Just how bad is Spec-Ops?
For a simple 60s test against Dummy, the damage number difference is:
Spec-Ops 885.50 VS Enforcer's 1298.80 (Enforcer's damage is about 46% more!)
This is sad? Oh no, NOT YET!!!
Of 1298.50 Enforcer damage, 639.15 is Cone + Target AoE damage!!!!!!
Which means Enforcers can debuff with AH Proc way more efficient than Spec-Ops. For the same time spent, Enforcers (two of them) can probably debuff 3-5 targets and Spec-Ops can only debuff 1.
Oh wait, Spec-Ops is not all about Damage. They are about controlling. You wanna talk about controlling?
I did 4 tests on Spec-Op this morning and in those 4 times, both Tear Gas and Flash Bang are used within 5s of each other. Twice he used them in a sequence. If they are truly about controlling, they should spread about the AoE because what's the point of adding a mag 6 Hold to a mag 6 Stun? If the target is already stunned, there is no point in adding Tear Gas's -damage/hold. If a target is held, there is no point in adding Flashbang's tohit debuff. Do you see my logic here? I am using mag 6 because I am going to assume both of them hit the same target.
Spec-Ops' design is simply bad. You never want to rely on your pets for controls because there is no way we can choose when to use those powers. As bad AI as Spec-Ops, it doesn't help that Flashbang recharge in 2 mins and Tear Gas recharge in 3 mins!!!
But wait, Spec-Ops has awesome Mag 3 melee Stun. Well, being a melee stun, this means 75% of the time they won't even use it because mobs don't get that close enough and I am not sure if Pet Window is wrong but melee attack in pets still show 5 radius. They should be 7 radius just like the rest of "melee".
How awesome are Enforcers? To start, Enforcers have more time to deal damage because their form of "defense" is leadership Maneuvers. It doesn't require them to shoot Web or Tear Gas. At lvl 50, Maneuver gives 8.43 defense-to-all and two of them you'll have base 16.86. And if you use the theory that 1 defense equal to 2 resistance, then technically, the two Enforcers are buffing the gang with 33.72 Resistance.
Of course I know there's drawback. The drawback is that leadership radius is only 30' and that's why minions may die very soon if they run out of it (by the way Bruiser has standard S/L resistance with some Fire, Cold and Toxic).
With Enforcers being this awesome, who cares if one or two minions die? In fact, I would take at least one personal attack and say screw you minions.
I mainly want to compare Spec-Ops VS Enforcers because both of them can use -Defense set and both of them are primarily range. I want to point out that Spec-Ops being able to take -Defense isn't the reason why Merc is balanced. It is not. Even with -Defense set, it is still lagging way behind Thug in terms of damage.
A more fair comparison would be Merc VS Robot, but we all know Robot is one of the best MM sets because the pets survive much better than Merc and Assault Robot has -regen so in an AV fight, he is going to contribute much greater than Commando.
Your thoughts?
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
My only thoughts on Spec Ops apply to all pets as general design principles.
Pet power recharge times should not exceed the recharge time of the summoning power for that pet. Otherwise you're opening up a loophole to resummon and rebuff pets to get their powers back faster.
So giving Spec Ops mag 2 mezzes on a 45 or 60 second recharge would be fine. (See: Dark Pit, Thunder Clap.) 90 seconds, the base recharge for the Spec Ops summoning power, would be the absolute maximum for any Spec Ops power.
There's also the matter of making pets affectable by recharge buffs and debuffs, but again, that's all pets. Spec Ops are just especially affected by the devs' attempted AI hack.
Just a random thought here. The main complaint I see about Spec Ops is that they are supposed to be control pets but really suck at control. With that in mind, what about replacing Web Grenade with a single target hold (visually something like Web Cocoon but with a grenade throw animation instead of the mace thing).
That would give them some reasonably reliable mez power for handling Lts and Bosses without giving them more AoE mez power. I know on my Demon/Thermal I get a lto fo use from the Demon Prince's single target hold power.
Is Spec-Ops the only MM pets that can take -Defense procs?
