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  1. I know some tankers don't think they need taunt but it actually does something Gauntlet doesn't: Reduce Range. This makes it useful for pulling enemies towards you. Got a pack knocked back and your a granite tank or simply can't move because you're surrounded? Taunt them back to you.

    I've tried to understand the argument for not having taunt but now that Travel powers no longer need a prereq and fitness is now given to you at level 2, you should easily have a free slot to take for Taunt.
  2. Well for one, remove Shout. It's a horrible power. It may seem good but it has an atrocious 2.66 cast time, reducing it's DPA considerably. The first two powers do well on their own. Replace it with Aid Other or something... or Burnout for Double Liquefy/Screech (for super stuns).

    Other than that, there isn't much else to do. I personally love Defender Nukes but thats because im a kin naturally so you'll do fine without it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    So you all are saying there are alot of people doing it wrong then? Seriously I see more invuls die in combat than any other set for non-tanks. And on tanks fire might die before invul but unless unstoppable is used they die pretty quick. To be honest I hate the set now because it requires too much investment to be any where decent. But if players want to die alot then I guess thats their choice.
    I think you just mad because you suck at Invuln. Want me to show you an invuln scrapper build that has great defenses across the board (bar psionic)? How are you forum Cartel with such an idiotic opinion.
  4. Energy Melee: Give it a unique mechanic,

    1. like make Energy Transfer the clutch power of the set that does massive damage with a huge cooldown and every attack you do with energy melee reduces this cooldown. (Global recharge wouldn't affect this power).

    2. Every attack gives Energy Transfer a small AoE radius that grows per attack up to X ft Radius.

    or both: If Energy Transfer is on cooldown, every attack reduces the cooldown by X seconds. Once Energy Transfer is off cooldown, every attack begins building an AoE for it. Use Energy Transfer the moment it's ready for Large Single target or wait for a massive nuke-style attack.
  5. I agree only from a Corruptor > Defender point of view.

    Controllers and Dominators are have different playstyles entirely.
  6. Indeed. While the changes to the shields were pretty much mandatory and I don't think anyone with an intelligent mind would hate them, I can't help but feel like Envenom and Weaken could have gotten a similar treatment.

    I say similar, not down right the same. I still feel like these 2 powers are the core of the set and any change to these two would essentially make the overall set better. Noxious Gas comes second, as it's problems are more than just numbers, its literally bugged (can't see it's affects in the tooltip).

    And poison Trap. Can we just scrap this power? Screw the cottage rule, I highly doubt more than 2 people will actually miss this power and rage that it totally ruined their experience. If anything the people that took this power and said "gee, this is an average power that i'll use atleast 4 times" should be slapped and told that even the slightest bit of positivity towards this power is wrong.
  7. Ice^3 Dom. only about 350, just started this whole 'gotta catch them all' thing.
  8. The purple-drank slug thingy is partially right. Warshades, when 'purpled out' are amazing, but sadly, before that they are subpar in comparison to the archetypes their forms encompass. The mechanics of the Warshade are very, very unique while the peacebringer isn't. Perhaps the peacebringer needs the 'overhaul' and Warshades simply need some number tweaking?

    I dunno, but there are a few minor problems such as transforming time, mez protection, damage scale (LOL 0.65) and so forth but the idea behind the EATs are good, or atleast, the warshade is due to it's 'master-of-none' playstyle.
  9. Spec Ops isnt the only reason Mercs is terrible. The Medic pet is just a suicide victim sadly and can't even heal to save his life (or, more appropriately, my other pet's). My Protector Bots repair faster than he heals!

    Serum is also trash.

    I hate to sound so negative but for years people have been theorizing on how to bring this lackluster set to light:

    *Make Medic's heal AoE
    *Improve lolcontrol on Spec Ops
    *Make Serum an AoE with compensation
    *Improve overall damage, preferably Single Target.
    *Improve defensive measures.

