Departing. (Again)
Goodbye, See you again in a few months hopefully :P.
I too pine badly for V:TM so I understand completely
Goodbye Kelv, had some fun moments with 'Game and Soren talking about fashion, bushes, and threats to his way of life. As well as winding up Van Der <Insert anthing except actual name here as long as its amusing or annoying>. I hope wherever you end up you have fun.
Who knows, if you ever come back they might have a new cossie piece category called accessories, and you can get a 'swag bag' to go with that costume of Soren's.
Have a good one dude with what ever you do.
Hopefully see you again soon
Have a good time where ever you choose to have it, Kelvin.
See you around!
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
dagnabbit, everyone's quitting.
Get your [censored] back here, boy, we ain't done with you yet! :P
Waaaa! My pizza supply!
And as someone who's just played through the Bloodlines game twice over the break, I can sympathise somewhat.
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
And as someone who's just played through the Bloodlines game twice over the break, I can sympathise somewhat.
[/ QUOTE ]
That game is slightly to blame for the pining...
And as someone who's just played through the Bloodlines game twice over the break, I can sympathise somewhat.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? You too? We should start a support group
Well, K, you'll be sorely missed, as ever.
Hopefully see you soon, though.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Well, K, you'll be sorely missed, as ever.
Hopefully see you soon, though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Think this pretty much sums it up.
I'll be keeping an eye open for you in case you decide to wander back to the city again.
Until then, I guess all there is to do is wish you luck with where ever you venture next buddy.
Isn't it odd when something you do just stops being something you have any compulsion to do for no other reason that the passage of time and interest?
I'm going to be leaving (for the third time) but this time it's not due to exasperation with other people or the endless boredom of grinding the levels, it's just that for some inexplicable reason I've completely lost all interest.
I think it's maybe that I've grown slightly bored with the superhero/villain concept... Or maybe it's just that online RP for me needs to have a counterbalance of PnP RP to keep my ideas running and my interest high, and seeing as it's been almost 2 years since I've played any PnP RP, the creative well has dried up...
I think I'm pining for V:TM, and the people I played it with. *sigh*
Anyways, here's What Happens Next:
Canada Red decides that duty's all well and good, but it's better to be with the person you love and returns to Toronto.
GX-XIX, the 42nd SCC droid, completes the assessment program and re-writes the entry from "mostly harmless" to "not-quite mostly harmless".
Half N Half leaves the Isles in pursuit of more riches to liberate in Washington DC.
So, once more, I leave. Although, going on my past performance, perhaps Please Wait... Service Will Be Resumed Shortly would be more fitting.