Nope. Enforcers can take them too. |
How awesome are Enforcers? To start, Enforcers have more time to deal damage because their form of "defense" is leadership Maneuvers. It doesn't require them to shoot Web or Tear Gas. At lvl 50, Maneuver gives 8.43 defense-to-all and two of them you'll have base 16.86.

Yes, I know Jounin and Grave Knight can use -defense sets too. I don't want to compare Spec-Ops to melee-oriented pets but I am very confident that both Jounin and Grave Knight can out dps Spec-Ops by a LARGE margin.
I mainly use Enforcer because Enforcer is primarily range.
I know Commando should be the main source of AoE damage and maybe that's why Spec-Ops have zero aoe but even in the Single Target damage department, they are lagging way behind Enforcers and other Lieut pets (minus Protector).
I rarely play Robots but I believe Protectors have photon grenades that can be used once every 16s and they have 50% to product mag 2 stun? And doesn't Seekers have stun and debuffs too?
I just want to point out just how bad Spec-Ops is. The design is flawed with two long recharge aoe controls. I can understand the restriction on AoE control because even for Dominator the aoe control has 240s recharge, but Soldiers only have S/L resistance and they lose out on other +defense/resistance because their form of "defense" is through controls, and their controls suck. And no, Medic's healing is only mildly useful outside of battle and Medic is usually the first one to die anyway. lol
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
There's also the matter of making pets affectable by recharge buffs and debuffs, but again, that's all pets. Spec Ops are just especially affected by the devs' attempted AI hack. |
The problem with having two aoe controls is that they don't have the AI to use them "effectively". If it's human that controls Spec-Ops, I am sure we can spread out AoE and not to use them on a single target, one after another or on a running minion. There are so many times when Spec-Ops shoot gas/flashbang on a runner. It would have been nice if they "save" them for the next group but there is no way we can predict that unless we direct them NOT TO ATTACK, which will only hurt dps.
The problem with Spec-Ops is not only they are not providing that "safety" for the group, they are also dealing pathetic damage without proc damage. For a pet that has zero aoe damage, its single target damage needs to "excel". The only thing spec-ops beats is Protector.
I haven't tested the two lieut Demon pets. I know one buffs/heals and one debuffs and has more melee attacks. They have much better synergies.
When I was doing a mayhem the other day, I was thinking... man, wouldn't it be nice if the two lieut pets are Ghost and Equailizer? One shoots flashbang/tear gas and one shoots aoe glue grenade and casts acid mortar? The stealth power also serves no purpose. It doesn't give critical damage and its +defense is meaningless.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Jounin can too.
Which means that 2 Enforcers give EVERY THUG (including Gang War!) AND THEIR MASTERMIND more +Def vs All than the entire Ninja Primary gives any of its summons, or the Mastermind. Truly, Ninjas totally underperform at (self-)protection with 7.5% (Genin) and 12.5% (Jounin and Oni) as their MAXIMUM and totally UNENHANCEABLE values! |
I didn't know Enforcer's maneuver buff the master. I am pretty sure it only buffs Thugs and other MM's thugs?
Ninja's problem, besides survival, is their synergies. They have too much knockback and Oni is not consistent. Ninja's RAW DAMAGE is high though. If you force Oni to always use Ring of Fire, Char and Fireblast, you'll have a boss pet that is very useful. I hate fire swords with a passion. It really messes Oni up.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
This was discussed in the Mercenaries thread, but it still stands that Spec Ops need buffs.
Ninja's problem, besides survival, is their synergies. They have too much knockback and Oni is not consistent. Ninja's RAW DAMAGE is high though. If you force Oni to always use Ring of Fire, Char and Fireblast, you'll have a boss pet that is very useful. I hate fire swords with a passion. It really messes Oni up.
So here's a question/challenge that can be dealt with in a relatively straightforward manner. Is it possible to create Custom Mobs in AE, with the requisite powers directly from the various powersets available to characters, which display BETTER PERFORMANCE than the powers choices of what Mastermind Pets already have baked into them?
