Default idle animations




Anyone ever create a bum character and wonder why you can't automatically set your idle to ;panhandle? Or maybe you have a raver that you want to put on ;dance? Doesn't it look out of character for them to have their hands at their hips, all hero-like? For some, the importance of having their cop munching on a donut or drinking coffee over looking heroic creates that bit of character that just makes things fun.

I say implement default idle animations with a /idle command and a menu in the animations. Easy stuff. Automatically idle to the last idle used perhaps?



Hm. So basically, whenever your character reaches the state that /em none brings you to, they immediately shift to the emote specified as your idle?

You'd want to specify a limited subset of emotes for this, I think. None that make sounds, none that create particles. But other than that, I could see it being very handy. /em crouch for feral characters or lurkers, /em atease for military types, /em warmup or /em yoga for martial artists - this has potential.

Of course, it depends on how difficult it would be to implement and how much it can break...

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I'd like some idle animations that don't consist of "stand like a chump", "stand with arms akimbo" and "crossed arms". They're such unnatural looking poses.

I used the "wait" and "vendor" emotes to create the poses for this picture - I would really like something like those to be possible idle animations.

Ideally, you could choose from "idle animation sets" at character creation/tailoring - like "heroic", "military", "casual", etc.



The ability to customize our idle animations is something I've wanted to see for years, myself. Selecting out of pre-existing emotes is cool, I guess, though I'd still feel odd with my character sitting down every time I let go of the movement controls.

Let's see what the Going Rogue mood emotes are and see if we can't work from there.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Let's see what the Going Rogue mood emotes are and see if we can't work from there.
By "mood," I assume that you mean "stance"?



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
I already do this with binds on a lot of characters anyway. Sure, why not.
Ditto and /signed.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
By "mood," I assume that you mean "stance"?
Probably. I'm going off memory here, but I mean the new emotes that come with Going Rogue.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The ability to customize our idle animations is something I've wanted to see for years, myself. Selecting out of pre-existing emotes is cool, I guess, though I'd still feel odd with my character sitting down every time I let go of the movement controls.

Let's see what the Going Rogue mood emotes are and see if we can't work from there.
Maybe only have standing idle emotes with sitting ones triggered after an alloted time, like 2 mins or so