Outta here.
How will we manage without your Scotbotty goodness?
We'll be seeing you again, I'm sure.
Bysies for now.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Awww, bye Kelv. Always did enjoy the frequent outbursts and quirks that were the scotbot visits.
Damn sorry to see you go, Kelvinbridge. Won't be the same without your characters around.
Take care and all the best.
Perhaps we'll meet again...
[/ QUOTE ]
*crosses fingers and clicks heels together three times*
later man!
this will give me time to think up more evil thoughts to pput in your head over the scotbot ^_-
The Canada Corps heroes are recalled to Toronto.
[/ QUOTE ]
You had a canada corps I wanna join
Sorry to see you go I thought your Scot Bots posts were funny and frick.
Now how is Alita supposed to collect the whole set of ScotBot action figures?
Shame to see you go Kelvin, but at least you still join us on my IRC server! So it's not goodbye, it's cya tonight!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Can't believe I overlooked this.
No more Scotbots!
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Awwww. Bye Kelvin. It was a blast for sure, the Scotbots were awesome anti-angst barriers.
Thanks for RPing with us all .
Never got much time with the Scotbots, but they were a real tonic Shame to see a fellow Scot leave tho
My enjoyment of this game has been pushed to an all time low.
As with last time, here's what happened next:
The Canada Corps heroes are recalled to Toronto.
VX-R is removed from circulation.
Oryctolagus gets a gob as a museum guard.
Half N Half decided to take time to spend the money he's stolen.
Iceflame returns to being legally evil.
Perhaps we'll meet again...