Your Greatest Scrapper Moment
Doing every mission in the Praetorian Arc solo.
On Tenebra:
Somewhere around lvl 30 I'm playing with couple of SG mates (blaster and troller), we enter a large room full of Council. My friends manage to get too much aggro and faceplant very quickly. I pop a yellow and a red or two and start mauling the Council guys while my friends shout me to run. During the fight I several times go into red but keep getting respites from defeated Council goons. After a prolonged fight the room is clear and it felt damn good.
On Midnight Thunder:
8 man team, lvl 48-49, we're doing the mission for Agent badge. There's a second MA/regen scrapper in the team (can't remember the name now, I think it's Miss White's toon). Opponents are MA using goons of Marauder. Me and the other MA scrapper sandwich a boss (destroyer I think) with simultaneous Eagles Claws from opposite sides of the boss.
The visual is still the greatest I have ever had in CoH: 2 perfectly executed kicks, from just the right distance so that it looks like they really connect, the boss drops to the floor just as we do the backflips at the same time.
Multiple high level MA scrappers in a team is damn lots of fun and offers lot of great visuals, highly recommended.
Tenebra 50 dark/dark/dark scrapper
Reactor Core 50 rad/rad/psy defender
Midnight Thunder 50 MA/regen scrapper
Midnight Sky 36 D3
Forked Tongue 29 fire/cold corruptor
I have a few but mine would have to be back in I6 during the Eden Trial with my main hero, a MA/SR, around level 38 or 39 at the time. We were an 8-man team and we managed to reach the Crystal Titan. We rescued the captured heroes and cleared a path to the Titan. And we started to pull it in, and then we attacked.
At the time we didn't know that attacking the Crystal Titan would agro the other nearby crystalline monsters. We were being overwhelmed. One by one my teammates were faceplanting. I clicked Elude. And a few seconds later I was alone. The Crystal Titan still has 1/5 of his life left, and dozens of crystalline monsters were attacking me all around.
I kept fighting the Crystal Titan. People shouting for me to run. I kept going. The Titan managed to get a lucky shot in and took more than half my life. I use my last green inspiration. My dead teammates shouting for me to run earlier, started shouting for me to win. The messages turned from "RUN!" to "KILL HIM!"
After about 2 minutes of this, the Crystal Titan finally fell to the ground as I delivered my final kick, and the message "TASK FORCE COMPLETE" flashed on the screen. My teammates cheered their hearts out. I continued to dodge the attacks from all the crystalline monsters around me. I was still in awe at what just happened that I stood their for a few seconds forgetting that Elude will soon crash and I'm still surrounded by dozens of hostiles.
I got my bearings and started attacking them, then Elude crashed, and we all exited. I was still a little shaky afterwards. My brother was also on that team and we were playing together in the same room. He was cheering behind me when the Titan fell. I just wish I had a demorecord of the whole thing.
That to me was one of the best MMO gaming experiences in my entire life. I actually truly, undeniably felt like a real superhero in a movie or a comicbook. The sort of moment when all the chips were down, fighting against all odds, and you were the final hope, and in the end you delivered.
As for PvP, defeating a Brute and a Stalker at the sametime in RV. The duo defeated two other heroes earlier and decided to attack me. It was an epic fight. I was down to 1/4 life when I defeated the Stalker, and had to defeat the Brute without Elude, but I had already damaged him a lot when the Stalker went down. At the final moment, the Brute's tier 9 power crashed and he lost all his endurance, he tried to run but I went in for the kill.
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This was exported from US forums. It's just awesome. Had me cheering while I was reading it ;]
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
My best moment as a scrapper was when I realised I could take on a group of four orange paragon protectors and survive to win through. First character I've ever managed to do that on. I've never looked back. Till that moment I'd been playing it carefully, like my blaster
I just jump right in now...real scrapper stuff
I've been reading US forums for a while and I've found an interesting post with CoHUS Scrappers best moments, telling how great they felt with their toon while fighting certain foes (I think you usually feel that great when all your team mates are dead and your still standing and kickin [censored] - it's weird but its a fact).
