779 -
Quote:Not sure if there's a way to macro it; but if you log out to desktop/login, you can click on Self Destruct (and a number of other things) without interrupting the timer.i want to create a macro that as im logging out i self destroy myself using cyborg power set any idea's?
I'd suggest hitting it when the logout timer is at around 11 or 12. -
Quote:"Don't panic" either that, or "run while you still can!"What's the one thing that you wish someone would have told you when you first started out?
Sadly, this isn't entirely untrue. I had just finished buying the last (purple) recipe for my scrapper's build, and was lamenting the sudden lack of cash by using panhandle, and a few people tried to give me upwards of 3 mil... -
Quote:I think you missed the rest of the post;I consider this the epitome of lousy content. The 'puzzle' that can't be solved through observation or deduction but is merely a string of random actions that you have to figure out through random trial and error.
HORRIBLE idea. That kind of BS was common in games 20 years ago and it stunk.
Not completely trial-and-error random, but random with clues given. How hard you'd have to look for the clues, I couldn't say. -
Quote:*shrug* never played an invul... but in the power customization screen, Invincibility only seems to have the glowy effects when left on Original... Likely a bug.No one seems to be responing to my other thread so I am hoping someone can help me here. I intended to reroll my Fire/Fire Scrap into a Fire/Invul since FA is too weak but I noticed Invinc no longer has a visual effect. I then entered the game and asked a high lvl invul to turn on his invinc and no visual effect remained on him. One person in the game told me it is a bug. Is this true ? Any word when this will be fixed ?
Thanks -
Either randomly from opening presents, or (I believe) purchased with candy canes in the pocket D ski chalet.
It will be in the costume editor under Hats, and is called "stocking cap". note that there are two very different stocking caps in the editor. I believe the Santa one is near the top of the list, if you have it. -
Quote:SOLUTION: (synthetic) Microfilament Exposure. At lvl 50, it provides 33.3% to all enhanceable movement types of a power.the closest alternative to this is sprint, swift and hurdle. in effect I still take the same number of powers to get as close to on par with others travel abilities but still lacking and sets are the only way to bridge that gap. I was looking forward to slotting winters gift into sprint because of the + jump and + run components. the - end mearly negated the need to keep sprint on (not that it was a big deal end wise)
Alternatively, for lower levels (blue side); Titan Selanite Shards, and Theta Exposure. -
Quote:Winter's gift an the pieces' uniqueness are irrelevant. To enable slotting of the set into any power, they would have to enable that set category for the power. And since Zephyrs are also of the Universal Travel category, enableing those in sprints is dangerous balance-wise.this doesnt change the fact that swift and hurdle are also excluded. Since the entire set is a unique, you can't slot more than one set PERIOD into any travel power so it wouldn't matter if you have 1 or 20 sprints.
my point is that we should be allowed to slot the set into ANY power that allows movement since you can't have more than 1 of any of the IOs from the set on the same character
Additionally, (If I remember correctly) auto powers like swift and hurdle are denied ANY travel set categories, because of their interaction with the stealth IOs. When IO's were first released, you could slot the respective movement sets in swift and hurtle. but that was later removed. -
Quote:Works like a charm (just tried it). in the character list of the server you transferred to in order to change the name, the character will initially be named [name]1. But when you enter the city with it, you will be given a rename token/prompt in-game. After changing it, you can then transfer it back. (although, you may want to make sure the changed name is available on both servers first...)So with the rename tokens if the name is taken, does this mean we can sortof get free renames?
Like if I've got Captain Amazingpants on Champion and I want to rename him Captain Superpants, if I make some trash character called Captain Amazingpants on Protector or whatever, when I try to move Amazingpants over it'll give me a rename, right?
So unless Captain Superpants is taken on Champion, I can then move the now renamed character back and tada, free renamed character on original server?
Anyone know if this works?
