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  1. Kitmarch

    Now you know where she got the hair colour from at least.
  2. RIFTS. We have a slight vampire problem. You may be aware that vampires are invul to practically everything.
    We are now in discussion with the town mayor (or something like that).

    The group: So, wonder if this guy's a vampire. How can we find out?
    Callista: I cut off his arm with my vibroblade.
    The group: Whu...?
    GM: Okay..... his arm comes off cleanly, screaming, massive bleeding, he's just passed out from the shock and is rapidly bleeding out.
    Callista: So, not a vampire then?
    Paladins: Anyone got medic skills?
  3. Plasmarch

    CoH Animation

    Pretty nice. Plas like.

    I do have one significant issue. The "head to head" shot at the end suffers from the buildings being outlined in heavy, dark lines, while the characters in the foreground look... I guess faded due to the lack of definition. The heavier lining makes the background the focus of the shot.

    Could have used a little more movement in the body when he started his dive, rather than just tilting over, but that's a minor one.
  4. I just happen to have an attractive female lawyer knocking around if Shadowe should need terrorising

    Don't think I'm getting involved in this though. Safer that way.
  5. Doomed. Dooooooomed.

    Hi. Welcome. Here's your hardhat. Watch out for falling chainsaws, orbital lasers, randy catgirls, talking animals, the occasional demon, and maybe even a plot on occasion.
  6. My 2 cents.

    Isn't it amazing how many multi-millionaires / corporate heads we have around? There are only going to be so many people in Paragon with enough personal resources to throw into making a stupidly high tech suit for their own personal plaything. Not to mention the huge amount of R&D you'd need. Take the Crey Corp. Huge multinational and they're still working on developing "tank" suits that are more than target practice.

    It'd be nice if some of the new powerarmoured ones took some of the suggested routes other than the "self built" one. If a dozen people suddenly pop out of the woodwork with a few hundred mil in the bank and their own infrastructure, it'll grate. But just think of how many discarded / damaged suits there must be out there after all this time and all those heroes.
  7. Plasmarch

    Pet Hates

    Where to start (without sounding like a whiner)?

    End of the world plots. Love them for the drama. Hate them for the inclusiveness of all. End someone's world, not everyone's.

    Plots and events of great, earth shattering significance enacted *at the statue*. That way we HAVE to participate (which usually ends up in a huge ruck) or ignore the 60ft flame spewing helldemon (or whatever) and carry on reading the paper (huh?).

    The assumption that the zig has a revolving door. Exactly how stupid and incompetent do we think the people running the city are? The escapes at the start of CoV are the result of a coordinated military assault. Not someone just wondering off.

    Characters who can somehow trump an entire government agency staffed by the best minds in the country. Repeatedly. Without much time or effort on their part. You've got a huge corporation to come up with the tech / info, fine. You've made a unique, one-off discovery, fine. MAGI / SERAPH / whatever are all retarded morons who can't tie their shoes? No. Sorry, no.

    "The law doesn't apply to me" heroes. Not vigilantes like Bats or some such. Regular, everyday heroes who will decide they'll walk into MAGI and borrow the codex of ultimate thingyness without asking? Then tell everyone about it? This is the ICA=ICC thing again. If one more person walks up to the statue and declares to a dozen upholders of the law that they've just committed a crime... I dunno. I'm going to darn well arrest them or something. ANYTHING other than having my hero ignore it again for the sake of not tossing someone's beloved toon in the zig for 5 years. (And they don't get let out on good behavior in 3 hours (see above)).

    And probably top of the list - characters who somehow equate "hero license" with "permit to blow the **** out of anything you like". Blowing up buildings in a crowded city (and showering passers by with rubble). Pulling guns on people because they don't like their attitude. Actual violence towards people because they don't like them. I've said it before, I'll say it again.Heroes are expected to use reasonable force for a situation. If the bad guys have rocket launchers, we can expect and will accept some property damage (from both sides). But if you do something your average police officer won't get away with without getting busted, tried and jailed for, you sure as hell can't expect to get away with it as a private citizen, even if the city does let you "help out".

