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I have a concept for a cosmic/solar theme. I like Dark Control (Dark Matter/Energy) and Fire Blast (Solar Flares) to fit the concept - but is it a good fit?
Or do you think a controller or defender with some mix of Dark/Fire or even Rad might fit the concept and yet work better in gameplay?
Thanks. -
Thanks guys - you've given me some new directions to explore
I want to make a classic 2-3 color hero - pure spandex with just patterns and solid color boots/gloves. What is an unusual but fitting combination? I see Red/Black, Blue/Gold, etc. done to death - any ideas?
Orange/white and pink/white seem sort of rare and vibrant - what do you color wheel experts thing?
Thanks! -
Wow - never realized how good it is. tyvm
Thank you all so much - I am spoiled with ideas
Question: what is so great about Earth? Everyone seems agreed that it has the most control, but when I look at the set I do not see anything jump out as amazing.
What am I missing?
Thanks again - I love the idea of Earth/something. -
I have been playing CoH on and off since 2004 but have never once run a Trial or Task Force. Long story. Anyhoo, I'd like to try them - advice?
I have a 50 fire/kin with my Alpha slot - should I just join a group that advertises and do trial by error? Use the LFG tool? Pick a certain Trial or Task Force to read up on?
Thanks for any advice. -
I am getting back into the swing of things on my Fire/Kin and I had two questions:
1) Survivability: I have heard Fire/Kin can farm but dang if I can see how. It seems binary: either I wipe the floor with them or they two shot me. In crowds I die. A lot. I run Tough, Weave, Psi Armor, etc. Are there survivability tricks?
2) Single Target Damage: I destroy minions. Then it takes FOREVER to kill bosses. Even Lts some times. What do you do for ST damage? Use RoF as a damage ability?
I love teaming with this toon - awesome support and great fun - but I have never gotten the hang of the whole Godly Fire/Kin solo thing
TY - it seems changed a bit but with 0/8 I was having fun. Thanks!
I know you used to be able to level any brute with an offensive aura quickly through some missions in the AE - is this still true? Or is it best to level a new brute the same as any class - DFB to 23 (ugh) and then lots of teaming (yay!)
ty for any advice -
Thank you all for the great advice! I usually steer away from Cold/Fire/Force Field because I can't stand constantly rebuffing everyone on the team - not fun for me. I don't suppose those armors are AoE now, are they?
Thanks again. -
I solo a lot on my Fire/Kin and my Scrapper. I'd like to make something that really helps a team. Since I tend to pug, I do not think any of the anchor-heavy sets are a good idea - in pugs the anchors just die fast. I was thinking of sets that will support a team no matter how badly they communicate
Powers like Ice Slick jump to mind - always helpful and you can drop it wherever the team is. Time Manip seems to have a lot of AoE buff/debuffs that might be good for a crazed team.
Any suggestions? I am guessing it'll be a Dom/Def/Troller/Corr. All sound fun
TY -
I returned to CoH after a 2 year absence. Holy cow has the game changed. In light of all the crazy IO combinations, patron damage powers, and how people play today (seems like just mow 'em down), what role do Controllers & Defenders play now?
When I left they were great for debuffs and controls, but now it seems like a Dom or Corr might be superior. The game feels much more focused on damage and the buffs feel secondary.
Do I have this wrong? Is there still a role for Controllers & Defenders in 8 man play?
Thanks for any advice -
Is this a new power coming in a future update? Sorry if this is obvious - I just returned to CoH after a long break
Thank you all so much. I have a 50 fire/kin from before and I just saw that I have 115 million on her, so buying the 270k is probably my best bet.
Thanks again! -
Thank you! And where is the best place to buy common SOs? WW or just a vendor?
ty again -
I just hit 22 and I can access lv 25 IOs and SOs. What makes the most sense? Buy SOs from the store or WW for now, then look at IOs at level 35? Not sure what the best bang for my buck is (not a billionaire
ty -
Thank you!
I am a VIP with a 36 month badge. Played CoH from launch, played in the CoV Beta (yes, I had an Ice Brute lol), and so I am very familiar with traditional CoX.
Where do you think I should start? Should I go to Dark Astoria via Oroboros and just follow the contacts? Are the Incarnate trials solo or team only?
I just returned after a long break and want to start playing my 50 fire/kin again. What do most people do at 50? What is the repeatable content? I think I know some:
1) Incarnate Trials
2) Level 50 Tip Missions
3) Farm for cash (someone said I should do DA missions but I have no idea what that is)
4) Help lowbies PL for fun (I assume I can take a group of newbies into the MA and get them quick levels - this has always been fun for me)
What else do you 50s out there do for kicks?
Thanks! -
I had these in mind specifically for my staff scrapper (just with, um, normal sized female anatomy):
I've recently gotten into anime - i know, I'm a little late. Anyways, I like some of the looks and colors, especially for my staff scrapper.
Question: does anime translate well into CoH?
I've tried to make several costumes based off some of the anime characters I like and they look...odd.
Anyone able to make these kinds of anime martial arts looks work in CoH?