Memorable RP moments




Ever had one of those RP moments that made you laugh out loud...cringe at your own ineptitude...or just end up becoming legendary as one of those "remember when?...."

Although im very much unknown in paragon id like to start the ball rolling with some non CoX related moments from my days at the nationals/deadlands etc though it would be interesting to see what epic moments have happened over the years

(from deadlands)

In the middle of the plains of Texas, there's a little farm. The posse have come here to rest for the night. They've been given food, shelter, warmth and hospitality. There is nothing wrong, no signs on the wind, no evil lurking.
Dashwood : "This feels wrong, let's kill them all"
Jack : "What about the priest? He won't like us doing that"
Dashwood : "We'll just have to knock him out first and blame the farmer"

Deep in the dungeon, they're stranded without weapons. Over the course of 5 hours they've managed to gain posession of one pistol and a halberd. The last thing they killed drops a sword.
Dashwood : "I'm taking the sword"
Hartford : "No, I killed the thing, I get the sword"
Dashwood : "You've got the gun"
Hartford : "With only two bullets!"
Dashwood : "It's still a gun"
Hartford : "You've got the halberd"
Dashwood : "And I'm taking the sword"
Hartford : "No, it's my sword, I claimed it"
Repeat ad nauseam for at least an hour. Then the posse moves on into the next room. Which is the Armoury. With many swords.

Vic : "Go cause a distraction"
Jonah : "OK..."
So Jonah then tromps to the other end of the train.
Jonah : "Everybody put your hands in the air, this is a robbery!"
"You must be the dumbest son of a (bleep) on earth" said Wild Bill Hickok

Rick : "How much is the lady of leisure?"
Jon [GM] : "Ten Dollars"
Rick : "Pricey, I like it. Can I roll for Performin'?"
Jon : "If you must"
Rick : "Woo, 19! Can I get a dollar back?"

And one from another random session between some friends which had me in stitches

Jon : "It's a whirlpool, Gareth"
Gareth : "Yeah, I'm seeing what it does"
Jon : "It's a WHIRLPOOL, Gareth"
Gareth : "Yes, And?.... Oh. I just died"
Jon : "Yes, it's a whirlpool, Gareth"

Anyhoo, you get the idea, as I said im not that known here in paragon on the RP side so id like to see what moments have stuck in your collective minds

(edit - transcripts taken from my old nationals boss' website from the best moments)

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Jon : "It's a whirlpool, Gareth"
Gareth : "Yeah, I'm seeing what it does"
Jon : "It's a WHIRLPOOL, Gareth"
Gareth : "Yes, And?.... Oh. I just died"
Jon : "Yes, it's a whirlpool, Gareth"

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds alarmingly like the Dread Gazeebo sketch.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Jon : "It's a whirlpool, Gareth"
Gareth : "Yeah, I'm seeing what it does"
Jon : "It's a WHIRLPOOL, Gareth"
Gareth : "Yes, And?.... Oh. I just died"
Jon : "Yes, it's a whirlpool, Gareth"

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds alarmingly like the Dread Gazeebo sketch.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is cracking - literally laughed out loud (and got funny looks from my co workers), never heard of that before (praise google), but now that tale completely overshadows anything that we ever found funny, damn Eric and his gazebo

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



OK, my most memorable RP moment was in Coh, way back in October 2005. My character Ellie had been stabbed in the stomach by her best friend Kiyarii (Yancha Kitty), and she was attempting to reconcile with her. This is what happens when you try angsty RP at the statue, and one of the members starts to DC again and against and again, before finally vanishing completely..

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for anyone wetting their pants when reading this!