    And for crying out loud... you're a private citizen and the government has given you a tactical missile launcher / tank / whatever? WHY? Either you've somehow earned an insane amount of trust from the high-ups, who can't be bothered to let their own people fire the thing (which is why we HAVE an army) or they're giving away significant destructive hardware to any person who walks in the door. That's no critique of characters who carry high tech weapons. It's a problem with character who acquire something close to a WMD and claim that not only does the gvmnt permit such a thing to remain in private hands, but actively endorses it. You have destructive superpowers, that's one thing. That's part of what you are and can't be helped. You have a TACNUC?? No. Sorry. No. Hand it over to the authorities. Or I know an entire city full of superbeings who will help them come and take it off you.
  8. Plasmarch

    Pet Hates

    [ QUOTE ]
    For people who's second language is English

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's "whose"
  9. Oh, we have to pay $9.99 for it?

    No. Sorry. No.
  10. Did two weddings on Defiant (as pastor for God-only-knows-what reason) before I even started ze RP.

    Went off very well, all things considered (if you ignore the occasional Tool).

    But yeah, gimmicks. Especially since they're time limited.
  11. Waaaa! My pizza supply!

    And as someone who's just played through the Bloodlines game twice over the break, I can sympathise somewhat.
  12. ((Is it just me, or when you read "Militia Disassembled!!!" do you start looking for body parts?))
  13. Scotbots! Yayage!

    Actually, some of the "old" guys are kinda making a comeback these days.
  14. 1) As mentioned, background says one individual. However, the vast majority of RPed bonded have dual personalities, probably as it gives more room for plotlines and having a raging argument with yourself can be fun.

    In the case of my toon, she's got a ex-nictus hanging round but not an actual WS due to complex and intricate background that doesn't make the damnedest bit of real difference. That lets me get away with separate minds.

    2) You'd think they were used to them by now. WS, being ex-evil tend to get a slightly worse press, and there's always a few xenophobes.

    3) If you DO want to go dual-mind, be careful before entering into a relationship with someone who owns a quant gun and takes objection to your body getting hi-jacked by an alien.

    (Yes, I'm looking at YOU Iris and Cloe..... )
  15. Not QUITE that old. yet.

    Ta guys.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    A little basic, and seems to cover mostly just the GG crowd

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, if you lot migrate to PD and forget to keep it updated, whose fault is that?
  17. Only thing I can really say regarding GG is this: We sometimes get a "new" person or two who comes along, stands there and says nothing or just proclaims something to open air. And then they wander off again later, quite possibly feeling ignored and unloved.

    If you do pop along, please, please have your toon pick up the guts to walk up to someone non-threatening looking (or RC ) and say hi. While we try and say hello to everyone we can, it's sometimes a bit hard to tell the "wishing to participate" people from the "visiting for the plaque mish" or need an excuse to divert our toon's attention from the existing conversations.

    And if you end up walking away because nobody paid you any attention, it's a loss to everyone.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    People don't turn up at the start. I had one person there at 8pm. One person. That makes it kind of hard for them to talk to anyone. A trickle of people coming in doesn't really work either. People need to be there at the start.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cynicism prompts me to wonder how much of this was due to wrong date being posted. Maybe it should be given a second chance.
  19. Plasmarch

    Outta here.

    Can't believe I overlooked this.


    No more Scotbots!
  20. Kitmarch pretty much ran the bar in the Tiki Lounge for about a week immediately after it opened. Even without RPers, it's a laugh.

    She's still not happy about being replaced by a floaty mask.
  21. *dashes in to save kittens*

    Funny, Kit's always got fairly reliable service so far and actually likes and trusts the Scotbots. As long as they don't offer to refund her kittens for hot drinks.
  22. My overacting ego wants me to suggest that the host is named
    Donny Hunt