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  1. The price/performance point is about the i5-2500, optionally K if you're an overclocker. Though that term means something else with the new second-gen nehalem chips. Yes its a new socket, 1155. Probably new ram for you too (DDR3).

    The 295 is high end enough I'd tend to think about keeping it around a while longer. You'll pay a lot for a 480/570/580 just to keep on-par or slightly better performance and add DX 10/11 capability. While the DX 10/11 stuff is nice (some of Ultra Mode needs it, IIRC), I don't see it being worth the cost. I'd guess it'd be worth considering in a year.
  2. I can't see paying 250 for a new CPU for the current board when you could probably pick up a low end i5-2300+mobo+memory for about 250-300 and it'd end up smoking the qx6800 for breakfast and be looking for a snack by 10.

    Bump up the budget some to an i5-2500[k optional] and smoking won't even be a fair comparison.

    Of course, you'll be waiting for intel to re-spin the motherboard chipset to be able to pick up a motherboard that won't have the SATA ports die, but... Should only take ~ a month at this point.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    If by "everything" you mean IOs, then no. IOs shouldn't be sold in stores. If you mean providing new things we can buy only from stores/vendors for the price an inf price only (no tickets/merits) then sure, I'm cool with that.
    I'm not sure how you plan on putting enough money sinks in other than using this method. Also, inf, tickets, and merits are all just currency for time invested in the game. Why the devs focused on artificially differentiating them (and then un-doing those artificial barriers via things like hero merit conversions) I'm unclear on. What are you going to introduce everyone will buy in droves, other than IOs?

    Uh, no. You want what you call "crappy" sets to be on par with rares? Why do you think they're rare? What about the people that actually slot those sets for the bonuses they give? We'll just change they're bonuses to ones they didn't want?
    There's plenty of "rare" sets with trash for bonuses -- PBAoE sets are full of these. Except for Obliteration, which was a late addition and, oh yeah, also sells for buckets of money. Actually, Obliteration looks more like a purple set than anything else, with maximized damage and recharge, plus a 6th IO as a proc.

    There's also plenty of rare sets where the actual IO values to acc/dam/end/rech (for example) are worse than common sets. Mako's w/5-slot compared to Crushing Impact w/5-slot as a prime example. Mako's overenhances damage at the cost of other stats. The set bonuses aren't as good either, IMO, unless you're 6-slotting for the defense. In which case you're slotting Mako's because CI doesn't offer any def.

    Actually, pretty much all the costly sets are those that grant... +def. Rareness or level hardly factors into it. Its all about +def because the devs screwed up royally when they let anyone other than a def-based set get near the defense cap.

    If any of the purple sets granted +def as a set bonus at twice-normal rates like the other purple set bonuses... that whole set would be selling just like the +3% def PvP IO is.

    There's a reason rare IOs/PVP IOs are rare. Because the reward they give should require there to be some kind of level of work to obtain them. Either by farming, A-Merit farming, or by purchasing them.
    Well, PvP IOs are rare because PvP sucks in this game. In That Other Game Which Shall Remain Nameless, any sort of PvP based drops wouldn't cost much because there's rather a lot of PvP in a (in theory) PvE game. (see also: "PvP Welfare Epics")

    The PvP IO set bonuses aren't actually that much better than most other sets except for the few uber uniques. In fact, the big mama there -- the +3% def unique -- exists in standard IOs as an only-uncommon, lowbie set. Calling it rare or blathering about the work to obtain it is ... well ... doesn't hold water to Steadfast Protection. Still expensive, because everyone wants it and it is low level and people can burn that part of the game down easy now, but still: not rare by any means.

    Pretty much all they're going to put in game that'll get enough traction to dent the inf in game is going to be letting people purchase IOs (directly or via proxy merit buying) with inf. I'm not seeing it as a bad thing -- its just another currency, which is a measure of time invested. It used to be the only currency, and the game was fine when it could buy top-end enhancements (50 SOs) off vendors.

    Or I suppose just doing a "currency reduction" across the board. But that'd be a rather unmitigated disaster if word got out as everyone tried to liquidate their cash into IOs except for the marketeers who might be trying to ride the wild spending wave it would generate and just hope for enough cash to see them through in the post-new-currency world.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Try a scrapper or a brute. In your OP you mentioned "Tank/Brute". The way you phrased that leads me to think you believe they play identically (or at least similarly), and nothing could be further from the truth.
    Scrapperlock: the cure for what ails the OP!

    I'm with Claws here though. Try a scrapper. I've got some support folks up into the high-30s range and I miss being able to do, you know, damage like I can on scrappers/brutes/tanks.

    It is also well worth mentioning that some sets don't bloom until you IO them out. Don't take a SD scrapper without planning to IO it to really see some good performance. You can optionally team with buffers to get similar levels of performance, but you need expensive IOs to really become Mr. Awesome While Solo.
  5. There was something about 'balance' originally given as to why there were no defensive (heal, def, res, -tohit, etc) purple sets.

