Stalker Armor Set: Strike Gauntlet




Well, you only asked for the fire melee post but again, why do I have to do all your work?

And if you read a few posts of their's in that thread, BaB's opinion probably mattered more on that round of proliferation. He specifically said they proliferated what would require the least animation work because of all the Power Customization work. If they did Fire Melee, they'd most likely have to put in Fiery Aura too. Broadsword only required the 1 animation so they went with that.



The Onus of proof lies on the person presenting it as part of their position.




Yeah, I know. When you make statements saying "The devs only gave Stalkers Regen and Elec Armor because the AT *needed* sets and would not have otherwise" shouldn't you have to prove yourself right? Prove that they didn't proliferate those and future sets for thematic reasons?



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
I think the reason those two were put in was for the same reason Super Reflexes was burnt to the foundation and got toys to be called "Ninjitsu". They didn't have enough stalker sets, yet, and made the incredibly odd decision to toss those two in, regardless of their not making sense.
That is why I don't need to link to a Dev post.

Using Critical thinking based on the sets provided and the method of implementation I deduced a logical but not necessarily factual conclusion. Without direct Dev confirmation it's conjecture. But it's reasoned conjecture.




Ah, sneaky uncertainty statements...Well next time I can simply just quote something like:

"They didn't have enough stalker sets, yet, and made the incredibly odd decision to toss those two in, regardless of their not making sense."

And invalidate the argument with a simple 'No', right?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Ah, sneaky uncertainty statements...Well next time I can simply just quote something like:

"They didn't have enough stalker sets, yet, and made the incredibly odd decision to toss those two in, regardless of their not making sense."

And invalidate the argument with a simple 'No', right?
Pssssssst! Taking part of a full statement out of context is bad, Mmkay? That was part of the same statement, just required it's own sentence.

As for the full conjecture: You can state that you disagree and offer up your own belief as to why they were added, but it doesn't invalidate my argument since they're -both- conjecture. There is no way to invalidate my argument without direct Dev confirmation of an alternate conjecture or straight denial of mine.




Not to say anything about the original idea of a giant arm thingy, but why do the devs need to thematically provide anything. Isn't the basic argument against the idea of Power Armor that the proposed set demands too much on your chosen origin based on the methodology of the animations? Yet for Stalkers we need our entire concept explained for us?

How is this for a Shield Stalker thematic; I go invisible because I am a stalker. The end. It seemed to work fairly decently for regeneration.

I could make the argument that I don't think broadsword made sense with Stalker, or that Dual Blades seemed wrong on a brute, but I'd probably be in direct contest with someone else' idea. It isn't as though there's some technical aspect I'm aware of that would disallow a Shield Stalker, so let's have at it already.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
The Onus of proof lies on the person presenting it as part of their position.
And in a debate, the burden of proof shifts back and forth. While the burden initially lies with the side making the ontologically positive claim, it quickly moves around, unless one side gives up the fight (or starts resorting to fallacies) or the debate is forced to cease.

It's your turn to present some support for your argument, since Leo already did. And claiming to give him half credit doesn't give you an out, because the burden of proof in a debate is not so strict as even in a civil court. Either support your argument, or stop waffling and admit defeat.



Forbin... You're honestly saying I need proof or evidence of my own opinions, beliefs, and conjecture? That's patently ridiculous. And if you are going to be a proctor you're well aware of that.

It is my opinion that this set is a bad idea. Thematically bad. I also believe that the devs haven't put in Shield or Fire defense for stalkers because they are thematically inappropriate. I believe the "Mechanically Inappropriate" argument is faulty since the Devs obviously have no problem altering a set (Dark Armor lost it's AoE damage effect and it's stealth power in exchange for Hide and an always on defense boost)

Sure, BaBs has said he wouldn't mind animating a fire stalker defense set, but it's not his decision. And the evidence presented that Castle might consider it was a sweeping generalization in which he could have been talking about any one, two, three, or however many of the powerset proliferation suggestions in the post.

If this were an argument about simple fact, sure. I could defend my position, and he could defend his. But it's purely a matter of opinion. And my opinion is that the devs shouldn't waste time on thematically inappropriate sets. Specifically the Facepalm set. And that is what I will, forever, call it. If it is implemented I will -still- call it Facepalm Defense.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Sure, BaBs has said he wouldn't mind animating a fire stalker defense set, but it's not his decision. And the evidence presented that Castle might consider it was a sweeping generalization in which he could have been talking about any one, two, three, or however many of the powerset proliferation suggestions in the post.
Can't remember who or where but I remember reading one of the devs saying they'd proliferate every set to every applicable AT, i.e. Blasters will get Dark Blast, Defenders will get Fire blast, Tankers will get Energy Aura, etc etc. I'd imagine there'd be exceptions due to balance (might never see Regen Tanks) but I think they're not going to hold anything back due to individual concept disputes.

