Power Pools for a Corruptor?




Which power pools are effective for Corruptors? I would imagine Tough and Weave are not worth it, but are they? What about Assault and Maneuvers - do Corr's get good bonuses for Leadership?

I'm doing Mids for an Elec/Storm and I seem to have too many choices now that so many powers are cheaper (Fitness, travel powers, etc.)


When you see yourself in a crowded room / do your fingers itch,are you pistol-whipped
Will you step in line or release the glitch / can you fall asleep with a panic switch



That's a pretty loaded question - since it depends on two very subjective things, what your build is and what your goals are. Are you looking for easy, cheap travel? Soft-capped positional defense? More healing? More control maybe? There's a lot of combos.

And if you can fit them in your build, Tough and Weave are almost always worth it, so long as you complement them with other powers (on their own though, they're no FFG, that's for sure.)

As for Leadership values for Corruptors, you can get them here. For the rest, I think most forumite are gonna need a wee bit more info on what you are aiming for before they can give a constructive answer.



Yeah it's mostly build and play style dependent. I'd generally be inclined to stay away from Leadership on a Storm just because it's already so endurance heavy. You could make it work, but I prefer to build for recharge rather than end redux and recovery on a Storm.



For a Storm:

Hasten gets several important powers back up faster.

Combat Jumping is very useful keeping you from being immobilized while you are trying to debuff & position things with Hurricane.

Hover/Fly is also useful for positioning Lightning Storm right over an enemy spawn, or flying over them out of perception range if you don't have anything to stack Steamy Mist with for full invisibility.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Tough, and more importantly, WEAVE can be very useful on a Corrupter with which you are trying to soft-cap a defense value, typically smashing and lethal thanks to Scorpion Shield. Soft-Capping is getting your defense up to 45%, which is the minimum you need to 'cap' your defense against most targets. Most enemies have only a 50% chance to hit you, and every enemy will ALWAYS have a 5% chance to hit you no matter what. 100-55 = 45% defense to hit the 'soft-cap'.

Generally though? No, tough and weave aren't terribly important for a Corruptor.



Thank you!

When you see yourself in a crowded room / do your fingers itch,are you pistol-whipped
Will you step in line or release the glitch / can you fall asleep with a panic switch



All of my corrs have the following,
Speed: Hasten/Super Speed - for recharge, fastest movement, stealth, and -threat
Leaping: Combat Jumping - adds defense, immob protection, mobility, and a great place for IOs
Fighting: Boxing/Tough/Weave - 6% defense from IOs in tough, and another ~5-6% from weave
Leadership: Maneuvers (and sometimes more from this pool depending on spec), again more defense, assault is great for anything that is not kin, tactics can be nice for S/L defense via IOs and for confuse protection, Veng is nice if you have room and need another lotg rchg holder

If you arent using IOs, then tough and weave are less useful (but can still help alot, however without IOs it can be hard to manage endurance running tough and weave depending on your primary/secondary)

Unless you have an extreme hate for super speed or even dont care about being able to move the fastest, never over look the stealth and -threat it gives, it is invaluable.
Ever since Fitness became inherent Leadership became exceedingly more attractive, not only because you had an extra pool, but because everyone has an extra pool, on teams you will typically see a large stack of leadership buffs, and assault and maneuvers especially stack really well from multiple people.



Would tough and weave work good with shadowfall on my DP/Dark? I need to play around with my build more, trying to bump up my survivability and damage output...already took musculature Alpha slot.



Like others mentioned, it all depends on what you want, and how much you have room for both in terms of power enhancement slots.
Leadership - its not quite defender values, Assault is always nice, Manuevers is only ok if you have the enhancement slots for it AND your working for defense set bonuses, Tactics is good for perception and as a home for some sets( although with the +acc set bonuses and the Acc you can get with sets, I'm not too concerned for the +to-hit outside pvp)

Fighting- good or bad you do need kicking or boxing to unlock Tough or Weave, but see my comments on Manuavers

On my squishy toons I always like getting acrobatics for the hold protection they would not otherwise have( I really wish they would add unique low mez status protection IO's), and getting combat jumping, jumping, and acro is cheap in terms of enhancement slots

Hasten is nice if your working towards + recharge, SS is much more attractive now that you have more options for vertical movement, plus with it and stealth and/or stealth IO = invis