Popular RPer locations




Just emote your actions, sit down, eat a burger or read a book, if you're really upset about something start sniffing or crying.

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Fantastic advice, and some that I often follow with my more well known toons.

Not only does it show that you're there to RP, but it also keeps that annoying little AFK message from above your head.

Those 3 little letters are basically a sign telling the world that you're not there at all, never mind to RP.

Simple little actions which are easy to work into your IC behavior, (especially in PD, where I've spent half a night chatting away to folks after making a quick remark on the way they spoke to the bar-staff) will show that you're both an RPer, and that you're there to respond to others.

IMHO, nothing puts people off like a flag saying the player isn't there to respond, and if it's only there because your toon is just being quiet, then every one misses a chance for possible enjoyment



It's not a competition though. As the others have said, give both locations a good go. I used to love GG. Not a huge fan of PD but I get by.



It seems to me people mostly rp in PD because there are more people there, as a result of the fact both heroes and villains can hang out there. It is fine in small bursts but my characters are heroes! They don't like villains and don't want to hear them standing about talking about their sinister history or activities much. So far I have found GG a difficult area to get involved in too. When I pass it is often empty or there are a couple of people involved in some dramatic conversation about personal issues. Talking about hero stuff and great victories would be easier to break into and you do get ignored if chars are having a personal conversation or being all angsty.

Not that I am saying what people should talk about just excusing my not being more forthright and involved in the rp community so far and to perhaps give a newbies view of the situation.



As far as I know, there are two prime RP locations on Union. First is, of course, Pocket D. Stuff tends to happen from about 8pm onwards there. Second is around the galaxy Girl stature in galaxy City at 9pm.

All times are GMT 8D

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And the cherry on the cake, the lovelyness that is the Ski Lodge.

Talking about the Ski Lodge......

We were told it was going to re-open in the not too distant future, I took that not to mean just same time next year!?!



It seems to me people mostly rp in PD because there are more people there, as a result of the fact both heroes and villains can hang out there. It is fine in small bursts but my characters are heroes! They don't like villains and don't want to hear them standing about talking about their sinister history or activities much. So far I have found GG a difficult area to get involved in too. When I pass it is often empty or there are a couple of people involved in some dramatic conversation about personal issues. Talking about hero stuff and great victories would be easier to break into and you do get ignored if chars are having a personal conversation or being all angsty.

Not that I am saying what people should talk about just excusing my not being more forthright and involved in the rp community so far and to perhaps give a newbies view of the situation.

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RE: PD and villains. Not all villains are like that. Heck, not all people from the Rogue Isles -are- villains.

As for GG, it is difficult to get involved in, it may just be a case of luck, right place/right time or character personality that lets you get involved.




RE: PD and villains. Not all villains are like that. Heck, not all people from the Rogue Isles -are- villains.

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Thank you Z, said it for me, yes Echo has her sadistic side, but also has her good side (Which seems to be surfacing alot more nowadays). But i hate it when Villian players are pigeon holed into the "I'M EVIL MWHAHA KILL EVERYTHING DIE DIE DIE." when some 'Villian' chars arent even like that.



Some forget that,it works both ways...ive RPed an evil hero, a good villain, a citizen...It can all be summed up by the minorly altered phrase : Dont judge a book by its cover, or you might get beheaded by a blaster.



But the fact is they are villains! Super villains even. The deeds you do to progress in the rogue isles are quite evilly. I think the setting promotes (rightly or wrongly) black and white thinking in this regard.

Anyway I was generalising to make a point, that discussion aside, as it is off topic. The fact is there are some super villains who are evil and who talk about evil or sometimes suggestively sinnister things it seems natural my heroic type characters. (I do have an anti-hero type too.) would find it a little distasteful at times to be in a place where anyone can say anything and there be no recourse. So naturally they would tend to gravitate to like-minded people.

In PD everyone mixes and there is not a bunch of heroes on one side of the room and villains on the other, so it would not be possible for a character to feel totally "safe" and relaxed.




RE: PD and villains. Not all villains are like that. Heck, not all people from the Rogue Isles -are- villains.

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Thank you Z, said it for me, yes Echo has her sadistic side, but also has her good side (Which seems to be surfacing alot more nowadays). But i hate it when Villian players are pigeon holed into the "I'M EVIL MWHAHA KILL EVERYTHING DIE DIE DIE." when some 'Villian' chars arent even like that.

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Actually, I hate it when people seem to 'know' that your character is a villain, even if they aren't, simply because the player sees that you're a CoV AT or something. And then will insist on calling you a villain. Because you're from the Rogue Isles.

And to quote a different poster:
The deeds you do to progress in the rogue isles are quite evilly.

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I don't do many missions IC, hero or villain side. My heroes might not be the kind to do that kind of mission, or it's not in their interests to, or it might be problematic OOC wise ("Oh, I took down Dr. Vahz." "Hey, I took him down last week." Why bother with fudging that, I just ignore my characters facing him. Same for TF's really.)




In PD everyone mixes and there is not a bunch of heroes on one side of the room and villains on the other, so it would not be possible for a character to feel totally "safe" and relaxed.

