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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    What is it about Spines that is OP exactly?

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    Castle referenced spines having as many as three secondary effects in one power.

    Stacking (small) immobilize
    Toxic DoT
    -spd/rch debuff.

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    Well if he decides to remove the -rech I'd be fine with that. The values are so small they're not noticeable anyway. The last thing I'd want to lose is the toxic DoT. If the immobs and slows were removed I'd probably hardly notice. It would be nice if Impale kept the immob though. That makes it a great power for dealing with runners.
  2. Supernumiphone


    I like that idea, but strongly doubt it will happen.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    What happens when the cottage rule is faced with another rule, such as this one here.

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    I think someone already mentioned the possibility that the two powers might be made exclusive to one another. You can either take CP from your secondary or from the APP, but not both. If it's done in that way no changes are required for proliferation.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Castle has said in the past that he was 'reluctant' to even look at the set for fear of finding serious balance issues.

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    What is it about Spines that is OP exactly? I haven't played one to a very high level, but my experience with the set so far has hardly got me thinking it's too good to be true. Is it the damage aura in an attack set? The overall amount of AoE? I'm just not seeing the problem.
  5. Supernumiphone

    Screw Rad blast

    What would the -tohit values be for Blasters if/when they get Dark Blast? I'm wondering it will be enough to be useful other than to make up the difference on a near range softcapped build. It might be nice on a Defender but even at the Corruptor values I know the blasts don't do much without a fair amount of +def to help them along.
  6. I don't think anyone knows for sure but I think it's usually stated they drop about as often as purples.
  7. I've only gone without Stamina on one Stalker, an Elec/Regen, probably the best combo to do that with. I did use a Miracle and Numina unique though. You can do without if you "pace yourself", but unless your natural pace is pretty slow you will be pausing for end or resting at times. If you only solo and don't mind going slow you'll probably be fine. Where it will really start to hit you is later on when you start running into EBs all the time. You'll either have to load up on inspirations or Placate+rest mid-fight. Good luck fighting Biff without Stamina or some other hefty +recovery.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    We've looked into this one. Apparently the AI reacted funny to the phase changes. Currently the AI thinks everyone is a valid target, even though it can't actually deal damage.

    Code is looking into it, and Bab's might be able to do something to make them a lot more transparent. That should make it much more apparent that the targets are phased out.

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    I'm kind of working blind here as I don't know what this originally looked like or when/why it changed.

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    I think that's a bit of misunderstanding. No one is saying the look of the power changed. It's a long-standing complaint about phase shift powers, that it's hard to tell the phased opponents from the non-phased ones. That was part of the OP's complaint, and I think Sunstorm is suggesting something might be done about it.
  9. You go Slax. Stick it to the man! H4xx0r the system!
  10. Supernumiphone

    Hellion Bosses

    I always get that badge while hunting Marcone bosses in Port Oakes. The docks and surrounding area is the best place to look, but there are other areas as well. The thing that speeds it up the most is a targeting macro or bind.

    /macro Damn targetcustomnext damned

    Mash that over and over while you run/hop/fly around and you'll have the badge in no time. Well, or a long time but it will seem like no time compared to the Marcone boss badge.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    the Avatar is there because I like it

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    You may not care but I have your avatar adblocked too. FYI.

    Avatars with excessive movement or flashing make the forums too hard to read so I have to block them.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    The blaster will be squishier than the scrapper no matter what

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    I thought squishies in PvP got auto-resists now. That being the case a Scrapper with all toggles off would presumably be easier to kill than a Blaster. I may be missing something though.
  13. The more information you can offer the easier it will be. Do you have -KB IOs, or did you take Acrobatics? Do you have a preference for travel power? Stamina or no? Steadfast 3% def in Sha? Any powers from the primary or secondary that are musts? That you don't want?

    People have a wide range of preferences for their builds and playstyles. Asking for a build without giving any information is like asking for music recommendations without giving a genre. It would help if you mention that you hate country music.
  14. Supernumiphone

    Quick Q

    AFAIK they always have been. I can't imagine why they wouldn't be.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, imagine launching your "self projectile" at a warwolf or other speedy target and ending up halfway across the map.

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    Want this so bad now. Khaaaaaaaaaaan!!!
  16. Whether you save or roll mostly depends on your personality. I gotta roll. Even if I had a long run of garbage, I'd still roll my merits. I've had some lengthy runs of meh stuff. I've also done 10 rolls and gotten a Miracle *and* a Numinas.

    Of course if there's something you just gotta have and you don't have the inf, or there are none coming on the market, you may have no better choice than to save and direct buy. I think that's very rarely the best choice though. If you want to go for the sure thing, take the suggestion given above. Buy whatever recipe gives the most inf/merit, sell that, then buy what you want. AFAIK that'd be a LotG +rech.

    Me I've never bought a single recipe with merits, all mine have been rolled. I've gotten more LotGs, Miracles, and Numinas than I could have gotten using direct buys, and I got a lot of other decent stuff along the way. Maybe I'm just lucky but if you take the long view rolling is the way to go IMO.
  17. Supernumiphone


    It's one of the most popular PvE combos for a reason.
  18. Any particular reason you're using only SOs? If you're open to franken-slotting there's a lot I'd change.

    Using just SOs one thing I would change is Siphon Power. It costs 10 end a pop and has kind of a long animation for what it does. If you max it on recharge with no end redux you'll spend a lot of your time casting it, and bottom out your end pretty fast doing it.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I guess you haven't run into the Level 50's that don't know where the trainers are yet.
    You will.

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    Or the ones, "looking for the respec guy" - in Port Oakes... *sigh*

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    Seems like that's the question I answer the most these days. Not "Where do I pay my SG base rent?" or "How do I get a cape?"...always "Where's Arbiter Sawyer?" I've been eagerly awaiting the day he gets put on the mini-map, but I just realized the respec arbiter in Nerva isn't on the map, so Sawyer probably never will be either. I need to make a macro or something.
  20. I believe it would apply to Lost and Rikti as well but I haven't tested it.
  21. Stop it you're going to give me nightmares.
  22. That's the major downside to using those sets for +def IMO. You are dependent on +acc set bonuses because the sets have so little, so the build doesn't exemplar well at all. Great for farming or just running ITFs I guess, but I generally like my builds to exemplar decently.
  23. I should be around this evening as well. If you end up with open spots I'll be happy to fill in. @Fuzzball or @Fuzzball2
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    ...and what are you gonna do about all the DoT?

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    Same thing as Spines/ ?
  25. Rad and Energy are the ones I see the least, with AR very close.