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  1. Starting point:

    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    Actually, I think I can talk about this. What were previously +Immob, Hold, Sleep, Stun, etc. Resist have been changed to be +Res Fire/Cold, Lethal/Smash, Energy/Negative energy and resistance to all common statuses. So basically you get a small amount of +damage resist to 2 types and +status resistance.

    Also, all old damage resistance set bonuses have been improved to work this way too.

    MELEE sets that might get changed:
    Bone Snap: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
    Pulverizing fisticuffs: 2 slotted (Sleep Res)
    Smashing Haymaker: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
    Kinetic Combat: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
    Focused Smite: 2 slotted (Immob Res) 3 slotted (Confuse Res), 4 slotted (Debt Prot) Basically a brand new set
    Touch of Death: 2 slotted (Immob Res) 5 slotted (Hold res)
    Crushing Impact: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
    Mako's Bite: 2 slotted (Immob Res) 5 slotted (Hold res)

    No way I'm going to type it all down, but Melee changes alone will make the scrapper forum have nightmares.

    RANGED sets:
    Far Strike: 2 slotted (Fear Res)
    Salvo: 2 slotted (Sleep Res)
    Tempest: 2 slotted (Sleep Res)
    Maelstrom's Fury: 4 slotted (Stun Res)
    Entropic Chaos: 3 slotted (Confuse Res)
    Ruin: 2 slotted (Fear Res) 4 slotted (Debt Prot)
    Decimation: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
    Devastation: 5 slotted (Hold Res)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Well in the villain arc, you get to choose how many of you you face... all the way up to 8. It gets pretty absurd. I did it as a Demon/Thermal once. They were all hardcapped resistance, they kept rezzing and healing each other... I had to wait five levels and come back.
    I was leading an awesome team on my FF/Fire defender. Picked 8. That didn't turn out well.
  3. So how come no one is complaining about all the other nuisances in the other sustain powers?

    Fire Manipulation's blazing aura means I'm going all around damaging and agroing everyone around me.

    Ice Manipulation Chilling Embrace is becoming a 30 ft radius slow field. What if I don't want to slow stuff or want them to get closer?

    Energy Manipulation has me clicking Energize over and over again if I want the bonus!

    Electric's Sustain is in Lighting Clap!

    EDIT: not that any of this bothers me, but I can see it ruining plenty of people's internet life.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Do I look forward to new incarnate slots?


    I'm enjoying the game much more during my hiatus from iTrials, and even though I think the incarnate solo stuff is enjoyable, I still find creating alts and playing the 'under level 40' game to be more fun for me. The time it takes to unlock a new slot is just too much of my limited playtime taken away from that.

    I haven't even bothered to look at what Hybrid does. I really can't bring myself to care. I don't hate incarnate stuff- don't get me wrong- I'm just apathetic to it.
    This sums up my approach.
  5. Tormentoso


    Rad blast tainted black? Irradiate could do the job.
  6. Without giving away any spoilers, how many episodes of Phantom should I watch before deciding if it's for me or not? Watched the first two and not too impressed.
  7. It's been a while since we get new temp power recipes. That'd be one good place for it to make a comeback.
  8. I would love this IF AND ONLY IF the other build had its own leveling xp system. So they would for all intents and purposes be different characters entirely attached to the same name.

    So no matter how high the self-PL-ing Brute is, the controller who is uber at 50 but sucks till then is still level 1.

    The RP potentials would be delicious. Same character with multiple kinds of battle armor: melee and range. A dual pistol who alternates between devices or traps depending on the need, etc.
  9. Aye. I love his Batman, but I can't see him bringing anything productive into a Justice League movie.
  10. Tormentoso

    Ode to Archery

    I don't think powersets can read. Much less be aware of concepts such as friendships or relationships.

    Unless you were trying to passive aggressively make a subtle statement about the direction the game is going in the shape of a personal letter.

    These days, can't be sure what are the intents of someone in the internet. Lots of crazy people into lots of weird stuff hearing lots of weird voices.

    But I don't judge. I heard someone married a fruit salad once. I'm cool with that. Ergo, I'm cool with you breaking up with a powerset.
  11. Personally I think the new recharge values are too small and would probably be happy with an extra 30 seconds (15 after slotting) recharge if it meant more "Oomph."

