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  1. Bucky_EU

    Union "Legends"

    [ QUOTE ]
    - Kid Hellfire

    [/ QUOTE ]


  2. Bucky_EU

    Union "Legends"

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plus all the old skool Rangers.

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  3. Bucky_EU

    Mac client...

    Good evening Paragon.

    Just wondering if anyone knows if the Mac version of the CoH/V client is available for download for the general public/subbed players? Or is it still in testing?

  4. Not really an RPer myself but I think NHU Supergroup is something I would also be interested in. I'll have to look you guys up when I am in game (15th-ish of December).

    Now...To plan my character!
  5. Mothership raid or something like that!
  6. Regular listener - First time caller here. :P

    (Just brainstorming here. Got really bored with essays.)

    When I play I like a host of good songs from all genres - Which we could request. A DJ who is compltley comfortable with making a full of him/herself with good bantar. Perhaps a joke hour? People send in their jokes and they are rated? Mentioning Costume comp's or Hide'n'Seek games going on in AP.

    Perhaps tips which are not well known in the game for newbies. They could send in their questions like explaining ED or even simpler "How'd I get to Perez from Talos" or something like that. Obviously there would be a huge time difference in that sort of question which would probably be best answered via Channel or SG or something.

    You could set up a game through-out the DJ's time. Say when they hear the Brass instrumental piece as you walk under the globe (Y'know the one; Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-duunnnn...etc) their could be a prize to the first person to /tell the DJ. Or if the DJ uses a certain bunch of words in a certain way the same /tell situation applies.

    I am all out for now - Back to doing work! Tell me what you think of those though.
  7. Happy birthday Echo!

    So what level you guys at these days? Been meaning to ask.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    But farming isn't playing the game

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is still playing the game. But its so boring (IMO)
  9. Bucky_EU

    Your Blasters...

    Level 50 Archery/Elec Blaster. Got over 2000 hours on him and I love him to bits. Archery is seriously under-estimated IMO. High lethal damage combined with low recharge times - Whats not to like? :P
  10. Bucky_EU

    Hami Raid

    I won't be back in game till around the 15th of December. If you guys haven't gotten bored of smooshing the blob then I will gladly take part in kicking her/his hiney!

    I think I was a junior member of the PG's too at one point. Still got all my old Hami-Cossies AFAIK.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Your so good its creepy. Twilight Grasp(ing) dead bodies and Brian Blessed R.I.P are the clues.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *runs to the hills*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe he didn't notice you!

  12. Bucky_EU

    Merge Servers?

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    Hang on is this the monthly doom thread or the bi monthly server merge thread?

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    And our survey says!

    *Ding Ding Ding Ding*; Your a winner!!!
  13. All my petitions haven't received any feedback. I WANNA TLK 2 DARREN!!!
  14. Great job to whoever contributed on that website - It is awesome!

    Really enjoyed looking through it and the differing pictures at the bottom left is also a nice little touch!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Last time I checked My main was closing in on 2300hrs. Put it this way I was passed 1000hrs by the time I hit 50....

    Just asking about one of the SG guys has over 3000hrs on his main blaster.

    But as there are some people out there who play nothing but one toon, there must be much higher than these.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm interested to hear what GGs is!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think she visits this part of the Forums - She is from Defiant
  16. Post #1 for SuperNova.

    I lol'd@this. Oh and Welcome SN!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    okay, fair enough but that is not how this trial is ment to be completed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am sorry but who are you to say how a TF/Trial is "ment" to be accomplished?

    I agree with the other posts in this thread congratulating the fact that someone/some team has managed put together a relatively well thought of team and set of tactics, to complete a difficult Trial in a record time of +/- 8 minutes.

    I myself have done this in under 15 minutes and I thourougly enjoyed the fact we were trying to beat the clock. Missing out some mobs in the way there but still was a great Trial experience.

    I think we'll all need to agree to disagree. Each to their own opinion on this matter. Etc. Etc.

  18. @Bucky will help you out if you want.
  19. Bucky_EU

    Hey guys!


  20. Bucky_EU

    RV Super Rumble

    Will try to be there!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Down with the war walls would be excellent - I'd like to see city zones joined by intermediary highways, no-man's lands, or a sweet long bridge between the islands of Paragon (Talos, PI, etc). These intermediary zones could be patrolled by one or two new groups of badass roadwarrior types, Mad Max style. Maybe even vehicle mounted bad guys - motobike nuns, devil worshiping cab drives, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Nods to this*

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    The removal of radio and newspaper missions and other repeatable mission sources.

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    Mind if inquire why? I love radio and newspaper missions, I would be especially disappointed if I lost the ability to do repeatable missions on my 50s, one of which has done every other arc in the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Possibly due to the teams that jsut do the radio mission and never any arcs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What if they like doing their radio/newspaper mission - What gives you the right to take that away from them?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    why am I typing this?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because you're nice?
  23. I don't remember you but welcome back anyway

    Also - Perfect time to come back with the *buzz* of Double Reward weekend coming up.