    I'm thinking more than problems with balance between purple sets, it may have been balance implementing them. Because purples are stronger than standard IOs, you'd end up with a lot of 2-slotting the def and def/end pair that are likely to exist in defensive powers for hitting-ED-wall bonuses to def and some end redux and now lots of slots free for the player to do other things with.

    Kinda like slotting a 5-set of one of the damage ones (minus the straight-up damage IO), then putting that purple damage IO with a standard damage IO to hit ~90% damage boost post-ED, then slotting the power out with a secondary effect (say: end drain for ElA's aura or accurate to-hit debuff for dark powers).
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
    Just to clerify, if the tank is taunting and attacking, nothing is going to pull agro of the tank.
    A brute with the same threat mods as the tank, better damage and their own ST punchvoke, and AAO/DN could easily pull aggro. Heck, my BS/SD scrapper with lesser threat mods and no DN is more than capable of pulling aggro off a tank who is taunting but may have it weakly slotted and/or isn't chain-taunting, so...
  7. They've been on-record on that topic since something around I-low-single-digits. I do wish they'd revisit it. Sometimes as the game changes, you wish you could have made other choices for a character.

    Sure, you can reroll them. And people will line up with that as an answer to the super respec request. And people will say how easy it is to do that. Well frankly if its that easy to reroll, why can't we just do it with the server's blessing in the first place? Rerolling preserves all the RP discontinuity that a TF letting you switch would since you can just pick your same name, save&load your costume, and the get re-invited to your SG.
  8. Let me guess: you're a shield def brute? If so your AAO is going to strip aggro off the tank easily enough by itself, not to mention adding Darkest Night on top of it. If you have a strong single-target attack set on top of it, I'm not sure I think the tank could get aggro back.
  9. For a team focus I'd rather have SD. The team usually has plenty of people capable of sending damage downrange. It doesn't always have buffers/etc. Plus SD carries the stronger taunt aura, so if you're being the tank, that's always handy.
  10. If you're pushing for rech that much you might want the force feedback proc in either fault, tremor, or both.

    You're a bit light on rech in power sink.

    I'm unconvinced by heath's slotting vs slotting a miracle +recovery in there too. ElA/SM is pretty end-piggy, even with energize and power sink. Cardiac may (or may not) solve that.

    My ElA/SM is a brute, and I went with spiritual, so... that's why I say maybe.
  11. Do you want theory or practice? I'm pretty sure fire will win in theory, but I'm not so clear about in practice. Burn's radius is rather small, which can be a real problem in some of the newer content where a spawn is spread through a rather large room. You don't get the traditional large-damage-per-tic, but instead the initial damage AoE then a lesser tic. Shield charge is a good-sized radius AoE, which is nice.

    The flipside to any of that is of course the shield charge nerf that went through sometime after I got my shieldie to 50 and left the game, then came back this year. I don't know how bad that is -- it doesn't feel awful, but I haven't done numeric quantification.

    The other question is of course, "do you want to pull aggro off the tank?" If yes, go with SD. If not, go with fire. Alternately if you want to be the tank as a brute, SD is the way to go to get all the love and attention you deserve.

    Edit: Yes you can herd for burn, but that tends to be against the brute mindset.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Man, the game has changed since I started playing. It was close to a year before my main even hit level 50, let alone hit 50 and got within a single Notice of the highest level of achievement available to us at this point.

    When people start complaining about how it takes so long to level I just laugh and shake my head.
    That's because AE farms are the new Winter Lords. Or double-XP weekends are the new Winter Lords.

    Others have covered the granite/non-granite builds. I'd look at finding a different map to farm though. Something with a lot more smashing/lethal and a lot less fire damage. You'll have an easier time capping it. Also: your slotting of your ST attacks rather stinks and you'd be well served by doing better on them, because trying to use AoE to burn down bosses (and lts to a lesser degree) is vastly slower than getting a lock on them and using ST attacks while your AoEs are cycling. In particular, your first ST attack has a +20% incoming damage debuff it puts on the mob, so you want to be slotting and using that.

    While we're on that, your reacharge slotting on your AoEs is weak. Frankenslot them or pick a different set to pick up some real +rech in addition to decent damage.

    In other news: if you're farming for salvage, you're quite possibly better off doing more productive things with your time, like working on hero/villain merits, or learning to work the market for fun and profit.

    Just sayin'!
  13. If you're willing to consider "soft cap with DN up", go evil, pick up soul mastery/DN and slot that with 4 slots. You can do max end redux with Dark Watcher's set and end up with DN doing about -16% to-hit. Now you're only targetting 29% to hit the cap. That probably frees you enough on slotting you afford the slots for DN too. :-P
  14. My SM/ElA decided to focus on recharge and toss the def out the window. It works well in general, but faceplants on tough enemies that like to do a lot of -def (aka, romans). I've got some def from weave and CJ and now a DN I can drop, so that helps some. I might shift some of my +rech bonuses to +def as my spiritual alpha matures though, now that it is an option.
  15. It seems worth mentioning if you're just bringing back a old F/F tank: going dark side and doing a patron arc to pick up soul mastery and the tasty tasty darkest night might be valueable. -20% incoming damage, -16% to-hit on the enemies.

