need to get from 40 to 50 fast!
It took me 2 years to get my first level 50 so I know the annoyance of grinding. It also took me 2 years to get a level 40 so you aint so bad :P Just get in teams, you don't necessarily need supergroups. You will easily get the last 10 levels if you just team. I also recommend joining the sal's badgehunter channel where you will often find Imperious TF teams forming.
It took me a year to get to 50, although as not as long as you I was frustrated for so long. As Wuffles said, just team and it should go fast. I spent waaaaaaay too much time badgehunting, I say just wait until 50 to do that
And wait until level 50 befoer you make tonnes of new characters. It took me a month to get past level 10 because I was such an altoholic :P
XP is just a natural consequence of playing the game Sin. Ignore the xp bar, stop thinking about it, and just play the game. Tough on your first 50 though admittedly.
Join sals, it helped me alot. After dxp weekend i was left with a 42 blaster and difficulty to find tf's and missions. I was chugging along to 47 when everything just stopped aside invites to sk someones alt at a farm and i had to play other toons. Then i joined sals and finally got to do lots of tf's along with teaming with some really great players that made me learn alot.
Join sals, it helped me alot. After dxp weekend i was left with a 42 blaster and difficulty to find tf's and missions. I was chugging along to 47 when everything just stopped aside invites to sk someones alt at a farm and i had to play other toons. Then i joined sals and finally got to do lots of tf's along with teaming with some really great players that made me learn alot.
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Sals is a definate on Onion, I had made the transition from Red to Blueside last november and joined a very good sg (art of war) as a veritable newb to heroes, then mid year as we lost some players whenever I found us wanting to do an sg TF we would use union badgehunters as a point of reference for getting those last members.
Then after a brief hiatus from the game I returned to an essentially dead channel only to find Sals was the new place to be, and has been since, a great player base of people willing to help and always can find members to join a TF or some kind of hunt....although it has been a little quiet of late I can still find a good team via that channel.
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
i am currently on level 43, its been much easier than i acttualy thought, i suppose ive never really given my main much attention, ive always been hopping from one alt to the other and just chating with players and taking the odd team here and there. but now that im going on with the sole purpose to level, its coming much more easier to get those last few levels to 50!! but i still would like to join a good active super group who i can team with as teams are very hard to find in the 40's
I say struggle through to 46, then bridge for people (sidekicking their other account characters) while they farm. Then once you get to 48 just farm like madness :P It doesn't take too long to find a farm team if ya sit in pergrine and just keep saying it on broadcast that you want one :P
But farming isn't playing the game
DCUO and CO will never see my money. The Citygame will keep seeing my money for as long as I keep enjoying it

But farming isn't playing the game
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Uhhh...not exactly.
You logged on, your clicking your powers, so your playing the game. Peroid.
But farming isn't playing the game
[/ QUOTE ]
It is still playing the game. But its so boring (IMO)
hey guys its taken me 15 months to get to level 40....bad i know, but i need to get that final strech of the way, is there any regular teams or sg's that can team with me to give me the intesive game play to get those vital 10 last levels any help would be appriciated. at the moment im part of no sg so any sg that can help me in that cause id gladly join up with. thanks in advanced ^_^