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How would a char know they were Hero or Villian if both acted neutrally. I know that my char probably has more Hero friends than Villian, or atleast as many. She doesnt hate Heroes because their Heroes either, or Villians because their Villians. This MMO world isnt the traditional "I hate Heroes" "Villian scum!" its evolved and some chars are neutral to Heroes/Villians while other types of char do hate them.

PD's since it opened has been popular, and from my point of view, has went downhill, thus making a thread about it before where the vast majority agreed. Its slowly getting better, (from what ive seen) but still is a long shot from what it used to be. Still it seems to be the most popular gathering of Villians / Heroes in the game world.



They don't like villains and don't want to hear them standing about talking about their sinister history or activities much.

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You may hate hearing it from Villains, but i bloody despise hearing it from Heroes.
When my main lost his liscence for killing another hero, he realy doesnt want to hear about some 'hero' beheading someone.

But the fact is they are villains! Super villains even. The deeds you do to progress in the rogue isles are quite evilly.

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Well, Lunk isnt a Villain. He's a Criminal, yes, but not a villain.

I actualy find it amusing seing the IC side of this argument. the heroes that know that Lunk IS a 'villain'.
He's usualy courteous and polite, but you'll see people like Coile acting cautious around him.

But beyond actualy knowing him IC, theres no way to tell what side he's on.



The point is that the hero knows there are villains there. They know some of them are villanous characters but they don't know who so they cannot trust anyone they do not already know and so cannot relax. You are trying to make a point about ic motivations about ooc reasoning, which is an incorrect assumption.

And yes it absolutely cuts both ways, villains certainly don't want to hear heroes talking about how they wiped out arachnos troops or something. (And yes I am aware not all villains are sided with arachnos.)

I would argue that criminals and villains amount to the same thing in the setting of these games. They are just terms used to refer to them. In your mind he is not a villain, which is perfectly fine but in the eyes of heroes he might be. Just as to him heroes might simply be self righteous vigilantes.

Non of this changes the point of my post that a typically heroic character or classic villain is limited by pocket D because of the nature of the place.

I find it a little disheartening the way my post has been received. Don't take this the wrong way but it gives me a slightly ego-centric view and I feel that a lot of people have only seen what is said from their own point of view when my idea was to point out a general issue that might be a factor for the rp community here to consider and one that could be accomodated better. After all we want everyone to be able to have fun, in an mmo roleplayers need to stick together!

I also get the sense perhaps wrongly, I certainly hope so, that because I am new to posting on these boards an assumption is being made that I am ignorant regarding roleplaying issues. I have been playing roleplaying games for some time now and would hope that is not the case. I hope the real point of my posts has come through anyway, perhaps I was not clear enough initially or accidentally touched upon an issue that has been a hot topic here and so got focused on, instead of the real issue. The issue of where do characters go to roleplay.



a typically heroic character or classic villain is limited by pocket D because of the nature of the place

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I agree with you on the hero part. They know there are evil doers there (even if there are none, who is to know, right?) and (s)he can't do a darned thing about them.
It's why my main used to hate PD.
(since her friends went there, she did too and just tried to ignore the villainous (or should I say obnoxious/annoying?) people (whether they be villains or heroes in the context of the game)

As for the classical villain, in my book they like to boast. What better place to do so then in a save environment as PD where there's bound to be some herous to up set.
(it's boring for most people, and rather inconsiderate of the player if he persists... which has happened )

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I didnt mean to be aggressive in my posts toward you GreySteel, i was just merly saying that i dislike it if your AT is Brute, Corruptor, Mastermind, Dominator or Stalker your looked at as a Villian, regardless of how you play your char. The little icon next to players names feels like its stamped on their forhead sometimes. Ive no doubt its due to in-experience Roleplayers, but alot of people do judge a book by its cover.

With i10 coming i get the feeling views are going to be changed, i really do like the Vanguard and how they view Heroes and Villians as equals. But anyway, this threads gone well off topic, i suggest if your character wouldent like hanging around meta-criminals in a neutral non-combat nightclub, it would seem its either GG, or Supergroup Roleplay.

Regardless, its good to see new Roleplayers trying to get stuck into the scene, i can imagine it is hard seems all the roleplayers i see have their little groups of people they RP with, even myself, though i do try to involve others, then regret it because my char ends up talking to three people at once and lose track of all conversations.



in the response to villains vs criminals thing. Each tends to have their own view on what = what.

After taking $5 for selling information about the TLF (very basic information that they could easily have found out themselves to be honest) to a lady from the militia ($5 was all she had) he gave her a basic rundown of information but then said.

"Tell you what, i like your face, first piece of informations on the house, I couldn't be seen leaving a beautiful woman broke now could i?"

her response "you sir are a gentleman"

Mechanos response, "My dear it's what seperates Supervillains from Superthugs, I have some class and some manners my dear...Superthugs do not."

Each person obviously defines what THEY see as a villain, to someone like Mechano to be called a villain is considered a compliment as it's a very large step above being a 'thug' (It's why i use the 'villain' badge title with him).

