What are the Damage/Endurance/Recharge formulas?




In standard VK fashion, I'm trying to design an EAT to fill out the elemental damage gap in them of Fire. Cause we have Peacebringers for Energy, Warshades for Negative, Smashing, Lethal, Toxic and Psi are kind of represented by the VEATs. So I'm trying to build one for fire.

So my problem is I've fixated on a concept of extrapolating from Demon Summoning. PB's are Radiation+Energy, WS's are Ice+Dark, so I was figuring on this EAT being essentially a theoretical lovechild of Fire, Spines, and Sonic to get the result of a Hellfire-themed EAT.

And as usual my brain is over-complicating things. It demands that I go into the most obscene detail possible and work out the damage scales, effects scales, endurance counts, and recharge times for all the attacks involved. And possibly the defenses as well. >.<

So does anyone out there know the formulas used to generate melee, ranged, and the various AoE attacks?

Once given the numbers I can stuff them into an Excel spreadsheet with neatly labelled columns to give me the details for the attacks I need.

Actually I need that and a formula to discern the proper Rech from Damage, and Damage from Rech.

Since I'm trying to figure out how much DS and Sonic got their numbers smacked down to comepnsate for their -Res.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Pulling some random stuff from my notes:

(DamageScale - 0.36)/0.16 = RechargeTime
DamageScale * 5.2 = EnduranceCost

For AoEs:
area modifier = 1+(0.75*(RADIUS/5))-(((0.011*(RADIUS/6))*(360-ARC))/5)
damage = (0.2*((0.8*RECHARGE)+1.8))/(AREA MOD)



Issue is, most of those kinds of posts happen in the beta forums.

You COULD try PM'ing Arcanavillle.

And going to paragon wiki I got http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Damage_Scale - Try checking out the link at the bottom.

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I did end up finding that spreadhseet, but poking around inside it I could only find cell references and such that were too complex for me to decipher.

I did PM Arcana, but she never seems to be on on the weekends.

Thanks for those numbers, Numi. Wouldn't happen to have anything on DoT's in there, would you?

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Thanks for those numbers, Numi. Wouldn't happen to have anything on DoT's in there, would you?
I have never seen any formula for calculating how much damage DoTs should do. My guess is that one doesn't exist. If I was trying to work that out, I'd probably just calculate the proportion of extra damage the DoTs in existing sets do relative to base damage (sans DoT), and use those as a general guideline as to what's reasonable. I'd look at Spines, Fire Blast, and probably especially the VEATs since they're the most recent.

The same applies to AoE attacks really. The formulae above are the "standard", but if you calculate for AoEs in existing sets in the game, you'll find a ton that break the rules.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
I did PM Arcana, but she never seems to be on on the weekends.
Its hit and miss: I was pretty busy this weekend and didn't check the forums. Super's formulas appear to be correct, however.

Thanks for those numbers, Numi. Wouldn't happen to have anything on DoT's in there, would you?
There isn't one. The general rule of thumb on DoTs is if the DoT occurs within or essentially within the cast time of the power, it should really count as part of base damage, but if it occurs mostly outside the cast time of the power its "bonus damage" and bonus damage can be almost anything within broad limits. For reference, Fire attacks typically have DoT damage equal to about 40% of their base damage. That is among the higher levels of DoT in the game, so I would be hesitant about creating any set of attacks that did more than 1.4 times the allowed damage by formula in terms of base damage plus DoT combined.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
There isn't one. The general rule of thumb on DoTs is if the DoT occurs within or essentially within the cast time of the power, it should really count as part of base damage, but if it occurs mostly outside the cast time of the power its "bonus damage" and bonus damage can be almost anything within broad limits. For reference, Fire attacks typically have DoT damage equal to about 40% of their base damage. That is among the higher levels of DoT in the game, so I would be hesitant about creating any set of attacks that did more than 1.4 times the allowed damage by formula in terms of base damage plus DoT combined.
Yeah, that's about what I figured.

Thanks, Arcana!

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .