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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    at the bottom of the search result will be a link to click that says something like "search for recipes".
    Is that working now? The last few times I tried to use that it didn't work. When I clicked the link nothing happened. I know it used to work because I have used it many times, but at some point it stopped. Every time I tried it since, it has done nothing. I admit I haven't tried it recently though because I gave up on it.
  2. My experience seems to indicate that the timer is reward specific. I have not tested that specifically, and so haven't kept accurate enough track to be able to be absolutely certain.
  3. The mission that actually grants you the badge is part five. That's the important one. You have to talk to the side contact before entering, then use the radio once inside the mission. The contact will show up and help you with the mission. On completing the mission you will get the badge.

    Edit: I don't know if you also have to contact the for any of the previous missions to get the badge. I suspect that you don't, but I have never tested it to be sure. To be safe I just call whichever contact I've chosen after each mission I accept from Ross.
  4. Yeah it's mostly build and play style dependent. I'd generally be inclined to stay away from Leadership on a Storm just because it's already so endurance heavy. You could make it work, but I prefer to build for recharge rather than end redux and recovery on a Storm.
  5. Supernumiphone

    Stun master?

    It would work, although an argument could be made for DA/Stone instead of DA/EM. Fault can stun everything in range, including bosses with enough recharge to keep it stacked. Then you get the added control of KD, along with a single-target hold. You get more control that way, but it may not be to your liking. One thing of note about that build is that it is very endurance heavy. If you aren't willing to spend a fair bit on the build, it definitely wouldn't be the way to go.

    I'd say either way you'd probably be happy with the result. It's just a matter of choosing which you think you would enjoy more.
  6. If slotting a heal SO in the power would increase the regen it provides, the alpha will as well.
  7. Supernumiphone

    Icy Bastion...

    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    What about for a player who doesn't bother with accolades? I never do, so I'm curious if (given that) it would be a good choice. It seems to me that with a high recharge build it would be pretty close to a permanent HP increase?
    It's not that hard to perma. If you don't have accolades or much in the way of +HPs from IOs, I could see you getting some real benefit from the power.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    If CR->AS as a finisher was truly a problem, then surely they could reduce the base-line AS damage a little to compensate? I personally don't see a problem with it being CR-AS anyway, but then again I'm no number cruncher, and don't know what the follow through of that would be.
    I took a quick pass at trying to modify AS to make it a finisher so that a CU->AS would do the same damage as BU->AS does now.

    AS damage: 139
    Critical: 250.2
    Total: 389.2
    +Build up (80%): 700.5

    AS combo level 0: 133.4
    AS combo level 1: 140
    AS combo level 2: 149.4
    AS combo level 3: 166.7
    Critical: 300.3
    Total at combo level 3: 467
    +CR (50%): 700.5

    Some things worth noting with this setup...using AS after Placate (with no Build Up or CR) does 389.2 damage currently, would do 433.7 at combo level 0, or 467 at combo level 3 under this proposed setup. So AS would be more attractive to use mid-fight if you could get it off. Too good? I'm not sure.

    In order to get the damage from CR->AS equal to BU->AS, the base damage has to be set higher to offset the lower +damage from CR as opposed to BU, so this setup would ramp up faster in the presence of damage buffs. Probably too much so. I don't know of any way to fix that though, other than having AS simply do less damage when used with CR than it does currently with BU. So it's a real problem.

    If the cost of getting CR was having AS do less damage than other sets (when both are using their respective damage boosting powers, base damage could be equal), would you consider that a worthwhile tradeoff? I suspect a lot of people would not be willing to give up a full damage hit from AS.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    1) Replace Build up with Combat Readiness to restore that part of the set to Stalkers
    Your suggestion is incomplete. If Stalkers got Combat Readiness, which sets your combo level to 3, then the 2 combo points granted by AS would be redundant in a CR->AS chain.

    That might not be a problem necessarily, since you could just skip taking AS altogether and follow CR with Crushing Uppercut. I don't know if you'll have an easy time convincing the devs to make AS completely redundant in the set in this way, despite the fact that some would love such a change.

    I suppose you could try to argue that it would set SJ apart from other Stalker sets to not be reliant on AS for a big hit from hide. Like I said though, I don't see that going over well.

    One alternative would be to make AS a finisher instead of a combo builder, but that would mean CR->AS would (presumably) do more damage than a standard BU->AS from other sets, and I doubt that'd go over either.

    Offhand I don't see an easy solution really. I would love to see Placate generate one combo point though.
  10. Supernumiphone

    Icy Bastion...

    Yeah even if I don't build for +HPs, after getting the accolades and IOs I'm usually 50 HP or less from the cap. So yeah, it's a nice heal but on a loooong timer.
  11. Supernumiphone

    Ice/FF soloer?

    Originally Posted by BlissfulChaos View Post
    Ice/FF soloer?
    Why would you willingly do that to yourself?
    Originally Posted by BlissfulChaos View Post
    I dont expect to own everything but I want to be able to solo at a decent rate.
    Good luck with that.
  12. Supernumiphone

    Icy Bastion...

    Hoarfrost is a heal on a very long timer. Probably the most skippable power in the set IMO.