Quite possibly the "best" PC to "test" such Custom AE Mobs on would be Regeneration characters (scrappers?) so as to run timed tests to measure AI performance and attack power selection(s). I'm thinking that if we can SHOW Black Scorpion (and friends) that it is perfectly possible to *MAKE* a Better Spec Ops Pet in AE(!) than what Masterminds can summon now, that the Powers What Is might be inclined to actually implement such a change in powers available to Mastermind Pets.
Let's do some cross-synergy testing and report in results. Call it a "Build A Better Mastermind Pets" challenge.

My only thoughts on Spec Ops apply to all pets as general design principles.
Pet power recharge times should not exceed the recharge time of the summoning power for that pet. Otherwise you're opening up a loophole to resummon and rebuff pets to get their powers back faster. So giving Spec Ops mag 2 mezzes on a 45 or 60 second recharge would be fine. (See: Dark Pit, Thunder Clap.) 90 seconds, the base recharge for the Spec Ops summoning power, would be the absolute maximum for any Spec Ops power. |
Just a random thought here. The main complaint I see about Spec Ops is that they are supposed to be control pets but really suck at control. With that in mind, what about replacing Web Grenade with a single target hold (visually something like Web Cocoon but with a grenade throw animation instead of the mace thing).
That would give them some reasonably reliable mez power for handling Lts and Bosses without giving them more AoE mez power. |
While Spec Ops should crit from their stealth, I wonder if it just might better suit their purpose if stealth granted them a Power Boost style buff. It would mean that their default control times could be made short and on quick recharges while the stealth would grant them stronger "alpha strike" capacity for their controls.
So here's a question/challenge that can be dealt with in a relatively straightforward manner. Is it possible to create Custom Mobs in AE, with the requisite powers directly from the various powersets available to characters, which display BETTER PERFORMANCE than the powers choices of what Mastermind Pets already have baked into them?
Quite possibly the "best" PC to "test" such Custom AE Mobs on would be Regeneration characters (scrappers?) so as to run timed tests to measure AI performance and attack power selection(s). I'm thinking that if we can SHOW Black Scorpion (and friends) that it is perfectly possible to *MAKE* a Better Spec Ops Pet in AE(!) than what Masterminds can summon now, that the Powers What Is might be inclined to actually implement such a change in powers available to Mastermind Pets. |

So I went ahead and tested Jounins and Grave Knights since they are Lieut pets. During the tests, I've noticed something very interesting about Grave Knights.
Same test. One minute.
Grave Knights
Start at melee range:
Dark Blast (25.02) x 7 = 175.14
Gloom (44.06) x 1 = 44.06
Slash (30.59) x 3 = 91.77
Hack (50.17) x 2 = 100.34
Disem (59.96) x 1 = 59.96
Head (91.46) x 1 = 91.46
Life (30.59) x 2 = 61.18
Total = 623.91 (this is pretty bad!!!)
Then I start GK at long range
Dark Blast
Gloom x 6 = 220.3
Slash x 6 = 183.54
Hack x 4 = 200.68
Disem x 4 = 239.84
Head x 3 = 274.38
Total = 1118.74 (this is the highest I've got for 60s)
Conclusion: Grave Knight, just like Oni, seems to have different "modes". When I started GK at melee range, I was expecting a lot more melee attacks but it turns out starting at melee distance messes his AI even more (same as Oni!)! I did two tests starting at melee range because I couldn't believe how bad the performance is. First time only 16 attacks used and second time 17 attacks used. Not good.
Then I started GK at long distance and all of sudden, GK came alive and used 22 attacks (mostly melee swords and Gloom) in 60s which result in 1118.74 base damage.
I did another test with Oni this morning and when you have a good mix of range and melee attacks, you have High and Low performances.
Now, Spec-ops' test run only produced 425ish damage which is 50% less than GK's damage. And mind you, GK has two range attacks just like Spec-ops. On a full team, GK doesn't always go melee. Yikes, spec-ops' damage is THAT pathetic.
I'll post Jounin when I get home.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
This was discussed in the Mercenaries thread, but it still stands that Spec Ops need buffs.