    But regardless, I'm happy and ok with this direction.
  12. Tormentoso

    Radiation Blast

    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    But just wanted to ask if anyone else is underwhelmed by Electron Haze. Maybe if the KB chance was reliable, but as a cone, I feel I'm not hitting much of anything compared to, say, Empty idea why. It's the same cone shape.
    I find myself skipping E Haze. Too long animation on a non reliable KB doesn't work for me.
  13. I got a Rad/Fire in the late 20s. Still no Combustion though. Biggest problem I've found so far is all the DoTs. Repulsion Bomb jumping in, Fire Sword Circle, Irradiate, tick tick tick, stuff dies, if it doesn't I got a Fire Sword for that, and then blast as needed.

    I'm impatiently waiting to see if the devs follow up and make Blazing aura not drop on mezzes. I'll be happy camper then.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Easy enough for me, I'll be switching out X-Ray Eyes and Neutron Bomb for Proton Volley and Atomic Blast. Might lose a little recharge, but insta-snipe and crashless nuke? Yes, please.
    On my Emp/Rad exchaning X-Ray Beam for Proton Volley is an easy fix. Laser eyes never fit concept anyway. Now what to ditch for Atomic Blast...

    My FF/elec might have the easiest time incorporating the changes. But I just know they are going to do something with Force Fields the moment I respec him.
  15. is a defender supposed to do any defending with so many fun pew pew options?

    I'm looking hard at my build wondering how to fit two powers and the slots for them. Not easy, I say.

    I will do it, because, hey, BOOM! and all. But not easy.
  16. My First Storm defender was a Storm Brawler. All Storm, no secondary, all power pools. I wonder how doable it would be now.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    THe set is fine now. Im just afraid its going to drop near the bottom when 24 comes out.
    (a) It's not the only snipe-less set that might drop.
    (b) Devs are aware that snipe-less exist and that they should get something
    (c) We haven't seen Hawks entire plan yet.
    (d) Even if Water dropped to bottom, that'll be a buff to whoever is bottom now, so 'yay?'
    (e) Enough people who are willing to put the work and crunch the numbers will make enough of a stink in Blaster changes Beta to bring this into the devs attention.
    (=) Don't panic till you see the monster in your room.
  18. For some reason confusion powers tend to have longer base duration than other forms of control. Probably because of the 'loss xp' or some other weird reason. Add to that that Seeds is meant to be Plant's every spawn control and you have 'weeeee.'

    Though I agree Seeds might be too much, I also agree that Plant w/o it is meh, whereas Mind w/o Mass Confusion still has plenty of reliable lockdown toys.

    Mind has two 'Control Nukes' which makes reliable control when alternated, as opposed to other control sets.
  19. Bonefire on your feet or a little bit ahead can wreck anyone trying to get close.
  20. Thanks. I know 2% per second doesn't sound like much and we'll still die in alphas, but I've been soloing my level 27 blaster that only has common IOs (and a Kismet) and I've found myself thinking that that noticeable regen would come in handy with downtime. The problem is not killing a spawn, its the bruises you're left with that makes the next one too much of a threat.

    And conceptually, I like it better than def, res, and mezz protection.

    Still not sure if it will be enough, but there's Beta for that.

    EDIT: so 2% max HP/sec means a whole new health bar every 50 seconds. And the bonuses you mentioned adds up to 203% regen or 0.83% max Hp/Sec for a total of ~2.83% max HP / sec which translates into a whole new health bar every 35 seconds.

    Not sure I like the idea of giving up Thunderstrikes for that, but I like the general direction.
  21. For those of us that can't understand what 380% regen means, can we have a rough translation? HP/sec doesn't mean much either since I have no idea what a level 50's HP are and I never play there.

    I remember Hawk saying that Sustain was going to be in the lines of 1% of the health bar per second, half of that slottable, so I'm thinking 1.5% of my health bar per second. I think this way of presenting things are easier for the math-illiterate.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    Alright, sorry about the delay. I had the video ready to go last night but Youtube wasn't playing nice and was refusing to upload anything;

    Link =

    If any Devs have a problem with the music please let me know via a PM and I'll squelch it ASAP.
    That was as amusing as I was expecting it to be.
  23. I'd like to see someone with Bonfire slotted for damage and the proc put up a video of it in action.

    Let's at least keep the event documented for future generations.
  24. Funny thing about 4 people PuGs: some powers become useful. My blaster found the starting immob power the only thing keeping him alive on some teams.
  25. I am reminded of :Sayre's law
    "In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake."