Knockback vs Damage sets should control outcome




So here is my is my issue. Early on in my CoH n00bness my 2nd creation was a powerset that really looked cool. I made an Energy/Energy Blaster not really understanding the issues I was about to encounter as the knockback that is inherent to that powerset is really most annoying. although I am very adept at manipulating it now I can play this toon without be a burden to Mob supported buffs of toons such as "Invuln Tanks" or Willpower or even toons running AAO in the shield set.

I am just wondering, especially after seeing VOID in the incarnate power set Judgment (where you have the OPTION of choosing damage over knock back) Why can you not adjust sets with heavy knock back so that the knock back is NOT present if a Knock back Set or IO is not slotted in it?

Say I slot all of my powers with Thunderstrikes for example then no knock back effects will be present and I would get benefit of max damage. Or Visa Versa if I slot Force Feedback (even one) that the knock back would be allowed.

If that is not possible at this point then maybe the creation of such a set that would dampen the knock back or secondary effects of powers like this one.

Problem is on some servers knock back is Taboo thus in some instances causing AT alienation. Anyway just curious if something could be looked at in this regard ... Thanks guys.



The problem is that some people like having the knockback, and they'd then have to sacrifice damage to get back to their current level of effectiveness. And that's not even getting into whether or not this is even technically feasible, considering that enhancements can't create anything (outside of procs), just modify the values on the powers. So there's no telling if you could even have the power be "no knockback unless knockback enhancements are slotted."

In addition to that, the powers are balanced around having the secondary effect that they do. Energy Blast isn't exactly the most damaging set, and if it has, at base, no secondary effect, it would be a poor performer. Then, on top of that, you'd have to sacrifice combat performance for KB values, which would hurt a lot of characters. Right now, there's KB in those powers, regardless of slotting, so you could six-slot a Thunderstrike set to get the Defense bonuses. But, if you needed to slot a KB enhancement in there to get the KB to work, you couldn't get the 6-slot bonus from Thunderstrike.

In addition to this, KB can be used effectively. Random KB is frowned upon, sure, because it can create chaos. However, if you learn how to use it, it can be a great boon for a team. Knocking things into walls, and keeping them on their butts can be a lot of damage mitigation. If you knock a single enemy back, just keep shooting him until he dies. Also, you can knock enemies back INTO the range of the Tanker's aggro aura or debuff auras, which can help team performance.

In short, this isn't going to happen. Not only does it come dangerously close to breaking the cottage rule, this would be horrible for a lot of characters.

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Ok but the question is more related to the Devs as can they look into this first off. I understand very well how the power works what I am asking is Can you have more damage in liu of the knock back or have knock back for those that wish it.

Not everyone shares your view on the balance of the power nor the "Joy of Knock Back" some despise some love it.

And as we have seen in the incarnate VOID power the devs are aware of this as they gave people a CHOICE (<---- which is what I am asking them to look into) as whether or not to choose knock back or damage.

And I would be willing to wager you that given the choice a higher % of the players would choose damage OVER knock back especially in that particular power set.



I get that some people despise knockback. They can choose to use sets that don't contain it if they want to. Some people DO like knockback, but shouldn't be penalized for it. They should be able to choose sets with Knockback already in it, and balanced for.

And it you wanted to post this for the Devs only, you should have sent them a PM, not posted in the forums, because here is for the players to discuss ideas. The Devs rarely post on subjects like this.

If they created a set where you could tradeoff damage and knockback, any time that changes were made to it, you'd have to balance two sets, basically, since you'd have two balance points to consider: those who have slotted KB and those who haven't. You'd also still have the fact that you're punishing people who do like KB with not being able to slot with the same freedoms.

The Void power does give you a choice between this, just like the other Judgement powers give you a choice between secondary effects and more damage. Does that mean that people hate the secondary effects? No, it just means that you have to make a tradeoff on those EXTREMELY powerful powers on whether you want a secondary effect or more damage. It doesn't prove that powersets like Energy Blast should be given the same tradeoff. Mostly because Void doesn't need slotting to be effective, and also because you're building the power to do what you want it to do, it's not forced on you by powerset choice.

Also, in your OP, you don't mention how exactly the powerset would get more damage if you chose not to slot KB. So I'm wondering how it would be done. If it's just through slotting, that's a bad way to do it, since like I mention above, it denies choice. Even if that was the only enforcement of this, then a Blaster that slots sets to get max damage, acc, endred, and rechred in 5 slots would have the 6ths lot free to slot a KB enhancement in, meaning that if you DON'T do that, you're losing effectiveness on the power.