It is my opinion that this set is a bad idea. Thematically bad.
Fair enough. I never claimed the idea was the best...

But what about aesthetically? What say you if Brutes had a gauntlet shield option that took the place of the glove piece to free up the hand node so they can pair Shield Defense with Claws and Dual Blades?

I believe the "Mechanically Inappropriate" argument is faulty since the Devs obviously have no problem altering a set (Dark Armor lost it's AoE damage effect and it's stealth power in exchange for Hide and an always on defense boost)
Don't see how this disproves that argument seeing as every damage aura in an armor set is replaced with hide.

But it's purely a matter of opinion.
And how, exactly, is Shield Defense thematically inappropriate? I'm just your opinion, of course.



The point is that every stalker set has a power called hide and it's up to you to explain what methods you use, which might be unrelated to the set's other powers. Any armor can work with that.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Shield defense is thematically inappropriate because you use Hide based on your powers. If your only defensive power is "I use a shield" it's "I duck behind my shield!" Which blocks you from the targets sight. But if a floating shield, unwielded by a person floated up towards a Longbow agent... It just seems ridiculous. I can buy "Dark" since most of the game is shadow-heavy. I can buy ninjitsu and energy, even SR. But seriously. Floating customizable hunk of metal doesn't draw attention?

Or, worse, Facepalm Defense. "I hide behind my hand!" You even wrote "Peek A Boo!" in the description of the power! Are all the enemies in the game infant level intelligence, now? Where putting a hand in front of your face is enough to convince them you've gone away?

Either every NPC in the game (and PCs but only during PvP) is an utter retard, which invalidates most plots, stories, arcs, and efforts perpetuated by Nemesis (i.e. all of them) or the player gets to try and come up with a mystical and fun reason why putting their GIANT hand in front of their face makes noone else capable of seeing them.

How about a strange and odd suggestion! Try developing a stalker set -without- hide! Give it 2 placate powers, instead. And have one of the placate powers basically revolve around interposing that titanic arm between yourself and your target. Now you can freely give the set -more- defense than any other stalker gets, since he's got to survive combat until most enemies are down before he can use Assassin's Strike. One placate instead of Hide, and one Placate from their primary powerset. It might be ugly. But it's better than Facepalm.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
But if a floating shield, unwielded by a person floated up towards a Longbow agent... It just seems ridiculous. I can buy "Dark" since most of the game is shadow-heavy. I can buy ninjitsu and energy, even SR. But seriously. Floating customizable hunk of metal doesn't draw attention?
By that logic, ninja blade, broadsword or any costume piece that isn't suppose to be your skin is inappropriate for a Stalker to use because there would be a floating sword, a floating hat, a pair of floating glasses, etc.

This isn't some sort of conceptual brick wall here. What I think is (see, I put an uncertainty statement in there but the following is backed up by critical thinking and reason conjecture) you simply have an irrational hate toward stalkers. Because every hater of the AT that makes up this argument is ultimately trying to stifle future sets available to them. No doubt so they're not 'ganked' by a Fire melee or SD stalker or something?

But if we're using logic here, no, a Stalker, if they could turn invisible, can do the same for all their equipment (sword, shield, armor, hands).

Or, worse, Facepalm Defense. "I hide behind my hand!" You even wrote "Peek A Boo!" in the description of the power! Are all the enemies in the game infant level intelligence, now? Where putting a hand in front of your face is enough to convince them you've gone away?
Did you read the other power descriptions? Yeah, there's a brash, 'I don't care', in-your-face tone to all the powers. With the sentence structure and vocab in there, you'd figure people would grasp that you're not hiding behind your hand but rather appearing with a large hand out of nowhere.

How about a strange and odd suggestion! Try developing a stalker set -without- hide! Give it 2 placate powers, instead. And have one of the placate powers basically revolve around interposing that titanic arm between yourself and your target. Now you can freely give the set -more- defense than any other stalker gets, since he's got to survive combat until most enemies are down before he can use Assassin's Strike. One placate instead of Hide, and one Placate from their primary powerset. It might be ugly. But it's better than Facepalm.
Interesting premise. It's actually partially the angle I was going. But I didn't want to remove hide because hide is integral to a Stalker's style for both offense and defense. It's the whole idea of Assassin's Strike too considering it's interrupt-able.