    Combine that with a very-reasonable 30 to 35% defense build and you're effectively at softcap since you can cast DN from around a corner via cast-jumping if you do it right. Or just cast on the way in -- it'll probably be up before anything big hits you.

    Plus it nets you a ranged ST attack, and has the possibility of another AoE, this time ranged. Nice for pulling ambush aggro to you before it sees the rest of your party. And for added fun both of those also have more -to-hit in them which you can stack with DN.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    If they're using the same reward system that the Praetorian events are using, there's not a chance it will be exploited. You can only exploit a reward system if you can figure out how it works.
    This, dearie, is simply a matter of time.

    Plenty of MMOs have come and not released formula. And plenty of MMOs have had their formulas, skill check difficulties, etc, deduced by players. allakazaham and wowhead are really all I need to say here.

    Given enough data, any formula becomes shallow.
  17. Stone melee's AoE is weaker than a lot of the other sets, so you might be doing it wrong from the start. Not that I don't love stone melee to death on my SM/ElA brute, but... SS or FM is where AoE is at.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunderheart View Post
    Not to rain on the parades of DOOMsayers or anything, but inflation in this game has an upper limit with regard to the market. It can't continue forever without hitting the cap. Semantic, I know, but just wanted to throw that out there.
    That isn't an upper limit to the market. That's the point the market dies.

    I remember the pre-I5 barter-only HO trading days. If the market starts having what would traditionally be middle of the road stuff approaching the inf cap price, it is going to end up moving to barter only. Speeding this up will be the thieves who will appear, offering 4 bill for that PvP IO (to buy or sell) and then quitting before the transaction is fully done (buying -- they insist it and 4 billion trade first, then they don't pay the other 2 billion. selling -- they insist on 2 billion first and "then" the IO/last 2 billion which never happens.) to their great profit.
  19. Has anyone put together a nice scrapper attack chain guide? I know you can calculate one, but having a handy all-in-one reference would be nice.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    And the Devs know well enough to avoid actual Tankmages (even if they forget when making AVs at times ¬¬ )
    Niether VEATs nor HEATs are anything approaching the horrible 'tankmage' level, especially not Kheldians with thier lack of mez shields outside of the clunky Dwarf form (I hate the transformation time it takes and I dont care who knows it)
    I'm.. pretty sure any of the various AT and powerset combos that solo AVs count as tankmages. I say this as a former Asheron's Call player, where the mages... were tankier than the melees with shields and out-damaged both them and the archers. Trust me, I know 'em when I see 'em, and I'm seeing 'em.
  21. If you're doing scabbards there must -- MUST -- be a standard knight's at-the-hip style scabbard.

    It would be really nice to actually draw our weapons rather than materializing them out of thin air.
  22. Who says a scrapper isn't support? Last night on the global-channel run I ended up in there were not one, not two, but three shieldies floating around (2 scrap, one brute), along with some potent debuffs (rad, poison, sonic). Not much in the way of healing but we had one death and I'm not sure why -- the MM bit it after reichs was already long dead. I'm going to go with "DPS holding back so the guy who D/C'd could get back on."

    But yeah -- what do you expect -- when the game has historically strongly rewarded largely solo play (kill as fast as you can, solo, for purples or speed TF for merits or...) you'll get a lot of characters good at that. That's in general the melee types -- not that others (doms, controllers) also can't do it, but the population is definately skewed to the melees.
  23. Rhysem

    Fire/Spine Build

    Don't drop miracle +recovery in healing flames, else it is only up for the 2-minute duration post a flames activation.

    Your slotting for def seems confused. I see things I think are +S/L and things that are +melee. Pick one and stick to it. I know they both give a bonus to the other, but it is a lesser bonus.

    If you're 6-slotting a power, you need a really good reason to do so. You're spending slots so heavy to pick up fairly small defense bonuses you end up seriously overspent on slots, with good powers that have no added slots. Think about dropping your epic/patron stuff (you've got enough AoEs you don't need more!) and picking up things like hover, maneuvers, and stealth. There's some easy +def there that lets you give up on def elsewhere in the build in order to slot things better.

    Heck, let's talk fully-def slotting that combat jumping. Sure, its a low base. And 60% enhancement isn't a ton... but it is always on and even 60% of something like 2.5% is ... more than you get from quite a few of the +def bonuses.
  24. I'd call it 'drop in relative price' -- which doesn't strictly say they'll drop in price, but they'll get relatively less expensive compared to other IOs. Given the length grind to max out one of the four alphas available and that people may end up maxing out more than one (say, one for a solo build and one for grouping) -- I think that's pretty clear to be a boatload of 50 content grinding.

    Which isn't to say the inf tag on purples in the AH might not go up (probably will), but I think their relative value compared to other entities -- like say the PvP IOs -- is going to drop.
  25. I don't regret doing BS/SD. Before you say you want no shields, go check out what's available in the costume designer for your shield. Some of the energy/elemental-themed shields might hit a sweet spot for you.