Like the avatar, by the way. -
Quote:The pack is platform independent... think of it more as a "Look at our software! It can work on Macs now!". The important part is the code that gets applied to your account. That tells the servers to unlock those goodies for you.Is it possible to get the Valkyrie costume parts if you're on a PC? I can't tell from looking at the stand-alone package in the online store...it includes both Mac and PC requirements, and it seems rather redundant to release a Mac-only package that unlocks items already in the Mac version of CoX...but it also doesn't mention outright that it's PC compatible.
Thanks in advance.
The only difference would be that a physical copy of the box would have the Mac software on the disk. (Don't think there ever was a retail release of that. Only digital, if i'm not mistaken)
EDIT: and as bonus info; if you only had a Mac, you do not require the Mac edition to play on it (as long as you have an active account). -
Quote:/signedCan we get active coordinates to display in the mini-map? And attach it to a radio button under the mini-map's option list so that people can decide for themselves whether they want it displayed or not? (or tie it into the /loc command; once to turn it on... once again to turn it off).
[Or expand the /loc command so that if you follow it up with a coordinate, that it automatically pins it onto the mini-map?]
I'd even settle for a real-time monitor somewhere on my screen like /showfps, and /netgraph give me. -
Look, I know we're not supposed to anymore... but can I /*youknowwho* this suggestion? It reeaaalllly deserves it.
Quote:Besides, I thought the AE's farming/powerleveling capabilities took the nerf bat so far that it could taste it. If we were to use the phrase, "A day late and a dollar short"... You're out almost a hundred bucks (If not more).We were having a conversation about the possible downfalls to the Mission Architect system that players could exploit to powerlevel and miss the enjoyment and whole point of the game, and then the discussion turned to what happens to players when they get characters to level 50.
And from a COMPLETELY in-character perspective, how would this make sense? If you were powerleveled in AE, that's akin to a cape training himself in the X-Men's danger room from, "Look at me, I wear my underwear on the outside! Whee!" to, "I'm the Batman." without ever so much as catching an actual purse snatcher.... And then he retires from crime-fighting! -
Quote:Elude from super reflexes. With the full set of Zephyrs in there it softcaps me. (and with ninja run, sprint, swift, quickness and a few set bonuses; I'm 6 mph short of the speedcap when I hit elude)The Zephyrs are the big issue here. Winter's Gift is almost completely irrelevant in the equation. That is because all of the WG pieces are uniques, meaning only one per character.
So even if you could slot UT sets in the sprints, it would be impossible to get more than 20% slow resistance from the Winter's Gift piece, since you can only slot one, period.
And I am not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but there are non-travel powers that can take UT sets as well. Two that immediately come to mind are Accelerate Metabolism from Radiation Emission and Speed Boost from Kinetics. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them at the moment. -
Quote:SO: while there does not appear to be a tab for it, Endurance Modification will appear in the full list when you click on an origin (should be between Recharge Reduction, and Resist damage SOs).Is there a reason some enhancements are not aavailable from the ticket takers? Namely DO Damage Resist, DO Hold Enhance, and SO Endurance ENhance. there may be others
Is this intentional, to force players to go to the auction or store?
DO: ... is indeed missing some... Endurance Modification, Resist Damage, and Hold Duration (perhaps more? was only looking for the ones you've mentioned) all seem to be missing from the DO listings in the ticket vendor... :shrug:
That aside, if you can find the SO or DO you need in the auction house for sale; they're usually much cheaper than anywhere else. (as they don't stack, and take up valuable market space that could be used for invention gear, or other rares) -
Face 67*56, hair 55, ear 12, detail1 85, detail2 42... for a total of 8840462400 combinations
Masks with hair:
Face 82*75 (interesting, there's two "none" patterns, both are counted), hair 54, ears 18 (12, but 6 had skin/colour options), detail1 85, detail2 43... total of 21848859000
Full masks:
face 82*75, ears 18, detail1 30, detail2 104 (another instance of 2 "none"s), detail3 43... total of 14851512000
face 82*75, hat 41, ears 18, detail1 62, detail2 43... total of 12100174200
face 82*75, hood 4, detail1 80, detail2 36... total of 70848000
face 82*75, helmet 5, detail1 70, detail2 41... total of 88252500
face 82*75, helmets 16 (2 have 5 details + 6 others), detail1 87, detail2 43, Hdetail1 14, Hdetail2 17... total of 87611227200
helm 16 (1 helmet has 7 details, + 9 others), detail1 13, detail2 31, detail3 7... total of 45136
helm 4, detail 18... total of 72
face 6, ears 6... total of 36
Add 'em all up for 145411180544 male heads (give or take... not counting colour and scale). That's one hundred forty-five billion, four hundred eleven million, one hundred eighty thousand, five hundred forty-four heads. If anyone figures out the number of options for the male upperbody; You multiply that number by this one... and then the product of those two numbers is multiplied by the male lowerbody.... ow, my brain.