21:55:34 Jessica Kade walks up to the statue, keeping a very tight grip on Kiyarii's hand.
21:55:47 Grav Mistress: You'll have two Jessica's making sure you don't get hurt then
21:56:00 Miss Ellie: k.. kiyariii....
21:56:00 Lyn-Legend Notices Kyrarii. "Uh-oh..."
21:56:02 Yancha Kitty looks afraid to be at the statue and holds Jess' hand tightly
21:56:21 Miss Ellie looks pretty scared too!
21:56:38 Grav Mistress places a hand on Ellie's back for comfort
21:56:43 Miss Ellie takes a deep brath
21:56:51 Jessica Kade: We should find a comfortable place to sit, yes!
21:57:00 Miss Ellie nods
21:57:07 Miss Ellie: you.. you go first jess...
21:57:12 Yancha Kitty nods nervously
21:57:50 Jessica Kade sits and puts Kiyarii on her lap, keeping her arms around her waist.
21:57:50 Miss Ellie: k.. kiyarii....
21:58:09 Grav Mistress knees so she can get up fast, if nessesary
21:58:15 Yancha Kitty holds Jess tight "...."
21:58:23 Miss Ellie: are... you ok?
21:58:41 Yancha Kitty: ...I....
21:58:51 Lyn-Legend looks over briefly at the cat gathering, incase something happens, even if she isn't in any form of condition to fight, though she continues on with the conversation she was on.
21:59:07 Yancha Kitty her eyes seem to flicker from sharp to normal
21:59:44 Miss Ellie: K.. Kiyarii.. .I... I want to say... I.. I forgive you.. it.. it wasn't... your fault....
21:59:54 Yancha Kitty: ....
22:00:08 Grav Mistress touches Ellie's knee briefly
22:00:17 Yancha Kitty: f...forgive me....?
22:00:46 Miss Ellie nods...."for... st.. stabbing.. me..... it.. wasn't your fault..."
22:01:13 Yancha Kitty: I....
22:02:14 Yancha Kitty her pupils become thin and speaks softly "Who said I was sorry"
22:02:57 Grav Mistress faint green glow becomes slightly vissible around her hand
22:03:15 Jessica Kade 's eyes flicker slightly, keeping her arms locked around Kiyarii's waist.
22:03:42 Miss Ellie looks down.. tears at the edge of her eyes...."I... I.. just.. wanted know.... I... don't blame... you.... it's.. my fault... what I did.... I'm... so sorry... I.. betrayed.. you..."
22:04:21 Jessica Kade: That is not needed, Ellie. Kiyarii, apologise and make up.
22:04:32 Yancha Kitty: Heh, well if you blame yourself then this'll count as suicide
22:05:29 Yancha Kitty tries to ignore Jess, but her eyes flicker to normal for a second as Jess speaks
22:05:53 Miss Ellie: !
22:06:19 Miss Ellie pales at Kiyarii's words.. ."Kiyarii.. please..."
22:07:08 Yancha Kitty: Why? You're part of Mileena now, and she needs to be killed, every part of her!
22:07:55 Jessica Kade: Kiyarii, you are forgetting what I said.
22:08:19 Grav Mistress looks a bit stern, observant
22:08:28 Miss Ellie looks down, tears starting to make their way from the corner of her eyes.."Kiyarii.. please... I.. I know what.. I did.. was a mistake... but... she..she's trying to find a way.. to break our link...."
22:08:37 Yancha Kitty growls slightly at Jess and shakes her head before she starts to become normal again
22:10:25 Yancha Kitty: The only good way I can think of is killing her, but then she'll still have a hold on you, so I kill you both and there's no problem *smiles, her fangs poking between her lips*
22:11:20 Grav Mistress: Who are you?
22:11:20 Miss Ellie: Kiyarii... please... we... we were friends once.......
22:11:57 Jessica Kade gets up and sets Kiyarii on her feet, before stepping in front of her.
22:12:31 Yancha Kitty looks up at Jess "Hey...I'm trying to talk to her"
22:12:39 Jessica Kade: Kiyarii, you are being entirely unreasonable. Please stop saying things like that and apologise.
22:13:37 Yancha Kitty growls "She said it herself that this is her fault, why not let her take responsibilty and be punished!"
22:13:22 Dark Stone: yeah, thats gonna end in tears...
22:13:37 Memory nods, "Yep"
22:13:47 Lyn-Legend: What is?