I just don't see the need to do this. There are plenty of powersets out there for people who don't like KB. Why punish people who do like KB with slotting restrictions, instead of just not use those powersets if you don't like it?

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Eh, there's lots of powers that can be mis-used; knockback powers are only somewhat more visible. And to be honest, people who knock knockback are usually overlooking some of its benefits (mitigation, for example).

Pets get parked in doorways (where they at least block vision, if not movement) or drag unwanted aggro with them. Immobilizes can lock the foes in a spread-out position, hurting AoE and those "foe-buffed" powersets you're talking about. Ranged players of every stripe block doorways -- I try to remind myself to be gentle about asking them to move, but it's quite exasperating.

Knockback is usually only bad if it's

1) area
2) misused

Single-target knockback is hardly ever worth complaining about. I guess if someone uses a non-damaging single-target knockback power like Force Bolt and then wanders off, ignoring the knocked-back foe, it could be a problem; but otherwise the player who committed the knockback should just finish the foe off with ranged attacks and the Tanker or AoE character can safely ignore the whole event.

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Originally Posted by Blacier View Post
I understand very well how the power works what I am asking is Can you have more damage in liu of the knock back or have knock back for those that wish it.
They can't do what you want them to do.

The choice between damage and secondary effect in Judgement exists because several entirely separate Judgement powers exist and they exist in a system designed to have modularity.

Edit: Also, the idea of trading knockback for damage raises the question of how it'd be balanced against Fire Blast. (Boy, I never thought I'd see an instance where I'd be defending Fire Blast's damage.)

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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Pets get parked in doorways (where they at least block vision, if not movement) or drag unwanted aggro with them. Immobilizes can lock the foes in a spread-out position, hurting AoE and those "foe-buffed" powersets you're talking about. Ranged players of every stripe block doorways -- I try to remind myself to be gentle about asking them to move, but it's quite exasperating.
Yes, I personally despise playing with Masterminds more than characters with knockback. The pets are always in my way, whether I'm a ranged character or a melee character.

It's also true that many melee characters have powers with knockback as well: Mace, Super Strength, Martial Arts all have knockback attacks. And even Broadsword Scrappers and Ice Tankers can generate knockback against lower-conning foes (because the purple patch increases knockdown to knockback), or ones that are especially weak to knockback.

If other players can't handle playing with a character who's using knockback correctly, you don't want to play with them. I know that with trials you have much less of a choice of who you play with, but it goes both ways: they need a minimum number of players to run a trial, and usually can't afford to be that picky. It's also easy to avoid attacking mobs in trials that melee characters are engaged with, and the ones that really matter (the AVs, EBs, etc.) are immune to KB anyway.

If you avoid KBing a melee character's current target, and immediately destroy anything you do knock back, no one can complain about your play. The other thing is that if you're on a team with a tanker, you can often go into melee and use your heavy-hitting melee attacks with complete impunity (unless the foes are using lots of AoEs).

If you do it right, the team won't even realize that you have knockback powers. That does mean not splashing every mob with your AoE attacks, but such is life. If you wanted big AoE damage you would have rolled a Fire blaster.

I therefore don't see a need to devote developer resources to fixing something that is really just a player tactics and perception issue, rather than an actual bug.



Originally Posted by Blacier View Post
Ok but the question is more related to the Devs as can they look into this first off. I understand very well how the power works what I am asking is Can you have more damage in liu of the knock back or have knock back for those that wish it.

Not everyone shares your view on the balance of the power nor the "Joy of Knock Back" some despise some love it.

And as we have seen in the incarnate VOID power the devs are aware of this as they gave people a CHOICE (<---- which is what I am asking them to look into) as whether or not to choose knock back or damage.

And I would be willing to wager you that given the choice a higher % of the players would choose damage OVER knock back especially in that particular power set.
I think the only way they could do this is by increasing the base damage of set and then reducing the KB mag of the power to either equal to or below that of KD (0.63 or whatever it is then). You would then tell players they have to either slot the powers with the current KB sets that exist or with the Ranged Damage sets.

However this would penalise the players that do like the current level or KB and like to slot for damage. The current KB sets don't allow you to reach the same level of damage enhancement as the Ranged Sets do. Also, as Aett has described, they would miss out on set bonuses which they would currently have access to because they want to get back the original level of KB they had.

