Wedding Emotes: Taking RPing To The Next Level
Bit slow on the uptake boyo. We've known for ages. They're restricted use; for the valentines event only.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I don't think they're going to be that useful at all. Reason why? I'd host an IC wedding on IRC or IM group chat or something. Or even forums. Mostly due to seeing as you can't have wedding dresses in game, can't have a church, synagogue, temple or registry office in game, so on and so forth.
The visuals needed to perform any ceremony are extremely lacking, so why bother doing it in game at all? The two proper weddings I've attended have all been done on IRC. Dress descriptions or pictures were written up and posted, along with rings, the actual place the wedding was taken place was designed in MS Paint with descriptions added.
So my view of the emotes?
A gimmick. Nowt more, nowt less, and not all that great for RP'ers.
Now, give us the emotes to lie down, collapse, things like that. Give us a new mobile phone and camera emote that aren't positively archaic. That'd be more useful.
That'd get me more interested than throwing rose petals and such for a limited time in game. Heck, the propose emote isn't even needed, before it's been fudged to use Rest instead to kneel on one knee.
an entire overhaul of the animation system and character models wouldn't go amiss either.
Did two weddings on Defiant (as pastor for God-only-knows-what reason) before I even started ze RP.
Went off very well, all things considered (if you ignore the occasional Tool).
But yeah, gimmicks. Especially since they're time limited.
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I agree with the above and especially with Zortel.
The animations for collapsing, throwing up and so forth are already in the game for feck sake! So what's the problem with assigning emotes for them?
And a less 19:th century camera would be nice.
The /e throwconfetti could be fun if it wasn't time limited though. Great at parties.
The /e throwconfetti could be fun if it wasn't time limited though. Great at parties.
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especially if they had a Throw confetti power where you got a clump of it and threw it at someone
Oh, we have to pay $9.99 for it?
No. Sorry. No.
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
an entire overhaul of the animation system and character models wouldn't go amiss either.
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I agree
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Oh, we have to pay $9.99 for it?
No. Sorry. No.
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if it's over £5.09 for us its a scam
edit: £5.99!?!
(its in plaync store on your account)
WHAT!!!!!!! (just looked at plaync account)
You have to buy it as a pack if you want to use them!!??!!
I'm not paying £5.99 if its only going to be limited to Valentines
EDIT: Okay. I have now calmed down after my first shock at this. Have now seen posts of the costume items along with the statement that the wedding pack is not time limited to the event so I may just look into purchasing it. The costume items will work very well with a number of my toons. I just hope this doesn't turn into a slippery slope of making us pay for content like this in the future.
Well, I find myself with a little money to burn right now, and I get my bonus in 15 days, so I've upgraded one account. Other account will be following shortly, because Sam Huntington needs a wedding dress. Honestly. For plot reasons. I kid you not.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

I've bought the pack this morning... as later on I'll need to change my default character to get rid of his aura, and he's the magic type, I thought I'd go the whole hog and get him the new tux.
I think the emotes will be fun, but it's a shame there isn't a /em throwcorn we could do at a fire/fire blaster to get popcorn.
Having bought the pack, I'm remiss as to how I can now lure Golden Girl out of the RWZ or missions in high level areas to ambush her....
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
[Auras - Click - Select 'Aura of Irresistability']
...Then lure her nearer by standing at the entrance and shaking your mane about in an animated fashion like you are starring in a Shampoo ad.
I suspect she would only marry the hair.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Ah, Khorak, you miss the point....
to woo the lady of your dreams you must be prepared to meet her on her own terms. Firstly, you must seek her in her lair, and compliment her - something along the lines of "My Golden angel, you look as lovely as ever, yet there is something strikingly different about your hair. It is so lustrous and seems to move in the breeze. I have never seen you so animated."
Once you've hit her where it counts, you can move onto more subtle and enticing endeavours. "Sweet lady, might this poor soul entreat you to bestow upon me the honour of a dance at the wedding on Friday?" (For anyone not aware - Manticore/Sister Psyche wedding, Friday 15 Feb 2008, Training Server, Starts at 18.00 GMT)
Once you've got her dancing (preferably not the monkey-dance), I suggest direct compliments. "You know, I'm a really lucky guy. Every other man here is jealous, because I'm dancing with the belle of the ball."
You can win this, Khor. She will be yours. Oh, yes. She will be yours.
Unless Richard Huntington gets to her first.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Oh sod it, I'm just gonna get a rock and brain her. She's a regen anyway.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Well, I find myself with a little money to burn right now, and I get my bonus in 15 days, so I've upgraded one account. Other account will be following shortly, because Sam Huntington needs a wedding dress. Honestly. For plot reasons. I kid you not.
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Good news! The female costume pieces are a bit buggy...
Oh wait... How is that good?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Oh sod it, I'm just gonna get a rock and brain her. She's a regen anyway.
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I believe the kind of 'Rock' Golden Girl would potentially be interested in would be the sort that goes on her finger,... not through her skull Khorak.
The way to a girl's heart is through her... skull?
No, that doesn't seem to work very well.
Be patient. Be loving. Be exciting. And above all, be there to save her from those nasty villains that spawn in RV. Just imagine holding her in your arms after you rescue her, with her eyelashes fluttering, whispering "My Hero!" to you...
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Make me feel a tad unwell... something about seeing the true face on an elder god.
Hey, if the man has his heart set on the girl, then we gotta help him out, Cass. Even if he is wooing someone that many might consider the spawn of Satan (I do not, please note, hold this opinion myself - I find one line posts and over-use of smilies... frustrating... but don't despise the perpetrator that much).
Khorak and Golden Girl 4Eva! We shall prevail!
Ahem. Sorry, got all loved up there, for a moment.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

If you too get married may I be present to witness you being pronounced 'Beast and Harlot'?
"Hey baby, wanna screw?" usually gets a reaction from the laydees. (I'll let you decide what kind of a reaction. ^_^)
As for these items, you're all insane for buying them. Two new costumes and 4 new emotes should be 100% free. We already pay a Monthly subscription!
The only time buying items in game is justifiable, is when it's like Exteel. In that game, you can play it for free and use Credit Peices to build your Mecha into something that is both Mind-Numbing and Awesome. OR you can spend some money on an already brilliant 100% free game, and buy some items that will make you Mind-Numbingly Awesome quicker, and give you a unique style.
Wedding Dresses and Tuxedo's (Which we already have!) are NOT worth 5 pounds, and the developers should have this fact made clear through a boycott. Just think: You could buy a full expansion pack for another game of equal age to City of Heroes for 5 pounds.
This isn't about supporting your favourite game with a financial investment either, because throwing more money at this game in that way won't make it better. It'll just mean that more future content will be locked only for the rich and careless among us.
This is MADNESS!!! (And it will become a consistent occurrence if you don't do something about it.)
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
Emotes We have opened four new emotes for testing (see below). These emotes are only available on the Training Room and are planned to be offered on a restrictive basis when this is published to the Live Servers. More details to come.
* /em propose
* /em throwrice
* /em throwconfetti
* /em throwrosepetals
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GhostRaptor's post on Jan 15 of new emotes for Valentine's. This could be helpful in RP.