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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I was forced to go through tutorial when I created my hero, I know I defeated/arrested more then 100 contaminated when I was there in Outbreak, hell I may have defeated /arrested more then 200 because I was there with a team of 8 (which were my friends) when we all started this game.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You're honestly trying to get us to believe that you and 7 other friends sat there in Outbreak for however long it took you to kill 100 or even 200 Infected in spawns of 2? For no gain or any other kind of reason whatsoever when you could have just gone on to the rest of the game after just killing 6 of them?!

    Heck, even after knowing about the badge and its requirements, it got really boring just after 40 or so. I'm sorry, but I find this claim almost impossible to believe.
  2. TheUnnamedOne

    Accolade powers

    [ QUOTE ]
    Could we get a hint as to how many?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As soon as issue 7 hits the test server, someone's going to hack the data files and pull all the information about new badges out of it and we'll get a nice list. Of course Cryptic has also put bogus info in them before just for that reason.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Excellent point that I failed to take into account. I don't believe this is true at the higher levels, but it probably is the case before 30 or so.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, it's even MORE true at high levels if you're in a SuperGroup and earning Prestige for you group. After level 25, your earned influence starts declining by a regular amount until you get to level 35 when you earn NO influence/infamy while in SuperGroup mode.

    I've had my MasterMind on a fast track to level 40 recently and I've been running missions at +2 level difficulty to accellerate her advancement (love that higher mission bonus!!) and even then (with very few defeats), she's had NO trouble at all keeping up with enhancements. Of course, I also ran her to 17 on Trainings and 27 on DO's (and even now at 33 she has a few DO's) for all but her most important powers.

    Back to defeat and debt. Who cares? What does it actually do? It temporarily slows your leveling rate and unless you literally get defeated all the time that you're always capped on debt, it will never take you to leveling at half speed. It goes away all by itself. You don't have to do anything special to get out of debt. It can't stop you from levelling. It doesn't actually DO anything to you besides slightly slow down your rate of advancement. That's it. COH/COV has the nicest debt penalty out of ANY game I've ever played, even solo games except for the fact that you can just reload them when you die.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    If you look back at all the games way back you started out with the text based rpg, then along came the side scroller, then you move into 3d with first person shooters. MMO's are just the next leap in 3d games to add in a way for people to socialize via the internet.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, if you look at your computer game history, Ultima Underworld was the first fully 3D game. The "3D" FPS games that were out before that were actually more like 2½D games since they did not let the PLAYER have full up/down freedom. Even Doom only had left/right and forward/back movement along with some minor environment climbing capabilities and UU came out before that.
  5. Yes, 200 presents opened of any kind. I got my badge on the one character I wanted it when I opened up a "Naughty" present.
  6. A good story. Nice to read a little quality characterization for a change. Hard to tell if I'd prefer it as a prelude of a larger story or as-is.

    One question though, what did you mean by "sybillant accent?" Sibilant means a hissing sound or emphasized S's (and other similar sounds) in speech and she didn't use any in the sentence she just spoke before descibing it that way.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I just don't see how that's possible, unless Mercs are vastly superior to Ninjas.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's just that some of these players are REALLY good. Also, I've noticed that Dark Miasma is a great complement to any pets when you're fighting higher level enemies, and I've heard that Traps is pretty good at this as well but I've never liked the set personally so haven't went past level 4 with it.

    My Necro/Dark Miasma Mastermind goes through missions at +1 difficulty literally about twice as fast as my Robot/Poison does on regular difficulty in the teen levels. As they get higher, I really don't see this changing much at all. Poison is unfortunately really weak compared to the other secondaries, unless all you're doing is fighting single targets and then it becomes really slooooooooowww.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    The reward tables for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

    The store definitions for CoV are the exact same ones as CoH.