22:13:59 Grav Mistress remains seated
22:13:59 Dark Stone motions his head at Kiyarii and jess
22:14:05 Memory sighs
22:14:07 Lyn-Legend: I think I'll stay out of this one....
22:14:28 Jessica Kade 's hand moves from her side, palm flat. Slapping Kiyarii on the cheek, her hand comes back.
22:14:39 Dark Stone shakes his head
22:14:57 Miss Ellie looks shocked
22:15:02 Lyn-Legend: I know it seems callous but is there any popcorn?
22:15:03 Yancha Kitty is slapped and looks both shocked and scared of Jess
22:15:51 Yancha Kitty starts shaking nervously "J..J-Jess...I...what was that for?!?"
22:16:17 Dark Stone: (*starts up the peanut gallery*)
22:16:32 Molok looks over to the figures on the grass
22:16:35 Molok frowns
22:16:48 Molok seems angered
22:16:55 Miss Ellie: (( bloody DC's! ))
22:17:08 Jessica Kade: You are being unreasonable, mean, selfish, arrogant, silly, cruel, and your attitude at the moment is making me unattracted to you. If you do not pull yourself together and start acting like my Kiyarii I will pack my things and leave.
22:17:13 Grav Mistress: (( if she wasn't bussy guarding Ellie, Grav'd make some popcorn for Lyn... ))
22:17:37 Miss Ellie: (( LOL ))
22:17:39 Memory frowns
22:17:59 Lyn-Legend: ((DC! WHOO!))
22:18:18 Yancha Kitty looks scared of Jess " can't leave me!...I need you!"
22:18:34 Lyn-Legend: Yeeeep... ending in tears....
22:18:37 Dark Stone: (who else is going to change her litter tray?)
22:18:42 Dark Stone nods
22:18:45 .Shadow whistles
22:18:48 Lyn-Legend: ((Tray?))
22:19:05 Miss Ellie: (( GRRRRRRR!!! ))
22:19:13 Dark Stone pulls a note out of his pocket "Icecream's gonna be needed..."
22:19:18 Jessica Kade shrugs. "You had best decide what you want more, me or somethign silly like revenge."
22:19:22 Memory nods, taking the note
22:19:25 [Team]Miss Ellie: stop that!
22:19:37 [Team]Yancha Kitty: *stabs connection*
22:19:44 Dark Stone: ("dont leave me!" *poomph* Jess: "Hypocrit!")
22:20:13 Dark Stone: I think jess likes anything... get something Girly.
22:20:33 Lyn-Legend: *In true movie style* Sssshhh
22:20:44 Miss Ellie: (( having fun over there you lot? ))
22:20:46 Dark Stone narrows his eyes slightly at Lyn
22:20:54 Memory: ((Yes, thank you!))
22:21:01 Lyn-Legend blushes slightly and smiles sheepishly.
22:21:04 Miss Ellie: ( oh FFS!!! ))
22:21:10 Grav Mistress: (( Hmmm, from this distance, Lyn's skirt isn't showing... ))
22:21:10 Dark Stone: (toldya. peanut gallery. Didn't you guys know im actually one of the old men outta the muppits?)
22:21:15 Lyn-Legend: ((sorry))
22:21:27 Miss Ellie: (( she forgot her knickers too! ))
22:21:28 Dark Stone: (its not? *checks*)
22:21:48 Sylpheed: ((from this distance, jess Kade has no hair))
22:21:52 Lyn-Legend: ((O.O???))
22:21:54 Dark Stone: (cant see... dammit. cant add her to 'the list')
22:22:11 Dark Stone: (OOC moment!)
22:22:16 Memory: There's "girly" ice cream now??
22:22:26 Dark Stone: (TOnight, Yancha will be played by Dark stone)
22:22:31 Dark Stone: (Miau?)
22:22:37 Memory: ((Yep! Amazing vanishing skirt))
22:22:40 Grav Mistress: (( lol ))
22:22:46 Grav Mistress: (( rofl ))
22:22:48 Jessica Kade: ((Jared you dire *******!))
22:23:02 Dark Stone: (Lyn's undies are black)
22:23:07 Miss Ellie: (( kiyarii not coming back? ))
22:23:10 Lyn-Legend: ((What happened to Yancha?))
22:23:11 Dark Stone: (*adds it to the list*)
22:23:35 Grav Mistress: (( makes me scarred for Grav... both jacket and skirt... ))
22:23:47 Lyn-Legend: ((The list?))
22:24:02 Dark Stone: (Light grey undies and bra for grav)
22:24:06 Dark Stone: (*adds*)
22:24:08 Lyn-Legend: ((Grav, you're in a bikini))
22:24:12 Grav Mistress: (( they're pink! ))
22:24:23 Miss Ellie: (( Ellie's commando ))
22:24:47 Miss Ellie: (( [censored].. where's yancha? ))
22:25:19 Grav Mistress: (( DS, looks like you'll have to fill in anyway... ))
