I am getting back into the swing of things on my Fire/Kin and I had two questions:
1) Survivability: I have heard Fire/Kin can farm but dang if I can see how. It seems binary: either I wipe the floor with them or they two shot me. In crowds I die. A lot. I run Tough, Weave, Psi Armor, etc. Are there survivability tricks?
2) Single Target Damage: I destroy minions. Then it takes FOREVER to kill bosses. Even Lts some times. What do you do for ST damage? Use RoF as a damage ability?
I love teaming with this toon - awesome support and great fun - but I have never gotten the hang of the whole Godly Fire/Kin solo thing
When you see yourself in a crowded room / do your fingers itch,are you pistol-whipped
Will you step in line or release the glitch / can you fall asleep with a panic switch
I am getting back into the swing of things on my Fire/Kin and I had two questions:

1) Survivability: I have heard Fire/Kin can farm but dang if I can see how. It seems binary: either I wipe the floor with them or they two shot me. In crowds I die. A lot. I run Tough, Weave, Psi Armor, etc. Are there survivability tricks?
2) Single Target Damage: I destroy minions. Then it takes FOREVER to kill bosses. Even Lts some times. What do you do for ST damage? Use RoF as a damage ability?
I love teaming with this toon - awesome support and great fun - but I have never gotten the hang of the whole Godly Fire/Kin solo thing
When you see yourself in a crowded room / do your fingers itch,are you pistol-whipped
Will you step in line or release the glitch / can you fall asleep with a panic switch