    You don't start giving up Inf. for Prestige until level 24.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Mission rewards are pretty lackluster in CoH/CoV. A little bit of Inf that won't even buy an even-level Training enhancement is not much of a reward. Missions should give out decent enhancements as a general reward. From level 2-15, you should get a level -1 Training Enhancement for each successful mission. From 16-25 you should get a random level -1 DO that matches your Origin so that you can use it. From 26-45 you should get a random level -1 SO that matches your Origin so that you can use it. From Level 46 up, you should get a +1 SO that matches your Origin so that you can use it.

    This isn't a huge boost but being able to reliably get a possibly useful enhancement would be a really nice touch.

    Villains also need a way to get more Inf. Heroes trade on their reputation, their Influence. Why should a Villain do the same? Villains buy, cheat or steal what they need. If you're going to still have an Inf system, there needs to be a way for Villains to pad their Inf.
  9. TheUnnamedOne

    Superhero quiz

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah.. because I, the married one with a 7 month old got 21/21

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And I, also married, with a 10 month old daughter, got the same score.

    Adulthood intensifies geeky trivia knowledge ability.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I sense a trend here...

    Married?: Check.
    New Child?: Check (10 month old daughter as well!)
    Intensified Comic Geek Trivia Knowledge?: Check

    21 out of 21
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    You don't "settle" for Alex Ross doing anything. You beg.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Bah, Ross is WAY overrated. There's plenty of artists just as good as Alex Ross out there, many of them who aren't as glacially slow as he is either. He's just one of the few that actually does comics.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    He said in another interview. It's something like Go Go Chex and he even gave the server. I bet he had to shelf that char though

    [/ QUOTE ]Either that or someone with a character named Go Go Chex pissed of Mark and he decided to get even with them by ensuring they were in /Tell-Hell for a few weeks.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Problem with this is that most players won't think they are Confused.

    They will think they are the victim of a bug or some sort of exploit.

    Letting the player know when they are Confused is the easiest way to prevent Customer Service from recieving tons of false bug and exploit tickets.

    We tried to implement a system where we can let the player know they are Confused, but give them the opportunity to "act normally", just occassionally changing their actions server side. Once Issue 4 hits test, try it out and give us your feedback.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Here's an idea that would make this much more fun...

    The Confused Character gets a status icon for the effect and random attacks occasionally hit something other than the target they are attacking. The Server knows when the Confused Character is attacking the wrong target and shows the Confused Character's attacks hitting who they really hit EXCEPT for the Confused Character who the Server always shows hitting what they're aiming at. The Server would show the true events to everyone else while the Confused Character gets shown only what they think they're doing.

    That way it really would make the player confused because while they'd know they were confused but they'd never know exactly what they were doing wrong.
  13. TheUnnamedOne

    Defense nerf

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    myopic is shortsightedness

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually Myopia is a medical term used to describe someone who is near sighted, where distant objects appear blurry. There is some connection in connotation between the medical condition and shortsightedness, but the two are not the same. A near sighted person is myopic. A shortsighted person is usually just stubborn.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    1: unable to see distant objects clearly [syn: nearsighted] [ant: farsighted]
    2: lacking foresight or scope; "a short view of the problem"; "shortsighted policies"; "shortsighted critics derided the plan"; "myopic thinking" [syn: short, shortsighted, unforesightful]

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    This was an art contest...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Really?!? And here I thought it was a computer WALLPAPER contest. You know, the neat little images that sit behind all your desktop icons? The stuff that you don't want looking TOO busy that it camoflages your computer's icons.

    Wallpaper should be stylish and somewhat subdued in order to actually be funtional as a desktop background. Part of the judging was probably the judges actually USING the entries as a wallpaper.

    Go ahead, USE them as wallpaper and she which ones look the best.

    In my opinion, they should have made it a full-blown Theme contest with background, icons, cursors, etc.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I asked for verfication in both email and on a forum and was not responded to.

    [/ QUOTE ][ QUOTE ]
    I am so upset, mostly because I have no idea if you guys even got mine since you didnt send out an email saying at least even thank you for the entry or even acknowledging it when I emailed you asking for some sort of indication if you got it.

