Suggestion: Level 50 character auto-retirement
Edit: If you want a more in-depth reply, I've been playing for almost three years and have about 5 total characters that I've ever played with any regularity. Under your system, 4/5 would be 'auto-retired' and shortly thereafter, CoH would be 'auto-retired' from my life.
No, no, no, no for the love of everything no!
A system where a player can opt to retire a level 50 in order to get bonuses for a new character would be ok as long as the bonuses weren't to powerful (think veteran reward powers as a suitable power level). Forcing players to retire their characters that they've played a lot? A horrible, horrible idea that would cause a lot of people to quit. Some people like to play their level 50s and being forced to stop and start over again would be extremely annoying. For people who want to play this way the current system is fine, you have 36 maximum slots per sever and a nice delete button.
EDIT: Also seriously, you posted this thread in player questions then reposted it here? I understand you felt the need to post in the correct forum, but given the overwhelmingly negative response you got in player questions why bother? I should have been obvious from the responses there that this is a horrible idea, reposting it (even to "correct" the location) smells of trolling.
Absolutely, positively NOT.
While I'm not one of those who has "only one character, and that's all I play" (someone who would be a lost - and angry - customer if this would be implemented,) I do pull out my 50s with some degree of regularity. I may not have thousands of hours on them, but I do play them. Having them forced into retirement would (a) make me not want to bother leveling anything else - why would I play and develop a character, not just in powers but RP, to have it taken away from me? - but (b) make me quit, absolutely, and warn everyone away from the game.
Bad, bad, horrible idea.
what would be nice about this, as long as you have the choice to retire or not, that once you get to lvl 50 and choose to retire you get another character slot. im an altaholic and i play all of my toons but my two 50s often but cant bring myself to delete them so i have room to make another toon. i hardly ever use my 50s but i do use them when someone asks or i get bored and want to relive the glory days.
im not talkin like every time you hit 50 you get a new character slot but maybe the first time you hit 50 and unlock the EATs you get one or two new slots. that would be nice.

You can retire my Fifties (all 15 of them that I play very regularly) when you pry my keyboard from my cold dead fingers. Last I checked, I'm flying my Immortal Badge title, so good luck and Thanks for Playing Kiddo!
Could you imagine if a beginning player was not aware of this feature, and spent a lot of time working to level 50, maybe in a hurry to unlock an Epic, with every intention of going back to do some of the content missed, to acquire more badges, to run TF's they've yet to experience, and so on, only to hit the magical number 50 and discover his character inaccessible? Now THAT's post-50 let-down.
In a discussion with several other CoH/CoV players that I've been playing with over the years, we're looking for ways to keep the game fresh and keep interest going. We were having a conversation about the possible downfalls to the Mission Architect system that players could exploit to powerlevel and miss the enjoyment and whole point of the game, and then the discussion turned to what happens to players when they get characters to level 50. We propose that in order to avoid, frankly, the "let-down" when you hit 50, that characters that have achieved level 50 get a certain amount of playtime and then move off to "retirement" or become "figureheads" or "paradigms" of some sort and are automatically retired, inspiring players to create new characters again. Of course, there would be special bonuses when heroes or villains do retire to new characters that are created, and be badges for retiring X amount of heroes/villains or a complete suite of archetypes. This incentive to move on and keep the game fresh would greatly enhance the continued playability of the game in the same way that the frequent emphasis to prevent powerleveling keeps the game world vibrant and dynamic. I'd like to see one of the game developers comment on this suggestion. Thanks!
As you can plainly see from the responses, this idea would cost NCSoft many loyal customers. Those that remained would simply circumvent retirement from ever happening by going under options and turning off exp at level 49.
All you will have accomplished is that the game will have thousands of perma 49's.
Hell no. Just because you hate playing your 50's and hate PLing, doesn't give you the right to say that everyon elses lvl 50(s) should be auto-retired. If you don't like your 50's, then delete them. Don't even begin to dictate that other people's toons should be unplayable at 50.
The majority of the player base would probably quit immediatly if this became an actual (forced) feature.
"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb
My Characters
No. Non. Nyet. Aniyo. Nein. Iie. Kao. Ne. Amo. Bu dui. Nej. Ni. Na. Lo. Laa. Nee.
I don't have enough hell no to properly disagree with the OP. My main scrapper has been level 50 for years. I still play him regularly.
Thanks for your suggestion, but it is not a good one at all.
Be well, people of CoH.

This is, by far, the single WORST idea I've seen posted on this forum in almost two years of playing. I have spent more hours playing & developing two of my characters after they hit 50 than all my other characters combined.
If you're bored of your 50's and can't figure out what to do with them, that's your own problem. Leave mine, and everyone else's, alone.
Well I must say, the OP really has lived up to his Forum handle. He created a suggestion with over-whelming negative responses.
Now, I've seen some bad suggestions before, but man, this one really takes the cake. I don't even have a level fifty yet, and I hate this idea. I intend to continue with my level fifty characters and go collect badges, tweak out their builds, and just have fun. Having them forcibly taken away from me would have me clicking the "Unsubscribe" button faster than you can say Level Fifty
Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero
Got Inf?
I suppose there could be an option added, but I like having 50s (even though I've only got 2 at the moment) so I don't have to worry about TFs and stuff. Besides, my first 2 (and therefore main) toons are kinda my badgey ones, so I keep playing lower level stuff for that anyway.