22:25:33 Miss Ellie: (( he'll make a mockery!! ))
22:25:44 Dark Stone: (WOOHA!)
22:25:58 Lyn-Legend slaps forehead Out of Character.
22:26:00 Miss Ellie: (( besides. he needs a dress... ))
22:26:00 Dark Stone holds face "but jess, you said you'd never leave!"
22:26:17 Lyn-Legend: And breasts.
22:26:27 Jessica Kade: (("Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."))
22:26:35 Dark Stone: (please note, i am actually OOC filling the void till yancha gets back :P)
22:26:55 Dark Stone: Its the baby eating, isnt it
22:27:05 Dark Stone: i know you hated the smell of my breath because of the sauce...
22:27:25 Miss Ellie: (( stop it!! I'm wetting myself here! ))
22:27:25 Jessica Kade: ((*Kick to the crotch* *Clothesline* *Big Boot* *Tears off shirt* *Jess' Elbow*))
22:27:34 Lyn-Legend: Who wants to raid Up and Away?
22:27:45 Dark Stone: (we allready did that as pirates... no kiding)
22:28:06 Lyn-Legend: (I was there remember? I kept hitting my head on the sign))
22:28:06 Sylpheed: ((Sharp-blaster))
22:28:07 Dark Stone girly slaps jess into submission
22:28:13 Jessica Kade: (("Yes. And your stubble."))
22:28:16 Dark Stone: (oh yeah :P)
22:28:42 Dark Stone: Yeah? well frankly, you look like a house designer.
22:28:46 Memory: ((tosses Jess a steel chair!))
22:28:52 Jessica Kade: (("I should have gotten you a Lady Remmington for your birthday, Jared Kitty.))
22:29:01 Miss Ellie: (( this is gone all [censored] now hasn't it? ))
22:29:02 Dark Stone: Who did you get your fashion tips from, Laurence Llewellyn bowen?
22:29:15 Grav Mistress: (( What gave it away? ))
22:29:15 Dark Stone: Miau?
22:29:22 Lyn-Legend: ((And welcome to ringside where our fighters are trash talking each other.. the fashion way.))
22:29:30 Jessica Kade: ((Yup. We need Yancha back! :&lt)
22:29:31 Dark Stone: (Diva!_
22:29:36 Sylpheed: ((throws D's ikdea catalogue into the ring))
22:29:39 Miss Ellie: (( lovely timing! guess we roll out the fudgecannon tomorrow! ))
22:29:50 Dark Stone: Wait! let me go get my bikini! i can do better!
22:30:01 Jessica Kade: ((*Snaps her fingers* Like, whatever. You couldn't even get a prom date."))
22:30:20 Dark Stone: Like, dude! im so, like, utterly utterly dissapointed, man.
22:30:38 Dark Stone: i mean... Miau!
22:30:48 Jessica Kade: Aww, y'know, whatever! Aww, y'know, like, whatever. Aww, y'know like totally whatever!
22:30:49 Dark Stone looks cute, then savages anything within arms reach
22:31:18 Dark Stone: dont leave me! im only a savage beast on holidays!
22:31:30 Dark Stone: I can change! i'll... buy a puppy!
22:31:35 Miss Ellie: (( that's it.. no biscuits for DS! ))
22:31:38 Sylpheed: ..and then eat it
22:31:39 Dark Stone greif
22:31:41 Molok feels his anger return a little, but manages to supress it
22:31:45 Lyn-Legend: ((Would anyone care to help me with a TF sometime? I still have yet to do one...))
22:31:50 Dark Stone: Noooo!
22:31:59 Lyn-Legend: ((RP TF! WHOO!))
22:32:00 Jessica Kade: ((We're completely OOC here, because... we lost Yancha. :&lt)
22:32:18 Dark Stone: (hi, im standing ni for Yancha. please imagine a bikini)
22:32:18 Hikari-Hime: ((Eep! timefreeze!))
22:32:20 Jessica Kade: I'm so leaving you for Minako. She puts out.
22:32:27 Miss Ellie: (( dreadfull bloody timing too! he's the only one who knows how this ends!!! ))
22:32:31 Dark Stone: What?!
22:32:44 Molok looks away fro Lyn, in shame
22:32:46 Dark Stone: But she pokes badgers with spoons! Miaow!
22:32:47 Jessica Kade: You're fridgid like an Alaskan Winter.
22:32:56 Dark Stone: (we're OOC, molok :P)
22:33:02 Molok: I...
22:33:06 Molok: I.. have to leave
22:33:14 Lyn-Legend: Goodbye Molok....
22:33:22 Lyn-Legend: See you soon.
22:33:23 Molok: Take care dear friend
22:33:24 Jessica Kade: You also dance like my dad, Jared Kitty.
22:33:25 Dark Stone: its my dancing, isnt it...
