set. Just like Shield Defense has several different options that make various concepts possible, since this would be the Stalker version of SD, it'd only be fair to do the same with tech and elemental options:

>Phantom-Energy glove = a hand-shaped mass of energy coming from your arm. You could RP that you can cover your entire body with such energy to bend light like Energy Aura or perhaps you're just a phantom energy being that can diffuse his body through different levels of photon radiation in and out of the visible spectrum.

>Darkness Claw = a menacing looking claw comprised of pure darkness. Again, you can simply be a creature that can change himself partially into shadow (and harder to see) or you control said darkness and cover your body in shadow.

>Tech Arm = A piece of advanced technology that is an extension of your arm (or you simply are full robot with a large hand). Cloaking device, pure and simple.

>Magic Gauntlet = That happens to contain a spell of invisibility.

>Mutated Appendage = If you can make your arm bulk out and shrink (turn toggles on and off), maybe you can shrink your body so it's easier to hide or developed a chameleon mutation that helps you blend in with surroundings.



No. I don't think it's a moot point.

I think the reason those two were put in was for the same reason Super Reflexes was burnt to the fooundation and got toys to be called "Ninjitsu". They didn't have enough stalker sets, yet, and made the incredibly odd decision to toss those two in, regardless of their not making sense.

That is not carte blanche to continue doing it. Otherwise you'd already have Shield and Fire for stalkers.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
That is not carte blanche to continue doing it. Otherwise you'd already have Shield and Fire for stalkers.

But we are getting Fire for Stalkers. It's just a matter of time.

Shield, however, has no thematic reason not to be ported except that many of the powers work counter to the loner hidden assassin's fighting style (Phalanx Fighting, Grant Cover and Against All Odds). The devs have even said as much that the set isn't mechanically suited for Stalkers.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
But we are getting Fire for Stalkers. It's just a matter of time.

Shield, however, has no thematic reason not to be ported except that many of the powers work counter to the loner hidden assassin's fighting style (Phalanx Fighting, Grant Cover and Against All Odds). The devs have even said as much that the set isn't mechanically suited for Stalkers.
Please link to the Dev statement that we're getting Fire Stalkers.

As for Shields I think it's a combination of both Mechanic and theme. They could drop Phalanx Fighting for Hide, turn Against All Odds into a passive damage boost, and replace Grant Cover with a "Selfish" Buff. Like a passive damage resistance or defense bonus. But THEMATICALLY it's retarded. "I duck behind my shield so you can't see me!"

So while there are easily surmountable mechanical differences, there are unsurmountable thematic differences.




Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
I think these two powers are the new thing, and they look quite good and thematic for stalkers. I think they are interesting variation of the original powers.
I think they're in the wrong order. Strike gives +tohit and a special bonus after you use Block... but it's not possible to have Block when you get Strike.



Why do I gotta do all your work for you?

But fine.





Okay. So BaBs actually said "I could See That" and Castle (the guy who's opinion mattered) said "Sure" to a large list of things which Shields and Fire were both on. I'll give you about 1/2 credit on that one. The half being on Fire.
