Popular RPer locations
As far as I know, there are two prime RP locations on Union. First is, of course, Pocket D. Stuff tends to happen from about 8pm onwards there. Second is around the galaxy Girl stature in galaxy City at 9pm.
All times are GMT 8D
Yeah I recomend PD though. Galaxy girl tends to be a bit elitest.
Elitest? clearly your not a GGer ;D
GG is like...well,theres been kittens riding flaming unicycles...
It's all pretty much horses-for-courses, try them both and see which flavour you like!
But Pocket D and between Galaxy Girl's legs are the two main places for RPers to get together on Union...
There are, of course, Roleplay SGs too, so dropping a Tell to the contacts of one of these and asking whether they meet up anywhere else might not be a bad idea either!
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
I used to frequent GG, but it's not my bag any more. Too many friends are long since departed and the regular characters are all pretty much wrapped up in each other making fresh introductions intimidating. I'm happiest staying within my SG's boundaries
Hmmm just thought, this post might read as Anti-GG :/ Not intended so muchos apologies if it offended
Yeah I recomend PD though. Galaxy girl tends to be a bit elitest.
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I'd recommend Galaxy Girl, though. Pocket D tends to be a tool investation... most in the form of RPers.
Plus I've seen much more elitism going on in PD then I have at GG.
In a more balanced suggestion, I'll echo the other suggestion:
"Try both, see what you like."
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Now stop that the pair of you!
They're both as good as each other, i do not want to see a fight between GGer's and PDer's, we're all here to RP so hush!
Firstly it all depends which side your choosing Hero, you obviously have the choice of GG or PD, Villains we have PD and that's pretty much it. There are quite a few RP SG's for you to get involved in. GG is both an SG and a place to meet. There's the Militia, Unity Vigil, Hyperion Watchmen and many more good RP SG's Hero side.
Villain Side you have the Society of Bedlam which has just started up, they're a golden age type villain group. The Terran Liberation Front, who are anarchists. You also have the Court of the blood countess (but your character must be vampiric/undead in some way for that one) and you also have EVIL, mercenary group for hire. Again there are more Villain side it's just a matter of looking.
Hope that helps you somewhat CitzenStu.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Thanks everyone. I tried out pocket D last night (didn't see anyone at GG when I went there) as each of characters and had a lot of fun. I even RPed with someone how recognised my (recreated) character from the American servers.
I always thought that official GG meets were only once a week... has that changed?
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
Its nightly now...i went there last night and many other nights.
It's been nightly for as long as I can remember
I did like Mr Book last night, very 'Ye Olde English' as for the RP spots either is fine Hero side.
I find that PD is sometimes good, othertimes its a nightmare where you just cant hear yourself think, with powers and the like happening all around, aswell as the swamp of white writing of multiple conversations.
As for Villian side the ClockTower (CT) meet never really took off, i believe it was because of no main plot behind the whole thing and people eventually ran out of things to talk about. I visited everynight during the course of the meetup, And its not because Villians are unsociable, the Villians there at the time were not, "Haha kill kill take over the world" The majority talked and socialised and there was a few fun events there. But like i say after a while you ran out of things to talk about and it died down after it was abandoned.
Currently, Villians is nowhere near as popular for RP, and there isnt many, if at all RP spots bar Pocket D's. Bar Supergroups, of course.
Rest assured though soon as i get EVIL's base upto scratch (Finalising the editing) I'll see what i can do about organising a weekly meet, we've held one once already. Which was a really good success, lots of Villians together to buy info, weaponary, technology, magical artifacts, etc etc. Good fun. But it wont be everyday. Rather look forward to it at the end of the week, and log on your Villian to be part of it.
GG really gets up to speed at 9PM British time, 10PM Euro...
GG has been every night pretty much since it started on March 3rd 2005, I have 200mb of text files to prove it. >_<
It's been nightly for as long as I can remember
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It used to be just once a week when I used to go to GG about 18 months back as Elektron Kid (long since deleted!), but if it's able to support nightly activity now, then kudos to the GG crowd!
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
I even RPed with someone how recognised my (recreated) character from the American servers.
