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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
    I'd like to see someone with Bonfire slotted for damage and the proc put up a video of it in action.

    Let's at least keep the event documented for future generations.
    Gimme a bit and I'll whip up a quick video.
  2. The 5th Column Vampires also count, just throwing that out there.

    If one only needs a handful, and they are in the 30s, there's a few chillin around in Founders at all times of the day.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    - Let's mix the Resistance and the Freakshow - nobody will understand what they're saying! (I'd love to see that meeting. "Woah, slammer flip-flops on pan hands frazzle dig?" "d00d, w4t?" "Huh?")

    That right there sold me on the idea.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    Note that this would apply to ST powers only; no fair double-dipping with your AoEs!

    Let me guess, Tankers would be screwed over at first when Gauntlet rears its head and causes all sorts of bugs? :P

    Kidding aside, I think the idea sounds pretty neat.
  5. I would expect a nerf to be incoming, but seeing as how long stuff like Trap's old "Proc Bomb" Poison Trap took to fix, who knows when. (which was conveniently fixed right before "Lockdown: Chance for Mag 2 hold" went live.. Which would have turned it into something that would make even the mighty Volcanic Gasses blush.

    My advice would be; if you have a toon who can already take advantage of the IO, use it, but I would be wary of rolling up a new toon just to capitalize it. You wouldn't be punished or anything, but it might end up wasting your time.
  6. Lucked out and got mine on my first try.. Though I'm going to try and stockpile a few as these things are going to be hella useful for many potential builds down the line. And never know, might sell for a pretty penny later too.
  7. Here's what I would do with Nukes.

    Give us two nuke options, let us choose between them either on the fly, (Perhaps some sort of toggle that unlocks at level 32/38) or hard-baked into the character build (like how VEATS have branching and lockout powers).

    First option would be the "Legacy" nukes. They stay intact.

    Second option would be for a "crashless" variety.. Model them after the one that VEAT Fortunatas have access too. Meaning, cut their damage down, along with recharge, and obviously no crash.

    For those sets which already have a crashless nuke, perhaps give them access to a super-powered crashing variety, just to keep everything in sync.
  8. I've always thought that all pets should come with a large amount of baked in AoE damage mitigation, likely in the form of Defense, but that's just me.

    AoE attacks are more detrimental to MMs than other ATs in general.. I know that smart pet control and tactics can help minimize this, though that's increasingly hard with an AI that seems to be getting worse and worse.

    Though MMs as a whole are quite well off, so I doubt anything will change.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Also, Rain of Fire's 'Super Scourge' isn't a bug, but simply how it's damage is handled.
    However, it's an easy out if the devs ever feel the need to change RoF's Scourge.

    Judging by how Defender's got a watered down RoF, the Blaster-level damage on other Rain Powers might also be considered a bug.

    What about he upcoming water attack that functions like a Rain power, does it use the proper AT damage mods?
  10. Gonna be eating the Mez Protection like candy myself, and I don't feel bad about it one bit.

    I personally think that the Mez protection gap is old and archaic anyway, and needs a massive overhaul at the very least. These will do in the mean time.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Areafactor is given by a super-ugly formula:
    This is frankly kinda hard to understand by looking at it, but it can be simplified (in the algebraic sense, it's still accurate) to:
    ...which is nicer to look at, because you can more clearly see that the areafactor starts at 1, and increases for larger arcs and radii. For circular attacks, like the two you named, the arc is 360, and the formula further simplifies to:
    Yikes, that is pretty ugly xD

    Thank you for being so informative, I'll have to keep this on hand in case I ever decide to do some number crunching, though I'm not too worried anymore. I was sweating it big time for a few Toons who have lots of procs in AoEs, but you've put most of those fears to rest.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Irradiate and Neutron Bomb have areafactors of 4.00 and 3.25, respectively.

    Most procs currently have a 20% chance. These will become 3.75 PPM in i24, so assuming, say, 60% slotted recharge, Irradiate's proc chance will be
    (20/1.6+1.07)*3.75/(60*4)=.212 = 21.2%, so a slight increase
    and Neutron Bomb's will be
    (16/1.6+1.67)*3.75/(60*3.25)=.224 = 22.4%, so again a slight increase
    More slotted recharge will yield a lower proc chance, and less slotted recharge a higher one, but even 95% slotted recharge (ED-capped) still gets you an 18% proc chance in Irradiate and 19% in Neutron Bomb, so at worst you're looking at a barely-even-measurable change.
    Alright, that is incredibly helpful, thank you.

    How does one determine this "Area Factor" variable in these equations?
  13. Ooh I'm liking what I'm seeing.

    Another set that benefits the caster as much as their allies, good stuff.