22:33:30 Hikari-Hime: I'm sorry, Jared-san...I thought it could work between us....
22:33:39 Dark Stone: Who put the bomp in the bompa bompa bomp...
22:33:43 Dark Stone: its my dancing, isnt it...
22:33:43 Molok backs off as the blood tears begin to return
22:33:45 Miss Ellie: actually.. he dances strangley like kiyarii!
22:33:45 Memory: And her dad was a pile of computer parts and nanites!
22:34:12 Dark Stone: i know! we can pass the time with...
22:34:17 Jessica Kade: You said whut? I pity the foo that insults my father!
22:34:32 Lyn-Legend: Wrong.... I... am your father!
22:34:39 Jessica Kade: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
22:34:48 Memory: Chop her hand off!
22:34:51 Lyn-Legend: Serch your feelings! You know it to be true!
22:34:52 Jessica Kade: Stop pointing at me you dire *******.
22:34:53 Miss Ellie: (( really is about time CK installed bloody messenger! ))
22:35:03 Lyn-Legend: ((lol!))
22:35:22 Jessica Kade: Your hairs gone white... just like that song!
22:35:29 Jessica Kade: Mmm mmm mmm mmm, Mmm mmm mmm mmm.
22:35:41 Dark Stone: you mean"Oh [censored] my hairs gone white?" i love that song!
22:35:48 Memory: *starts singing Bon Jovi*
22:36:00 Miss Ellie grins.. it was fine till I woke up next to jared
22:36:06 Sylpheed: *snipes memory*
22:36:14 Memory: *eats Gid*
22:36:17 [Team]Miss Ellie: it's gone all silly now!
22:36:18 Dark Stone: Yeah. then she realised how big he -really- was
22:36:21 Hikari-Hime: Sami gonna kill you....just like she killed that Cabal [censored]
22:36:24 Jessica Kade: ((I think CK's computer might have ran away.))
22:36:26 Dark Stone: big headed!
22:36:28 Sylpheed: Even Bon Jovi can't sing Bon Jovie
22:36:36 Miss Ellie: more like when I saw your face mate.. Ewwww!
22:36:40 Lyn-Legend: 3
22:36:42 Lyn-Legend: 2
22:36:43 Lyn-Legend: 1
22:36:46 Lyn-Legend: Now
22:36:57 Dark Stone: (Ok, i've worn out this puppy... So, what are we going to go now?)
22:37:02 Lyn-Legend: Dang!
22:37:08 Jessica Kade: Oh yeah slag? You're cheating on your boyfriend with his best friend, his best friends girlfriend, your 'sister', Dire ******* there, and the entire Dallas Cowboys team.
22:37:14 Miss Ellie grabs Jareds pants and gives him a mega wedgie
22:37:19 Miss Ellie: Yoink!
22:37:27 Dark Stone: (*has +Res Wedgie*)
22:37:30 Jessica Kade: ((I don't know. CK hasn't posted anything on the forums.))
22:37:35 Dark Stone: (also, he doesnt wear undies)
22:37:38 Hikari-Hime: I am not! Sami would kill me if I touched Jared....
22:37:45 Miss Ellie: (( he must be totally offline.. just PMd him ))
22:37:57 Sylpheed: and it's not cheating with you sister.
22:38:23 Miss Ellie: hey jared.. kissy kissy!
22:38:26 Memory: Listen, I slept with all of you in past lives so you're all cheating on me!
22:38:28 Lyn-Legend: And I'm STILL bigger than you!
22:38:38 Miss Ellie: no you aint
22:38:40 Miss Ellie: shrimp
22:38:48 Lyn-Legend: It's not much off!
22:38:57 Dark Stone moonwalks
22:39:12 Dark Stone: OOOOOOOH!
22:39:14 Miss Ellie: kissy kissy!
22:39:29 Dark Stone: no, you just stamped on my fot. cow
22:39:32 Miss Ellie: missed!
22:39:34 Jessica Kade: ((:&lt)
22:39:36 Lyn-Legend: Or did I?
22:39:39 Miss Ellie: well.. big feet!
22:39:57 Miss Ellie: ooh!! scary!
22:40:08 Dark Stone: (Ok, so really... what ARE we going to do?)
22:40:12 Miss Ellie picks jared up and snogs him
22:40:21 Miss Ellie: ((no idea))
22:40:23 Dark Stone: (Tastes like chicken!)
22:40:29 Memory: ((never rely on CK's PC ever again?))
22:40:32 Sylpheed: eeewwww, white dwarf drool
22:40:44 Miss Ellie: (( his PC's fine.. it's his [censored] BT connection.. ))
22:40:48 Jessica Kade: ((USe the forbidden arts of godmod. *Puts on robe and wizard hat* Jess takes Yancha's hand and drags her off home?))
22:40:58 Memory: ((and beats her silly?))
22:41:05 Lyn-Legend: ((I want one of those wizzard hats...))
22:41:06 Dark Stone: (Chokeslam!)
