Regular Ice & Storm Theme Team
I'll very much be up for it, i'm a slag for ice/storm powers. I assume if theres enough people an sg will form around it..
Frostbourne: lvl 50 Scrapper Katana/Regen
Energenica: lvl 50 Tanker Invuln/Energy
Ionised: lvl 50 Defender Empathy/Electrical Blast
Avalonica: lvl 50 Controller Ice/Storm
SunSphere: lvl 50 PeaceBringer
Shortly after Issue 12 hits live (and all the new character slots have been handed out) I plan on hosting a new theme team on the Union server.
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As I've said already, I'd be interested. Subject of course, to I12 giving me some space for a new alt
Not going to be tanking, since I've done the whole Ice/Ice/Arctic thing. Other than that, I'll have to think more on what I WILL be taking. Possibly a controller, as it's been a couple of years since I ran a controller.
I'll try to remember to kick Lifeline in the direction of this thread, too.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
As my first want-to-do hero is a Storm/Ice defender i think i am at the right place.
Hmmm maybe i should really work on that Psychic Platoon (heroes with psychic powers) thing. As all ATs will have psy powers with I12
As mentioned already, prob the controller but if need be I've got a blaster combo that would have fitted the other old suggested theme too that has /Ice
i would be very interested in this, i would like to do an ice/ice tank if possible?
You already know i'm up for this!!
Bagsy Cold Defender
Hurrah for it posting my post when it told me it couldn't post anything..
@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
I'm up for this madness especially with the new free slots. Will likely be a Storm/Ice Deffy or maybe get all damagey with a blaster...actually my Defenders are played the same way as my Corruptors so the damagey part won't be a problem.
Too bad I have an Ice/Cold Corr already. Hmm Cold/Psi? ...wait could do Psi/Ice..or Ice/Mental blaster.
Dammit Screwloose.
@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
I'm up for that, a bit cold for my liking but i'm for anything, i'll probably go for a StSumm Controller, haven't tried one of them before!?
Mondays are good, when do you think they'll release i12? How long do they usually test for?
Ahhh... Bad timing for me Echo, it would be great if you was doing this while I was rolling out my second ice tanker (now is level 40 already)...
Having already a level 50 ice troller, trolling option is out too for me... The only thing that is left that I might enjoy is my ice blaster (currently at level 19) but I don't know the schedule of your new team and what my free time will be.
As far as I can see you have already a full 8 member team, so probably you will be better without me, so let me wish:
Good luck "cool" team!
I am up for it also. I could offer the Ice Tank. Probably either Ice/Stone or Ice/Ice! Great idea.
As far as I can see you have already a full 8 member team, so probably you will be better without me, so: Good luck "cool" team!
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I wouldn't worry too much if we have more than 8. For the first couple of weeks of the all Dom team we were running 2 teams. It doesn't take long before people start dropping out and only the stalwarts remain
I might pop along since all the regular teams are winding down now. And yep, its always good to recruit more than you need
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
I'm up for that, a bit cold for my liking but i'm for anything, i'll probably go for a StSumm Controller, haven't tried one of them before!?
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You'll be in for a treat. Great think about Storm wherever is how nearly every power is often useful, but not every power is often used. Allows each mission to be more than just your usual A-B-C formula.
More Tornados the better I say though.
Mondays are good, when do you think they'll release i12? How long do they usually test for?
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Can be a few weeks, depends on the buggyness. A new set or two are one thing, but a whole new AT with branching and a new zone with new enemies as well as handing over powers from one side of the universe to another needs more than a passing glance.
On the power pro-side there doesn't seem to be much issue, but Widows and Banes need more tinkering in my eyes.
@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
Wow lots of interest already!
Those on my other regular teams have known this idea was in the works for a while, and I know a couple of friends have decided on toons already. My apologies to newcomers for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause.
<ul type="square">[*]On the number of members:[/list]
Yes indeedy, as is often the case, unforseen circumstances cause all but the most addicted team members to drop out. It's unfortunate but it's also unavoidable.
As such, there's no limit to the number of particpants. All are welcome and at least it should make the first few weeks exciting! Sewer hunting, anyone? Or why not clear out the Grendel's Gulch?
<ul type="square">[*]On Super Groups, etc:[/list]
There will be no Super Group, since I don't want to divide anyone's loyalties between the team and their own SG. What's more, established SGs are handy particularly in the early levels too. It makes interzone travel so much faster...
Instead, in order to organise and coordinate ourselves effectively (especially with the likely prospect of multiple teams) I think it'd be cool if we take advantage of I12's chat channel changes and create a new channel for the theme group, which can act both as a meeting point and a surrogate team channel in gatherings larger than eight.
Suggestions on the channel name (and the team name, for that matter!) are most welcome.
In terms of thematic names, costumes, uniforms or origin stories for the team, all that stuff is up to you. I'm not saying we won't have a uniform at some point in the future, but that will come later. Bottom line is, there are definitely no restrictions on how you design your toon.
Even if you have a pre-exisiting alt (preferably low-level) that fits the powerset requirements and you're willing to examplar down to join in the fun, then that's cool too!
<ul type="square">[*]On Tankers:[/list]
While they do perform a key role in the survivability of a team - especially a large team - compared to the other ATs, Tanks in large numbers simply don't add as much to the team's potential and can even be badly disruptive.
In hindsight it may not have been a great idea to offer the Tanker role so openly in my opening post, since I knew of three people (two friends, plus myself) who already wanted to contribute a Tanker toon to the team before I opened this thread.