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I had a moment like that just after ED changes, the Firetank went into a room and the rest of the team followed. I personally felt a pull was required but anyway it was the Firetanks first day with ED, the whole team got blattered except me, alot was left for me to clean up and i managed to do that. No pride in that. Ive never had a greatest moment sadly.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Far-Seer Vs. about 10 Villains, MMs, lots of Stalkers, few brutes and a Corruptor in Siren's call on the boat at villain base - no Dominators present. With just an Empath at my aid hovering above. I was completely unstoppable, that was the day I used up all my temp powers lol. Shavians, Amy Johnsons, Snow Man, Wolves, Cryonite Armour, Wedding Band, that Confuse AoE from Valentines Day, and all my WB Rockets. BEST DAY EVER!
Tanking Psi Babbage has to be up there for Dark Celestine. Stood infront of the foe that it seems most tanks fear and holding its agro as best I could through imobs and being the only one in melee. That was one, another was carving through a mission in Elude after the rest of the team wiped and defeating the boss alone so no one had to go to the hospital and travel back.
For Midnight Lost it has to be herding wolfies on Striga showing why DM/Regen should have the presence pool
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Just the other day, a friend and I two-man everything, between us being a troller he's the only form of crowd control and healing, and then I got him killed, by aggroing about 5 oranges and 15 yellows, took me a while but I nailed every one of them with only 2 blue insps and 1 green one.
I just fully slotted my Instant Healing and MoG on my claws scrapper and was on a full 8 man team.
Everyone faceplanted, except me, leaving me with the bodies of my team mates scattered around me and a room full of crey tanks and pp's.
I switched on IH and proceeded to lay into the crey with the shouts of "Run". I pretty much cleared the room when IH dropped and my health started to plummet, and switched on MoG for the last ditch attempt at clearing what i could for the team to rez.
To the shouts of "Go Go Go" and "He's gonna make it" I managed to clear the room. Never forgot how powerful a regen can be, nor will my team mates I think
Also had a time where we couldnt take out a shadow cyst which was surrounded by a room full of mobs. With IH I managed to get it down to 1/4 health (leaving my team to clear the rest of the mobs). We all faceplanted except a tp'er who got me out after I hit the floor.
I rezzed, healed up, activated MoG (as team was splitting up saying "we are never gonna do this") and Kamakazi'd it in with MoG on (SJ to the cyst in one leap into which was in the middle of the mobs) and proceeded to dish it out to the cyst. I cleared the cyst to the sounds of "omg he did it" and faceplanted again. The team was able to rez and clear the room after that.
I love regen scrappers
Finding a high level WS arc with 2 shadow Cyst crystals way too close together, jumping into the first one, hitting unstoppable and defeating one, popped DP and proceeded to mash the other one into little pieces. I prompted someone to roll their next scrapper as a BS scrapper
Also a room full of Crey tanks of all varieties, and actually managing to herd 2 mobs into the corner, and hitting my Nuke to wipe them all out. Oh, wait, that was on my Defender
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Mine would most prob be... when a ice/stone tank herded a couple groups of nems all purples an reds to me also bosses etc.. i still dont nw why he dropped so quick but it was atleast 15sec into it an he was splattered of the floor shouting run. The blaster planted also the troller an there was just me left. they was all shouting run i jus got DA fully slotted so im using DA like every 3 moves an jus using the combo of GDF,SD,LotusD, an DA + Bu.i took like 1 purple insps an pretty much didnt really need me heals.goto the end musta taken out 3warhulks an however many minions i couldnt actually believe how awesome DA was an i couldnt believe i left till like lvl44 before i actually got it. One of my fave powers in the Kat set nw
"We're not tools of the Government or anyone else...
Fighting was the only thing, the only thing I was good at...
But atleast...I always fought for what I believed in!" (Gray Fox)
@Captain Paragon EU @Captain Paragon.
Oh I'll add a shadow cyst to mine, hit Elude, run up to it, started attacking, it spawned its angry friends. One Soul Drain and a critical on Midnight Grasp and it blew up, they all vanished and I stood Supreme.