Edit: the 21 scales for the shape of the head seem to be from -1 to 1 with 4 decimal places... If I were to argue that, beyond 1 decimal place isn't that noticeable, each scale has 21 different possible values... 21^21... -
Quote:I'm bored... working on it... and so far, the head, ignoring colour and scales, and only on male, standard, (keep in mind I'm missing only the wedding and science packs, and I'm not willing to figure out what is unlocked through the packs I have)... I've got:A godzillion. Not counting scaling.
Seriously, you just need to multiply 20+ hairstyles by 20+ faces by 5 ears by 20+ mask patterns by 10 facial peripherals by 10+ head peripherals- and that's not counting helmets, hoods, masks without hair, etc- and WITHOUT TOUCHING COLORS there are more than 4 million combos above the neck, for one gender. If each of those has two colors, with 40 choices per color (or 1600 per "slot"), we're looking at FOR COLORS ALONE 16 million trillion. (16 x 10^15.)
Multiply those two and we've got 64 trillion trillion. 128 trillion trillion for M and F variations.
From the neck up. Without hats or hoods or helmets.
We're going to have a number that requires recursive exponentials to express it. (10^10^10^4 , or 3x10^10^10^10^6, or something. )
A googol is only 10^100, and a googoplex is 10^10^100, and I got to 10^16 up there without even warming up.
Face 67/56, hair 55, ear 12, detail1 85, detail2 42... for a total of 8840462400 combinations...
for no reason, I'm going to continue this and figure out how many combinations there are for the male head (might be some overlap, for the purposes of my own sanity, I'm not figuring out which options are the same in standard, masks with hair, and full masks.)... also... I may miscount by 1 or 2 on some things... -
Quote:Tentacles (lusca, hydra, and thorn tree), spider (for the various arachnobot types)... But, generally speaking, I think the devs would prefer to use existing skeletons rather than developing new ones due to cost/benefit reasons.Re: Adjustable Stances - unfortunately, I think that the player skeleton is not flexible enough to be morphed in such a way - it's part of why even Warwolves don't run that way, and why we only have humanoid critters to fight - everything I can think of to fight(save Hamidon) has two arms and two legs, not four legs.
And just to comment on a few of the OP's suggestions (that might have been a better forum section, by the way)...
- More Weapon Skins: while more shineys is always great (we do have "lightsaber-esque" weapons; they can be unlocked for (200?) vanguard merits.), I think we need more options on some other sets before we make more axes/swords.. Pistols (probably coming with GR), Pulse Rifles, Arachnos guns, and arachnos maces all need some luvin'
- On the subject of Arachnos maces... I know the devs don't want to port any old mace, because of the multi-tool functions of the Arachnos ones... but could we at least get the "crops" that Dominatrix's flunkies use (hint hint, would be a great unlockable in GR).
- Wouldn't mind the tech mace either, That thing looks like it could be modified to fire energy blasts and stuff.
- More Costume Hair Styles; again, more shineys are always good - just saing, they have been adding a number of hairstyles somewhat recently.
- A 50/50 texture or pattern; I would love this too...
- More Costume Pieces; although I don't see anything wrong with quivers (other than the likely clipping issues)... I think the devs gave up on the idea of sheathes/holsters because the costume piece would either show a weapon there ALL the time (like Infernal's axe), or be constantly empty.