    The toggles may look expensive, but since that Lifegiving Spores apparently buffs you as well as other people, it should, at the very least, mitigate its own End cost; and with End Mod slotted in, who knows, might mitigate them all? If that's a 1 END/Second buff it certainly would. (Not to mention the toggle costs are in-line with other sets such as Rad, so they aren't really pricey, there's just a lot of em)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But some things don't fit the higher level game - Skyway City is very much a street level hero kind of zone, and the gangs and stories there there reflect it - a street gang zone in the 40-50 range doesn't flow with the way enemy groups are designed to present mroe global and cosmic threats as you level up.
    Easy enough to fix, just have some sort of new big-bad come in and take root there, kind of like what they did with DA..

    Like maybe the Battalion.. They could come in, thrash the place, and try to set up a forward operating base. The 40-50 Heroes could then scramble to reclaim it. Through the use of Phasing Tech, it could slowly return to "Oldschool/rebuilt" Skyway as you progress through the arcs.
  15. As for the proposed change, I guess ideally the snipe bonus could ramp up as your To-Hit increases, but coding that is probably out of the question.

    That way if your short of the "magic number" you still have a nicely improved snipe, instead of the all-or-nothing nature of it now.

    If not that, then maybe break points? 5/10/15/22 .. Still a lot of work for them, but might be feasible..
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I'm not a fan of this proposed change either. Major win for Corruptors, would be a win for Defenders except Corruptors exist and this is just another way for Corruptors to continue outdamaging them,

    Would this not hold true to pretty much any Snipe DPA improvement?

    If all snipes were suddenly turned into a "T4" blast, with no interrupt or wind up at all, it would still favor Corruptors.. The only way I could see Snipes favoring Defenders is if the devs decided to add hefty debuff values to them, values that were drastically juiced up on Defenders.

    Corruptor vs Defender balance issues aside, I don't see what the problem is with Snipe being more powerful on a Corruptor, it's kind of their thing to do more damage, is it not?

    Regardless, if changes like this come down the tube my Time/Rad defender is likely to be very happy, A quick snipe should help fix her rather lackluster single target DPS woes.

    -Edit -

    Not to mention, reaching the magical number on Defenders is a bit easier, and saves a few slots. (think it just takes 2 slotted Tactics, and Kismet, where corrs have to have something like 4 slots)
  17. What a bloated and convoluted mess.. I can't think of another instance in this game where the math is so whacked out..

    Regardless, can anyone clue me in on what changes I should expect for stuff like Radiation Blast AoEs? Mainly Irradiate and Neutron Bomb.

    Since AoE size diminishes proc chances, and these are quite large AoEs, so I have no idea what to expect..
  18. I've had good luck turning off Vertical Sync (gave me a solid 10-15FPS boost). But this will really depend on your overall setup.

    Just one of those little things that many people overlook, turning off all the bells and whistles work great, but that one change improved my performance more than anything else.
  19. I once read that the majority of KB in this game is either <4 or >8, so having 8 KB protection is kinda pointless. One should aim for 12 if 4 isn't sufficient..
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    So what? Disney is going to be making live action versions of all their animated movies? I guess they really have run out of original ideas...
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the vast majority of Disney Animated Classics based off of books or short stories to begin with? Can't really chalk those up to originality either imo.
  21. Primantiss

    Super Stunners

    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

    Really don't see the problem here. I can set my Soul Transfer on autofire, and hit everything in range with an autohit mag 30 stun the instant I glad they don't do that.

    Didn't they used to? I could of sworn their rez also stunned when they were first implemented..

    I personally wouldn't mind maybe a few second window to just get the hell out of the way before they use their Soul Transfer, (After all, dodging the Rez after they die is still "strategic") but I can live with their current implementation..
  22. Primantiss

    10 Worst X-Men?

    Ahh alright, thanks.
  23. Primantiss

    10 Worst X-Men?

    So I'm probably gonna get tar-and-feathered for this.. But.. Why does Beast look so different? Did Marvel decide to retcon his appearance to make him blue and hairy?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post

    It doesn't matter when you added the slots. If a power has 6 slots, it will have 6 slots no matter how low you exemp. As long as you have that power available, it will have 6 slots. However, the ENHANCEMENTS will be affected by exemping. But that happens whether you have six slots or one.
    One should also be aware that enhancement values can be lowered more than one would expect in the earlier levels, mainly to help counter this specific point.. For instance if your running exemped at 25 with some level 50 IOs they won't diminish to SO values, they get less than that.

    Not sure what the break points are or of much of the math behind it though, just thought I'd point it out.
  25. Not sure if this is possible either, just a brain storm.

    Let's say your level 50 and wanting some of the lower level Mayhem/Safeguards.

    So you run your required 5 (or whatever it is at 50) Paper missions, then go to your contact. Instead of your contact only listing a specific Mayhem/Safeguard, s/he gives you a list of options for you to choose from. Everything from Atlas to Peregrine Island. If you choose a lower level Mayhem/Safeguard you are exemped to that level for the duration of the mission. Flavor text could read something like "Even though your high and mighty, Atlas Park still has some pretty good loot for you!". Heroes, of course, should be protecting the city no matter how epic the bank's loot is.

    However, for the exemp to work, I'm gonna guess it has to be coded like a TF or something, so I don't know how practical it is.. The idea just popped in my head..