Is there even a reason to grab MoG?




I'm seeing through Mids' that it only lasts 15 seconds. Is that really worth grabbing at all? Or is it worth skipping?



Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
I'm seeing through Mids' that it only lasts 15 seconds. Is that really worth grabbing at all? Or is it worth skipping?
15 seconds is more than enough time to grab an alpha strike or give you essential invulnerability when taking tremendous incoming fire. It's a mistake if you don't take it.



Why would you ever want a quickly recharging, no crash god mode on a character that can regen to full in like 15 seconds...?



As the others have illuded to, when playing /regen, it helps to think harmonically when managing the green bar.

It's also great for a variety of sets.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Think of it as a Defensive Build Up. Whenever you need time to recover or know you're going to get the beat down, use that readily available Moment of Glory and save the day!

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Think about when/ if you'll use it, and how much you'll actually use it.
Take it if you feel like you'll need it, respec out of it if you don't.
No point in having a power that you never use, right?



Never skip MoG. It's as god mode as god mode gets. Great power. If you regen 45 HP/sec, which is average for a /Regen Scrapper, you can recover 675 HP in that 15 seconds. Never skip it.

Crazy, because before the great Regen change, I hated MoG.



Thanks for the responses.

How do you get 45HP/sec as a Regen Scrapper? Does that rely on IO bonuses? Because even if I frankenslot Health, Fast Healing, and Integration, I'm only getting 32HP/sec... doesn't seem like average, for me anyway...



You will need set bonuses to achieve 45hp/s but your character will be more survivable if they had more melee positional defense.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
Thanks for the responses.

How do you get 45HP/sec as a Regen Scrapper? Does that rely on IO bonuses? Because even if I frankenslot Health, Fast Healing, and Integration, I'm only getting 32HP/sec... doesn't seem like average, for me anyway...
32/sec sounds about right...without Dull Pain. Regeneration works off max HP, not base HP, so a fully slotted DP at 50 will boost your individual regen ticks from ~65 HP to ~105 while it's up.



Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
Thanks for the responses.

How do you get 45HP/sec as a Regen Scrapper? Does that rely on IO bonuses? Because even if I frankenslot Health, Fast Healing, and Integration, I'm only getting 32HP/sec... doesn't seem like average, for me anyway...
45 h/s would be closer to average for a level 50 Regen scrapper while fully slotted Dull Pain was up. Dull Pain is another one of those Regen powers that, while optional, is probably a really good idea to take.

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Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
Thanks for the responses.

How do you get 45HP/sec as a Regen Scrapper? Does that rely on IO bonuses? Because even if I frankenslot Health, Fast Healing, and Integration, I'm only getting 32HP/sec... doesn't seem like average, for me anyway...
You get it from regen bonuses and HP. With dull pain on, look at your HP/sec rate. Your regen % won't go up by clicking DP but your HP/sec will. So, about 600% regen and the HP cap, you are good to go.

Edit: heh. Someone beat me to it. Thats what I get for stopping to do actual work... At work.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
45 h/s would be closer to average for a level 50 Regen scrapper while fully slotted Dull Pain was up. Dull Pain is another one of those Regen powers that, while optional, is probably a really good idea to take.
Technically, most powers are optional.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by kirbyrockz View Post
Thanks for the responses.

How do you get 45HP/sec as a Regen Scrapper? Does that rely on IO bonuses? Because even if I frankenslot Health, Fast Healing, and Integration, I'm only getting 32HP/sec... doesn't seem like average, for me anyway...
Also, you really want the +HP accolades. I was very surprised how much of a difference they made on my regen.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Also don't forget the +recovery bonus in MoG. Not usually an issue with a /regen, but very helpful if you have been sapped/drained etc. Also tremendously helpful in PvP.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



If you can't find a use for a god-mode power, even one that lasts only 15 seconds, on a regen scrapper, then we need some kind of scrapper manual in here... lol.