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I was just saying hello and welcome to Union after seing your posts on the forum :P . Good to see more ex-virtue-ites.
Im not sure if i was about when you where, i emigrated servers ages ago.
not sure if you remember the Hero SG called EPIC? (one of the big euro RP SGs on Virtue)
Our lads (European Villainous Immorality Leage) are the remnants of that... well, the Villain side alts atleast. EPIC died with the transfer to EU.
But once again: WELCOME TO UNION! WOO! <dances>
I've been to GG mostly daily since I first started going at the start of 2006. I'm sad I know, but my pseudo-Russian newspaper reading antics keep everyone happy. RC is also ze official GG greater who will chat with most people if they poke the paper he is reading. He also introduces people so he can go back to ze paper.
I think we do intimidate people at times having our busy conversations, but we won't eat you if you want attention now. We're not blocking people out, we're waiting for a cue to great them :P.
It's been nightly for as long as I can remember
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It used to be just once a week when I used to go to GG about 18 months back as Elektron Kid (long since deleted!), but if it's able to support nightly activity now, then kudos to the GG crowd!
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Sorry, but GG has been a daily event since it's very first meeting in 2005, as Zortel says. It's never been weekly.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Hmmm... maybe someone lied to me to keep me away for the rest of the week! *laughs*
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
GG vs PD
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
As my belated 2 Inf I'd like to reiterate what I have pretty much always said - give both locations a few fair chances. Anyonbe and any place can have bad nights. Try to spot things and people you find interesting and take a closer look.
Not having attended GG on any sort of regular basis since last September or so I'm far from being an expert of what's up these days but from my ye olde days experiences I can recommend just for example people like Red Commissar, Kitmarch and Shadowe at GG. No, I don't claim to know any of them but the general image I have is that they are nice, humorous and welcoming longtime attendees.
As things are I have almost about as little clue about PD these days. Last fall I was there pretty much every night or close enough but some IC crapola with my main has kept him busy elseplace, like lost in a robot dimension, tied to a bed in EVIL's headquarters, locked up in isolation ward (twice), round the bend with some nasty brainwashing or brooding in Moth Cemetery by the final resting place of his wife. Still, I'm confident that with large mix of different styles present you're bound to find what strikes you as fab in no time at all. Plenty of characters ways to do stuff present.
As for GG / PD I don't think either place is better than the other in the grand scheme of things. It's all up to what you thirst for.
Only thing I can really say regarding GG is this: We sometimes get a "new" person or two who comes along, stands there and says nothing or just proclaims something to open air. And then they wander off again later, quite possibly feeling ignored and unloved.
If you do pop along, please, please have your toon pick up the guts to walk up to someone non-threatening looking (or RC ) and say hi. While we try and say hello to everyone we can, it's sometimes a bit hard to tell the "wishing to participate" people from the "visiting for the plaque mish" or need an excuse to divert our toon's attention from the existing conversations.
And if you end up walking away because nobody paid you any attention, it's a loss to everyone.
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'll add a small 2 inf to that.
If you're playing a fairly shy character, you don't actually have to go up and talk to anyone.
Just emote your actions, sit down, eat a burger or read a book, if you're really upset about something start sniffing or crying.
You immediately become part of the scene, and people will know that you're open to being approached and talked to on an OOC level. If they're deeply involved in a conversation they might finish it before coming over, but it's probably the smoothest and easiest (from the PoV of a new character) way to get involved.
As for PD vs GG - I've spent so little time in either recently that I can't really say, but I've seen slightly more tools in PD. That's just one isolated incident though.
As for PD vs GG - I've spent so little time in either recently that I can't really say, but I've seen slightly more tools in PD. That's just one isolated incident though.
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Yeah, the [censored] percentage in P'Ds is growing steadily.
Unfortunatly for Villains, its all we currently have. (although we're trying to roll out the Mercenaries Ball trade fair again)
I used to role-play on the American servers but I am new to the European servers. I was wondering if there are any places RP player like to hang out besides pocket D. I know Perez Park used to be a popular spot on the American servers but I don't know if that is the same here.
Im looking forward to meeting other role-players.