    [/ QUOTE ]Have you considered the fact that they DIDN'T get your email, maybe they didn't get either of them?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I think you chose poorly, and thats more then sour grapes talking...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, if you REALLY want some feedback on your wallpaper, get ready. Please note, I am attempting an honest critique (opinion) and I'm not trying to flame you at all.

    I believe that all 6 of the winners and runners-up submitted a crisp, clean and professional-looking entry. While I'm not fond of the way CrimsonHelix's 2nd place entry looks and I don't see anywhere that states that you could use images from the comic book, it's still a well-done collage-type wallpaper. Yours, on the other hand, looks amateurish. I'm not trying to discount your artistic ability or the effort that you put in, but it just doesn't look as good.

    Specifically, your line work is very plain, your computer coloring job is little more than a paint-bucket fill, your characters all have the EXACT same expression on their faces, except for the blue elf in the top left, and your layout is cluttered and distracting.

    Your line work lacks depth. Every line is the same size on the same character. Also, from the way your linework looks, I'd bet that each character was a different size when drawn and then resized and pasted into the picture without much change. The lines on Statesman are MUCH thicker in the picture than the lines on the blond character behind him to the right.

    Your coloring skills need gradations. The harsh break from one color shade to the next really distracts from the overall appearance. When you have weak linework, you really need strong, vibrant color work to make up for the lack of depth you lose with narrow black outlines and no shadows. Also, the color of metal looks like cloth which looks like skin which looks like metal, except for Statesman's helmet with the reflected light which looks a bit better than the rest. There's no difference in textures of the colors from one substance to the next.

    With 11 different characters in a picture, how come you couldn't make more than two expressions when one of those is shared by ten characters? People do not always scowl trying to look cool.

    Your layout is too chaotic. There's no sense of space with all the charactes just jumbled in on top of each other. Add to that the lack of a good background texture and it makes it too hard to focus on any one detail.

    Anyway, that's my 2 inf. Keep up the art, you've got GREAT potential, you just need experience and practice. Fiind a tutorial or course on linework and coloring and your work will look much better just with improvements in those two areas. Practice, practice, practice!! Even Alex Ross's early work wasn't that great either.
  17. Here's my 2 Inf...
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sounds like this player has invested in 4 powers - 3 of which he choose, and most of which he has probably slotted more than 6, and he still cannot fly. How much more of an investment did he make compared to your 1 power? How much did he have to give up compared to you and he still cannot go vertical.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, he really gave up nothing, except maybe a couple slots. Each power mentioned has plenty of use and, except Swift, gives benefits in other areas as well. Even Swift is one of the prerequisite for Stamina so that's not even a wasted power slot. Odds are, the Flyer had Swift too in order to get Stamina. The non-flying character maybe spent 2-3 more slots than the flier but he STILL gets more functionality out of his slots than the flier does anyway.

    [ QUOTE ]
    No matter how you slice it, flying is ultimately safer than super speed, and offer an undeniable vertical advantage over super speed (or in this case, 4 other speed powers). If flyspeed had the same max as runspeed, why would anyone ever take superspeed?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    "Ultimately safer"?!? I don't think so. There's only TWO ways that Flight is safer than Superspeed and that only accounts for about 5-10% of actual usage of the powers at best. First, it's _simpler_ to fly far enough away from enemies to be out of agro range. Superspeed is still really easy to avoid agro as well though, you just can't go on "autopilot" with it. Second, ambushes are more easily avoided, unless there's fliers in the ambush which, I'll admit, is pretty rare.

    Superspeed has that stealth component and that alone makes it much safer than Fly 90+% of the time, unless you always spend 15-30 seconds flying straight up to get high enough to be out of agro range. With Superspeed, you just need to be about 5-10 feet away from enemies, with Flight, you need to be 30-40 feet above them or however far unstealthed agro range is.