    These are just a few ideas thrown around. We're not asking for much, hell, it would be rather easy to simply go into the code and simply bump the damage by X percent. And don't say its hard because all im talking about is changing some integers in the formula.
  10. I do like the new system, this will allow my older-than-dirt characters to be caught up in badges, and help my badge hunter (ice/ice/ice dom ^^). Not sure why such a fuss was made over this anyway. A Badge is just a badge.
  11. Vel_Overload

    Defenders Damage

    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    Take a look at the video in my sig and say that again.
    oh look, lore pets taking out a pylon... oh and some empathy defender.

    nice try.
  12. Someone has never played a Triform Warshade... lol crab spiders.
  13. Things I would pay for:

    Account wide crafting table. Account wide Blackmarket table.


    Account wide Exploration badges (FFS, im tired of having to do these over and over)

    more Cheesecake.. with raspberries.

    Permanent debt protection. for the lulz.
  14. Titan Weapon/Shield Defense please so i can act like an anime character.
  15. Vel_Overload


    It's not Strong and Pretty, why even play it?
  16. Tier 9 is gonna be an AoE that completely floors enemy recharge. like, -1000000000% (exaggerated) recharge and movement speed. It'll be called Timestop

    Calling it now! place your bets!
  17. Vel_Overload

    Step Child Woes

    I still don't know why tankers hate knockback. Their taunt aura lasts around 11 seconds on their targets so even knocked back targets will return to the tanker. Auras that give bonuses per target (Invincibility, Rise to the Challenge, Chilling Embrace inparticular) are really the only ones that don't benefit from knockback. Besides, who can really say that the mitigation from knockback isn't as good as the +regen that you miss for a few seconds from RttC? Meh, whatever, Energy Blast is still a cool looking, and fun powerset.

    Haters gonna Hate.
  18. I still believe all knockback sets should have an option of some sort to go to knockdown, possibly with a penalty.

    This would be entirely optional.
  19. Vel_Overload


    Invulnerability is a late bloomer, becoming really powerful after Invincibility and Tough Hide (AKA moar DDR). Once you got those powers are very tough to take down.

    Willpower is also an amazing choice but it doesn't feel unstoppable, it feels unflinchable.
  20. So, before I make a commitment back to this game, I would like to see a list of things that are purchasable with these 'points.' A list may incite people to pay the 15 per month.

    I Put this here as a suggestion and a question:

    Q: Anyone know what exactly is purchasable? As a VIP Player, what am I NOT entitled to that I must purchase with points?

    S: Make a list of purchasable stuff as a sales tactic to incite people to become VIP.
  21. One of the best ways to get a 'water' looking character is using Dark Armor and turning it Blue or Super Reflexes and turning it blue.

    Kinetic Melee/Dark Armor/Leviathan Scrapper does this well.
  22. Kinetic Melee/Energy Aura/Arctic Mastery Brute for wind/ice theme

    Fire/Stone/Arctic Brute is good for an elementalist. or if you don't like stone armor:
    Stone/Fire/Arctic Brute
  23. Vel_Overload

    Help Choosing

    Brute is probably best due to it's higher HP and momentum ability Fury. Claws is my preference due to Dual-Blades being very powerslot hungry. Although, it looks cooler and the combos do good damage. Claws can get away with literally 3 moves to form a chain.

    Broadsword/Invuln scrapper does extremely well too due to Parry being backed up by Invuln's huge Defense Debuff Resistance.
  24. Vel_Overload

    Coming Storm?

    Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
    it's further evidence that Coming Storm = Space

    it's even more evidence that the Ouroboros mission confirms the Shivans (from space) are a part of the Coming Storm in some way.

    Coming Storm = Space.

    Logic, Reason > Nemesis Plot

    Even though Nemesis invented Logic and Reason.
  25. Both Merits and Alignment Merits at the same time. You can get many, many LotGs that way.