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  1. Got to put this in With Lamb of course...

    Pre-I7 with me bored one afternoon in Dark Astoria, who happens to be there but Adamastor...

    "well its only debt..." and in I go...

    5 minutes later (and i admit a couple of Shivans less) Adamastor was lying on the floor a broken shell.

    Dont think I stopped whooping for 10 minutes.
  2. Thanks for the pointers people!

    I have played a /regen scrapper before but was quite interested in the DM side of things.

    Intersing thing about reconstruction was when I used it last time it never saw the light of day after level 20 (once integration was available and slotted) so I didnt see a need for it here.

    Anyway, I wont redo the build but I will take all your advice on board! Thanks again
  3. Thanks for the advice mate.

    The extra attack power is a problem. I dont want to take Air Superiority because it means dropping another power pool, I suppose I could always take dropkick
  4. Any comments? Primarily a solo PvE build. Not really bothered about PvP with this gent.

    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Dark Melee
    Secondary Powers - Support : Regeneration

    01 : Fast Healing hel(01) hel(39) hel(40)
    01 : Smite acc(01) acc(3) dam(7) dam(5) dam(11) endred(43)
    02 : Shadow Maul acc(02) acc(3) dam(7) dam(5) dam(11) endred(46)
    04 : Quick Recovery endrec(04) endrec(39) endrec(39)
    06 : Combat Jumping defbuf(06)
    08 : Hasten recred(08) recred(9) recred(9)
    10 : Swift runspd(10)
    12 : Dull Pain recred(12) hel(13) hel(13) recred(15) recred(15) hel(40)
    14 : Super Jump endred(14)
    16 : Integration hel(16) hel(17) hel(17)
    18 : Dark Consumption dam(18) dam(19) dam(19) endrec(23) acc(23) acc(36)
    20 : Health hel(20) hel(21) hel(21)
    22 : Boxing dam(22)
    24 : Tough damres(24) damres(25) damres(25) endred(46) endred(46)
    26 : Soul Drain dam(26) dam(27) dam(27) acc(31) acc(34) endred(40)
    28 : Instant Healing hel(28) hel(29) recred(29) recred(37) recred(37) hel(37)
    30 : Resilience damres(30) damres(31) damres(31)
    32 : Midnight Grasp dam(32) dam(33) dam(33) acc(33) acc(34) endred(34)
    35 : Stamina endrec(35) endrec(36) endrec(36)
    38 : Moment of Glory recred(38)
    41 : Focused Accuracy endred(41) endred(42) endred(42) thtbuf(42) thtbuf(43) thtbuf(43)
    44 : Reconstruction recred(44) hel(45) hel(45) hel(45)
    47 : Touch of Fear recred(47) acc(48) acc(48) recred(48)
    49 : Siphon Life recred(49) hel(50) hel(50) recred(50)


    01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
    01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
    02 : Rest enhancement(02)