Since that now puts us at potentially five Tankers now, I humbly ask anyone who's thinking about playing a Tanker to seriously consider if they might instead enjoy one of the other team roles just as much.
I know that sucks, and I'm really sorry. I hope everybody understands the difficulties inherent in building a great team and help to resolve this issue quickly and fairly.
Dammit Screwloose.
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I'm up for that, a bit cold for my liking but i'm for anything, i'll probably go for a StSumm Controller, haven't tried one of them before!?
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You'll be in for a treat. Great think about Storm wherever is how nearly every power is often useful, but not every power is often used. Allows each mission to be more than just your usual A-B-C formula.
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Agreed. Storm is one of the best secondaries for a Controller, a set of versatile and great-looking powers you can dip into as much as you need... or make a wholesale commitment to.
There's a bunch of damage boosting powers for the discerning Controller there. Freezing Rain is one of the key powers in the set, fantastic soft control with a mean -res debuff on top. But just the lvl 35 and 38 powers (Tornado and Lightning Storm) make the whole set worth it.
More Tornados the better I say though.
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Oh hells yes! A swarm of Tornadoes is a terifying thing to behold. They clean out Orenbega corridor spawns like a vacuum cleaner!
Mondays are good, when do you think they'll release i12? How long do they usually test for?
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My money was on the 20th May, but that may be a bit optimistic.
The devs will certainly give the final release date in advance, and once that happens we can start making more definite plans.
Okay, so far we have the following cadets:
Just trying to keep track.
Echo, I would be quite interested. I had originally planned on having a storm/ice defender as I have never really clicked with Defenders and thought this team might be a good place to give one a leg up. It does seem though that quite a few people are thinking of making this combo though...hmmm.
For the moment put me down for a strorm/ice but this may closer to time based on numbers of storm/ice in the group and after the first few sessions maybe based on the final composition of the team. That is rather a long winded say of saying i'm in .
CoH: Moondog (WS); V-Rock (Tnk, semi-retired); Pole-Star (Bla); Demon Dog (Scr).
CoV: Midnight Gunner (Corr); Operative John Doe (Ban); Day-Star (Dom); Commissar Jaeger (MM).
Ok echo i will quite happily make a blaster / defender / troller.
I have just finished a lvl 50 grav/storm troller and would love to try an ice one out.
Whatever the team needs, i can say i will be able to stick to this team as a friend of mine is part of a cov weekly traps team, infact he might be part of yours?
Fraser phipps ring a bell?
i will add u 2 my global next time im on also, @electrode
This just popped up on the US boards....
A little propitious really, as I was considering going Illusion/Storm or Earth/Storm controller, as I've not played a controller for a good couple of years.
Anyway, I'm still pondering options.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Since that now puts us at potentially five Tankers now, I humbly ask anyone who's thinking about playing a Tanker to seriously consider if they might instead enjoy one of the other team roles just as much.
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no a wnt ma t4nkor!
Yeah that perfectly fine with me. Hmmm. Stormie here I come!
Thanks Skills and Bucky, you're both superstars.
Skills, yep Fraser Phipps is one of my die-hard Trappers. Cool! Any friend of his is welcome. Join me in pestering him into signing up for this team too!
Thanks for the link Canine, Ill/Storm is something I hadn't even considered. Too much time spent on Villains teams I guess...
I'm really looking forward to this now!! Cant believe the interest already. Echo you are the master at organising theme teams
I'm torn between a Cold/Dark Defender or an Ice/Thermal Controller. Oh and Ill/Storm is lots of fun, although mine has sat at 34 for about a year. Chaos control at its best!
i think i will be going with an ice/kin defender / troller.
Have always wanted to try kin and ice is decent for slows etc which could be handy.
I will also be going for a complete support toon with recall friend and the leadership pool.
I will be having a word with Fraser on our forums dont worry echo lol...
yea i 've defently decided on a Storm summoner not not to sure on the primary, does it have to be Ice or is there flexibility?
I'd like to try Ill/StSu like minotaur, sounds well good. Mind you plant control thats coming out with i12 could be quite fun to try with StSummon, hmmmm.....
Bored of summer already? Miss those brisk winter nights? Interested in joining an ice cool themed team that would meet regularly every week to reminisce in the best the cold season has to offer?

Shortly after Issue 12 hits live (and all the new character slots have been handed out) I plan on hosting a new theme team on the Union server.
This is going to be a heroic team (for a change!) and the objective, as usual, is to make our way from level 1 to 50, seeing as much of the content as we can and generally having fun along the way. I12 seems a great opportunity, what with the revamp of the Hollows and the new powers afforded by Powerset Proliferation.
<ul type="square">[*]What's the theme?[/list]A character with any of the following powerset combinations can be accepted on the team:
Defenders: Cold Domination/*, Storm Summoning/* or */Ice Blast.
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Controllers: Ice Control/* or */Storm Summoning.
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Blasters: Ice Blast/* or */Ice Manipulation.
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Tankers: Ice Armor/* or */Ice Melee.
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* That's right, so long as you have just one of these powersets, your other set can be absolutely anything you want!
I chose this theme as I think these powersets should tie together really well, both aesthetically and gameplay-wise, without restricting AT or power choice too tightly. Heck, since I12 is giving Ice Blast to Defenders, all of a sudden all Defender primaries are now viable!
<ul type="square">[*]When & where?[/list]Right now, it looks like the regular meetign time will be every Monday night from 7-10pm GMT (on Union).
We can flesh the other details out later, once I have a better idea of the numbers involved and the release date of Issue 12.
So... anyone interested?