22:41:09 Jessica Kade: ((No, you're thinking of Sophie and Issac))
22:41:10 Miss Ellie: (( that'll have to do.. carry it on another day I suppose.. bugger ))
22:41:28 Dark Stone: (anyway... adopt the positions!.... that we were in before)
22:41:29 Jessica Kade: ((Make it so, Number One.))
22:41:35 Sylpheed: ((anyway, as you were ladies, gentlemen and Reb))
22:41:35 Miss Ellie: (( oh yeah.. Bad Z for suggestion Ellie work there!! no biscuit!! ))
22:41:54 Dark Stone: (Lyn! shift yer black undies over here...)
22:41:56 Jessica Kade: (([censored], Doc T isn't about to be Riker. And It was Hiki, not me!))
22:41:59 Lyn-Legend: ((Anyone want o try that new TF so we can all get wizzard hats?
22:42:08 Miss Ellie: (( eep! told you my brain was buggered! ))
22:42:13 Dark Stone: (I kiss you and you say yuck?)
22:42:14 Miss Ellie: (( sorry! ))
22:42:45 Dark Harlequin looks around
22:42:49 Dark Stone: (ssh... nothing happened)
22:42:51 Jessica Kade grabs Kiyarii's hand and drags her off. "We will continue this at home, Kiyarii. Goodnight everyone."
22:42:55 Grav Mistress: (( Oooh, if anyone here get a hat without inviting me,... I'll..... I'll.... ))
22:43:00 Dark Stone: hmm...
22:43:08 Dark Stone: (i have a hat.)
22:43:12 Hikari-Hime: ((sowwy, full team ))
22:43:15 Lyn-Legend: ((Saterday! Lets all get the hats!))
22:43:31 Miss Ellie: I... I've made it worse haven't I jess?
22:43:47 Dark Stone: Tears. Toldya
22:43:51 Miss Ellie: (( yes!! hat!!! saturday!!hat!! ))
22:43:53 Hikari-Hime comes over, sucking on a mint frappuchino. "Jared-san!"
22:43:59 Grav Mistress: No Ellie, you haven't
22:44:01 Dark Stone: Hey Mina.
22:44:05 Memory: Is it too late for ice cream?
22:44:09 Miss Ellie: she still hates me...
22:44:20 Lyn-Legend: Too late for icecream.
22:44:27 Memory: ((welcome to Ignoreville. Population: You))
22:44:29 Dark Stone: yeah? i like to ram hellions into very small, square holes. the ultimate round peg!
22:44:33 Grav Mistress: (( Hat on saturday? I'll be online all day if I have to!!! ))
22:44:39 Dark Stone: (also, what Wordie said)
22:44:43 Lyn-Legend: Look at the breasts dude. Do I LOOK like a boy?
22:44:45 Dark Stone ignore .shadow
22:45:05 Grav Mistress: Did you expect it to go any differently?
22:45:07 Dark Stone: (ahh, the stupid noises stopped! like magic!)
22:45:08 Miss Ellie: (( he's SO dead! ))
22:45:25 Miss Ellie: I.. hoped.. she would.. be better...
22:45:27 Hikari-Hime glances around. "So...what did I miss?"
22:45:31 Lyn-Legend: ((Please tell me how to ignore!))
22:45:35 Dark Harlequin: I don't think you look like a boy, dear lady
22:45:37 Dark Stone: Yancha and Jess...
22:45:39 Memory: Hi Minako
22:45:43 Miss Ellie: (( /ignore ))
22:45:45 Dark Stone: (/ignore Playername)
22:45:46 Lyn-Legend: Thank-you kind sir.
22:45:47 Dark Harlequin: In fact...
22:46:01 Dark Harlequin: me you are a vision of beauty
22:46:05 .Shadow: who wants to touch me?
22:46:13 .Shadow: im free
22:46:25 Grav Mistress: I know, Ellie, but hopes and expectations aren't the same...
22:46:27 .Shadow: touch me or i will poke you in the eye
22:46:29 Lyn-Legend blushes heavily. "W-why thank-you." She feels her face, which is all red and a little warm.
22:46:33 Grav Mistress: It is good that you still hope
22:46:44 Dark Harlequin: Please, I did not mean to embarass you
22:46:51 Miss Ellie: I just wish I knew how to help her...
22:46:55 Dark Harlequin: but I cannot silence the beating of my heart
22:47:03 .Shadow: my bum is itchy
22:47:03 Miss Ellie: but all she wants is me.. dead...
22:47:07 Lyn-Legend is bright red now.
22:47:09 Hikari-Hime glancs over at Dark Harlequin and frowns slightly.
22:47:10 .Shadow: who wants to scratch it?
22:47:14 .Shadow: i cant reach
22:47:21 Memory: Oh, smooth
22:47:26 Memory rolls his eyes
22:47:31 Dark Stone: i say he aint trying hard enough...

