MM Enhancements in Upgrade Powers
There was a bug found near the end of beta where it was realized that the Upgrade powers did not benefit from Enhancements in the Henchmen powers.
This was fixed and was in the version that was on test last week. Unfortunately the patch note did not go with it, AND no one told me the fix was up there.
Anyway, long story short is that the fix is now LIVE, and your Henchmen should be fully Enhanced when you use your Upgrade powers.
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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Not sure if this is too powerful but I can solo on relentless (Hardest difficulty) at a decent rate. I am a merc/traps Mastermind.
Edit: I am currently 27 with all of my SO's. Once I hit 32 it may become a blood bath with all my AE's.
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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Thanks for the fix, but Posi we are the weakest of all ATs. It would take a major increas in our damage output to make us too powerful.
The PVP Robot bug is still there though. I tested it earlier. Lasers fire, the victim does the animation of being hit but NO Damage. I can not PVP. This is a PVP game and I cant PVP. There are rewards for PVP I can not recieve. Part of the game is essentially shout off from me. We need this fix REALLY soon.
I tested it some, actually. I had misread your original message and went to the test server thinking it was already patched.... and it was!
My post on the subject was here.
I only got to test Ninjas. Ninja upgrades tend to be slow cycling (e.g. Soaring Dragon) or fairly weak anyway (e.g. Poison Dart) so it's possible we were impacted less than other power sets. I can see where Mercenaries may have benefitted more, since all of their Equip powers come into play a lot more often.
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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Nope, we suck, we need to be boosted, we do near zero damage even with this.
And anyone who says we do enough or too much damage is a damn liar!
Step 3: Profit
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
There was a bug found near the end of beta where it was realized that the Upgrade powers did not benefit from Enhancements in the Henchmen powers.
This was fixed and was in the version that was on test last week. Unfortunately the patch note did not go with it, AND no one told me the fix was up there.
Anyway, long story short is that the fix is now LIVE, and your Henchmen should be fully Enhanced when you use your Upgrade powers.
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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Not sure if this is too powerful but I can solo on relentless (Hardest difficulty) at a decent rate. I am a merc/traps Mastermind.
Edit: I am currently 27 with all of my SO's. Once I hit 32 it may become a blood bath with all my AE's.
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MMs were able to solo at that difficulty during beta with the bug in place. It's just a matter of how fast.
Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast
Not sure if this is too powerful but I can solo on relentless (Hardest difficulty) at a decent rate. I am a merc/traps Mastermind.
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I just don't see how that's possible, unless Mercs are vastly superior to Ninjas.
Hardest difficulty would give you purple bosses. An orange Freakshow boss will kill Genin in 1 hit. A purple Freakshow boss will kill Jounin in 1 hit. I can't take on those missions solo at that sort of difficulty setting, even if my minions had their damage output doubled!
There was a bug found near the end of beta where it was realized that the Upgrade powers did not benefit from Enhancements in the Henchmen powers.
This was fixed and was in the version that was on test last week. Unfortunately the patch note did not go with it, AND no one told me the fix was up there.
Anyway, long story short is that the fix is now LIVE, and your Henchmen should be fully Enhanced when you use your Upgrade powers.
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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Not sure if this is too powerful but I can solo on relentless (Hardest difficulty) at a decent rate. I am a merc/traps Mastermind.
Edit: I am currently 27 with all of my SO's. Once I hit 32 it may become a blood bath with all my AE's.
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MMs were able to solo at that difficulty during beta with the bug in place. It's just a matter of how fast.
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Yes but now I can clear a relentless mission in the time it took me to clear a heroic mission before the bug was fixed. I just took down a +3 freak tanker (And I am Mercs) VERY fast compared to before. It used to take 5 minutes, now it took like a minute.
MMs were able to solo at that difficulty during beta with the bug in place. It's just a matter of how fast.
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Yes but now I can clear a relentless mission in the time it took me to clear a heroic mission before the bug was fixed. I just took down a +3 freak tanker (And I am Mercs) VERY fast compared to before. It used to take 5 minutes, now it took like a minute.
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Now that's what I call an improvement!
