What is Frankenslotting?




Been playing off / on since the games release, with some long stretches without playing. I am still a noob when it comes to IO's, so this term "frankenslotting" is something of a mystery to me still.

Is it when you use different Set IO's in a power to somehow get better results within that specific power than you would by using normal IO's? If so would anyone out there have some recommendations on how to frankenslot my EM/EA brute?

I still have a lot of fun playing my EM/EA if only because nothing is easy, but looking at its enhancements makes me wonder how much better it could be. At the moment, I am slowly changing all my lvl49/50 SO's into 40/45 IO's. Going for any Set's seems out of my price-range. Any suggestions on which IO's to get for "frankenslotting" would be very helpful.



My understanding of "frankenslotting" is to throw slots into a power just for the IO bonuses.
Like 6 slotting stamina to fit a full set of Performance shifters. You don't need the 6 slots in the power, you just do it for the set bonus.




Originally Posted by Zophar_Shinta View Post
My understanding of "frankenslotting" is to throw slots into a power just for the IO bonuses.
Like 6 slotting stamina to fit a full set of Performance shifters. You don't need the 6 slots in the power, you just do it for the set bonus.
I think it's the exact opposite actually. Not that the term ever seems to hold any sort of continuity.

Say you're standing around one day going "I need endurance" so you find a bunch of IO's that do things like accuracy/damage/endurance or recharge/endurance, and slot them into your power with little regard to achieving set bonuses.



Frankenslotting is generally used to describe pulling bits and pieces from a variety of IO sets to get the Enhancement values you want; typically ignoring set bonuses altogether.

This is what my Brute looks like:



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I think it's the exact opposite actually. Not that the term ever seems to hold any sort of continuity.
You're right. The correct definition is the exact opposite of the poster above you.

Basically, frankenslotting is using relatively common and inexpensive set IO's to try and get as much enhancement value per slot as possible without consideration to set bonuses. For example a lvl 50 triple aspect IO such as Thunderstrike D/E/R provides a total enhancement of just over 63% for the use of one slot. A lvl 50 quad aspect IO such as Devastation A/D/E/R provides over 74% total enhancement in one slot. Much better than +3 SO's or lvl 50 generic IO's.

You can also do this at much lower levels. A triple aspect lvl 25 IO gives you 48% enhancement in one slot, allowing you to have better than SO level performance, that you never have to worry about replacing unless you feel like it.


You can also take advantage of multi-aspect IO's to avoid the exemplaring effect on enhancement values.




Originally Posted by Sabok View Post
Been playing off / on since the games release, with some long stretches without playing. I am still a noob when it comes to IO's, so this term "frankenslotting" is something of a mystery to me still.

Is it when you use different Set IO's in a power to somehow get better results within that specific power than you would by using normal IO's? If so would anyone out there have some recommendations on how to frankenslot my EM/EA brute?

I still have a lot of fun playing my EM/EA if only because nothing is easy, but looking at its enhancements makes me wonder how much better it could be. At the moment, I am slowly changing all my lvl49/50 SO's into 40/45 IO's. Going for any Set's seems out of my price-range. Any suggestions on which IO's to get for "frankenslotting" would be very helpful.
Definition of frankenslotting:

Still the best guide for frankenslotting. Even though it's written during issue 9, it's still relevant and largely accurate:

In the aforementioned guide, take a look at Capn Canadian's sections on slotting melee damage, defense and damage resistance.

Edit: Panzer beat me on the definition.

Edit2: See my sig. There's absolutely no reason why you have to be poor.



After posting my ambiguous image, I figured I should give a bit of a specific example. Take a look at Siphon Life:

This power is just about as thorougly Frankenslotted as it comes. These are the Enhancements it has slotted:

  • Touch of the Nictus: Acc/Heal
  • Numina's Convalescence: End/Heal
  • Doctored Wounds: End/Heal
  • Siphon Insight: Acc/Rech
  • Doctored Wounds: End/Rech
  • Invention: Accuracy

You'll notice it pulls identical Enhancements from both Numina's Convalescence and Doctored Wounds (Endurance/Heal) since, frankly (no pun intended), I wanted to enhance both of those aspects and those were the Enhancements available to do it.

Since the power also needed an Accuracy boost, I tossed in a common IO along with Touch of the Nictus (Accurate Healing) and, of all things, Siphon Insight (Accurate ToHit Debuff).