So just as even villains themselves define villain as a very much personal specific things, so to do heroes. One cannot force a specific way of thinking upon another individual. To blankly say ALL heroes shouldn't go into PD's because it contains villains is a fallacy and a blanket statement.

Besides where else are you going to go to use those snappy one-line comebacks against villains?(to which the doc has been a victim of many a time...damn witty heroes and they're comebacks).

Obviously your character objects to the idea of milling about with villains on a personal level, that's fair enough but don't suggest that every other hero should act the same.

In that case the ideal place for you would be GG or SG RP as Echo suggested.

But i did see grey steel in PD's the other night :P.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




So just as even villains themselves define villain as a very much personal specific things, so to do heroes. One cannot force a specific way of thinking upon another individual. To blankly say ALL heroes shouldn't go into PD's because it contains villains is a fallacy and a blanket statement.

Obviously your character objects to the idea of milling about with villains on a personal level, that's fair enough but don't suggest that every other hero should act the same.

In that case the ideal place for you would be GG or SG RP as Echo suggested.

But i did see grey steel in PD's the other night :P.

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Lets be absolutely clear I don't think I ever said all heroes or that every other hero even should act in a set way. I said my heroes or archetypal, classic, heroes are going to feel uncomfortable in there and asked what the other options were. I certainly did not think I ever imposed any specific rules as to how someone should play. In fact I tried really hard to avoid suggesting that when writing my posts. I don't want your post to start further argument because people read it and think I have said something I did not, so sorry for jumping on that, just didn't want to be misrepresented and people on forums tend to skip to the end of threads and not read the posts before.

I just wanted to clarify that. I think you are misrepresenting what I said.

Grey Steel has been in PD a few times, he doesn't like the place much though. If I am honest he goes there because I make an ooc compromise and make him go there. I had been to GG and either it was completely empty or I did not feel I could get involved there so after a couple of mins I went. As for a supergroup well my characters would have to form some bonds, find adventure with other like minded types before they can become involved in a supergroup.

If Grey Steel is in PD he will probably be acting differently to his normal self. Mostly quiet, mostly just listening carefully to what is said by whom and how, mostly cautious.



"My dear it's what seperates Supervillains from Superthugs, I have some class and some manners my dear...Superthugs do not."

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A very good one-liner! Must remember it.

I can only second what Echo and Mechano said. The three main venues of RP (PD, GG and SG-base) each have a "flavour" of their own. Catering to different tastes.

But why leave the RP:ing there?
Personally I (and my group) have RP:d in other locations as well. Like the "Lounge" in Faultline (A good spot since EVERYBODY already got the Egg-Hunter badge and doesn't bother with that particular hole-in-the-wall anymore) and Bloody Bay (where the Watchmen met a villain that gave them some info, furthering the plot).
I know that Bloody Bay is a PvP zone and RP:ing can easily be disturbed, but let's face it.... How many PvP:ers are there?
GoodGuy has been there a few times but had to solo the meteor-run (and bunker strike)since he was the only hero there. And I didn't run into any villains either.
And in Warburg it was equally quiet.

Since I9 (can't say if it was like this before really) the low-level PvP zones are pretty much deserted. The hardcore PvP:ers loose all their nifty über-enhancement-slotting when they auto-exemplar in those zones. Therefore they doesn't go there. (I know! I kind of generalizing here but cut me some slack!)

Personally I'd LOVE to RP with villains in say Bloody Bay.
Just because it's PvP doesn't mean we HAVE to pound eachother into paste. We could land the occasional punch-in-the-face if the arguments became heated, but it can really stop at that. We are Roleplayers after all.



As for a supergroup well my characters would have to form some bonds, find adventure with other like minded types before they can become involved in a supergroup.

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Not always. You could start you own SG with just you, and build a non-functioning base simply as a personal RP location. All you have to do to invite people back to your pad/apartment/cave is to invite them to team and then head for a base portal.

It's easy enough after building up in-game relationships to either coalition your own SG, thus giving you access to another group's teleporters, workbenches, etc, or just ditch the personal space and through your lot in with the SG wholesale.

Either way, you create a new and private RP location for use when it's necsesary, for as long as you need it. I quite fancy doing something similar with a single character slot, and making a character called NPC, just so that I can make new locations for plot specific RPing when needed!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



You could start you own SG with just you, and build a non-functioning base simply as a personal RP location... I quite fancy doing something similar with a single character slot, and making a character called NPC, just so that I can make new locations for plot specific RPing when needed!

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Yeah, like this one time I used a character to build a base as a church for a plot location. It worked brilliantly. We could do this for Dante and Redsight funeral, maybe? You are planning a funeral right?



GG's got (back) something PD will never have...

It's small, white, metallic and erratic. Those who know what it is, ye be fairly warned... 7/7/7 it returns.



GG's got (back) something PD will never have...

It's small, white, metallic and erratic. Those who know what it is, ye be fairly warned... 7/7/7 it returns.

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*activates the Scotbot sirens* EVERYONE TO THE BUNKERS! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Oh god, hide the kittens!



Hide your kittens, hide your faeries ..... Just hide.