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Mine? Well taking on 10 minions who where all a level below me. Seriously, at level 8, that was just brilliant.
Sprawler's best moment = Soloing 2 Freakshow Tanks who were 3 levels higher than me with a final classy /e slap.
My Best, I Was On The Test Event In Rv And Had Been Recenty Been Watching Mind, Body And Kick As...Butt Moves, So I Decided To Make a Martial Arts/Reflex Scrapper. Once I was all Sorted With Him, I Ran Into THe Zone Heading For a Villain Base, Only For a Team Of About 6 Villains To Attack Me, 2 Brute's, 1 MM, 2 Doms, And A Stalker I Do Belive, I Killed All Of Them Except 2, And Didnt Go Past Yellow Health, But Sadly At The End The Mind Dom TK'd Me into a Drone ='(
I think everyone with Elude loves those moments when your team gets flattened and everyone's shouting "run!" "run away!" - you click on elude and mop up shop
hmmm... it's gotta be that time aaaaaaaages ago in the council base. Everything goes wrong and we're ambushed by maybe 25 goons, most of them some variant on the vampyri. One by one the team falls leaving me still fighting for my life with what was left of an empath patching me up. Team is screaming for us to run away. Empath finally goes down and I'm swamped with vampires. The team returns from the hospital in time to see me take out the last vampyri goon and gloat over the bodies.
Man, that was close.
back when DM/DA still was something with high NEG-NRG resists. tanking a L54 shadow cyst and using the fuzzballs to keep up on hp end and damage (SD->DR->DC ftw!)
Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."
Best scrapper moment was when I tanked my first AV. Was a TF
My favorite scrapper moment was probably loggin back on with him (being my first ever toon) after three months of negelct at level 22, and realising that he wasnt that bad after all. I had left him to Create Thundorn Jr, my Empathy defender who i had played for two months solid A) becasue its fun and B) cos at the time i REALLY wanted a 50 so i could make a peacebringer (Boy was that an anti climax) having being completely new to the game in every respect when i built my scrapper the build was... shall we say unique. However when i logged back on with him i fell back in love with scrappers and got him to lvl 30, where he now again waits patiently until i get my fire nrg tank to lvl 40. Claws regen is Awesome
Got to put this in With Lamb of course...
Pre-I7 with me bored one afternoon in Dark Astoria, who happens to be there but Adamastor...
"well its only debt..." and in I go...
5 minutes later (and i admit a couple of Shivans less) Adamastor was lying on the floor a broken shell.
Dont think I stopped whooping for 10 minutes.
my best moment with Sash was in BB at water street on top on the roof i am a MA/SR and i saw about 4 stalkers each one tried to AS me but at diffrent i killed em all
It's not a high level moment but...
I was soloing that Striga mission where you have to destroy the vampyri tranformation pod things. I was pretty tired, and didn't realise immediately that when you run up to them, the pods start creating vampyri.
So on my second pod, I just started hitting the two vampyri who were lurking sort of behind the pod. An annoying run of misses from me and hits for their stupid health regen and a lot of spamming parry because I was trying to drink a cup of tea at the same time and I killed them pretty slowly. Once they were dead, I took out the transformation pod..... except it had been steadily creating vampyri while I was fighting, so it disappeared in an explosion leaving me with with minimal endurance and what turned out to be a room with double handfuls of angry vampyri.
Of course, being a scrapper I just needed some red and blue inspirations, turned on Death Shroud and after some crunchy broadsword action there was a bit more space. Admittedly, I finished the last vampyri guy by turning off my toggles since I was so low on endurance it was embarassing. But those darned vampires didn't get me.
Spines Sr, a truely awesome build.
controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr
I've been reading US forums for a while and I've found an interesting post with CoHUS Scrappers best moments, telling how great they felt with their toon while fighting certain foes (I think you usually feel that great when all your team mates are dead and your still standing and kickin [censored] - it's weird but its a fact). Anyway, I've decided to open this post cuz I do believe EU players also have some damn nice moments that you can share
Feel free to post it
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]