Really, this isn't better than a Scrapper, so I doubt it's nerf bait.
Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast
Not sure if this is too powerful but I can solo on relentless (Hardest difficulty) at a decent rate. I am a merc/traps Mastermind.
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I just don't see how that's possible, unless Mercs are vastly superior to Ninjas.
Hardest difficulty would give you purple bosses. An orange Freakshow boss will kill Genin in 1 hit. A purple Freakshow boss will kill Jounin in 1 hit. I can't take on those missions solo at that sort of difficulty setting, even if my minions had their damage output doubled!
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Mercs have like 40% Smashing/Lethal resistance
Edit: In other words, yes they are fairly superior to Ninjas because Resists > Defense.
Hardest difficulty would give you purple bosses. An orange Freakshow boss will kill Genin in 1 hit. A purple Freakshow boss will kill Jounin in 1 hit. I can't take on those missions solo at that sort of difficulty setting, even if my minions had their damage output doubled!
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Well, Mercs is a ranged set, and Traps has Caltrops to keep foes out of melee. If he combines Caltrops with Acid Mortar, and lures foes to choke points in maps, I can see him doing it. The only problem is that Triage isn't the greatest healing power, which means he'd need Aid Other to keep up with the incoming ranged damage.
Hardest difficulty would give you purple bosses. An orange Freakshow boss will kill Genin in 1 hit. A purple Freakshow boss will kill Jounin in 1 hit. I can't take on those missions solo at that sort of difficulty setting, even if my minions had their damage output doubled!
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Well, Mercs is a ranged set, and Traps has Caltrops to keep foes out of melee. If he combines Caltrops with Acid Mortar, and lures foes to choke points in maps, I can see him doing it. The only problem is that Triage isn't the greatest healing power, which means he'd need Aid Other to keep up with the incoming ranged damage.
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Mercs have a medic.
The PVP Robot bug is still there though. I tested it earlier. Lasers fire, the victim does the animation of being hit but NO Damage. I can not PVP. This is a PVP game and I cant PVP. There are rewards for PVP I can not recieve. Part of the game is essentially shout off from me. We need this fix REALLY soon.
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Funny, this is how my ice tank felt with issue four, when the arena was a no-go zone. An entire issue of 'content' unavailable to me since anyone with any sort of buff OR debuff would just make a joke of her. And it took until issue SIX for some sort of half-attempt at fixing this was put into place.
I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
Step 3: Profit
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In Soviet Russia, Mastermind is more powerful than You!
>.> it would be nice if they'd put patch notes up for the one that just went live... they fixed the last on field in sgs, but not the global chat invite bug o.O I cna't tell what was supposidly fixed to go test anything..
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
Mercs have like 40% Smashing/Lethal resistance
Edit: In other words, yes they are fairly superior to Ninjas because Resists > Defense.
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Mercs have 20% Resist to Smashing and Lethal ONLY, that scales up to 28% Resistance to S/L somewhere in the 20s. Commando has token resistance (7%) to Fire, Cold, and Toxic.
And Resistance is NOT better than Defense, they're fairly comparable.
Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast
Mercs have like 40% Smashing/Lethal resistance
Edit: In other words, yes they are fairly superior to Ninjas because Resists > Defense.
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Mercs have 20% Resist to Smashing and Lethal ONLY, that scales up to 28% Resistance to S/L somewhere in the 20s. Commando has token resistance (7%) to Fire, Cold, and Toxic.
And Resistance is NOT better than Defense, they're fairly comparable.
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Heh resists are superior -- All the best defensive builds involve resists. Ice Armor, Super Reflexes, Energy Armor, etc, all defense based armors are much poorer in comparison to resists.
Defense is not reliable while resists are.
Your ninjas get one shotted by a tanker, my mercs take a hit and laugh as my medic proceeds to heal them and the tank switches targets and hits someone else. Then my medic heals that guy. It is a game of ping pong.
And Resistance is NOT better than Defense, they're fairly comparable.
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Except that when fighting high level mobs low defense values are completely negated while resistance still functions...
Yay for stealth buffs! Bout time for those stealth nerfs to be taught a lesson . But seriously, thanks for the fix!