- More Power Sets; we're supposedly getting demon summoning and dual pistols in GR, we've just gotten earth assault (some new, some old) and a bunch of proliferations. Not like we're in despirate need for something else. (although... wouldn't mind a bo-staff.... even if it were another smashing/lethal heavy weapon set)
- More Weapon Skins: while more shineys is always great (we do have "lightsaber-esque" weapons; they can be unlocked for (200?) vanguard merits.), I think we need more options on some other sets before we make more axes/swords.. Pistols (probably coming with GR), Pulse Rifles, Arachnos guns, and arachnos maces all need some luvin'
Also sucks on websites where you may be searching for the movie titled "Up", or another title of similar length.
Quote:Definitely used to; I remember 'cure'ing Rikti drones, monkeys, and even portals summoned by Communications Officers in the past... Now I can't even cure the Comm Officers themselves.I've used it in past to zap rikti/lost in teh capes missions.
It definatly used to work on some rikti.
Not saying that it doesn't make sense that the wand now only cures the lost, hence the name... Just wanted to have some fun with my remaining 30-ish charges, but now have no reason not to turn in both the mission, and the wand.
EDIT: Yeah... I kinda figured the mechanics of curing the Rikti would result in problems. Cuing the Rikti being intended or not, those problems were probably the catalyst of the change. -
potential spoilers ahead...
Quick question; It's been a while since I've run Montague Castanella's arc, but, since when were the Rikti made incurable? It doesn't really change anything, it's not like it was hard to find 20 of the jerks. And I can see why; all those non-former-human Rikti mobs that the wand would "cure"... but it made me go "awww"... 'specially after dodging hordes of purple conning Hydra to find them in the abandoned sewers, and then verifying that the 'ineffective' message wasn't just from the level disparity by checking in the RWZ...
I find that even Triumph (often ranked least, or second-least, populated sever) has at LEAST 50 -unhidden- heroes online in the middle of the night (2-5AM, CST). And I never have trouble finding a team if I want to be on one. Global channels often help a lot in this regard. There's almost always something forming on Triumph Watch 2.0 (or 2.1), and if not, enough equally bored people willing to join me on a quick Katie.
Quite frankly, 130k(-ish) subscribers is fairly decent for any MMO that isn't WoW... and to be honest, last time I checked our graphics were at least equal to, if not superior to, theirs.
On the subject of graphics, it's not like we've been stagnant since CoH launch either... My card that (back then) ran the game seamlessly on medium-high graphics settings now chugs on minimum. -
Yes. But then I quickly realized that the game mechanics would not allow this to work in anything but a role-played encounter.
Unless you have that special freak tank temp power from some story arc; the Halloween costumes don't even provide any kind of stealth, so anyhting that would normally attack you (-3 con), would (no hanging about in PvP zone mobs)... -
Quote:I think 1 and 2 are way too overpowered for a vet reward; especially considering at least half that recharge can be subverted by swithing active builds.Mmm, a new Vet Reward...
Considering they are thank you beanies, that gives more flavor to the game, helps other players enjoy the game (vet assemble the team)...
Suggestion 1. Heal the team, usable once every hour. When player engages it, all members of the team are fully healed and endurance fully recharged.
Suggestion 2. Rez the team, usable once every hour. When player engages it, all defeated members are resurrected with full hit points and endurance, those not defeated have their hits and endurance pegged up.
Suggestion 3. Free the team, usable once every hour. When player engages it, all team members suffering the effects of a status effect or debuff are freed from the effect and remain resistant to such effects for 10 seconds.
What you all think?
Although if they were single target and had a short cannot-be-buffed for a few seconds effect like the brief invulnerable period on RotP/PotP... still might a bit much for a vet reward, but would bring them more in-line.
I just like the belt. The boots/shorts aren't bad either. I never use the gloves though. Nothing against them, but they don't ever seem to mesh well with the rest of my costume. Personal preference, nothing more.