    [/ QUOTE ]I'm not talking theory here. Yes, I will admit, in theory, Flight is MUCH safer than Superspeed. Technically, it has to be. But when you actually apply the game mechanics of the two powers, you get a MUCH different picture. In actual game application, Superspeed comes out to be a VASTLY superior power. Faster travel. Stealth side effect. Lower Endurance usage. No accuracy penalty.

    Here's my idea to fix the problem. Remove the Accuracy penalty from Fly, or at least reduce it to 10 or 15%. Slightly lower the Endurance cost of Fly by about 10%. Let Swift and Superspeed stack with Fly with the same max speed as Superspeed currently has. Apply a larger Accuracy penalty for using BOTH Superspeed AND Fly at the same time.

    That would solve a LOT of complaints right there in a nutshell on a few different complaints. People who want to Fly faster can Spend FOUR Power choices and a number of slots to get Fly and Superspeed. That alone is enough of a sacrifice to make it reasonable. It will also cost a LOT of endurance to have both Travel Powers on at the same time. Superfast fliers won't be doing strafing runs since their Acc will be even more in the pits (even though strafing runs aren't very effective anyway).
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Corollax is referance to a mytical bird of some sort I believe.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Might be what that's referring to.

    Hmmm... Corrollax... "Corolla X"?

    Maybe this is some twisted reference of bringing in vehicles and Statesman has an old and trusty Toyota Corolla in his history?
  19. TheUnnamedOne

    More answers....

    [ QUOTE ]
    7. We are not looking at Flight or Energy Blast.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Why is Fly the only travel power with an accuracy penalty? It just doesn't make sense comparing it to the other travel powers and further gimps this power except for the "Wow, I'm flying!" factor.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Its already on internal testing. so the training room should get it within a few weeks.

    Watch, i bet this wendesday they will release all of the information on the Update.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I agree. The fact that Statesman is talking details of the expansion means (using the last two Issues as example) it is only a short time away. My guess is that we'll start seeing something of Issue 3 in the next two weeks at most.
  21. As a supplementary note, the powers that decrease enemy aggro range (notably Smoke Grenade and Smoke) seem to decrease either the range that an enemy can "squawk" to his companions or else decreases their response range to fellow companion's "squawks" even on the killing blow.

    Using Smoke Grenade with Cloaking Device, I've been able to one-shot Snipe enemies in groups when they are no more than 8-10 feet away from each other. It works much easier when the target isn't being looked at by his friends and once I one-shotted a minion behind the back of his LT about 3 feet away. I was most likely at close to max Sniper range then though but it was still funny.
  22. The Devs have stated before, and I think it's in the Customer Service Contact procedures, that if you want to submit a bug then use the /bug command. If you want FEEDBACK on that bug or if you need to supply extra information that won't fit in the /bug command interface (screenshots, etc.), you need to send in a petition referencing that bug.

    I've done it a few times and it works well. You'll get the auto-response email and you can add in any other details when you reply to that. Tech Support has only taken a few days at most to reply to my problems, even if it was just a "It's fixed on Test, Thank you for your help" response. With other things they've responded with quickness and appreciation for helping find and document new bugs for them to test.

    It's basically a situation where you need to learn and use the proper channels to get the info you want. Tech CS will know if it's fixed on Test, in the loop or a new bug and they'll gladly tell you through a petition.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Statesman said
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which confirms that its a Devs vs player game that they get to cheat to beat you.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    LOL, how can it be cheating when the Devs make the rules?!?

    Seriously, villains get something like 4 powers total on average, a few more for LT's and Bosses. Players get that many by level 4. By level 14, we've got 9. I'd much rather get the wider assortment of powers that players get than only get a few powers total no matter how powerful they are.

    Players and Villains follow MUCH different rulesets. There's nothing wrong with them having power combinations that we don't.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    No – this is a bug. We’re working on it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This is becoming the mantra of Cryptic.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Dude, are you clueless?!? You're saying this like it's a BAD thing. That's their raison d'etre right now: fixing the bugs in the game and making sure it stays playable.

    I wouldn't want to play an MMOG where "We're working on it" is NOT thier mantra.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    My site is here

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The link isn't working...