Developers - Resurrect Peacebringers




I am not a VIP player (although I have been playing COH for many years now), and I NEARLY resubscribed - UNTIL - I saw what had happened with my Peacebringer. I restarted my computer several times, messed with my graphics card settings - refusing to believe the animation had been taken away. And then the "Oh no the hell they didn't" moment set in when I was informed by another peacebringer of the change.

I AM MAD at the fact that you removed the LIGHTFORM transformation. Lightform is more than just a buff, it is a FORM - and the trademark of all peacebringers. Warshades - though kheldians, do not possess this ability. Now I might be wrong, but I understand you made the change as a result of some people claiming light form is too hard to spot? There is a fix for that. Instead of removing the actual essence of what a peacebringer IS, why not IMPROVE it?

You can see many complaints in here about the lightform issue:

BUT, since I don't want to be a crow cawing my displeasure, I have included a youtube video that contains a clip from the SyFy series Stargate where one of the races is one very much like kheldians. Please take a look at the animations for this.

I am sorry if this belongs elsewhere but I am not a paying player and cannot post anywhere but here I don't think.






The visual effects change was made so that Light Form would play nice with Bright Nova and White Dwarf forms.

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Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Play NICE? How the hell did it PLAY MEAN? Since when can you go into lightform when in another transformation?



You can't but you can do it the other way around.



Strongly disagree, hated the puffball form on my PB. Love the new non-puffball form of Lightform. Then again I play a human only PB so I disliked the shape changing aspect anyway.

Still, devs should know that there are people out here that love that change.

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Originally Posted by Luminsent View Post
Now I might be wrong, but I understand you made the change as a result of some people claiming light form is too hard to spot?
No, during Beta most of the complaints were from people who want to use perma-Light and wouldn't be able to see their costumes. After they changed it to an aura, some of us complained that they made it too subtle. Supposedly they're considering some form of compromise. Personally, I preferred the ball of light.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



With the ability to now have Perma Light form.. Perma Lightform users like myself would be forced to play constantly as a perma puffball of light.. Not very fun. I agree that the new effect are to subtle and need a little more oomph

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

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Originally Posted by Luminsent View Post
Play NICE? How the hell did it PLAY MEAN? Since when can you go into lightform when in another transformation?
I don't really see it clearly stated elsewhere in the thread, so let's just be clear.

Light Form was buffed. Significantly. Its duration and recharge were changed to match Eclipse, and the crash was lowered. With a chunk of global recharge, perma-Light Form is now possible. Furthermore, like Eclipse, it now does not prohibit shapeshifting, and the effects carry over into forms.

Because it can be made perma, and because it allows form shifts, its own form shift was changed. At the moment, because animation resources were at a premium at the ramp up to the launch of Freedom, they weren't able to make new animations, so what we get now is a dimmer version of the old Light Form overlaid on top of your character, be they in human, Dwarf, or Nova. The devs talked about hoping to give more options, and Arbiter Hawk also expressed a desire to shorten shapeshift times in patches after Freedom, when he could get some animation dev time to throw at that. So I guess there's the more comprehensive answer to the 'bug' angle of this complaint...

That said, the change to Light Form and Inner Light were major buffs to my PB, and frankly, I never found the ability to become a glowball in an emergency that locks out my other forms the definitive power of kheldians. Really, all of their other shapeshifts and energy attacks covered that well enough. And this change makes PBs significantly more playable, IMO. I hope they give an option of the old glowball to people who want it, but you might do well to resub and see if you can live with being really awesome much more often and slightly less glow-tastic.