By the way, I've also tested Lich and he produced 410.06 - 471.24 damage in 60s which is similar to Spec-Ops. Sad isn't it? I thought for sure Lich would have produced the least amount of damage. (of course level difference isn't calculated but in the future Trials, all MM pets will be even level).
Lich used 22-24 powers while Spec-Ops used 19 powers.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Man, I am bored at work and I keep posting! lol Anyway, I've been looking at Spec-Ops numbers and something doesn't seem right to me:
Burst (21.77) x 7 = 152.39
Heavy Burst (34.53) x 3 = 103.59
Brawl (25.70) x 3 = 77.1
Riflebutt (7.62, a stun) x 3 = 22.86
Snipe (49.05) x 2 = 98.10
Yes, it's that SNIPE!!!! Spec-Ops' Snipe has 16s recharge and I believe it has no interruption.
For a 16s long range attack, its base damage is pathetic at 49.05. This ratio just doesn't seem right to me. Clockwork boss pet has a Chest Beam that is going to have reduced recharge from 30s to 16s. Now that Chest Beam hits HARD and it's a small cone attack.
I don't want Spec-Ops to shoot faster or anything. I think Snipe just needs to be better. Snipe has terrible activation time at about 3.90s so making it recharge faster doesn't make it a good attack chain.
The dev refuse to give Spec-Ops Stealth Strike and that's fine. They just need to increase Snipe's base damage to match a REAL snipe brawl index. A real snipe on Corruptor like Moonbeam has base damage of 115.1 and Dark Blast has 41.7. Looking at this number, a real snipe's base damage is almost 3x higher than a basic 4s attack.
I am not asking much but can we at least increase Snipe's base damage from 49.05 to 69.06? Heavy burst has 6s recharge and double that is 69.06.
Another idea I have is to add more damage in Riflebutt. Yes, your spec-ops probably rarely uses it but this attack has 16s recharge as well and it already does damage. I think Spec-Ops can use any damage increase they can get and I really hope the dev can increase Riflebutt's damage to match Snipe's damage. That way Spec-Ops has two decent burst damage which will be different from Robot's and Enforcers. Since riflebutt is melee, the damage should be a bit higher than snipe. Maybe 74 or something?
I mean Riflebutt is situational attack at best. If the mobs dare to come close, spec-ops need to at least make them pay!
What do you think?
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Go post numbers in the Mercs thread so I can have more stuff to compile. I'm gonna have time this week to PM Black Scorpion with every decent idea in the Mercs thread, and numbers will definitely help out with getting a good idea as to what would be acceptable. I'm still all for snipe doing way more damage.
As for riflebutt, make it a mag 4 stun and increase the damage by a moderate amount, but by no means should it deal more or even even damage with snipe. Snipe should deal at least 1.5x more damage than it currently does.
Go post numbers in the Mercs thread so I can have more stuff to compile. I'm gonna have time this week to PM Black Scorpion with every decent idea in the Mercs thread, and numbers will definitely help out with getting a good idea as to what would be acceptable. I'm still all for snipe doing way more damage.
As for riflebutt, make it a mag 4 stun and increase the damage by a moderate amount, but by no means should it deal more or even even damage with snipe. Snipe should deal at least 1.5x more damage than it currently does. |
If they want spec-ops to focus more on controls, the best thing they can do is change Riflebutt to Bean Bag Round so we know Spec-Ops will use at long distance rather than waiting for the enemies to get close.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Been a long time since I looked at my Mercs MM, but I was under the impression that Soldiers could take the Achilles' Heel proc too?
But yes, Mercs need buffs. Not only Spec Ops IMO, but also Serum, Medic AI in general and LRM Rocket from the Commando stick out as being a fair way below par.
A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations
- Jonathan Coulton
I didn't know Enforcer's maneuver buff the master. I am pretty sure it only buffs Thugs and other MM's thugs?
That would be pretty awesomely OP though

On another topic -- Robots and Thugs are not OP. They are absolutely the baseline for MM performance. Thats why MM's are getting an incarnate buff across the board.
