How to i enter the Aren




Im new to this and everytime i go to enter the Arena it says i am not allowed. "i cannot enter". does anyone know why this is. I am a LVl 23 Defender and have not been able to enter the arena



You need to go to the kisosks in the Arena and start a match. Get other players to join your match and then you'll be teleported in.

Alternatively, you can always go to the PvP zones for a quick scrap if that's your bag.

Hope that helps!



You need to click the arena terminals that are on the second floor of arena after you enter (or is that called 1st floor? silly British).

Clicking on an arena terminal allows you to create matches, but you need someone to play against. I advice first asking someone to play against you from arena channel and only then proceeding to arena to make the match and play. You can also ask for detailed help on the help channel.

The system-generated matches that you will find from the arena terminal most propably wont have any real participants so youll just end up waiting forever for the match to start.



When you get in click on one of the termanals and go on create event then you'll find custom change that to duel or whatever you want.Then go on to any level click on what level you are in between so it norrows the level. Ask the other person to look under creator. (remmember to list the even before asking) then start event after countdown you'll be tped into one of the arena maps and do the event.