But notice from my OP the powers Strike! and Block! do exactly what you're talking about. Strike! buffs ToHit passively, Block! is basically putting your shield up to stop incoming attacks for a short time and activates a pseudo-placate offensive buff in Strike!. Similar mechanics to Placate activating Hide's assassination ability.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Shield defense is thematically inappropriate because you use Hide based on your powers.
Yes, you do it with the power hide. None of the others.

Most of the sets have non-obvious sources of hide. Even dark and ninjitsu don't specify what you do to hide. If you RP it with explanations, you're doing exactly the same thing you would do with ANY armor set. Shields are no less appropriate than most of the other sets, but the shield POWERS are inappropriate to stalkers.

Every stalker armor is about how you defend after being seen.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
But THEMATICALLY it's retarded
Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
is an utter retard
As mature as the rest of your argument seems to be, it bothers me that you would use the word "retarded" in such a way. If you mean "stupid" say that, don't use a legitimate diagnosis for those who are developmentally disabled as a synonym for idiotic. Just as one shouldn't say "gay" in that same way, for that same reason. It perpetuates negative stereotypes.



I was under the impression that Shield defense isn't on stalkers for the same reason that Ice Melee isn't on brutes,The powers that make up the set are counter-intuitive to the mechanics of the AT.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
I was under the impression that Shield defense isn't on stalkers for the same reason that Ice Melee isn't on brutes,The powers that make up the set are counter-intuitive to the mechanics of the AT.
Yup, you're right. That's why I suggested a set with changes in-line with the AT's style and strategies (removing Phalanx Fighting (what kind of strategic assassin fights in a phalanx!?) Grant Cover and Against all Odds with Hide, Strike! and Block!).

The whole Gauntlet thing was since the set would function uniquely, it could have a unique look too not to mention usable with those sets that can't be paired with Shield Defense.

Since discussion in the thread, the idea of extending the gauntlet option to the other melees as a customize option of SD was put on the table. But since posters like Thirty-seven and Steampunkette are reluctant to actually discuss that, put them on the list as people who think Claw/SD Brutes or Dual Blade/SD scrappers are 'retarded' and don't want you to have them



Considering that's why I can't have poison on other ATs, I like the option to customize Sheilds to gauntlets better.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Considering that's why I can't have poison on other ATs, I like the option to customize Sheilds to gauntlets better.
The custom shield option and the proposed stalker version of the set are a bundle. You can't have one without the other >_>



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
The custom shield option and the proposed stalker version of the set are a bundle. You can't have one without the other >_>
Sure you can... it just wouldn't be the idea you proposed.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Sure you can... it just wouldn't be the idea you proposed.
No you can't cause you can't have it. It's my idea.



EXCUSE ME, SIR! this is MY cake, and I'll both eat it, and have it, if so please!

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Fine you can have the cake and I'll have SD slightly redesigned to work for stalkers



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
As mature as the rest of your argument seems to be, it bothers me that you would use the word "retarded" in such a way. If you mean "stupid" say that, don't use a legitimate diagnosis for those who are developmentally disabled as a synonym for idiotic. Just as one shouldn't say "gay" in that same way, for that same reason. It perpetuates negative stereotypes.
You're right. And I'd like to apologize. I should have said thematically obtuse.

I am terribly sorry if I've offended anyone!




Having reread this old thread, I'm actually quite surprised how big a tool Thirty-seven and Steamp were being about the concept. Especially considering the advances such an addition would have.

Looking back on the idea, the mechanics seem sound and would work well for what a Stalker needs to accomplish, adds a bit of team-aid (just not as much as the other melees), provides customization to explain invisibility beyond some current sets like WP, Electric Armor, Regen and SR while opening up set combos for every melee so you can have your Claws/SD brutes, SD/DB tankers and Spines/SD scrappers.

Not only does it do all that while giving SD to Stalkers, but it would look amazingly cool with a lot of concepts. All you have to do is look at the Dwarf Form claws or the new PPD gauntlet+pauldron combo and see how cool those look.

I'm still interested to hear what people have to say about the limitations of the idea or if they even want to pair sets like SD with Claws or Dual Blades or if using a gauntlet(or gauntlets) with claws is adequate enough a compromise for not being able to hold a shield and on the same node as where the claws are.