Necro's are weak because they are melee. But they do ok anyway.
Merc's are weak for all the reasons mentioned above and a million others.
Ninja's are weak because they are melee and lack defense.
I haven't taken Demons very far but people seem to like them. They are probably as good as Thugs or Robots with the right secondary. But its not like MM's are so OP or anything.
Spec Ops isnt the only reason Mercs is terrible. The Medic pet is just a suicide victim sadly and can't even heal to save his life (or, more appropriately, my other pet's). My Protector Bots repair faster than he heals!
Serum is also trash.
I hate to sound so negative but for years people have been theorizing on how to bring this lackluster set to light:
*Make Medic's heal AoE
*Improve lolcontrol on Spec Ops
*Make Serum an AoE with compensation
*Improve overall damage, preferably Single Target.
*Improve defensive measures.
These are just a few ideas thrown around. We're not asking for much, hell, it would be rather easy to simply go into the code and simply bump the damage by X percent. And don't say its hard because all im talking about is changing some integers in the formula.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
And don't say its hard because all im talking about is changing some integers in the formula.
- the one and only James Doohan as Scotty in Star Trek IV

Spec Ops isnt the only reason Mercs is terrible. The Medic pet is just a suicide victim sadly and can't even heal to save his life (or, more appropriately, my other pet's). My Protector Bots repair faster than he heals!
Serum is also trash. I hate to sound so negative but for years people have been theorizing on how to bring this lackluster set to light: *Make Medic's heal AoE *Improve lolcontrol on Spec Ops *Make Serum an AoE with compensation *Improve overall damage, preferably Single Target. *Improve defensive measures. These are just a few ideas thrown around. We're not asking for much, hell, it would be rather easy to simply go into the code and simply bump the damage by X percent. And don't say its hard because all im talking about is changing some integers in the formula. |
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
Part of the problem with Medic is that, if I remember correctly, his range is only 70' whereas the rest have at least 80' shooting range.
He also shoots frag grenade which has knockbacks and larger radius so naturally he draws more aggro to himself than the other two minions.
If you look at other sets, their "defensive pets" are usually Lieuts like Protector Robots and Demons. Medic plays a pretty minor role in Merc's survival. He randomly buffs anti-mez and his healing isn't good enough and he is just a minion who can die in seconds.
Too bad Spec-Ops aren't much of defensive role. I say their lack of damage puts Merc in a worse position than the amount of controls they offer. The best defense is still offense. At the rate Merc is killing, they'll need to lower Spec-Ops' control down to 60s! lol
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Test 1: 60s : Melee Range
Burst (21.77) x 7 = 152.39
Heavy Burst (34.53) x 3 = 103.59
Brawl (25.70) x 3 = 77.1
Riflebutt (7.62, a stun) x 3 = 22.86
Snipe (49.05) x 2 = 98.10
Web x 2
Gas x 1
Flashbang x 1
Total base damage is 454.10 and with 95% enhancement = 885.50
Test 2: 60s: Starting at long range
Burst x 6 = 130.62
Heavy Burst x 3 = 103.59
Brawl x 1 = 25.70
Riflebutt x 2 = 15.24
Snipe x 3 = 147.15
Web x 2
Gas x 1
Flash x 1
Total base damage is 422.30 and with 95% enhancement = 823.48
I've always felt Spec-Ops is THE REASON why Merc feels under-performed. The set's damage is really low without AH Proc and Negative Proc. I've always thought sets are not balanced with procs in mind. Is Spec-Ops the only MM pets that can take -Defense procs?
Nope. Enforcers can take them too. Are you ready to see Enforcers' numbers?
Starting at melee range (to get the most potential damage)
Uzi Burst (24.77) x 6 = 148.62
Uzi Heavy (40.99) x 4 = 163.96
Uzi Cone (40.99) x 3 = 122.97
Uzi Dual (68.92) x 2 = 137.84
AoE Clips (22.32) x 3 = 66.96
Brawl (25.70) x 1 = 25.70
Total base damaged is 666.05 and with 95% enhancement = 1298.80
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.