for the public good, not personal wealth

Adeon Hawkwood



Suppose there were a change made to worthless IO sets that gave out XP debt reduction and specific mesmerization/mental control resistances and instead give them useful benefits.

hypothetically speaking, what IO sets would be the good ones. The ones that forward thinking players might stock up on now while prices are low?




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The good IO sets will always (?) give +HP, +DEF, +Damage etc. etc. Stuff people WANT. Debt reduction might be relevant if we actually HAD debt, like way back when you could have 10 bars of the stuff. With Patrol XP and so on...meh.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Starting point:

Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
Actually, I think I can talk about this. What were previously +Immob, Hold, Sleep, Stun, etc. Resist have been changed to be +Res Fire/Cold, Lethal/Smash, Energy/Negative energy and resistance to all common statuses. So basically you get a small amount of +damage resist to 2 types and +status resistance.

Also, all old damage resistance set bonuses have been improved to work this way too.

MELEE sets that might get changed:
Bone Snap: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
Pulverizing fisticuffs: 2 slotted (Sleep Res)
Smashing Haymaker: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
Kinetic Combat: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
Focused Smite: 2 slotted (Immob Res) 3 slotted (Confuse Res), 4 slotted (Debt Prot) Basically a brand new set
Touch of Death: 2 slotted (Immob Res) 5 slotted (Hold res)
Crushing Impact: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
Mako's Bite: 2 slotted (Immob Res) 5 slotted (Hold res)

No way I'm going to type it all down, but Melee changes alone will make the scrapper forum have nightmares.

RANGED sets:
Far Strike: 2 slotted (Fear Res)
Salvo: 2 slotted (Sleep Res)
Tempest: 2 slotted (Sleep Res)
Maelstrom's Fury: 4 slotted (Stun Res)
Entropic Chaos: 3 slotted (Confuse Res)
Ruin: 2 slotted (Fear Res) 4 slotted (Debt Prot)
Decimation: 2 slotted (Immob Res)
Devastation: 5 slotted (Hold Res)



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post

Considering we don't know what exactly is replacing those set bonuses, I think we should wait until I24.

Come on now, dug. You didn't need to make a thread for this.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Honestly I don't think we have enough information to say for sure yet. A lot of it depends on what the values for the new set bonuses are going to actually be and whether this will change the IO meta-game enough to make it worth slotting for.

That being said if the meta-game DOES shift then here are a few sets that I do think are worth keeping an eye on:
Devastation: a Huge Hold Res bonus, if this gets changed to a useful damage type (say S/L) then this may be useful.
Sovereign Right: FOUR different mez resistance bonuses and a Melee Defense, hard to use but potentially a good choice for Tankerminds.
Detonation: 1 status resistance, two damage resistance and debt protection. Could be a viable alternative to Positron's Blast
Titanium Coating: Three mez resistance bonuses and a Melee Defense, I can see this being popular for some melee characters.
Celerity: A mez resist in the second slot and you can always slot it in sprint, depending on the type this may be good



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Honestly I don't think we have enough information to say for sure yet. A lot of it depends on what the values for the new set bonuses are going to actually be and whether this will change the IO meta-game enough to make it worth slotting for.

That being said if the meta-game DOES shift then here are a few sets that I do think are worth keeping an eye on:
Devastation: a Huge Hold Res bonus, if this gets changed to a useful damage type (say S/L) then this may be useful.
Sovereign Right: FOUR different mez resistance bonuses and a Melee Defense, hard to use but potentially a good choice for Tankerminds.
Detonation: 1 status resistance, two damage resistance and debt protection. Could be a viable alternative to Positron's Blast
Titanium Coating: Three mez resistance bonuses and a Melee Defense, I can see this being popular for some melee characters.
Celerity: A mez resist in the second slot and you can always slot it in sprint, depending on the type this may be good
Titanium Coating may end up being great. If it really gives 4 bonuses to all resists, even at 1% each that is +4%. Every defense set I think could slot 2 of these, plus a set in tough. I imagine +12% to all resistances could change a lot for tankers and brutes.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
AFAIK, nobody said that mez resist is going to be turned into damage rez. It might happen... but careful with assumptions
Synapse Sezs



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
You didn't need to make a thread for this.
That's like telling Johnny_Butane he didn't have to complain about tanks, or GG that she didn't have to use those smileys. Dug is a thread-making force of nature.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
That's like telling Johnny_Butane he didn't have to complain about tanks, or GG that she didn't have to use those smileys. Dug is a thread-making force of nature.

The Three Amigos!!!!!!



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
It is very much my impression that dug never needs a reason.
However, he DOES need a raisin.

Everyone mail Dug raisins!



I think I'm going to wait until it's up on beta before I do any speculation. I know I know, that's just so calm and rational which has no place on the Internet.

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
It is very much my impression that dug never needs a reason.
He was sent from a distant stellar star that is far away by their Department of Redundancy Department to post threads about topics that already have threads about their topics being posted about the topic.

The thing that makes the threads especially special is that they are initially started by the man from the arth, and not some other forum posting forumite who isn't dug.

i hopefully anticipate that this descriptive explanation actually really makes the distinctive difference transparently clear.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...