    Chilling Embrace is a nice power, but it will interfere with the use of Placate. It will also prevent you from going back into hidden state while it is affecting any enemy. If you tend to use Placate a lot, you might want to skip it. Otherwise it provides some nice mitigation.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    I have had this problem with my pets, also. AND, even if I release them, they still remain standing there! (This has happened after entering a mission at times, too.)
    Are you using the /releasepets command? If you dismiss them through other means, such as right-clicking them and choosing "Dismiss" from the context menu, it doesn't work properly when they are bugged in this way. As far as I know only /releasepets does the job then.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    I love it up to the point where you get worfed by Hardcase.
    Yeah this. It's one of the relatively few arcs where you aren't just charging in like a bull and beating up your enemies. You get to sneakily pit various groups against one another. I like that. It's a shame it's ruined at the end.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    please always use the following format
    Any plan that requires everyone to read the stickies and follow this guideline is doomed from the start. Expect anarchy.
  16. Supernumiphone

    Burn Questions

    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    1) Does it need Accuracy?
    My understanding is that slotted accuracy will help with the initial hit of the power, but will not help the pseudo pet it spawns.

    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    2) When slotted with a proc assuming each "tick" has its own accuracy check, is only the first tick checked for the chance of a proc? Meaning if the first tick misses, can one of the other ticks trigger a proc?
    I'd expect the initial hit to roll on the proc, then the pseudo pet to roll on its first tic once it spawns. Since it lasts 10 seconds I don't know if you'd get a second proc roll just as it expires or not.

    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    3) Is the proc only one per burn? Does each enemy receive their own proc chance or does it do one roll?
    It should be like any AoE and roll the proc chance independently against each enemy.

    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    4) Is it good as part of a single target DPS chain rotation?
  17. I would skip Shout and take Siphon. Yeah it might be overkill against a single target, but there are situations where you want to spread the -res love around beyond your primary target, and the duration on it means you can do so fairly effectively. Tag Siege with Siphon while you blast Nightstar, for example.

    I'm a big fan of Liquefy. The recharge is a bit long for what it does, but I look at it as a mini crashless godmode. Against most things that don't resist -tohit, it can effectively softcap you, or damn near. I like to use it when I'm soloing a crate in the Lambda trial. I can tell a huge difference in the amount of incoming damage once it expires. Unless you'll be incarnate softcapped to all positions or types, you'll find good use for it. Even if you are there are times it can save your team. As for sets it depends on the build and what bonuses I'm chasing. I've slotted Dark Watcher's Despair, Analyze Weakness, Cloud Senses, and Basilisk Gaze. Probably some others too but those are the only ones I see after glancing at a few builds.

    Edit: You might have noticed that yeah, I have quite a few Sonic Resonance toons. Now that I think of it, I have more of those than any other buff/debuff set.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    Thanks for those numbers, Numi. Wouldn't happen to have anything on DoT's in there, would you?
    I have never seen any formula for calculating how much damage DoTs should do. My guess is that one doesn't exist. If I was trying to work that out, I'd probably just calculate the proportion of extra damage the DoTs in existing sets do relative to base damage (sans DoT), and use those as a general guideline as to what's reasonable. I'd look at Spines, Fire Blast, and probably especially the VEATs since they're the most recent.

    The same applies to AoE attacks really. The formulae above are the "standard", but if you calculate for AoEs in existing sets in the game, you'll find a ton that break the rules.
  19. Pulling some random stuff from my notes:

    (DamageScale - 0.36)/0.16 = RechargeTime
    DamageScale * 5.2 = EnduranceCost

    For AoEs:
    area modifier = 1+(0.75*(RADIUS/5))-(((0.011*(RADIUS/6))*(360-ARC))/5)
    damage = (0.2*((0.8*RECHARGE)+1.8))/(AREA MOD)
  20. Supernumiphone


    I wouldn't say Spines has any particular synergy, but it would work fine. Dark Melee works good with just about anything if you don't mind the lack of AoE. For me that's enough to avoid it. I tried it once and it was amazing against hard targets, but ultimately that Stalker got banished when we had free server transfers.
  21. First of all your existing niche may recover, but it could take months. It could also happen never. Niches tend to be cyclic like that, with few exceptions. Those who find a steady earner don't tend to advertise it to others.

    The alternative is to niche hop. When one gets blown, look for another to replace it. Maybe check back periodically to see if one of the old ones has recovered.

    Another thing to consider is whether the profits are still at an acceptable level even at the new, lower price. It can be hard to let go of the expectation set by the old price point, but if the profits are within your acceptable range, roll with the punches. Pull and re-list if necessary and keep on going.

    I think many of the market regulars work quite a few different items simultaneously. When one niche is blown it hardly registers.
  22. You can't but you can do it the other way around.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashlocke View Post
    In fact, because my slots are gathered on my Peace Bringer's lv 1-35 powers and no slots are used on powers I took past 35 other than their default slots, I'd say I'm keeping around 90%+ of my set bonuses when exemplared to most of the content I generally tend to run.
    You don't lose set bonuses from powers that are unavailable due to examplaring. The only reason you lose the bonuses is if you are exemplared past three levels below the level of the enhancements (barring purples and PvP IOs of course). So for example exemplared to level 40, you would still lose the set bonuses in a power you took at level one if the IOs slotted in that power were level 50 IOs. On the other hand, exemplared to level 20 you would still keep your bonuses from a power you took at level 49 as long as the IOs were level 23 or below.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    buying 15 lotgs with merits.
    If you mean alignment merits, wouldn't that cost 30 merits to get those 15 LotGs? In which case you could have just gone ahead and bought the PvP IO directly with those 30 merits.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    For a new set with new art, THAT would be awesome. Specially if they manage to also use the same FX to make enough ranged and melee attacks to make a water assault set to go with it.
    They'd have to do something new and interesting with it, since they already designed a water blast set once and it's in the game now.