But like it was mentioned earlier, it's great for taking alpha hits on a secondary that is often vulnerable to them due to its unique nature. Also when you get the common scrapper urge of doing a 'watch this', you click that power first and your chances of survival go up dramatically.



Originally Posted by Spizzie View Post
Never skip MoG. It's as god mode as god mode gets. Great power. If you regen 45 HP/sec, which is average for a /Regen Scrapper, you can recover 675 HP in that 15 seconds. Never skip it.

Crazy, because before the great Regen change, I hated MoG.
Well back then MoG also had one serious drawback.. When you clicked it YEAH while active you were invincible but the goofy thing drained your Hitpoints into the red. You needed to defeat whatever it was in front of you before it wore off or be ready to run and have some awakes handy. Now you can click it at full strength and STAY at full strength no moatter what is TRYING desperately to hit you until it wears off. LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Think of it as a Defensive Build Up. Whenever you need time to recover or know you're going to get the beat down, use that readily available Moment of Glory and save the day!
Unless it's Psionic damage.



Unless MoG was changed recently, it's really 12 seconds and not 15, as you spend the first 3 seconds locked in the animation.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Well back then MoG also had one serious drawback.. When you clicked it YEAH while active you were invincible but the goofy thing drained your Hitpoints into the red. You needed to defeat whatever it was in front of you before it wore off or be ready to run and have some awakes handy. Now you can click it at full strength and STAY at full strength no moatter what is TRYING desperately to hit you until it wears off. LOL
Honestly, I would not have had a problem with the old MOG if it didn't stop you from healing after it wore off. The HP crash and not being able to heal or regen douring the term would have been fine. Even unstoppable is manageable if you are ready for the crash.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Unless MoG was changed recently, it's really 12 seconds and not 15, as you spend the first 3 seconds locked in the animation.
It's still 15 seconds, there are just a few seconds that you can't attack while you're using the power. I'm not sure about the specific time frame, but I can assure you that it's not the full 2.772 second animation of the power. The effect hits you partway through the animation (meaning there is a delay, just like with virtually all click powers), more than halfway through the animation, iirc, so you're not "losing" as much as you might think. Of course, you can't really treat it like an offensive effect wherein these losses due to animation time are actually eating into the effectiveness of the power because, unlike BU type powers where you lose effectiveness because you're not able to attack, there is no such problem with enemies attacking you while it animates. The 15 seconds is still true, it's just not necessarily 15 seconds after you complete the animation.



I always like reading posts like these.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



MoG is like pausing the game, except you don't.

Regeneration works off the idea that you can either survive the damage happening to you, or you can't and then you die. Unlike SR, there's relatively little 'luck' involved in your survival beyond the enemies natural crappy accuracy. Being able to completely stop the incoming damage happening to you for 15 seconds allows you time to naturally regenerate HP, while simultaneously "arresting" foes to death to further help ensure that they aren't going to break your heal rate for survival. You heal, you kill, you laugh maniacally. It's an "I Win" button in every sense of the word.

Defensive Build-UP indeed.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Well back then MoG also had one serious drawback.. When you clicked it YEAH while active you were invincible but the goofy thing drained your Hitpoints into the red. You needed to defeat whatever it was in front of you before it wore off or be ready to run and have some awakes handy. Now you can click it at full strength and STAY at full strength no moatter what is TRYING desperately to hit you until it wears off. LOL
Originally MoG had a much shorter recharge and could be made trivially perma. If you ran it perma you could defer the crash indefinitely and when you activated MoG it healed you to full (before doing the goofy health drop + cap res thing).

Ironically, when they *increased* the duration (and recharge) of MoG the devs inadvertently weakened it substantially, because one of the strengths of MoG was its heal to full. Cycling slower meant less healing, and having to sustain damage without regeneration within MoG for longer. And when it became non-perma it also magnified the penalties of the power substantially.

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I use it to survive Reviving in combat before I get my toggles back up. Also it holds a LotG +recharge.

It is a mere shadow of it's former glory.

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