[/ QUOTE ]


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



While thankful that I did... how did I miss that?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Mentioned one of my memorable stories in another thread.

Me: Alright, we need to break into this house, should be your tools on you?
Bob: *Pads himself down* erm...nope.
Me: you...forgot...them?
Bob: Look I was busy oohing and ahhing at the climbing claws, you know I get distracted by shiny pointy things...
Me: *sighs* how are we going to get in here?
Bob: Look I'll scale the wall and remove the roofing tiles, most of these fancy places have an attic we can drop into without raising an alarm, tie a rope around this can of meat rations, hurl it up to me and I'll tie it off around a rafter while you climb up the side.
[Some climbing and quiet roof tile removal later]
Bob: Ok hurl it up.
[GM] You do realise that if you critically miss I'm going to have you hit him square in the head with you strength 18 hurled can of meat rations right?
Me: ((yeah yeah I know...but it's a 20-1 chance))
[rolling a D20]
[GM]: You hit him square in the head for 1D4 damage, roll for damage.
Me: ((1..thankfully)
[GM]: Ok you've given him a nasty bruise on the forehead
Bob: gah...damn it you big oaf, ooh I wish we had a cleric along to sort that out...
Me: Look this is all your fault in the first place so stop moaning...
Bob: Just hurl the can'o'spam and be done with it cretin!
[more dice rolling, finally a success]
Bob: Right it's tied you can climb up it.
Me: ((now I know how Batman feels...))

On one of the other adventures. The scene is a group of us are in a country church, thatch roof and all.
Bob: Look if we're going to be dealing with Undead we're getting the holy water...wait...what are you doing?
Alex: I'm writing a note to the priestess apologising for taking the holy water.
Bob: *sigh* you do that, grab the water, me a the oaf are going to look for anything else that might help us.
GM: [you come across a store room]
Bob: Right I'll leave this crate open in a jiffy...
[GM]: as you open the crate yellow spores go everywhere, everyone roll for damage
Me:'s that yellow mould...needs to be kill with fire! ((hurls torch at the box containing the yellow mould))
[Gm]: Right the torch has successfully taken care of the yellow mould, however if you'd bothered listening to my description of the room, not only was it a wood crate but there's also a banner hanging over it which has now caught fire...
Me: Erm...this doesn't look good...
Bob: Oh hell....
[GM]: Right now the thatch roof has caught fire...
Me and Bob: RUN FOR IT!
Alex: What are you two up t...oh as if you two weren't in enough trouble with enough of the panteon already...
Me: Less blaming more running...

The day after the Priestess approaches the party clutching a burnt piece of parchment with only the word 'sorry' visable on it and giving them all an evil glare...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



While thankful that I did... how did I miss that?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no idea, I don't think there was ANYone at GG that wasn't on the verge of wetting themselves that night...

Well, apart from that guy with the itchy bum...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Humm well one of my most strange RP moments was on the old Diskworld Mud, me and about three others all IC mode and in the nature of diskworld were wondering the wilderness with no map.

