Hellion Bosses




Low level areas like Mercy or Port Oakes. They are few and far between though. If you're going for the badge the best thing to do is try to get in on a team doing the Mongoose mission to Clear the Arachnos base of Hellions. You may have to Malfactor for that.



I always get that badge while hunting Marcone bosses in Port Oakes. The docks and surrounding area is the best place to look, but there are other areas as well. The thing that speeds it up the most is a targeting macro or bind.

/macro Damn targetcustomnext damned

Mash that over and over while you run/hop/fly around and you'll have the badge in no time. Well, or a long time but it will seem like no time compared to the Marcone boss badge.



Badging is the main reason why I like the hazard zones blue side. Need to "arrest" a lot of somethig? they probably exist in large numbers in the hazard zones!

Although I seem to remember igneous bosses being a little more... abundant... before the revamp... or at least they were the only ones that had a small fire patch while 'hidden' in the ground... I could be wrong though.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"