I had time to test 2 missions (viscious difficulty, lvl 25 nin/pois) over my lunch break - I must say it was really nice seeing whatever the joey knockup attack is (golden dragonfly?) actually do decent damage - with a debuff and a crit they can hit decently now. This makes taking smoke bomb much more attractive - although still not a must have, mostly because the affected pet almost never uses the big attack after smoking (for me), instead opting for piddly ones.
The joey dart is now also finally doing as much or more damage than the jenny stars/arrows. Finally! Previous to this, using his dart attack was tantamount to a mortal insult to me, and would usually result in me sentencing said joey to death by tanking a boss with all the other missions on passive and /em laptop taking notes on his failure.
I don't think it's unbalancing at all - at least pre-oni. I'm not able to do anything I couldn't before, I just do it maybe 10-15% faster. I'll hopefully get to take oni for a spin tonight, but I probably won't be able to slot him until tomorrow or thursday.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
I just don't see how that's possible, unless Mercs are vastly superior to Ninjas.
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It's just that some of these players are REALLY good. Also, I've noticed that Dark Miasma is a great complement to any pets when you're fighting higher level enemies, and I've heard that Traps is pretty good at this as well but I've never liked the set personally so haven't went past level 4 with it.
My Necro/Dark Miasma Mastermind goes through missions at +1 difficulty literally about twice as fast as my Robot/Poison does on regular difficulty in the teen levels. As they get higher, I really don't see this changing much at all. Poison is unfortunately really weak compared to the other secondaries, unless all you're doing is fighting single targets and then it becomes really slooooooooowww.
Thanks for posting this Posi. The patch note is kinda unclear. It says: <ul type="square">[*]Your enhancements will now properly boost powers that you grant to your pet. (CoV)[/list]
Being an MM, I call them henchmen and not pets.. since we can get classical pets too.
You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame
And Resistance is NOT better than Defense, they're fairly comparable.
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Except that when fighting high level mobs low defense values are completely negated while resistance still functions...
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I've played 94 levels of Super Reflexes since Release. Resistance is NOT better than Defense. The powersets that had just defense were inferior to the sets that had Resistance not because of the intrinsic value of either attribute, but because the sets themselves contained too much mitigation.
The Medic, while good, is not so great as to single handedly mitigate all the incoming melee damage from a Freak Tank. It's easy enough to keep them at range or running in a "panic" on Caltrops, or even to get them to agro Acid Mortar. Switching targets as Freaks are wont to do further reduces the number of hits the minions will take.
Really, Freakshow, while dangerous if they close, are not nearly so bad at range. The Grenade is unpleasant, but not unworkable.
Ninjas don't have the option to not engage in melee, though they'll do better damage in general than the equivelant Mercenary (except probably Commando, who is a beastly damage machine of doom).
Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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It's all good, Positron. If this overpowers us, I'll gladly take a small decrease in our damage output. As long as it remains higher than what it was before. I was fine with what it was before, any increase is just gravy in my book.
That said, I have played a /Regen Scrapper since launch. If I see so much of a hint of "Tweak = Small Change" or any variant thereof aimed towards Masterminds my Undead Army will be disassembling your armor piece by piece.
Just sayin'...
Kung Ru - 50++ MA/Regen Scrapper
Kalleesta - 50 Necro/Dark MM
Hidden Justice - 44 Kin/Psy Defender
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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Nope, we suck, we need to be boosted, we do near zero damage even with this.
And anyone who says we do enough or too much damage is a damn liar!
Step 3: Profit
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S.H. Once again your voice rings with the gift of um, uh.
Is that insanity? Or hidden knowledge?
'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)
There was a bug found near the end of beta where it was realized that the Upgrade powers did not benefit from Enhancements in the Henchmen powers.

This was fixed and was in the version that was on test last week. Unfortunately the patch note did not go with it, AND no one told me the fix was up there.
Anyway, long story short is that the fix is now LIVE, and your Henchmen should be fully Enhanced when you use your Upgrade powers.
Sorry about this screw up. I wanted you guys to test it before it went to Live to see if it made MM's too powerful.
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