I know there are people who say they move on to a new character when they get a 50, and I do too to some extent, so maybe there could be an option to retire a character after 50, maybe you could get a re-roll with the same name but the option to pick a new AT or even just new powersets and get a wee boost (some temps or such) to help you out at early levels?
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
I posted in your other thread.
In short, the day they take my nearly six year old main away from me is the day I quit the game.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Let's check this out on the Win/Fail meter:
Epic Win!
Epic Fail!!
Your Idea <----
a new low!
As I said in the other thread. I cannot imagine an 'incentive' that is a less appealing carrot than retirement of a character you have put so much time and effort into.
In a discussion with several other CoH/CoV players that I've been playing with over the years, we're looking for ways to keep the game fresh and keep interest going.
It would kill interest in the majority of players that do not power level while not affecting those that do. This, in a nutshell, shows what little thought went into this suggestion. People that do not power level have spent many hundreds (if not thousands) of hours with their characters. Why would you think that this suggestion that other people's entertainment time should be limited is a good suggestion?
We were having a conversation about the possible downfalls to the Mission Architect system that players could exploit to powerlevel and miss the enjoyment and whole point of the game, and then the discussion turned to what happens to players when they get characters to level 50.
We propose that in order to avoid, frankly, the "let-down" when you hit 50, that characters that have achieved level 50 get a certain amount of playtime and then move off to "retirement" or become "figureheads" or "paradigms" of some sort and are automatically retired, inspiring players to create new characters again.
Instead of being inspired, I would feel punished for succeeding.
Of course, there would be special bonuses when heroes or villains do retire to new characters that are created, and be badges for retiring X amount of heroes/villains or a complete suite of archetypes.
This incentive to move on and keep the game fresh would greatly enhance the continued playability of the game in the same way that the frequent emphasis to prevent powerleveling keeps the game world vibrant and dynamic.
All the retirement would do is fill up those slots faster or force players to "kill off" some of their favourite characters.
Given that this suggestion would drive paying customers away, good luck getting a developer to respond to this in any other way than "no". This "suggestion" would make that Star Wars Galaxy fiasco seem like a minor disagreement. NCsoft would never want that kind of negative press.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Aw come on, it wouldn't be all that bad guys!
As long as we could turn off exp at 49.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
No, no, no, no for the love of everything no!
A system where a player can opt to retire a level 50 in order to get bonuses for a new character would be ok as long as the bonuses weren't to powerful (think veteran reward powers as a suitable power level). Forcing players to retire their characters that they've played a lot? A horrible, horrible idea that would cause a lot of people to quit. Some people like to play their level 50s and being forced to stop and start over again would be extremely annoying. For people who want to play this way the current system is fine, you have 36 maximum slots per sever and a nice delete button. EDIT: Also seriously, you posted this thread in player questions then reposted it here? I understand you felt the need to post in the correct forum, but given the overwhelmingly negative response you got in player questions why bother? I should have been obvious from the responses there that this is a horrible idea, reposting it (even to "correct" the location) smells of trolling. |
I'm quoting this for Adeon's EDIT - my main point. This is seriously one of the strongest strings of adamant opposition to an idea that I have ever seen on these boards since I started playing the game (which was well before my forum reg date BTW).
But I completely agree with the rest of the post and the other posters here.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Since I have already posted my response in the Player questions section I have one thing to add...eeerrr rather my bunny has one thing to add.
Bob the Bunny;I am tired of getting a headache from all the "duh" and "doh" floating around these days.BUT,today was a all time low I actually got a concussion from reading the OP's post.I'm in the hospital but,I should be out soon...PUH-LEEZE THINK before you say anything.TYVM buh-bye!
I enjoy playing my 50s more than my other characters--they're more richly developed RP wise, and they have shiny purple enhancements. I have a counter-proposal for you:
Getting your college degree can be considered a let-down. How about, after you graduate from college and they hand you a diploma they:
1. Take back your diploma and shred it
2. Delete your academic records
3. Deny you ever went to that school
That should keep things interesting! Or better yet, how about applying that premise to the forums? After you reach 1,000 posts, you can no longer log-on? That should keep things fresh!
Seriously, what you do with your 50s is a personal decision--do whatever brings you the most happiness. I don't think you should have to retire your 50s if you don't want to, but with an attitude like yours...I'll be more than happy to tell you where you can put them...and it wouldn't exactly free up any slots...
Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
K Thx Bai
In a discussion with several other CoH/CoV players that I've been playing with over the years, we're looking for ways to keep the game fresh and keep interest going. We were having a conversation about the possible downfalls to the Mission Architect system that players could exploit to powerlevel and miss the enjoyment and whole point of the game, and then the discussion turned to what happens to players when they get characters to level 50. We propose that in order to avoid, frankly, the "let-down" when you hit 50, that characters that have achieved level 50 get a certain amount of playtime and then move off to "retirement" or become "figureheads" or "paradigms" of some sort and are automatically retired, inspiring players to create new characters again. Of course, there would be special bonuses when heroes or villains do retire to new characters that are created, and be badges for retiring X amount of heroes/villains or a complete suite of archetypes. This incentive to move on and keep the game fresh would greatly enhance the continued playability of the game in the same way that the frequent emphasis to prevent powerleveling keeps the game world vibrant and dynamic. I'd like to see one of the game developers comment on this suggestion. Thanks!