The exact assortment of Enhancements gives good boosts to all of Accuracy, Endurance, Healing and Recharge despite only taking up six Enhancement slots. This is the true spirit of Frankenslotting.



You can also Frankenslot to get benefits that you woudn't normally be able to get.

For example, Mind Link allows you to slot Def or To-Hit, but not Recharge. Yet I can slot a Def/Recharge IO and the Recharge is NOT ignored, it acts normally. So I ignore IO Set bonuses and 4 Frakenslot Def/Recharge. This gives near perma Mind Link at, I think it was level 26 or so with Hasten, on a Night Widow and will give a Fortunata Mind Link more than 50% of the time. It's a great thing but you have to Frankenslot to do it cheaply.

This is a bug but Castle has publicly stated that he considers it "interesting" and isn't planning on changing it. Basically by giving up set bonuses you gain other benefits. Either higher-than-set-enhancement values like Guy Perfect, or enhancements you couldn't get at all like my Widow.



Awesome. Trying to get a Set of anything on Freedom seems insane, so I hope using Frankenslotting will allow me to buff up my brute(s).

So here is what I am going to respec my brute into. I haven't added any enhancements to the slots, since I am hoping for a bit of advice on what IO's to use for various powers, especially Energy Drain.

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.707

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Zan: Level 50 Science Brute
Primary Power Set: Energy Melee
Secondary Power Set: Energy Aura
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Energy Punch

  • (A) Empty
  • (3) Empty
  • (5) Empty
  • (13) Empty
  • (17) Empty
  • (40) Empty
Level 1: Kinetic Shield
  • (A) Empty
  • (5) Empty
  • (11) Empty
  • (34) Empty
Level 2: Bone Smasher
  • (A) Empty
  • (3) Empty
  • (7) Empty
  • (15) Empty
  • (37) Empty
  • (40) Empty
Level 4: Dampening Field
  • (A) Empty
  • (45) Empty
  • (45) Empty
Level 6: Boxing
  • (A) Empty
  • (7) Empty
  • (11) Empty
  • (13) Empty
  • (17) Empty
  • (43) Empty
Level 8: Hasten
  • (A) Empty
  • (9) Empty
  • (9) Empty
Level 10: Entropy Shield
  • (A) Empty
Level 12: Combat Jumping
  • (A) Empty
  • (15) Empty
  • (43) Empty
Level 14: Swift
  • (A) Empty
Level 16: Health
  • (A) Empty
Level 18: Total Focus
  • (A) Empty
  • (19) Empty
  • (19) Empty
  • (37) Empty
  • (40) Empty
  • (42) Empty
Level 20: Stamina
  • (A) Empty
  • (21) Empty
  • (21) Empty
Level 22: Energy Cloak
  • (A) Empty
  • (23) Empty
  • (23) Empty
  • (48) Empty
  • (50) Empty
Level 24: Tough
  • (A) Empty
  • (25) Empty
  • (25) Empty
  • (34) Empty
Level 26: Weave
  • (A) Empty
  • (27) Empty
  • (27) Empty
  • (34) Empty
Level 28: Energy Drain
  • (A) Empty
  • (29) Empty
  • (29) Empty
  • (31) Empty
  • (42) Empty
  • (43) Empty
Level 30: Build Up
  • (A) Empty
  • (31) Empty
  • (31) Empty
  • (37) Empty
Level 32: Energy Transfer
  • (A) Empty
  • (33) Empty
  • (33) Empty
  • (33) Empty
  • (39) Empty
  • (42) Empty
Level 35: Power Shield
  • (A) Empty
  • (36) Empty
  • (36) Empty
  • (36) Empty
Level 38: Overload
  • (A) Empty
  • (39) Empty
  • (39) Empty
Level 41: Electrifying Fences
  • (A) Empty
  • (45) Empty
  • (46) Empty
  • (50) Empty
Level 44: Static Discharge
  • (A) Empty
  • (46) Empty
  • (46) Empty
  • (50) Empty
Level 47: Energy Protection
  • (A) Empty
  • (48) Empty
  • (48) Empty
Level 49: Super Jump
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Empty
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Fury
Level 6: Ninja Run

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Sabok View Post
So here is what I am going to respec my brute into. I haven't added any enhancements to the slots, since I am hoping for a bit of advice on what IO's to use for various powers, especially Energy Drain.
I warn you against giving slots to powers before you know what Enhancements you're going to put into them, and for that reason I hope you haven't already... erm... respuc your character. You might have to do it again if you did. Efficient Frankenslotting (or slotting in general) takes Enhancements into account first, then allots slots for them.