What you've got to remember about the Judgement powers is that although there is a progression tree each power within it is technically a completely different power, hence why they can allow people to create powers with/without secondary effects. Just look at when you upgrade an incarnate power, you have to reslot the incarnate enhancement into the slot and re add it to the power tray.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Instead of changing KB for more damage, make it KB, or KD. Problem solved.



Or give people a -KB IO, which would massively reduce the KB on a power. Shifts the burden to people who DON'T like the effect to use up a slot. OP, how would you like that?

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Or give people a -KB IO, which would massively reduce the KB on a power. Shifts the burden to people who DON'T like the effect to use up a slot. OP, how would you like that?
I like this suggestion

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Tired Angel View Post
I like this suggestion
I will admit, it's not my original idea. I don't know who originally suggested it, but I've seen it around many times. I think it'd work to do just what the OP wants, without forcing the burden on the people who like the status quo.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Or give people a -KB IO, which would massively reduce the KB on a power. Shifts the burden to people who DON'T like the effect to use up a slot. OP, how would you like that?
IIRC, Castle said he looked into this due to demand from players way back whenever and said there are some technical limitations as far as how the power enhancements work to this that they would have to overcome before it could be effectively implemented. I'm fairly sure this has been brought up several times in suggestions since then as well as a solution so no idea if this is a future change or what. Might be worth presenting it to the new dev team. Actually after thinking about it, this sounds like just the kind of option to be put into Null the Gull...a KB or KD option.



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
IIRC, Castle said he looked into this due to demand from players way back whenever and said there are some technical limitations as far as how the power enhancements work to this that they would have to overcome before it could be effectively implemented. I'm fairly sure this has been brought up several times in suggestions since then as well as a solution so no idea if this is a future change or what. Might be worth presenting it to the new dev team. Actually after thinking about it, this sounds like just the kind of option to be put into Null the Gull...a KB or KD option.
Definitely understood. I think it would take just as much work, though, to change powers to not have KB unless a KB enhancement was slotted in them. And at that point, why would the burden be on the people who like the powers as they currently are?

I know this wasn't the point you were trying to make, but I don't get the mindset of the OP that if he doesn't like something, it should be changed for everyone, even those who do like it, versus providing a way for him to remove the part that he dislikes. It's kind of along the lines of "I don't like olives! They shouldn't put olives on an everything pizza!" To which the response is, why don't you just ask for no olives on your everything pizza? Why remove them from everyone's pizza?

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I'd like to see exclusive powers in Energy Blast, like how Night Widows can take Aim or Follow Up, but not both. So when you pick a power from Energy Blast you can choose the KB version or the KD version, but you can't take both. I would finally be able to run an Energy Blast toon.

I'd do one build for teaming with KD powers, and a KB build for solo.



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
IIRC, Castle said he looked into this due to demand from players way back whenever and said there are some technical limitations as far as how the power enhancements work to this that they would have to overcome before it could be effectively implemented. I'm fairly sure this has been brought up several times in suggestions since then as well as a solution so no idea if this is a future change or what. Might be worth presenting it to the new dev team. Actually after thinking about it, this sounds like just the kind of option to be put into Null the Gull...a KB or KD option.
Part of the problem was, I believe, that Castle was looking for a way to turn KB completely off, which is tricky. Converting all KB into KD has a different issue: its easier, but it would then be a balance-significant change that would have to be vetted by the rest of the powers team, the lead designer, QA, and a bunch of other people. Since some powers are explicitly *balanced* around combining push back and knock mitigation, turning one off while leaving the other at full strength triggers far more review of the change.

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My main problem with knock back is pbaoe knock back like Solar Flare in Human Peacebringer. It scatters way too much.

I wish there were more Knock up than knock back.

In Champions, knockback and down can actually improve your damage because there is strong "fall" damage. That makes knock back/up way cooler as the target who gets knock backed to a wall so hard should be "hurt" more. :P I know it won't happen in this game but some knockbacks are just too annoying to deal with. Trying to reposition all the time can be very annoying.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
It's also true that many melee characters have powers with knockback as well: Mace, Super Strength, Martial Arts all have knockback attacks. And even Broadsword Scrappers and Ice Tankers can generate knockback against lower-conning foes (because the purple patch increases knockdown to knockback), or ones that are especially weak to knockback.
FYI, Mace (and Axe for that matter) no longer have attacks that do KB against even-con and above foes unless they're weak to KB. However, some of the newer melee sets like Electric and Kinetic Melee DO have a KB attack, and possibly others that I'm forgetting at the moment.