Me: Ughh.. well, its ok we don't need a torch, we should reach a city soon.
Guy1 Ok, but I get scared out hear things about cabbages.
Guy2 Yeah, mean devils they are.
Me Well, I aint never heard of anyone being savaged by a cabbage
Guy3 Where the hell are we again?
Guy2 in a field and its getting dark.
Me, Just keep walking lads!
Guy1 Wiat, here be the river!
Me, right who can swin then, maybe we can get someone to get us a taxi wizard!
guy1 See you admit it we are lost!
Me...well...we might be..
guy3 drowns...
Me...well that worked.
Guy1 Yeah, nice work there.

Some time later.

You enter a warehouse, Me, Ok lads see, told you we would get somewhere.
Me arghha kill it kill it!
Guy 2 I told you they were mean!
Guy1 Pishe Protect...sod that run!
Death My my we have been a little careless havent we, shall we popadom to the next dimention?

Needless to say, a team wipe and three very angry ghosts made their way back for miles to the nearest city.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



the angst! it burns!



the angst! it burns!

[/ QUOTE ]

Which may explain how I missed it...

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Meh... I got logs going back to 2005, and that isn't even all the way back to the start of CoH, plus there's LARP, plus there's PnP... No way am I dredging that lot for some 'favourite RP moment' which will get dropped in favour of another one at some point anyway. I'm just too lazy.

Mind you, War Crow's harem was funny.
Velvet and Jessica were often funny.
Janson and Dinah is... worse then Richard on Viagra...

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.






Meh... I got logs going back to 2005, and that isn't even all the way back to the start of CoH, plus there's LARP, plus there's PnP... No way am I dredging that lot for some 'favourite RP moment' which will get dropped in favour of another one at some point anyway. I'm just too lazy.

Mind you, War Crow's harem was funny.
Velvet and Jessica were often funny.
Janson and Dinah is... worse then Richard on Viagra...

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that took place on 12/10/2005, if it helps. I didn't have to hunt far as I remembered it clearly, and I have every log from every night ever.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Most memorable right know: Lea seeing Tyger and Catz with a kitten and congratulating them on their family. RP gold for me (I actually did laugh out loud when I read Ced's line).

I suppose a legendary one would be when I first started teaming on my MM with a fellow Thugs MM named Pistol. I'd been lumbered with a dying villain group and bumped into this member of the Gang and all her followers. They asked me to join and for several nights it became a regular occurance. Pistol was my first encounter with Pious and thankfully not my last. I gave up what was my last free slot to make a second thugs MM to be part of the group and have teamed with him across the forums and even the i9 beta when it went live. And all from IC teaming over a few nights.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Most memorable right know: Lea seeing Tyger and Catz with a kitten and congratulating them on their family. RP gold for me (I actually did laugh out loud when I read Ced's line).

[/ QUOTE ]

D'awwh that was brilliant, I was laughing pretty loud at that

Best moment for me if ever I had one would be with Arc and Ef. Ash, and even myself, wasn't expecting Ef to spontaenously teleport Ashlee's top off and on top of the Galaxy Girl statue I was laughing my head off at it all night.

I keep quotes in my Signature for some memorable moments as well




[/ QUOTE ]

Jason. Jason Caine, you may not have met him. And I was having a really bad night last night.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Sorry, i thought i was being witty at the time then when you didn't reply for ages i realised that you were just tired.



RIFTS. We have a slight vampire problem. You may be aware that vampires are invul to practically everything.
We are now in discussion with the town mayor (or something like that).

The group: So, wonder if this guy's a vampire. How can we find out?
Callista: I cut off his arm with my vibroblade.
The group: Whu...?
GM: Okay..... his arm comes off cleanly, screaming, massive bleeding, he's just passed out from the shock and is rapidly bleeding out.
Callista: So, not a vampire then?
Paladins: Anyone got medic skills?

The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson



I think a memorable moment was the Corporation Team that went on the LGTF.
Im going to have to paraphrase, but the Rikti would have heard something like this coming up the corridor;

"I really -stab- hate these things!"
"Summation: Accurate, they...gah, damnit, I can't stop it!"
"Someone pass me a spanner."
"Try that, and I WILL gut you."
"less talk -stab- more hittin' people!"
"I still say we use that junk pile as a missile."
"Shove it up yours, pal!"

We argued, griped and cussed our way all up to Hro'Dotz and the Honoree, who was then pounded into so many squishy pieces there was a '[censored]?' moment when we realised we'd run out of hitting ^^
Epic indeed -nods-

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.