22 -
i think that the best type of stalker for pvping is DM/SR for example use fear acts as a hold that is hard to resist then placate (self hide) and assassinate them while they are in fear,or if you are fighting some one like a brute or a tanker you have accuracy debuff they are also good for pveing.
Recently when i've been pvping in the zones all i see is energy melee blasters, energy melee brutes, energy melee tankers and energy melee stalkers.
I have 3 energy melee toons my self. I think they should
reduce the stuns chance of the powers it's too great. Makes it a pain playing a squishy. What do you guys think of this.
[/ QUOTE ]yeah i have noticed that too especialy when stalkers with EM can hit you 50 yards away with AS -
On my regen scrapper my best moment is in WB i went through seven ganks and survived them all btw i dont have MoG
i like war burg,nice zone nice name great pvp
RV is interesting but not mainly a pvp place i think
Storm Dragon lvl 36 blaster
Super Dud lvl 40 brute
Mutated Sash lvl 33 scrapper(best pvp toon of mine) -
LOL oly keep killing him
thats all i can say. And no we arnt griefers we are just people who want more action and compatition in the game
LOL cant wait to get my brute out,coston i am wanting a fight from you
For pvp taunt isnt really usefull its a waste really...
E.V.I.L. RULEZZ!!!! -
.......Ganking..its a PVP zone. you can say oh that was a gank but not through a massive arguement and if there is someone that seems to want to argue you can gank them they might keep argueing do it again and tell them its a PVP zone not the arena
my best moment with Sash was in BB at water street on top on the roof i am a MA/SR and i saw about 4 stalkers each one tried to AS me but at diffrent times....lol i killed em all
When you get in click on one of the termanals and go on create event then you'll find custom change that to duel or whatever you want.Then go on to any level click on what level you are in between so it norrows the level. Ask the other person to look under creator. (remmember to list the even before asking) then start event after countdown you'll be tped into one of the arena maps and do the event.
hmmm get aid self if your a brute and you have two heals that reacharge quikly because of your deffence it will make you almost invinsible
ty also i forgot to ask, will this build be end heavy?
[/ QUOTE ]
errmmm abit not if they are SO's and ++'s though -
:O Oooooooh nice sycho wanna fight my brute some time?
Must admit a Spine stalkers thow spines is abit much with AS
is abit weird... acrobatics doessent give you immob protection it just gives you hold protection but still is strange :/ -
Ooooohhh hmmm my fav SS/INV gotta be the best
great resistance and deffence you can bearly harm them if they slotted right and SS deals tons of damage out and great for
hero sweeping in sirens -
Yup i agree with olympus half and half on acc and damage that way you cant miss easily and you do good damadge remmember to combine them
Philo it would be easier to just do /bind enter "afk bla bla bla"
hmm SS/INV are ace you mostly risist everything at the same time your deffence is great SS deals quik and powerfull damage if i were you i'd get fear then later on get medicen then your gonna be a winner for sure
i have a plan of my brutes build
from hero builder
hmmm if your into pvping then i'd pick MA/SR
1.because you have + to perseption so you can see stalkers
2.you can dodge nearly any attack but when you get hit your defence is good so it doesn't do that much damage and allows you to dodge the rest
1.you can get hit and regen your health back you also regen your end so your built to stand in a fight for a long time
2.if you slot it right you can heal recharge another healing power heal then when you get below half health and heal then the other one is ready so in a one on one you are very strong -
Btw not long ago i was pvping and i got quite anoyed cuz of the lagg in SC
Sometimes i here people getting anoyed because they are wanting a one on one and if you interrupt there fight you'll end up in an arguement and they ignore when you say one on ones is for the arena.AND ITS ANOYING!!
YEY!!! Even though i knew that you were level 50 before i went on this GRATZ!