This is the procedure I personally use:

Step 1: Ideal Boosts
The first thing I do is determine what I want to do with the power, then figure out what the ideal boosts would be for that power given how I will be using it.

Step 2: Prioritizing Boosts
Usually, you won't be able to achieve all the ideal boosts in a power, so you're gonna have to shave something off. Prioritizing the boosts gives you something to focus on, and you can make compromises better on the lower stuff.

Step 3: Splitting Boosts across Enhancements
Once I have the desired boost values and the prioritized boosts, I find the available Enhancements that I can slot into the power. While I generally like to stick to IOs, sometimes a Hamidon Enhancement is the best way to go. In general, though, I shoot for my boosts in order of priority with IOs, and trim off numbers from the lower priorities until everything fits.

Step 4: Slot Reduction
Once all of my powers in a build are specified with whatever given Enhancements, I'm usually a few slots over. Characters receive 67 additional slots by the time they're 50, and I often have to sacrifice slots to make everything fit in the build. As with the boosts, the lowest priorities are the first to go. Additionally, slots come out of lower-priority powers before higher ones.

Example: Petless Mastermind Knockout Blow
On my petless Mastermind, I took Knockout Blow as a complementary melee attack. Knockout Blow is one heck of a dynamic power, as it's good for all sorts of stuff such as knockback, hold, and high damage. It is also unusually accurate and has hefty Endurance cost and recharge. To slot this sucker effectively takes a lot of planning ahead of time.

Step 1:
The power accepts a variety of Enhancement boosts, including Accuracy, Damage, Endurance Reduction, Hold, Recharge and Knockback. I have no interest in using the power for Knockback, however, so I can focus on the other five aspects instead. I keep a few things in mind:
  • I like my powers to have 1.9X accuracy, as this is typically the maximum for 1.0X powers. Knockout Blow has 1.2X base, however, which means it only needs a 59% boost.
  • Damage, Endurance Reduction, Recharge and Hold are theoretically best if they each have the maximum 95% boost.

Step 2:
Since there's no way I can fully enhance all of the power's attributes to the values that would be ideal, I need to prioritize so I know where to cut fat from:
  • Accuracy: +59% boost minimum. Non-negotiable.
  • Hold: Should be more effective than Recharge if I have to pick one
  • Recharge: Should be as high as I can get it at this point; preferably perma
  • Endurance: Ditto, but without cutting into Recharge
  • Damage: Gets whatever is left after all the others

Step 3:
This particular power got slotted up with the following Enhancements:
  • Lockdown: Acc/End/Rech/Hold
  • Lockdown: End/Rech/Hold
  • Ghost Widow's Embrace: Ach/Hold/Rech
  • Ghost Widow's Embrace: Acc/Rech
  • Ghost Widow's Embrace: End/Hold
  • Invention: Damage
The final boost values are as follows:
  • Accuracy: 66.25% = 2.0X
  • Hold: 85.7% = 27.67s
  • Recharge: 85.7% = 21.54% (perma)
  • Endurance: 66.25% = 13.92
  • Damage: 42.4% = 155.05
The Accuracy was boosted higher than it needed to be, and the hold/recharge ratio is perma. Endurance is at a good level, and damage was boosted after everything else. Additionally, due to a secondary goal of the build, this power also grants the character +1.88% HP through Ghost Widow's Embrace.

Step 4:
This power remains 6-slotted in the final build. Slots were removed from other powers.



Originally Posted by Sabok View Post
Awesome. Trying to get a Set of anything on Freedom seems insane, so I hope using Frankenslotting will allow me to buff up my brute(s).
The Black Market is cross-server for all Villains. It will be just as easy to get recipes and enhancements on Freedom as on any other server.

Wentworths is also cross-server, but the red-side market and the blue-side markets are separate.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Wow. Good to know I was completely wrong.




Ok, so lets look at Energy Drain. The build I am looking at has dropped Aid Self as my heal, so ED has to try and make up for that. It also has to fill up my End bar with 2 enemies around me, and it needs to refresh as quickly as possible.

That means I should try to max out those three aspects of the power, Healing, Draining, and Recharge. The power accepts EndMod, EndRed, Heal, RedRech. So the Set IO's I would look for would have to have those boosts. I've been using Mid's to look at builds, and I've come across something I don't understand in its display (Mids).