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Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
My main problem with knock back is pbaoe knock back like Solar Flare in Human Peacebringer. It scatters way too much.

I wish there were more Knock up than knock back.

In Champions, knockback and down can actually improve your damage because there is strong "fall" damage. That makes knock back/up way cooler as the target who gets knock backed to a wall so hard should be "hurt" more. :P I know it won't happen in this game but some knockbacks are just too annoying to deal with. Trying to reposition all the time can be very annoying.
Solar Flare is an exception for me. I think that one should be changed to KD, much like the other melee powers got. The scatter on that is ridiculously annoying to me. It's not like PBs are short on AoE KB effects anyways.

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Definitely understood. I think it would take just as much work, though, to change powers to not have KB unless a KB enhancement was slotted in them. And at that point, why would the burden be on the people who like the powers as they currently are?
But Aett, that's exactly what Castle did when he reduced the magnitude of the KB in Mace's Shatter and Crowd Control so they no longer did KB against most foes.

My understanding is that since it is just a matter of adjusting the base KB magnitude of the attack (IIRC anything less than 1 is KD, more than 1 is KB) it's actually much, much easier to turn KB into KD unless it's enhanced than it would be to create a -KB enhancement.

Whether it's "fair" is another question entirely, and one that got a lot of discussion when Mace was being overhauled. But unless I'm misremembering, there's no question that it's easier to start with KD as the default if you want to give people a choice.

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Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
My understanding is that since it is just a matter of adjusting the base KB magnitude of the attack (IIRC anything less than 1 is KD, more than 1 is KB) it's actually much, much easier to turn KB into KD unless it's enhanced than it would be to create a -KB enhancement.
0.75. 0.67 if you want it to remain KD against -1s without any KB (negative) resistance like some clockwork.

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From my perspective you pick Energy Blast because it does knockback. I don't want to have to add KB slots just to get that functionality back. If you don't like that it does KB, pick another set. There are several. All sets have slightly different effects. I like that. I would not be opposed to a way to add an ehancement to change the Knock back to knock up or knock down. A -KB IO perhaps. But I am happy with my +KB enhanced energy blasts as they are.

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Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
But Aett, that's exactly what Castle did when he reduced the magnitude of the KB in Mace's Shatter and Crowd Control so they no longer did KB against most foes.

My understanding is that since it is just a matter of adjusting the base KB magnitude of the attack (IIRC anything less than 1 is KD, more than 1 is KB) it's actually much, much easier to turn KB into KD unless it's enhanced than it would be to create a -KB enhancement.

Whether it's "fair" is another question entirely, and one that got a lot of discussion when Mace was being overhauled. But unless I'm misremembering, there's no question that it's easier to start with KD as the default if you want to give people a choice.
Unless I'm mistaken, the OP was talking about removing KB completely from the attack, unless a KB enhancement was slotted, not just reducing it to KD. If that was the case, there's whole other problems that pop up (meaning that every KB effect in the game would have the same value, meaning that powers would have to be rebalanced). But the OP seemed to be talking about not having it AT ALL in the powers, but if you slotted for KB, it would come back at its current value.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
0.75. 0.67 if you want it to remain KD against -1s without any KB (negative) resistance like some clockwork.
Thanks for the correction, I knew that most KD attacks are set to .67, but I didn't remember the "here be KB" cutoff number.

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Unless I'm mistaken, the OP was talking about removing KB completely from the attack, unless a KB enhancement was slotted, not just reducing it to KD. If that was the case, there's whole other problems that pop up (meaning that every KB effect in the game would have the same value, meaning that powers would have to be rebalanced). But the OP seemed to be talking about not having it AT ALL in the powers, but if you slotted for KB, it would come back at its current value.
So no knock effect of any kind, including KD? Yes, I could see that might be difficult to achieve.

Perhaps the OP can clarify; he/she may not have known that reducing KB mag to mostly-KD is relatively simple compared to turning the KB effect off and on entirely. I've heard few players complain about KD in attacks; balance issues aside, reducing the KB mag would seem to be a reasonable compromise (and more realistic goal) than a KB 'switch'.

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