I have ED with 6 slots, with the following enhancements:
Efficacy Adaptor: EndMod
Efficacy Adaptor: EndMod/Rec
Numina's Cov: Heal/Rec
Doc Wounds: Heal/Rec
Doc Wounds: Heal/End/Rec
Harmonized Healing: Heal/Rec

The boosts this slotting gives is:
EndDiscount: 21.20% (in light purple text)
Endurance: 68.90% (in light purple text)
Heal: 93.83% (in yellow text)
Recharge: 98.72% (in red text)

What is the meaning of the yellow / red text?



Originally Posted by Sabok View Post

The boosts this slotting gives is:
EndDiscount: 21.20% (in light purple text)
Endurance: 68.90% (in light purple text)
Heal: 93.83% (in yellow text)
Recharge: 98.72% (in red text)

What is the meaning of the yellow / red text?
Yellow text means you're approaching ED limits (95%), red means that you've exceeded them and are subject to diminishing returns (i.e., if you totaled up the amount of recharge you actually have, you would actually have more than 98.72% but diminishing returns after 95% lowers it).



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Yellow text means you're approaching ED limits (95%), red means that you've exceeded them and are subject to diminishing returns (i.e., if you totaled up the amount of recharge you actually have, you would actually have more than 98.72% but diminishing returns after 95% lowers it).
Yes, and in Mid's next to the red number is another number in parentheses. That's the amount of enhancement that you would have if ED's diminishing returns hadn't kicked in. So in Fury's example above, if the 98.72% had a (123%) next to it (just made that up, don't know off the top of my head what it would be) that means that you've slotted for a lot of recharge that is being wasted because of ED. In that case, it's best to back off on the recharge slotting (or whatever it is) and try to enhance something else.

My Characters

Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
After posting my ambiguous image, I figured I should give a bit of a specific example. Take a look at Siphon Life:

Not a bad frankenslotting, but Siphon Life makes a better attack than a heal. So why not slot to get even more benefits? Might I suggest:

2 Acc/Dam Hami's, 1 Heal/End Hami, Doctored Wounds Heal/Rech, Numina's Heal/Rech and a Mako's Dam/Rech. All lvl 50 of course. You don't quite hit the ED cap on Dam, Heal and Rech, but the difference in percent translates to be very little difference at all. And you get great acc and a little end reduc to boot! Enjoy!


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Not a bad frankenslotting, but Siphon Life makes a better attack than a heal. So why not slot to get even more benefits? Might I suggest:

2 Acc/Dam Hami's, 1 Heal/End Hami, Doctored Wounds Heal/Rech, Numina's Heal/Rech and a Mako's Dam/Rech. All lvl 50 of course. You don't quite hit the ED cap on Dam, Heal and Rech, but the difference in percent translates to be very little difference at all. And you get great acc and a little end reduc to boot! Enjoy!
You can do 53 Hami's, and I believe that the difference might be enough to hit the ED cap on dam. Need mids to know and I'm on a mac, but I *think* you're close enough that the extra 10%-ish would be enough.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Not a bad frankenslotting, but Siphon Life makes a better attack than a heal. So why not slot to get even more benefits?
In practice, I use the power more as a heal than an attack; Siphon Life tends to wind up as a filler if everything else is decharged. Since I use it as a heal personally, I slotted it as a heal.

Additionally, your suggested slotting yields only 1.5X Accuracy, which is about half way to where I like to play. Some people like too much Recovery; I like too much Accuracy. Had it not mattered, I'd have stuck an Damage IO in there instead of Accuracy.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Additionally, your suggested slotting yields only 1.5X Accuracy, which is about half way to where I like to play. Some people like too much Recovery; I like too much Accuracy. Had it not mattered, I'd have stuck an Damage IO in there instead of Accuracy.
Heh, I like accuracy, too! I believe on the toon I built that for, I already had 40-50 on accuracy bonuses. Which is why I didn't worry too much on the power itself.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



A good use for Frankenslotting is also to get a combination of Enhancements that wouldn't be possible with a normal IO set. For instance, on Follow Up on my Claws Scrappers I typically slot for 66% Damage and Recharge by using 3 Damage/Recharges from 3 different Melee sets. Those sets separately would normally only give you 100% Damage and about 33% Recharge. (And another Damage and Recharge will give me 100% in both, or some combo of End or Acc with Damage or Recharge in the other 3 slots)

Slotting way high Accuracy is a good use for it as well, although as with GuyPerfect's example sometimes just a standard Accuracy IO can give you that.